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Year 1995, Volume: 36 Issue: 1, 1 - 10, 30.12.1995


Fizyolojik ve metabolik kökenli sınırlamalann yanısıra yetiştirme koşullanna ilişkin bir ıİizi olumsuzluklar, besin maddelerinin arzu edilen miktarlarda alınımını engelleyebilmektedir.


  • 1.BIÇER o., l99l. Koyunlaıda Vücud Kondüsyon Puanlaması ve Koyun Yeüştiriciliğinde Önemi. Ç.Ü.ziraat Fakiiltesi Dergisi Cilt : 6, Sayı:4, 8l-89 s.
  • 2.BOCQUIER, CAJA G., 1993. Recent Advences on Nutrition and Feeding ofDairy Sheep. 5th" Symposium on Machine Milking in Small Ruminants. Budapest. May, 1993.
  • 3.DEDIEU. B., GIBON, A., ROLIX, M., 1991. Notations d'etat corporel des brebis et diagnostic des systemes d'elevage ovin. Etudes et Rechereches sur les Systemes Agraires et le Deveıopment. No:22 INRA
  • 4.DONEY. J.M.. GLJNN, R.G., HORAK, F., 1982. Reproduction. Sheep aıd Goat Producüon. Ed.IE Coop. 57-80s.
  • 5.GLIMP, H.A., l99l. Nutrition of The Ewe. Livestock Feeds and Feeüng. Ed D.C.Chuıch Third Ediüon. Prentice-Hall. 306-322 s.
  • 6.GUNN. R.G, 1983. The Influence of Nutrition on The Reproductive Performance of Ewes. Sheep Production. Ed. W.Haresign. Butterworths. 99-ll0 s.
  • 7.HoLsT. P.J.. t987. Supplemantary feeüng of oat grain or Lucerne hay to crossbred ewes at ıambing. Austraıian Journal of Experimental Agricuıture. |9:2, 2ll-2|6 s.
  • 8.HosSAMo, H.E.. owEN' J.B., FARID' M.F.A., 1986. Boğ condition scoıe and production in fat taiıed Awassi sheep under range conditions. Research and Development in Agriculture. 3:2, 99-104 s.
  • MEAT AND LIVESTOCK CoMMIssIoN (MLc), l98l. Feeding The Ewe. Sheep Improvement Seıvice. Technical Report 52 s.
  • 9.MOLINA A.^ GALLEGO. L.. PEREZ, J.I., BERNABEU, R., l99ı. Crecimiento de corderos de raza Manchega segun la condicion corporala de las ovejas, la epoca de parte,el tipo de paıe y el sexo. Avences-en-Alimentacion Mejora-Animal. 3 I :5, I 98-205 s.
  • 10.RHIND, S., 1995. Feeding for Breeding: Succesful Sheep Maıagement. Feed Mix. Vol:3, No:2 4l-46 s. 11.RoBINsoN. J.J.. 1990. Nutriüon over ıhe winter p€riod. The Breeding Female. New Developments in Sheep Production. occasional Publicaüon. No:14, 55-69 s.
  • 12.RUSSEL. A.J.F.. DONEY. J.M.. GIINN, R.G., t97l The üstribution of chemical fat in the bodies of scottish Blacıdace ewes Anim. Prod. B : 503_509.
  • 13.SANSON. D.W., WEST, R.T.. TATMAN. W.R., RILEY, M.L., JIJDKINS, M.B., MOSS, G.E., 1993. Relationship Body*€omposiüon of Mature Eıpes with Condiüon Score and Boğ Weight. J.Anim. Sci.7l:lıl2-ll16s.
  • 14.soNIlEZ, R.. KA\MAKÇI. M., 1987. Koyurılarda Döl Verimi. E.ü.z.F. Yayınlan No: 404. 347s.
  • 15.TEIXEIRA A., BOCQUIER F.BRELIJRIJT, A., 1989. Relaüonship between fat depots and body condiüon score or tail fatnees in the Rasa Aıagonesa breed. Anim.Prod. 49 275-280 s.
  • 16.WILSON, J.W.ENGLISH, P.R.. McDONALD, D.C., BAMPTON, P.R., WARREN, M., BIRNIE, M., MCPERSON, o.. 1985. Factoıs influencing lamb growth rate in aı upland flock of Blacldace ewes producing Greface lambs. British Society of Animal Production. Winter Meeüng. Paper No: l53.
Year 1995, Volume: 36 Issue: 1, 1 - 10, 30.12.1995



