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Year 1989, Volume: 32 Issue: 1, 24 - 30, 30.06.1989


Eskiy'e göre bu yıllarda birim süt üretim maliyetinin dt\ürülmesine daha bir gereksinim duyulur. Bu bakımdan kaba yem üzerinde titizlikle durulmaya çalışılıı'.


  • 1.R.D., C.w. Carls,on, G.'S'eseniuk and G.s. Harshfietid (1970). The response of chicks, ducklings, goslings, pheasants and'pouitry to graded levels of a;flatoNins. Poultry Scierıce 49: 1346-1350.
  • 2. Ataİa, A.S., R.II. Ilarms, R.D. Miles andR.T. Bloorner (19?9). Revieıv of aflatoxrcosis in animal production. Feedstuffs :51, (38) :'2ü-52. '
  • 3. ,Otting,er, M.A. and J..A. D'oerr (19812). Effects of rnycotoxins on avian r'oproduction. .Aspects of avian endocrinclogy 2'6: 2L7-229.
  • 4. ErgüI, M. (19b8,). Yemier bilgisi ve teknolojisi E.ü.z.'F.ya,yınlarr No: 487.
  • 5. Ar,da, M. (19s6). Tavuk].arın önemIi lrastalık]arı ve korun'rna yoııarl. efyon yem'sanayi A.Ş. Eğitim yayrnJarr }do : 1
  • 6. Türlıer, H. (19B?). ııayvan yemlerinde küfier ve ınikotoksinlçr. Bilctiri. Y.ern Sanayi T.A.ş. 14-1Q Eylül 19B? Yatağan-iııtruğla.
  • 7. Ceran, G. (19s4). YerrıIer,de küf sorunu ve önlemler. ts'ildiri. Kemalpaşa 2. Tavukçuluk Semined, 26'I{isan 1984. K,emalpaşa7İzMİn.
  • 8'. Z,irıNzen, H. (19?6). Aflatoksin scrunu. vitamin*Roche, sayı 9:1-8.
  • 9. Srrıith,''j.\M. ancl P.B. I{arnilton (19?0). Aflatoxicosis in the ,br,oiler chicken. Poulüry Science 49'. 207-2L5
  • 10. Dafalla, R., A.I. Yagı; s;.E.T. Adam (ig8'7). Experimental hflatoxicosis in Hybro-type c}ıi'cks: seo,uential changes i'n gro,wth and Serum constituents and histopathologicai ckıa.nges. Veterinary an;d human toxicolog;ı (29')-3': 222-22'6.
  • 11. Tung, T., J.W. Srnith and P.B.,Harnilton (1971). Aflatoxicosis aio ııruısıng in tlıe chicken. Poultry science, 50:?05.
  • 12. I{amilton P.8., H.T. Tung; R,D. Wyatt and W.E. Donal'dson (1974). Interaction of dietary aflatoxiosis with some vitamin deficiencies. Poultry Science; 53: 8?1. 13. Merkley, J.W., R.L. Maxwell, J.G. Phillips an'd W.E. Huff (1987). Hepa'cic fatty acld profiles in aflatoxin exposed hr.oiler chicken. Poultry ıScience, 55:59-67.
  • 14. Hamilöon, P.R'','H.T. Tung, J.R. Harris,.I.,H. Ga,iner and. W.E. Donaldson (19'72).Ttıe effect of dietary fat on afiat'oxicosis in Turkeys. Poultry Science 52 1'64-l.'IA.
  • 15. Carralheiro, ,{.C.L. (L981). Afiatoxin and ajlatoxicosis. A . review. World Pouitry ıScience Journal, VoI. 37, No: 34-38,
  • 16. Coker, R., B. Jo4es arrd M. Nagier (i98E). Mycctoxirr trainirıg Course Section A: 4: 1-13.
  • 17. Clarke, R.N.; J,A. Doerr and 1\ğ.A. ottinger (1987). Agerelated changes in testicular development and reproductive endocrino]ogy associated. with aflaüoxicosis in the male chieken. gıoiogy of reproduct'ion, 3'6: It7-L2;A.
  • 18. fIaınilto,n, P.B. and J.D. Garlich (19?1). Aflatoxin as a possİble cause of fatty liver syndome. Poultry Science 51: 800-804.
  • 19. Sims, W.M., D.C. Ketley, p.E. Sanofrd (1970). A studyOf aflatoxioosis in laying hens. oPultry 'gci.r.. 49: 10E2-1084.
  • 20. D'oerr, J.A. M,A. Ottinger (1g7g). Impaired reproductive development resultiııg from aflatoXicosis in juwenile quail 5B: 1995-2001.
  • 21. Doerr, J.A. M.A. ottinger (1985). Deiayed reproduqtirıe developrnent resulting from aflatoxicosis in juvenile Japonese quail. Poultry Sci,ence, b9 : 1grg5-2,001.
  • 22. Bı'iggs, D.M., R.D. Wyatt and P.B. Hamilton (1974). The effect of dietary aflaüo'xin on semejn characteiistics of mature broiler breedir m€rles. Pouitry Science 53l 2ll5-2l19.
  • 23.,Jones,- (l9'7 4). İnsan beslenmösinde af]atoksin. B,ildir i E.TJ .7..F. Gıda Bölümü Semineri.
  • 24. Ekim, N. (19EB). Yumurüa,lar,da aflatoksin paniği. Cumhrıri5zet Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi.
Year 1989, Volume: 32 Issue: 1, 24 - 30, 30.06.1989



