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Year 1989, Volume: 32 Issue: 1, 31 - 36, 30.06.1989


İdrar taşı oluşumu ruminantlarda perform'ans düşüklüğüne ve hatüa ö'lüme bile sebep olabil'en önemli bir ralha.tsızlıktır. Bö'lırek
ve idrar kesesinde oluşan taşların idrar atılimını'engellemesi sonucu ortaya çıkan 'bu raüıatsız{ık idrar kanalındaki mineral madde'birikmesinden kaynaklanmaktadır.


  • 1.ANONYMO'US I19?5): Nutrient Requirements of S'heep, No: 5, NRC, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.
  • 2. AYS,AN, İ. 1rozz): Evcil hayvanların anatomi ve fizyolojileri. A.Ü. Yayın'ları, No: 479, Etzırum.
  • 3. BUSHMAN, D.E[., T,.8.. EMtsR;Y and R.J: EIVIERICK (1967): Efficacy of various chlorides and Calciurn carbonate in the prevention of Urinary calculi, J.An.Sci. 26 (5), 1199,1204.
  • 4. B{IS,HMAN,D .H., R.J. EMERICıK and L.B. EMts|RY (1968): Pifect of various Chlorides and CaCO, on calcium, phosphorus, sodium, po,tassium and chloride balance and their reiationship to urinary calculi in larrı]bs, J.Ani.Sci., 27 (2); 490-495.
  • 5. CHURCH, D.C. (1984): Digestive physiology and nutrition of Ruminants , YoL'. 2, O and ts Books fnc., Curvallis, Oregon, USA.
  • 6. CROOKStrIANK, H.R.. F,E. KEATING, E. B.URNETT, J.H. J0D{ES and R.E. DAVIIS (1960): Effect of cüıemical and enzymaİ,ic agents on the formation of urinary calculi in fattening steers, J. An.Sci., 19 (2), 595-600.
  • 7. cRlooK|S'lI{A\trüK, H'.R. (1966): Effect of sodium or potassium on ovine Urinary calculi, J.An.ıSci., 2'5 (4), 1005-10ğ9.
  • 8. B. CROOKSHANK, H.R. (19?0): Effect of ammonium salts on the production of ovine Urinary calculi, J.An.Sci. 30 (6), 1002-1004.
  • 9. CIIDDEFO'RD, D., (19BB): Role of magnesium in tıtıe aeticlogy of ovine Urolithiasis in fattening store lam,bs and intensively fattened lambs, Nutr.Abst. and Rev., 58 (1), 60.
  • 10. EMERICK, R.J. and L.E. EMtsRX (1963): Calcium and phosphorus levels related to the development of phosphate urinaıy calculi in sheep, J.An.$ci., 22 /(2), 510-513,
  • 11. EiNffi,RICK; R.J. (19BB):'Answer to silica stones,'Nu,tr.Abst and Rev., 58 (7), 411.
  • 12. GEffMAN, A.M., A.V. SMIRNOVA (i987): Patholo,gical and histochemical features of Urolithiasis in ,beef bulls, Nutr. Ab,st. and Rev., 57 (9), 5?9. 13. HOAR, D.W., R.J. EMERI,CK and L.B. E[\4BRy (1970): rnfluence of carcium source, phosphorus level and acid base forming effects of the di;t o; feedto,t p.rf; 1 18-125.
  • 14. HoAR, D.w., h."r. rıırpnIıCK and L.B. EIVIBRY (1970): Potassium, phosphoİus and calcium interrelationships influencirıg feedlot performance and phosphatic uro]ithiasis in lamrbs, J.An:Sci. S0 (4), b9?_600.
  • 15. HORS,T, R.L. and N.A. JO,RTGE:NSEN (1974): Effect of rammonium chloride on nitrogen and mineral balance in lactating and nonldctating goats, J. Dairy Sci., 5? (6), 688_688.
  • 16. KALLFETLZ, F.A., e.S-. a,H,lVfnDı,K.J. WALTLACE, B.H. SASANGKA, R.G. WARNER. (198i6): Magnes,ium content of feed and urorithiasis in growing .iruu., Nutr. Abs. and Rev., 5'6 (3), 19ı8.
  • 17. PE'TERSSON, K.H., R.G- WARNER, r'.e. rar,ıFlEL.Z (198?): Influence of magnesiıım, ,water and Salt on Uiolithiasis in veal calves, Nutr.Aıbs. and Rev., 57 (3), 18,6.
  • 18. vA'|sLrD'EVAN, B. and B. DUTT (1920): urinary calculi in vitamin A deficient calves, Nutr.Abs. and Rev., 40, (2), 742.
Year 1989, Volume: 32 Issue: 1, 31 - 36, 30.06.1989



