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Mısır ve Buğday Glüteninin Ruminant Beslemede Kullanımı

Year 2023, Volume: 64 Issue: 2, 93 - 102, 23.01.2024


Hayvancılık temel ürünleri (et, süt ve yumurta) hızla artan dünya nüfusunun gıda ihtiyacını karşılamasının yanı sıra elde edilen yan ürünler tekstil, deri ve sanayi sektörlerine kaynak sağlamaktadır. Son yıllarda yem hammaddelerinden rendering ürünlerin (kan unu, et unu, kemik unu vb.) yasaklanmasından sonra bitkisel kökenli protein kaynaklarının önemi artmıştır. Hayvansal ürünlere talebin artmasına bağlı olarak yem üretimi de doğrusal yönlü artış göstermektedir. Soya küspesi, ayçiçeği küspesi, kolza küspesi ve aspir küspesi gibi protein oranı yüksek ve güvenilir bitkisel kaynaklar sıklıkla hayvan beslemede kullanılmaktadır. Ancak bitkisel kökenli protein kaynaklarının kısıtlı olması hem mevcut kaynakların hızla tükenmesine hem de alternatif protein kaynak arayışına neden olmaktadır. Tüm dünyada olduğu gibi ülkemizde de protein kaynağı yem hammaddelerinin başında soya küspesi, ayçiçeği küspesi, pamuk tohumu küspesi ve mısır glüteni gelmektedir. Ayçiçeği küspesi ülkemizde yaygın şekilde üretilmesine rağmen aminoasit profili yüksek verim özelliğine sahip hayvanların protein ihtiyacını karşılayacak seviyede olmadığı için özellikle soya küspesi gibi protein kaynaklarına ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Soya küspesi protein ve lizin bakımından zengin, biyolojik değerliliğinin yüksek olması nedeniyle büyükbaş, küçükbaş, kanatlı ve pet hayvanlarının beslenmesinde önemli bir protein kaynağıdır. Fakat ülkemizde toprak, iklim ve coğrafi koşullar buğday ve mısır gibi birçok ürünün yetiştirilmesi için uygun olmasına rağmen ortam şartlarına yeterli adaptasyon sağlayamadığı için soya bitkisi üretimi yetersiz kalmaktadır. Buğday, mısır, arpa ve çavdar gibi tahıl tanelerinin işlenerek nişasta, kabuk ve diğer kısımlarının ayrılması ile geride kalan protein yapısındaki maddeler glüten yapısını oluşturmaktadır. Hayvancılık işletmelerinin giderlerinin ortalama %60-70’ini yem masrafları oluşturmaktadır. Yem hammaddelerinin kalitesi hayvanların tüketimi sonucunda performans parametrelerindeki değişimlerle ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu makalenin amacı mısır ve buğday glüteninin ruminantlarda kullanımı ile ilgili bilgileri derlemektir.


