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Sığırlarda İçme Suyu Kalitesi ve Suluk Yönetimi

Year 2016, Volume: 57 Issue: 2, 57 - 67, 30.07.2016


Sığırlar sağlıklı bir yaşam sürdürebilmek ve
kendilerinden beklenen performanslarını ortaya koyabilmek için ihtiyaç duydukları
miktar ve kalitede su tüketebilmelidir. Sığırın tüketeceği su miktarı üzerine,
kuru madde tüketimi, laktasyon dönemi, süt verimi, yemlerin çeşidi ve hava
nın yanı sıra içme suyunun kalitesi de etkilidir. Ayrıca sığırların
istedikleri anda kaliteli ve yeterli miktarda içme suyuna ulaşabilmeleri hayvan
refahı açısından da gereklidir. İçme suyu kalitesini
, tad, koku, fiziko-kimyasal yapı, toksik
maddelerin varlığı, fazla miktarda mineral ve bileşikler ile mikroorganizmalar
Yetiştiricilerin içme suyu kalitesinin yanı sıra
dikkat etmeleri gereken diğer hususlar ise, sığırların ihtiyaç duydukları zaman
istedikleri kadar bol suya ulaşabilmeleri, suyun uygun sıcaklıklarda olması,
yeteri kadar suluğun ahırda uygun yerlere yerleştirilmesi, sulukların
temizliklerinin düzenli olarak yapılması ve su tesisatının ihtiyacın en fazla
olduğu zamanda yeteri kadar su iletebilecek kapasitede yapılmasıdır. Bu derlemede
sığırların içme suyu kalite ölçütleri ve suluk yönetimi üzerinde durulmuştur. 


  • Adams RS, Sharpe WE. 1995. Water intake and quality for dairy cattle. Penn State Ext. Publ. DAS 95-8. Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
  • Anonim 2009. Welfare Quality® Assesment Protocol for Cattle Wefare. Quality® Consortium, Leystad, Netherlands. Anonim 2013. Farm water quality considerations. New Nouveau Brunswick Canada.
  • Bagley CV, Amacher JK, Poe KF.1997. Analysis of water quality for livestock. All Archived Publications. Paper 106. (10 Ekim 2013)
  • Beede DK. 1992. Water for Dairy Cattle. Editörler: HH. Van Horn, CJ Wilcox. Large Dairy Herd Management. Management Services American Dairy Science Association 301 West Clark st. Champaign, IL 61820: pp. 260-271.
  • Beede DK. 2005. Assestment of water quality and nutrition for dairy cattle. Proceedings of the Mid-South Ruminant Nutrition Conference, 27-28 April 2005. Arlington, TX. pp. 1-19.
  • Beede DK. 2006. Evaluation of Water quality and nutrition for dairy cattle. High Plains Dairy Conference. Albuquerque , NM. pp 129-154. Beede DK. 2012. What will our ruminants drink? Animal Frontiers 2:36-43.
  • Beede DK. 1993. Water nutrition and quality for dairy cattle. In:Western Large Herd Management Conference. Las Vegas Nevada, pp.193-205.
  • Braul L, Kirychuk B. 2001. Water quality and cattle. Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, October 2001, pp.1-6.
  • Broadwater N. 2007. What if cows don't drink enough water? agriculture/dairy/feed-and-nutrition/what-if-cows-dont-drink-enough-water/ (10 Ocak 2014).
  • Cemek B, Çetin S, Yıldırım D. 2011. Çiftlik ve kümes hayvanlarının su tüketimi ve su kalite özellikleri. Tarım Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi 4(1):57-67.
  • DeLaval 2007. Cow comfort: 11) Drinking. (03 Ocak 2010).
  • Ensley SM. 2000. Relationships of Drinking Water Quality to Production and Reproduction in Dairy Herds. PhD Dissertation, Iowa State University, (Socha ve ark., 2003).
  • German D, Thiex N, Wright C. 2008. Interpretation of water analysis for livestock suitability. C274. May 2008. Interpretation%20of%20Water%20Analysis%20for%20 Livestock%20Suitability.pdf (14 Ekim 2013)
  • Göncü-Karakök S, Özkütük K, Görgülü M. 2008. Sığır yetiştiriciliğinde su gereksinimi ve İçme Suyu Kalitesi. Hasad Hayvancılık 279:44-51.
