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Total Diz Protezi Ameliyatı Planlanan Bireylere Neden Danışmanlık Verilmeli?

Year 2020, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 25 - 30, 31.05.2020


Total diz protezi ameliyatı hastaları fizyolojik, psikolojik ve sosyal yönden etkileyen önemli bir cerrahi girişimdir. Ameliyattan sonra iyileşme sürecinin uzun olması, hastaların özellikle enfeksiyon riski nedeniyle erken taburcu edilmeleri; hasta ve ailelerin çeşitli sorunlar yaşamasına neden olmaktadır. Bu süreçte hasta ve aile üyelerine profesyonel bir desteğin sürdürülmesinde ortopedi hemşirelerinin danışmanlık rolü ön plana çıkmaktadır. Danışmanlık ile hem hastanın hem de ailenin sürece ilişkin bilgilendirilmeleri ve ameliyata eksiksiz hazırlanmaları sağlanmakta; özellikle taburculuktan sonra verilen desteğin sürdürülmesi bir yandan hastanın proteze uyumunu ve memnuniyetini arttırırken diğer yandan ailelerin karşılaştıkları sorunları çözmelerinde yardımcı olmaktadır.


  • Referans1: Akyol, Ö., Karayurt, Ö., & Salmond, S. (2009). Experiences of pain and satisfaction with pain management in patients undergoing total knee replacement. Orthopaedic Nursing, 28(2), 79-85.
  • Referans2: Aydemir Gedük, E. (2018). Hemşirelik Mesleğinin Gelişen Rolleri. Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi, 5(2): 253-258.
  • Referans3: Bardgett, M., J. Lally, A. Malviya, B. Kleim and D. Deehan (2016). "Patient-reported factors influencing return to work after joint replacement." Occup Med (Lond), 66(3): 215-221. doi: 10.1093/occmed/kqv187.
  • Referans4: Beğer, T., & Yavuzer, H. (2012). Yaşlılık ve yaşlılık epidemiyolojisi. Klinik gelişim, 25(3), 1-3.
  • Referans5: Ben-Morderchai B, Herman A, Kerzman H, Irony A. (2010). Structured discharge education improves early outcome in orthopedic patients. International Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing, 14:66-74.
  • Referans6: Best TJ. Revision total hip and total knee arthroplasty. (2005). Orthop Nurs, 24(3):174-9.
  • Referans7: Bilge, A., Ulusoy, R. G., Üstebay, S., & Öztürk, Ö. (2018). Osteoartrit. Kafkas J Med Sci, 8(Ek1): 133–142.
  • Referans8: Bilik Ö. Total Eklem Replasmanı. Akbayrak N, İlhan S, Ançel G, Albayrak A, editörler. Hemşirelik Bakım Planları.1.Baskı. Ankara: Birlik Matbaası; 2007.s.1007-16.
  • Referans9: Billon, L., Décaudin, B., Pasquier, G., Lons, A., Deken-Delannoy, V., Germe, A. F., … Migaud, H. (2017). Prospective assessment of patients’ knowledge and informational needs and of surgeon-to-patient information transfer before and after knee or hip arthroplasty. Orthopaedics and Traumatology: Surgery and Research. 103(8): 1161-1167.
  • Referans10: Blitz, J. D., & Mabry, C. (2018). Designing and Running a Preoperative Clinic. Anesthesiology clinics, 36(4), 479-491.
  • Referans11: Bodur, H. (2011). Dünyada Ve Türkiye’de Osteoartrite Güncel Bakış; Epidemiyoloji Ve Sosyoekonomik Boyut. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics, 14(Suppl 1), 7–14.
  • Referans12: Bryan, S., Goldsmith, L. J., Davis, J. C., Hejazi, S., MacDonald, V., McAllister, P., … Sawatzky, R. (2018). Revisiting patient satisfaction following total knee arthroplasty: A longitudinal observational study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 19(1), 423.