  • Allen DM, Grant RJ. 2000. Interactions between forage and wet corn gluten feed as sources of fiber in diets for lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 83(2), 322-331.
  • Arendt E, Dal Bello F. 2011. Gluten-Free Cereal Products and Beverages. Academic Press, London, Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-12-373739-7
  • Bailey CH. 1941. A Translation of Beccari’s Lecture ‘Concerning Grain’ (1728). Cereal Chemistry, 18, 555–561.
  • Beccari JB. 1745. De frumento. De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Artium Atque Academia Commentarii, Tomi Secundi. Bononia (Bailey (1941)’den alınmıştır).
  • Bernard JK, Delost RC, Mueller FJ, Miller JK, Miller WM. 1991. Effect of wet or dry corn gluten feed on nutrient digestibility and milk yield and composition. Journal of Dairy Science, 74(11), 3913-3919.
  • Boland M, Brester GW, Taylor M. 2005. Global and US Wheat Gluten Industries: Structure, Competition and Trade. Montana State University, Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics.
  • Bowman JGP, Paterson JA. 1988. Evaluation of corn gluten feed in high-energy diets for sheep and cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 66(8), 2057-2070.
  • Can MB. 2022. Buğday ve Mısır Gluteninin Kuzularda Besi Performansı, Bazı Dokuların Antioksidan, Histopatoloji ve İmmunohistokimyasal Parametreleri Üzerine Etkisi. Doktora Tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi. Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı.
  • Cengiz R. 2016. Türkiye’de kamu mısır araştırmaları. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 25 (Özel Sayı-1): 304-310.
  • Collins RM, Pritchard RH. 1992. Alternate day supplementation of corn stalk diets with soybean meal or corn gluten meal fed to ruminants. Journal of Animal Science, 70(12), 3899-3908.
  • Day L. 2011. Wheat gluten: Production, properties and application. In G. O. Phillips & P. A. Williams (Eds.), Handbook of Food Proteins (pp. 267–288). Oxford, UK: Woodhead Publishing.
  • Dicke WK. 1950. Coeliakie. MD Thesis, Utrecht: University of Utrecht.
  • Dizlek H. 2013. Gluten kompleksinin hamur ve ekmek nitelikleri üzerindeki etkileri. Akademik Gıda, 11: 102-106.
  • Fang J, Martínez Y, Deng C, Zhu D, Peng H, Jiang H, Li A. 2017. Effects of dietary enzymolysis products of wheat gluten on the growth performance, serum biochemical, immune, and antioxidant status of broilers. Food and agricultural immunology, 28(6), 1155-1167.
  • Hardwick JE, Glatz CE. 1989. Enzymic hydrolysis of corn gluten meal. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 37(4), 1188-1192.
  • Ham GA, Stock RA, Klopfenstein TJ, Huffman RP. 1995. Determining the net energy value of wet and dry corn gluten feed in beef growing and finishing diets. Journal of Animal Science, 73: 353-359.
  • Hao XY, Gao H, Wang XY, Zhang GN, Zhang YG. 2017. Replacing alfalfa hay with dry corn gluten feed and Chinese wild rye grass: Effects on rumen fermentation, rumen microbial protein synthesis, and lactation performance in lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 100(4), 2672-2681.
  • Haspolat KI. 2012. Türkiye’de klasik ve genetiği değiştirilmiş mısır çeşitlerinin yem amaçlı kullanımının sosyoekonomik yönüyle değerlendirilmesi. Ankara Üniversitesi Veterinerlik Fakültesi Dergisi, 59:311-314.
  • Hussein HS, Berger LL. 1995. Effects of feed intake and dietary level of wet corn gluten feed on feedlot performance, digestibility of nutrients, and carcass characteristics of growing-finishing beef heifers. Journal of Animal Science, 73(11), 3246-3252.
  • İpçak HH, Özüretmen S, Alçiçek A, Özelçam H. 2018. Alternatif protein kaynaklarının hayvan beslemede kullanım olanakları. Hayvansal Üretim, 59(1), 51-58.
  • Kaya B, Nadaroğlu Y, Şimşek O. 2015. Türkiye’de toprak sıcaklığı yönünden serin iklim tahıllarının ekim zamanının belirlenmesi. https://www.mgm.gov.tr/FILES/genel/makale/ekimzamani.pdf
  • Kaya İ. 2009. Farklı protein kaynakları içeren konsantre yemlerin kuzularda büyüme performansı, sindirilebilirlik ve rumen metabolitleri üzerine etkisi. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(3): 369-374.
  • Kızılaslan H. 2004. Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de buğday üretimi ve uygulanan politikaların karşılaştırılması. Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(2), 23-38.
  • Koeln LL, Paterson JA. 1986. Nitrogen balance and amino acid disappearance from the small intestine in calves fed soybean meal-, toasted soybean meal-or corn gluten meal-supplemented diets. Journal of Animal Science, 63(4), 1258-1266.
  • Kononoff PJ, Ivan SK, Matzke W, Grant RJ, Stock RA, Klopfenstein TJ. 2006. Milk production of dairy cows fed wet corn gluten feed during the dry period and lactation. Journal of Dairy Science, 89(7), 2608-2617.
  • Loe ER, Bauer ML, Lardy GP. 2006. Grain source and processing in diets containing varying concentrations of wet corn gluten feed for finishing cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 84: 986-996.