  • 1.BIÇER o., l99l. Koyunlaıda Vücud Kondüsyon Puanlaması ve Koyun Yeüştiriciliğinde Önemi. Ç.Ü.ziraat Fakiiltesi Dergisi Cilt : 6, Sayı:4, 8l-89 s.
  • 2.BOCQUIER, CAJA G., 1993. Recent Advences on Nutrition and Feeding ofDairy Sheep. 5th" Symposium on Machine Milking in Small Ruminants. Budapest. May, 1993.
  • 3.DEDIEU. B., GIBON, A., ROLIX, M., 1991. Notations d'etat corporel des brebis et diagnostic des systemes d'elevage ovin. Etudes et Rechereches sur les Systemes Agraires et le Deveıopment. No:22 INRA
  • 4.DONEY. J.M.. GLJNN, R.G., HORAK, F., 1982. Reproduction. Sheep aıd Goat Producüon. Ed.IE Coop. 57-80s.
  • 5.GLIMP, H.A., l99l. Nutrition of The Ewe. Livestock Feeds and Feeüng. Ed D.C.Chuıch Third Ediüon. Prentice-Hall. 306-322 s.
  • 6.GUNN. R.G, 1983. The Influence of Nutrition on The Reproductive Performance of Ewes. Sheep Production. Ed. W.Haresign. Butterworths. 99-ll0 s.
  • 7.HoLsT. P.J.. t987. Supplemantary feeüng of oat grain or Lucerne hay to crossbred ewes at ıambing. Austraıian Journal of Experimental Agricuıture. |9:2, 2ll-2|6 s.
  • 8.HosSAMo, H.E.. owEN' J.B., FARID' M.F.A., 1986. Boğ condition scoıe and production in fat taiıed Awassi sheep under range conditions. Research and Development in Agriculture. 3:2, 99-104 s.
  • MEAT AND LIVESTOCK CoMMIssIoN (MLc), l98l. Feeding The Ewe. Sheep Improvement Seıvice. Technical Report 52 s.
  • 9.MOLINA A.^ GALLEGO. L.. PEREZ, J.I., BERNABEU, R., l99ı. Crecimiento de corderos de raza Manchega segun la condicion corporala de las ovejas, la epoca de parte,el tipo de paıe y el sexo. Avences-en-Alimentacion Mejora-Animal. 3 I :5, I 98-205 s.
  • 10.RHIND, S., 1995. Feeding for Breeding: Succesful Sheep Maıagement. Feed Mix. Vol:3, No:2 4l-46 s. 11.RoBINsoN. J.J.. 1990. Nutriüon over ıhe winter p€riod. The Breeding Female. New Developments in Sheep Production. occasional Publicaüon. No:14, 55-69 s.
  • 12.RUSSEL. A.J.F.. DONEY. J.M.. GIINN, R.G., t97l The üstribution of chemical fat in the bodies of scottish Blacıdace ewes Anim. Prod. B : 503_509.
  • 13.SANSON. D.W., WEST, R.T.. TATMAN. W.R., RILEY, M.L., JIJDKINS, M.B., MOSS, G.E., 1993. Relationship Body*€omposiüon of Mature Eıpes with Condiüon Score and Boğ Weight. J.Anim. Sci.7l:lıl2-ll16s.
  • 14.soNIlEZ, R.. KA\MAKÇI. M., 1987. Koyurılarda Döl Verimi. E.ü.z.F. Yayınlan No: 404. 347s.
  • 15.TEIXEIRA A., BOCQUIER F.BRELIJRIJT, A., 1989. Relaüonship between fat depots and body condiüon score or tail fatnees in the Rasa Aıagonesa breed. Anim.Prod. 49 275-280 s.
  • 16.WILSON, J.W.ENGLISH, P.R.. McDONALD, D.C., BAMPTON, P.R., WARREN, M., BIRNIE, M., MCPERSON, o.. 1985. Factoıs influencing lamb growth rate in aı upland flock of Blacldace ewes producing Greface lambs. British Society of Animal Production. Winter Meeüng. Paper No: l53.
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Zootechny (Other)
Journal Section Reviews

M. Özder This is me

İ. Y. Yurtman This is me

E. Köycü This is me

Publication Date December 30, 1995
Submission Date December 30, 1995
Published in Issue Year 1995 Volume: 36 Issue: 1


APA Özder, M., Yurtman, İ. Y., & Köycü, E. (1995). KONDÜSYON PUANI VE KOYUN YETİŞTİRİCİLİĞİNDE KULLANIMI. Journal of Animal Production, 36(1), 1-10.


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