  • Referans13: Chen, A. F., Stewart, M. K., Heyl, A. E., & Klatt, B. A. (2012). Effect of Immediate Postoperative Physical Therapy on Length of Stay for Total Joint Arthroplasty Patients. Journal of Arthroplasty, 27(6): 851-856.
  • Referans14: Chua, M. J., Hart, A. J., Mittal, R., Harris, I. A., Xuan, W., & Naylor, J. M. (2017). Early mobilisation after total hip or knee arthroplasty: A multicentre prospective observational study. PLoS ONE, 12(6): e0179820.
  • Referans15: Conradsen, S., Gjerseth, M. M., & Kvangarsnes, M. (2016). Patients’ experiences from an education programme ahead of orthopaedic surgery - a qualitative study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25(19–20), 2798–2806.
  • Referans16: Cook JR, Warren M, Ganley KJ, Prefontaine P, Wylie JW. (2008). A comprehensive joint replacement program for total knee artroplasty: A descriptive study. BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 9:154-64. doi:10.1186/1471-2474-9-154
  • Referans17: Damar, H. T., & Bilik, Ö. (2014). Roy Uyum Modeli’ne Temellendirilmiş Total Diz Protezi Ameliyatına Hazırlık Programı. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Elektronik Dergisi, 7(4): 321–329.
  • Referans18: Damar, H. T. and O. Bilik (2017). "The patient's experience in total knee arthroplasty: past-now-future." MedSurg Nursing, 26(2): 132-137.
  • Referans19: Engstrom, A., J. Bostrom and A. C. Karlsson (2017). Women's Experiences of Undergoing Total Knee Joint Replacement Surgery. J Perianesth Nurs, 32(2): 86-95.
  • Referans20: Epstein, N. E. (2014). A review article on the benefits of early mobilization following spinal surgery and other medical/surgical procedures. Surgical Neurology International, 16(5): 66–73.
  • Referans21: Goh, M. L., J. Y. Chua and L. Lim (2015). Total knee replacement pre-operative education in a Singapore tertiary hospital: A best practice implementation project. Int J Orthop Trauma Nurs 19(1): 3-14.
  • Referans22: Goldsmith, L. J., Suryaprakash, N., Randall, E., Shum, J., MacDonald, V., Sawatzky, R., ... & Bryan, S. (2017). The importance of informational, clinical and personal support in patient experience with total knee replacement: a qualitative investigation. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 18(1), 127. DOI 10.1186/s12891-017-1474-8
  • Referans23: Gustafsson, B. A., S. L. Ekman, S. Ponzer and K. Heikkila (2010). The hip and knee replacement operation: an extensive life event. Scand J Caring Sci, 24(4): 663-670.
  • Referans24: Hoch C. Postoperative Care. In: Lewis SL, Dirksen SR, Heitkemper MM, Bucher L, Harding MM, eds. Medical Surgical Nursing Assesment of Clinical Problems. 9th ed. Canada: Elseiver Mosby; 2014. p.349-366.
  • Referans25: Jeffery, A. E., Wylde, V., Blom, A. W., & Horwood, J. P. (2011). İt’s there and I’m stuck with it’: Patients’ experiences of chronic pain following total knee replacement surgery. Arthritis Care and Research, 63(2): 286-292.
  • Referans26: Johansson, K., Nuutila, L., Virtanen, H., Katajisto, J., & Salantera, S. (2005). Preoperative education for ortopaedic patients: systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 50(2), 212-223.
  • Referans27: Johnson, V. L., & Hunter, D. J. (2014). The epidemiology of osteoarthritis. Best Practice and Research: Clinical Rheumatology, 28(1): 5-15.
  • Referans28: Kılıç, B., Turhan, Y., Demiroğlu, M., Akçay, S., & Gürcan, S. (2016). Diz Osteoartriti’nde Cerrahi Tedavi Yöntemleri. Düzce Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6(2), 135-138.