  • Macedo LGPD, Damasceno JC, Martins EN, Macedo VDP, Santos GTD, Falcão AJDS, Caldas Neto S. 2003. Substitution of soybean meal protein by corn gluten meal protein in dairy goat feeding. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 32, 992-1001.
  • Milis C, Liamadis D. 2008. Nutrient digestibility and energy value of sheep rations differing in protein level, main protein source and non‐forage fibre source. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 92(1), 44-52.
  • Montgomery SP, Drouillard JS, Titgemeyer EC, Sindt JJ, Farran TB, Pike JN, Higgins JJ. 2004. Effects of wet corn gluten feed and intake level on diet digestibility and ruminal passage rate in steers. Journal of Animal Science, 82(12), 3526-3536.
  • Mullins CR, Grigsby KN, Anderson DE, Titgemeyer EC, Bradford BJ. 2010. Effects of feeding increasing levels of wet corn gluten feed on production and ruminal fermentation in lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 93(11), 5329-5337.
  • Pekel A, Demirel G. 2012. Yaş mısır gluten yeminin besi ve süt sığırı rasyonlarında kullanımı. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 33(3), 67-75.
  • Peng JH, Sun D, Nevo E. 2011. Domestication evolution, genetics and genomics in wheat. Molecular Breeding, 28: 281-301.
  • Richards CJ, Stock RA, Klopfenstein TJ, Shain DH. 1998. Effect of wet corn gluten feed, supplemental protein and tallow on steer finishing performance. Journal of Animal Science, 1998; 76: 421-428.
  • Salami SA, O'Grady MN, Luciano G, Priolo A, McGee M, Moloney AP, Kerry JP. 2021. Concentrate supplementation with dried corn gluten feed improves the fatty acid profile of longissimus thoracis muscle from steers offered grass silage. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 101(11), 4768-4778.
  • Saleh SA, Mustafa MM, Kottb MKI. 2008. Effect of using corn gluten feed in growing lambs' ration. Egyptian Journal of Nutrition and Feeds, 11(1), 55-71.
  • Sanz Sampelayo MR, Perz ML, Gil Extremera F, Boza JJ, Boza J. 1999. Use of different dietary protein sources for lactating goats: milk production and composition as functions of protein degradability and amino acid composition. Journal of Dairy Science, 82, 555-565.
  • Sauvant D, Delaby L, Nozière P. 2017. INRA Feeding System for Ruminants. Wageningen Academic Publishers.
  • Schrage MP, Woody HD, Young AW. 1991. Net energy of ensiled wet corn gluten feed in corn silage diets for finishing steers. Journal of Animal Science, 1991; 69: 2204-2210.
  • Schroeder JW. 1997. Corn Gluten Feed: Composition, Storage, Handling, Feeding and Value. North Dakota State University, Department of Agriculture and Applied Science, ND, USA.
  • Schroeder JW. 2003. Optimizing the level of wet corn gluten feed in the diet of lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 86(3), 844-851.
  • Scott TL, Milton CT, Erickson GE, Klopfenstein TJ, Stock RA. 2003. Corn processing method in finishing diets containing wet corn gluten feed. Journal of Animal Science, 81(12), 3182-3190.
  • Shewry PR. 2019. What is gluten-why is it special?. Frontiers in Nutrition, 6:101.
  • Siverson AV, Titgemeyer EC, Montgomery SP, Oleen BE, Preedy GW, Blasi DA. 2014. Effects of corn processing and dietary wet corn gluten feed inclusion on performance and digestion of newly received growing cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 92(4), 1604-1612.
  • Staples CR, Davis CL, McCoy GC, Clark JH. 1984. Feeding value of wet corn gluten feed for lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 67(6), 1214-1220.
  • Stock RA, Lewis JM, Klopfenstein TJ, Milton CT. 1999. Review of new information on the use of wet and dry milling feed by-products in feedlot diets. Journal of Animal Science, 78(E-Suppl.).
  • Terui H, Morrill JL, Higgins JJ. 1996. Evaluation of wheat gluten in milk replacers and calf starters. Journal of Dairy Science, 79(7), 1261-1266.
  • TÜİK, 2023. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri, Tahıllar ve Diğer Bitkisel Ürünlerin Alan ve Üretim Miktarları (Seçilmiş Ürünlerde). https://data.tuik.gov.tr/Kategori/GetKategori?p=tarim-111&dil=1 (19 Temmuz 2023).
  • Vakar AB. 1961. Wheat Gluten. Izdatelstvo Akademii Nauk SSSR, Moscow.
  • VanBaale MJ, Shirley JE, Titgemeyer EC, Park AF, Meyer MJ, Lindquist RU, Ethington RT. 2001. Evaluation of wet corn gluten feed in diets for lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 84(11), 2478-2485.
  • Zerbini E, Polan CE. 1985. Protein sources evaluated for ruminating Holstein calves. Journal of Dairy Science, 68(6), 1416-1424.
  • Zhang GN, Li Y, Zhao C, Fang XP, Zhang YG. 2021. Effect of substituting wet corn gluten feed and corn stover for alfalfa hay in total mixed ration silage on lactation performance in dairy cows. Animal, 15(3), 100013.
  • Zhou C, Hu J, Ma H, Yagoub AEA, Yu X, Owusu J, Ma H, Qin X. 2015. Antioxidant peptides from corn gluten meal: Orthogonal design evaluation. Food Chemistry, 187, 270-278.