  • 1.R.D., C.w. Carls,on, G.'S'eseniuk and G.s. Harshfietid (1970). The response of chicks, ducklings, goslings, pheasants and'pouitry to graded levels of a;flatoNins. Poultry Scierıce 49: 1346-1350.
  • 2. Ataİa, A.S., R.II. Ilarms, R.D. Miles andR.T. Bloorner (19?9). Revieıv of aflatoxrcosis in animal production. Feedstuffs :51, (38) :'2ü-52. '
  • 3. ,Otting,er, M.A. and J..A. D'oerr (19812). Effects of rnycotoxins on avian r'oproduction. .Aspects of avian endocrinclogy 2'6: 2L7-229.
  • 4. ErgüI, M. (19b8,). Yemier bilgisi ve teknolojisi E.ü.z.'F.ya,yınlarr No: 487.
  • 5. Ar,da, M. (19s6). Tavuk].arın önemIi lrastalık]arı ve korun'rna yoııarl. efyon yem'sanayi A.Ş. Eğitim yayrnJarr }do : 1
  • 6. Türlıer, H. (19B?). ııayvan yemlerinde küfier ve ınikotoksinlçr. Bilctiri. Y.ern Sanayi T.A.ş. 14-1Q Eylül 19B? Yatağan-iııtruğla.
  • 7. Ceran, G. (19s4). YerrıIer,de küf sorunu ve önlemler. ts'ildiri. Kemalpaşa 2. Tavukçuluk Semined, 26'I{isan 1984. K,emalpaşa7İzMİn.
  • 8'. Z,irıNzen, H. (19?6). Aflatoksin scrunu. vitamin*Roche, sayı 9:1-8.
  • 9. Srrıith,''j.\M. ancl P.B. I{arnilton (19?0). Aflatoxicosis in the ,br,oiler chicken. Poulüry Science 49'. 207-2L5
  • 10. Dafalla, R., A.I. Yagı; s;.E.T. Adam (ig8'7). Experimental hflatoxicosis in Hybro-type c}ıi'cks: seo,uential changes i'n gro,wth and Serum constituents and histopathologicai ckıa.nges. Veterinary an;d human toxicolog;ı (29')-3': 222-22'6.
  • 11. Tung, T., J.W. Srnith and P.B.,Harnilton (1971). Aflatoxicosis aio ııruısıng in tlıe chicken. Poultry science, 50:?05.
  • 12. I{amilton P.8., H.T. Tung; R,D. Wyatt and W.E. Donal'dson (1974). Interaction of dietary aflatoxiosis with some vitamin deficiencies. Poultry Science; 53: 8?1. 13. Merkley, J.W., R.L. Maxwell, J.G. Phillips an'd W.E. Huff (1987). Hepa'cic fatty acld profiles in aflatoxin exposed hr.oiler chicken. Poultry ıScience, 55:59-67.
  • 14. Hamilöon, P.R'','H.T. Tung, J.R. Harris,.I.,H. Ga,iner and. W.E. Donaldson (19'72).Ttıe effect of dietary fat on afiat'oxicosis in Turkeys. Poultry Science 52 1'64-l.'IA.
  • 15. Carralheiro, ,{.C.L. (L981). Afiatoxin and ajlatoxicosis. A . review. World Pouitry ıScience Journal, VoI. 37, No: 34-38,
  • 16. Coker, R., B. Jo4es arrd M. Nagier (i98E). Mycctoxirr trainirıg Course Section A: 4: 1-13.
  • 17. Clarke, R.N.; J,A. Doerr and 1\ğ.A. ottinger (1987). Agerelated changes in testicular development and reproductive endocrino]ogy associated. with aflaüoxicosis in the male chieken. gıoiogy of reproduct'ion, 3'6: It7-L2;A.
  • 18. fIaınilto,n, P.B. and J.D. Garlich (19?1). Aflatoxin as a possİble cause of fatty liver syndome. Poultry Science 51: 800-804.
  • 19. Sims, W.M., D.C. Ketley, p.E. Sanofrd (1970). A studyOf aflatoxioosis in laying hens. oPultry 'gci.r.. 49: 10E2-1084.
  • 20. D'oerr, J.A. M,A. Ottinger (1g7g). Impaired reproductive development resultiııg from aflatoXicosis in juwenile quail 5B: 1995-2001.
  • 21. Doerr, J.A. M.A. ottinger (1985). Deiayed reproduqtirıe developrnent resulting from aflatoxicosis in juvenile Japonese quail. Poultry Sci,ence, b9 : 1grg5-2,001.
  • 22. Bı'iggs, D.M., R.D. Wyatt and P.B. Hamilton (1974). The effect of dietary aflaüo'xin on semejn characteiistics of mature broiler breedir m€rles. Pouitry Science 53l 2ll5-2l19.
  • 23.,Jones,- (l9'7 4). İnsan beslenmösinde af]atoksin. B,ildir i E.TJ .7..F. Gıda Bölümü Semineri.
  • 24. Ekim, N. (19EB). Yumurüa,lar,da aflatoksin paniği. Cumhrıri5zet Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Zootechny (Other)
Journal Section Reviews

Asım Kılıç This is me

Yılmaz Şayan This is me

Tülay Öğretmen This is me

Publication Date June 30, 1989
Submission Date June 30, 1989
Published in Issue Year 1989 Volume: 32 Issue: 1


APA Kılıç, A., Şayan, Y., & Öğretmen, T. (1989). SÜT SIĞIRCILIĞINDA OLANAKLAR ÖLÇÜSÜNDE KESİF YEM KULLANIMI AZALTILMALIDIR. Journal of Animal Production, 32(1), 24-30.


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