  • Higgins SF, Agouridis CT, Gumberd A. 2008. Drinking water quality guidelines for cattle. University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Publication ID-170.
  • Kahler LW, Jorgensen NA, Satter LD, Tyler WJ, Crowley JW, Finner MF. 1975. Effect of nitrate in drinking water on reproductive and productive efficiency of dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science 58:771 (abstr.).
  • Karabayır A. 2002. Etlik piliç kümeslerinde su kaynağı, mevsim ve suluk tipinin içme suyu kalitesine etkisi. Ege Üniv. Fen Bil. Enst. Dokt. Tezi. Bornova, İzmir.
  • LeJeune JT, Besser TE, Hancock DD. 2001. Cattle water troughs as reservoirs of Escherichia coli O157. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 67(7): 3053–3057.
  • Linn J, Raeth-Knight M. 2010. Water Quality and Quantity for Dairy Cattle, University of Minnesota, pp.1-5.
  • Loneragan GH, Gould DH, Wagner JJ, Garry FB, Thoren MA. 1997. The effect of varying water sulfate content on H2S generation and health of feedlot cattle. Journal of Animal Science 75(Suppl. 1):272 (Abstr.).
  • Murphy MR, Davis CL, McCoy GC. 1983. Factors affecting water consumption by Holstein cows in early lactation. Journal of Dairy Science 66:35–38.
  • NRC 2001. Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle 7th Rev. Ed. Washington D.C. National Academy Press. Osborne VR. 2006. Water, forgotten nutrition. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology 18:197-210.
  • Patterson HH, Johnson PS, Epperson WB. 2003. Effect of total dissolved solids and sulfates in drinking water for growing steers. Proceedings of the Western Section of the American Society of Animal Science 54:378–380.
  • Patterson HH, Johnson PS, Patterson TR, Young DB, Haigh R. 2002. Effects of quality on animal health and performance. Proceedings of the Western Section of the American Society of Animal Science 53:217-220.
  • Pfost DL, Fulhage CD, Casteel S. 2001. Water Quality for Livestock Drinking. University of Missouri Extension EQ381, Environmental Quality, MU Guide, Columbia, pp.1-7
  • Popescu S, Borda C, Hegedus CI, Diugan EA, Spinu M, Sandru CD, Stefan R. 2011. Microbiologic water quality for dairy cows in rural households and farms from Transylvania. 46th Croatian and 6th International Symposium on Agriculture. Opatija. 14-18 February 2011, Croatia, pp.876-879.
  • RSPCA 2011. Welfare standards for Dairy Cattle. Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, UK. Socha MT, Ensley SM, Tomlinson DJ, Johnson AB. 2003. Variability of water composition and potential impact on animal performance. Proceedings of Intermountain Nutrition Conference. Salt Lake C, UT., Utah State Universty, Logan, pp.85-96.
  • Socha ME, Tomlinson DJ, DeFrain JM. 2009. Variability of water composition and potential impact on animal performance. Proceedings of California Animal Nutrition Conference. Fresno, CA CANC, pp.58-70.
  • Waldner DN, Looper ML. 2007. Water for Dairy Cattle. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service ANSI-4275, pp.1-4.
  • Wright CL, Patterson HH. 2005. Effect of high-sulfate water on trace mineral status of beef steers. South Dakota Ag Experiment Station. 2005 Beef Report. Paper # 17.
  • Wright CL, Spears JW, Engle TE, Armstrong TA. 2000. Effect of dietary copper level and high sulfate water on copper metabolism and growth in cattle. Editörler: Roussel AM, Anderson RA, Favier AE. Trace elements in man and animals 10. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, pp.759–762.
Year 2016, Volume: 57 Issue: 2, 57 - 67, 30.07.2016