Use of Corn and Wheat Gluten in Ruminant Nutrition

Year 2023, Volume: 64 Issue: 2, 93 - 102, 23.01.2024


Livestock basic products (meat, milk, and eggs) meet the food needs of the rapidly increasing world population, as well as the by-products obtained provide resources to the leather, textile, and industrial sectors. In recent years, after the prohibition of rendering products (blood meal, meat meal, bone meal, etc.) in feed raw materials, the importance of plant-based protein sources has increased. Depending on the increase in demand for animal products, feed production also shows a linear increase. Reliable and high plant sources of protein such as soybean meal, sunflower meal, rapeseed meal, and safflower meal are frequently used in animal nutrition. However, the limited sources of plant-based protein cause both the rapid depletion of existing sources and the search for alternative protein sources. Soybean meal, sunflower meal, cottonseed meal, and corn gluten are the leading feed raw materials as protein sources in our country, as well as all over the world. Although sunflower meal is widely produced in our country, protein sources such as soybean meal are needed because their amino acid profile is not at a level to meet the protein needs of high-productive animals. Soybean meal is an important protein source in the nutrition of cattle, ovine, poultry, and pet animals due to its high biological value and rich in protein and lysine. However, although the soil, climate, and geographical conditions in our country are suitable for the cultivation of many products such as wheat and corn, soybean plant production is insufficient because it cannot provide sufficient adaptation to environmental conditions. The gluten structure is formed by the processing of grains such as wheat, corn, barley, and rye, and the separation of starch, shell, and other parts, and the remaining protein-like substances. Feed costs constitute 60-70% of the expenses of livestock enterprises. The quality of feed raw materials is revealed by the changes in performance parameters as a result of the consumption of animals. The purpose of this article is to compile information about the use of corn and wheat gluten in ruminants.