  • 1.ANONYMO'US I19?5): Nutrient Requirements of S'heep, No: 5, NRC, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.
  • 2. AYS,AN, İ. 1rozz): Evcil hayvanların anatomi ve fizyolojileri. A.Ü. Yayın'ları, No: 479, Etzırum.
  • 3. BUSHMAN, D.E[., T,.8.. EMtsR;Y and R.J: EIVIERICK (1967): Efficacy of various chlorides and Calciurn carbonate in the prevention of Urinary calculi, J.An.Sci. 26 (5), 1199,1204.
  • 4. B{IS,HMAN,D .H., R.J. EMERICıK and L.B. EMts|RY (1968): Pifect of various Chlorides and CaCO, on calcium, phosphorus, sodium, po,tassium and chloride balance and their reiationship to urinary calculi in larrı]bs, J.Ani.Sci., 27 (2); 490-495.
  • 5. CHURCH, D.C. (1984): Digestive physiology and nutrition of Ruminants , YoL'. 2, O and ts Books fnc., Curvallis, Oregon, USA.
  • 6. CROOKStrIANK, H.R.. F,E. KEATING, E. B.URNETT, J.H. J0D{ES and R.E. DAVIIS (1960): Effect of cüıemical and enzymaİ,ic agents on the formation of urinary calculi in fattening steers, J. An.Sci., 19 (2), 595-600.
  • 7. cRlooK|S'lI{A\trüK, H'.R. (1966): Effect of sodium or potassium on ovine Urinary calculi, J.An.ıSci., 2'5 (4), 1005-10ğ9.
  • 8. B. CROOKSHANK, H.R. (19?0): Effect of ammonium salts on the production of ovine Urinary calculi, J.An.Sci. 30 (6), 1002-1004.
  • 9. CIIDDEFO'RD, D., (19BB): Role of magnesium in tıtıe aeticlogy of ovine Urolithiasis in fattening store lam,bs and intensively fattened lambs, Nutr.Abst. and Rev., 58 (1), 60.
  • 10. EMERICK, R.J. and L.E. EMtsRX (1963): Calcium and phosphorus levels related to the development of phosphate urinaıy calculi in sheep, J.An.$ci., 22 /(2), 510-513,
  • 11. EiNffi,RICK; R.J. (19BB):'Answer to silica stones,'Nu,tr.Abst and Rev., 58 (7), 411.
  • 12. GEffMAN, A.M., A.V. SMIRNOVA (i987): Patholo,gical and histochemical features of Urolithiasis in ,beef bulls, Nutr. Ab,st. and Rev., 57 (9), 5?9. 13. HOAR, D.W., R.J. EMERI,CK and L.B. E[\4BRy (1970): rnfluence of carcium source, phosphorus level and acid base forming effects of the di;t o; feedto,t p.rf; 1 18-125.
  • 14. HoAR, D.w., h."r. rıırpnIıCK and L.B. EIVIBRY (1970): Potassium, phosphoİus and calcium interrelationships influencirıg feedlot performance and phosphatic uro]ithiasis in lamrbs, J.An:Sci. S0 (4), b9?_600.
  • 15. HORS,T, R.L. and N.A. JO,RTGE:NSEN (1974): Effect of rammonium chloride on nitrogen and mineral balance in lactating and nonldctating goats, J. Dairy Sci., 5? (6), 688_688.
  • 16. KALLFETLZ, F.A., e.S-. a,H,lVfnDı,K.J. WALTLACE, B.H. SASANGKA, R.G. WARNER. (198i6): Magnes,ium content of feed and urorithiasis in growing .iruu., Nutr. Abs. and Rev., 5'6 (3), 19ı8.
  • 17. PE'TERSSON, K.H., R.G- WARNER, r'.e. rar,ıFlEL.Z (198?): Influence of magnesiıım, ,water and Salt on Uiolithiasis in veal calves, Nutr.Aıbs. and Rev., 57 (3), 18,6.
  • 18. vA'|sLrD'EVAN, B. and B. DUTT (1920): urinary calculi in vitamin A deficient calves, Nutr.Abs. and Rev., 40, (2), 742.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Zootechny (Other)
Journal Section Reviews

Tuluğ Çapcı This is me

Süleyman Akkan This is me

Publication Date June 30, 1989
Submission Date June 30, 1989
Published in Issue Year 1989 Volume: 32 Issue: 1


APA Çapcı, T., & Akkan, S. (1989). GEVİŞ GETİRENLERDE İDRAR TAŞI OLUŞUMU. Hayvansal Üretim, 32(1), 31-36.


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