  • Adams RS, Sharpe WE. 1995. Water intake and quality for dairy cattle. Penn State Ext. Publ. DAS 95-8. Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
  • Anonim 2009. Welfare Quality® Assesment Protocol for Cattle Wefare. Quality® Consortium, Leystad, Netherlands. Anonim 2013. Farm water quality considerations. New Nouveau Brunswick Canada.
  • Bagley CV, Amacher JK, Poe KF.1997. Analysis of water quality for livestock. All Archived Publications. Paper 106. (10 Ekim 2013)
  • Beede DK. 1992. Water for Dairy Cattle. Editörler: HH. Van Horn, CJ Wilcox. Large Dairy Herd Management. Management Services American Dairy Science Association 301 West Clark st. Champaign, IL 61820: pp. 260-271.
  • Beede DK. 2005. Assestment of water quality and nutrition for dairy cattle. Proceedings of the Mid-South Ruminant Nutrition Conference, 27-28 April 2005. Arlington, TX. pp. 1-19.
  • Beede DK. 2006. Evaluation of Water quality and nutrition for dairy cattle. High Plains Dairy Conference. Albuquerque , NM. pp 129-154. Beede DK. 2012. What will our ruminants drink? Animal Frontiers 2:36-43.
  • Beede DK. 1993. Water nutrition and quality for dairy cattle. In:Western Large Herd Management Conference. Las Vegas Nevada, pp.193-205.
  • Braul L, Kirychuk B. 2001. Water quality and cattle. Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, October 2001, pp.1-6.
  • Broadwater N. 2007. What if cows don't drink enough water? agriculture/dairy/feed-and-nutrition/what-if-cows-dont-drink-enough-water/ (10 Ocak 2014).
  • Cemek B, Çetin S, Yıldırım D. 2011. Çiftlik ve kümes hayvanlarının su tüketimi ve su kalite özellikleri. Tarım Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi 4(1):57-67.
  • DeLaval 2007. Cow comfort: 11) Drinking. (03 Ocak 2010).
  • Ensley SM. 2000. Relationships of Drinking Water Quality to Production and Reproduction in Dairy Herds. PhD Dissertation, Iowa State University, (Socha ve ark., 2003).
  • German D, Thiex N, Wright C. 2008. Interpretation of water analysis for livestock suitability. C274. May 2008. Interpretation%20of%20Water%20Analysis%20for%20 Livestock%20Suitability.pdf (14 Ekim 2013)
  • Göncü-Karakök S, Özkütük K, Görgülü M. 2008. Sığır yetiştiriciliğinde su gereksinimi ve İçme Suyu Kalitesi. Hasad Hayvancılık 279:44-51.
  • Higgins SF, Agouridis CT, Gumberd A. 2008. Drinking water quality guidelines for cattle. University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Publication ID-170.
  • Kahler LW, Jorgensen NA, Satter LD, Tyler WJ, Crowley JW, Finner MF. 1975. Effect of nitrate in drinking water on reproductive and productive efficiency of dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science 58:771 (abstr.).
  • Karabayır A. 2002. Etlik piliç kümeslerinde su kaynağı, mevsim ve suluk tipinin içme suyu kalitesine etkisi. Ege Üniv. Fen Bil. Enst. Dokt. Tezi. Bornova, İzmir.
  • LeJeune JT, Besser TE, Hancock DD. 2001. Cattle water troughs as reservoirs of Escherichia coli O157. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 67(7): 3053–3057.
  • Linn J, Raeth-Knight M. 2010. Water Quality and Quantity for Dairy Cattle, University of Minnesota, pp.1-5.
  • Loneragan GH, Gould DH, Wagner JJ, Garry FB, Thoren MA. 1997. The effect of varying water sulfate content on H2S generation and health of feedlot cattle. Journal of Animal Science 75(Suppl. 1):272 (Abstr.).
  • Murphy MR, Davis CL, McCoy GC. 1983. Factors affecting water consumption by Holstein cows in early lactation. Journal of Dairy Science 66:35–38.
  • NRC 2001. Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle 7th Rev. Ed. Washington D.C. National Academy Press. Osborne VR. 2006. Water, forgotten nutrition. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology 18:197-210.
  • Patterson HH, Johnson PS, Epperson WB. 2003. Effect of total dissolved solids and sulfates in drinking water for growing steers. Proceedings of the Western Section of the American Society of Animal Science 54:378–380.
  • Patterson HH, Johnson PS, Patterson TR, Young DB, Haigh R. 2002. Effects of quality on animal health and performance. Proceedings of the Western Section of the American Society of Animal Science 53:217-220.
  • Pfost DL, Fulhage CD, Casteel S. 2001. Water Quality for Livestock Drinking. University of Missouri Extension EQ381, Environmental Quality, MU Guide, Columbia, pp.1-7
  • Popescu S, Borda C, Hegedus CI, Diugan EA, Spinu M, Sandru CD, Stefan R. 2011. Microbiologic water quality for dairy cows in rural households and farms from Transylvania. 46th Croatian and 6th International Symposium on Agriculture. Opatija. 14-18 February 2011, Croatia, pp.876-879.
  • RSPCA 2011. Welfare standards for Dairy Cattle. Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, UK. Socha MT, Ensley SM, Tomlinson DJ, Johnson AB. 2003. Variability of water composition and potential impact on animal performance. Proceedings of Intermountain Nutrition Conference. Salt Lake C, UT., Utah State Universty, Logan, pp.85-96.
  • Socha ME, Tomlinson DJ, DeFrain JM. 2009. Variability of water composition and potential impact on animal performance. Proceedings of California Animal Nutrition Conference. Fresno, CA CANC, pp.58-70.
  • Waldner DN, Looper ML. 2007. Water for Dairy Cattle. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service ANSI-4275, pp.1-4.
  • Wright CL, Patterson HH. 2005. Effect of high-sulfate water on trace mineral status of beef steers. South Dakota Ag Experiment Station. 2005 Beef Report. Paper # 17.
  • Wright CL, Spears JW, Engle TE, Armstrong TA. 2000. Effect of dietary copper level and high sulfate water on copper metabolism and growth in cattle. Editörler: Roussel AM, Anderson RA, Favier AE. Trace elements in man and animals 10. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, pp.759–762.
There are 31 citations in total.


Journal Section Reviews

Erdal Yaylak

Musa Yavuz This is me

Publication Date July 30, 2016
Submission Date July 23, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 57 Issue: 2


APA Yaylak, E., & Yavuz, M. (2016). Sığırlarda İçme Suyu Kalitesi ve Suluk Yönetimi. Journal of Animal Production, 57(2), 57-67.


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