  • Allen DM, Grant RJ. 2000. Interactions between forage and wet corn gluten feed as sources of fiber in diets for lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 83(2), 322-331.
  • Arendt E, Dal Bello F. 2011. Gluten-Free Cereal Products and Beverages. Academic Press, London, Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-12-373739-7
  • Bailey CH. 1941. A Translation of Beccari’s Lecture ‘Concerning Grain’ (1728). Cereal Chemistry, 18, 555–561.
  • Beccari JB. 1745. De frumento. De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Artium Atque Academia Commentarii, Tomi Secundi. Bononia (Bailey (1941)’den alınmıştır).
  • Bernard JK, Delost RC, Mueller FJ, Miller JK, Miller WM. 1991. Effect of wet or dry corn gluten feed on nutrient digestibility and milk yield and composition. Journal of Dairy Science, 74(11), 3913-3919.
  • Boland M, Brester GW, Taylor M. 2005. Global and US Wheat Gluten Industries: Structure, Competition and Trade. Montana State University, Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics.
  • Bowman JGP, Paterson JA. 1988. Evaluation of corn gluten feed in high-energy diets for sheep and cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 66(8), 2057-2070.
  • Can MB. 2022. Buğday ve Mısır Gluteninin Kuzularda Besi Performansı, Bazı Dokuların Antioksidan, Histopatoloji ve İmmunohistokimyasal Parametreleri Üzerine Etkisi. Doktora Tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi. Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı.
  • Cengiz R. 2016. Türkiye’de kamu mısır araştırmaları. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 25 (Özel Sayı-1): 304-310.
  • Collins RM, Pritchard RH. 1992. Alternate day supplementation of corn stalk diets with soybean meal or corn gluten meal fed to ruminants. Journal of Animal Science, 70(12), 3899-3908.
  • Day L. 2011. Wheat gluten: Production, properties and application. In G. O. Phillips & P. A. Williams (Eds.), Handbook of Food Proteins (pp. 267–288). Oxford, UK: Woodhead Publishing.
  • Dicke WK. 1950. Coeliakie. MD Thesis, Utrecht: University of Utrecht.
  • Dizlek H. 2013. Gluten kompleksinin hamur ve ekmek nitelikleri üzerindeki etkileri. Akademik Gıda, 11: 102-106.
  • Fang J, Martínez Y, Deng C, Zhu D, Peng H, Jiang H, Li A. 2017. Effects of dietary enzymolysis products of wheat gluten on the growth performance, serum biochemical, immune, and antioxidant status of broilers. Food and agricultural immunology, 28(6), 1155-1167.
  • Hardwick JE, Glatz CE. 1989. Enzymic hydrolysis of corn gluten meal. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 37(4), 1188-1192.
  • Ham GA, Stock RA, Klopfenstein TJ, Huffman RP. 1995. Determining the net energy value of wet and dry corn gluten feed in beef growing and finishing diets. Journal of Animal Science, 73: 353-359.
  • Hao XY, Gao H, Wang XY, Zhang GN, Zhang YG. 2017. Replacing alfalfa hay with dry corn gluten feed and Chinese wild rye grass: Effects on rumen fermentation, rumen microbial protein synthesis, and lactation performance in lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 100(4), 2672-2681.
  • Haspolat KI. 2012. Türkiye’de klasik ve genetiği değiştirilmiş mısır çeşitlerinin yem amaçlı kullanımının sosyoekonomik yönüyle değerlendirilmesi. Ankara Üniversitesi Veterinerlik Fakültesi Dergisi, 59:311-314.
  • Hussein HS, Berger LL. 1995. Effects of feed intake and dietary level of wet corn gluten feed on feedlot performance, digestibility of nutrients, and carcass characteristics of growing-finishing beef heifers. Journal of Animal Science, 73(11), 3246-3252.
  • İpçak HH, Özüretmen S, Alçiçek A, Özelçam H. 2018. Alternatif protein kaynaklarının hayvan beslemede kullanım olanakları. Hayvansal Üretim, 59(1), 51-58.
  • Kaya B, Nadaroğlu Y, Şimşek O. 2015. Türkiye’de toprak sıcaklığı yönünden serin iklim tahıllarının ekim zamanının belirlenmesi. https://www.mgm.gov.tr/FILES/genel/makale/ekimzamani.pdf
  • Kaya İ. 2009. Farklı protein kaynakları içeren konsantre yemlerin kuzularda büyüme performansı, sindirilebilirlik ve rumen metabolitleri üzerine etkisi. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(3): 369-374.
  • Kızılaslan H. 2004. Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de buğday üretimi ve uygulanan politikaların karşılaştırılması. Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(2), 23-38.
  • Koeln LL, Paterson JA. 1986. Nitrogen balance and amino acid disappearance from the small intestine in calves fed soybean meal-, toasted soybean meal-or corn gluten meal-supplemented diets. Journal of Animal Science, 63(4), 1258-1266.
  • Kononoff PJ, Ivan SK, Matzke W, Grant RJ, Stock RA, Klopfenstein TJ. 2006. Milk production of dairy cows fed wet corn gluten feed during the dry period and lactation. Journal of Dairy Science, 89(7), 2608-2617.
  • Loe ER, Bauer ML, Lardy GP. 2006. Grain source and processing in diets containing varying concentrations of wet corn gluten feed for finishing cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 84: 986-996.
  • Macedo LGPD, Damasceno JC, Martins EN, Macedo VDP, Santos GTD, Falcão AJDS, Caldas Neto S. 2003. Substitution of soybean meal protein by corn gluten meal protein in dairy goat feeding. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 32, 992-1001.
  • Milis C, Liamadis D. 2008. Nutrient digestibility and energy value of sheep rations differing in protein level, main protein source and non‐forage fibre source. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 92(1), 44-52.
  • Montgomery SP, Drouillard JS, Titgemeyer EC, Sindt JJ, Farran TB, Pike JN, Higgins JJ. 2004. Effects of wet corn gluten feed and intake level on diet digestibility and ruminal passage rate in steers. Journal of Animal Science, 82(12), 3526-3536.
  • Mullins CR, Grigsby KN, Anderson DE, Titgemeyer EC, Bradford BJ. 2010. Effects of feeding increasing levels of wet corn gluten feed on production and ruminal fermentation in lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 93(11), 5329-5337.
  • Pekel A, Demirel G. 2012. Yaş mısır gluten yeminin besi ve süt sığırı rasyonlarında kullanımı. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 33(3), 67-75.
  • Peng JH, Sun D, Nevo E. 2011. Domestication evolution, genetics and genomics in wheat. Molecular Breeding, 28: 281-301.
  • Richards CJ, Stock RA, Klopfenstein TJ, Shain DH. 1998. Effect of wet corn gluten feed, supplemental protein and tallow on steer finishing performance. Journal of Animal Science, 1998; 76: 421-428.
  • Salami SA, O'Grady MN, Luciano G, Priolo A, McGee M, Moloney AP, Kerry JP. 2021. Concentrate supplementation with dried corn gluten feed improves the fatty acid profile of longissimus thoracis muscle from steers offered grass silage. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 101(11), 4768-4778.
  • Saleh SA, Mustafa MM, Kottb MKI. 2008. Effect of using corn gluten feed in growing lambs' ration. Egyptian Journal of Nutrition and Feeds, 11(1), 55-71.
  • Sanz Sampelayo MR, Perz ML, Gil Extremera F, Boza JJ, Boza J. 1999. Use of different dietary protein sources for lactating goats: milk production and composition as functions of protein degradability and amino acid composition. Journal of Dairy Science, 82, 555-565.
  • Sauvant D, Delaby L, Nozière P. 2017. INRA Feeding System for Ruminants. Wageningen Academic Publishers.
  • Schrage MP, Woody HD, Young AW. 1991. Net energy of ensiled wet corn gluten feed in corn silage diets for finishing steers. Journal of Animal Science, 1991; 69: 2204-2210.
  • Schroeder JW. 1997. Corn Gluten Feed: Composition, Storage, Handling, Feeding and Value. North Dakota State University, Department of Agriculture and Applied Science, ND, USA.
  • Schroeder JW. 2003. Optimizing the level of wet corn gluten feed in the diet of lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 86(3), 844-851.
  • Scott TL, Milton CT, Erickson GE, Klopfenstein TJ, Stock RA. 2003. Corn processing method in finishing diets containing wet corn gluten feed. Journal of Animal Science, 81(12), 3182-3190.
  • Shewry PR. 2019. What is gluten-why is it special?. Frontiers in Nutrition, 6:101.
  • Siverson AV, Titgemeyer EC, Montgomery SP, Oleen BE, Preedy GW, Blasi DA. 2014. Effects of corn processing and dietary wet corn gluten feed inclusion on performance and digestion of newly received growing cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 92(4), 1604-1612.
  • Staples CR, Davis CL, McCoy GC, Clark JH. 1984. Feeding value of wet corn gluten feed for lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 67(6), 1214-1220.
  • Stock RA, Lewis JM, Klopfenstein TJ, Milton CT. 1999. Review of new information on the use of wet and dry milling feed by-products in feedlot diets. Journal of Animal Science, 78(E-Suppl.).
  • Terui H, Morrill JL, Higgins JJ. 1996. Evaluation of wheat gluten in milk replacers and calf starters. Journal of Dairy Science, 79(7), 1261-1266.
  • TÜİK, 2023. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri, Tahıllar ve Diğer Bitkisel Ürünlerin Alan ve Üretim Miktarları (Seçilmiş Ürünlerde). https://data.tuik.gov.tr/Kategori/GetKategori?p=tarim-111&dil=1 (19 Temmuz 2023).
  • Vakar AB. 1961. Wheat Gluten. Izdatelstvo Akademii Nauk SSSR, Moscow.
  • VanBaale MJ, Shirley JE, Titgemeyer EC, Park AF, Meyer MJ, Lindquist RU, Ethington RT. 2001. Evaluation of wet corn gluten feed in diets for lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 84(11), 2478-2485.
  • Zerbini E, Polan CE. 1985. Protein sources evaluated for ruminating Holstein calves. Journal of Dairy Science, 68(6), 1416-1424.
  • Zhang GN, Li Y, Zhao C, Fang XP, Zhang YG. 2021. Effect of substituting wet corn gluten feed and corn stover for alfalfa hay in total mixed ration silage on lactation performance in dairy cows. Animal, 15(3), 100013.
  • Zhou C, Hu J, Ma H, Yagoub AEA, Yu X, Owusu J, Ma H, Qin X. 2015. Antioxidant peptides from corn gluten meal: Orthogonal design evaluation. Food Chemistry, 187, 270-278.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Animal Feeding, Animal Nutrition, Animal Growth and Development
Journal Section Reviews

Mazhar Burak Can 0000-0001-5248-1369

Early Pub Date January 15, 2024
Publication Date January 23, 2024
Submission Date July 23, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 64 Issue: 2


APA Can, M. B. (2024). Mısır ve Buğday Glüteninin Ruminant Beslemede Kullanımı. Journal of Animal Production, 64(2), 93-102. https://doi.org/10.29185/hayuretim.1331751


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