  • Referans29: Kıssal, A., & Beşer, A. (2009). Yaşlı istismar ve ihmalinin değerlendirilmesi. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 8(4), 357-364.
  • Referans30: Kleim, B. D., A. Malviya, S. Rushton, M. Bardgett and D. J. Deehan (2015). Understanding the patient-reported factors determining time taken to return to work after hip and knee arthroplasty. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 23(12): 3646-3652. DOI 10.1007/s00167-014-3265-1
  • Referans31: Krauss, I., G. Muller, B. Steinhilber, G. Haupt, P. Janssen and P. Martus (2017). Effectiveness and efficiency of different weight machine-based strength training programmes for patients with hip or knee osteoarthritis: a protocol for a quasi-experimental controlled study in the context of health services research. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med, 3(1): e000291.
  • Referans32: Leov, J., E. Barrett, S. Gallagher and N. Swain (2017). A qualitative study of pain experiences in patients requiring hip and knee arthroplasty. J Health Psychol, 22(2): 186-196.
  • Referans33: Leventhal, E. Q. A. (2014). Ageing and health. In Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health and Medicine, Second Edition.
  • Referans34: Lewis, S. L., L. Bucher, M. M. Heitkemper, M. M. Harding, J. Kwong and D. Roberts (2016). Medical-Surgical Nursing-E-Book: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, Single Volume, Elsevier Health Sciences.
  • Referans35: Loft M, McWilliam M, Ward Griffin C. (2003). Patient empowerment after total hip and knee replacement. Orthop Nurs, 22(1):42-7.
  • Referans36: Lucas, B. (2013). Preparing patients for hip and knee replacement surgey. Nursing Standard, 22(2): 50.
  • Referans37: Majid, N., Lee, S., & Plummer, V. (2015). The effectiveness of orthopedic patient education in improving patient outcomes: a systematic review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 13(1): 122-133.
  • Referans38: Mandzuk, L. L., McMillan, D. E., & Bohm, E. R. (2015). A longitudinal study of quality of life and functional status in total hip and total knee replacement patients. International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing, 97(2), 358–365.
  • Referans39: Martel-Pelletier, J., Barr, A. J., Cicuttini, F. M., Conaghan, P. G., Cooper, C., Goldring, M. B., … Pelletier, J. P. (2016). Osteoarthritis. Nature Reviews Disease Primers, 13(2): 16072.
  • Referans40: McDonald, S., M. J. Page, K. Beringer, J. Wasiak and A. Sprowson (2014). Preoperative education for hip or knee replacement. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, (5): CD003526.
  • Referans41: McIsaac, D. I., Huang, A., Wong, C. A., Wijeysundera, D. N., ve ark. (2017). Effect of Preoperative Geriatric Evaluation on Outcomes After Elective Surgery: A Population-Based Study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 65(12): 2665-2672.
  • Referans42: Mears, S. C., Edwards, P. K., & Barnes, C. L. (2016). How to Decrease Length of Hospital Stay After Total Knee Replacement. Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances, 25(1): 2-7.
  • Referans43: Montin L, Johanasson K, Kettunen J, Katajisto J, Leino-Kilpi H. (2010). Total Joint arthroplasty patients’ perception of received knowledge of care. Orthop Nurs, 29(4):246-53. doi: 10.1097/NOR.0b013e3181e51868
  • Referans44: Neogi, T, Zhang, Y. (2013). Epidemiology of osteoarthritis. Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America, 39: 1-19.
  • Referans45: Nyvang, J., M. Hedstrom and S. A. Gleissman (2016). It's not just a knee, but a whole life: A qualitative descriptive study on patients' experiences of living with knee osteoarthritis and their expectations for knee arthroplasty. Int J Qual Stud Health Well-being 11: 30193.
  • Referans46: Papakostidou, I., Z. H. Dailiana, T. Papapolychroniou, L. Liaropoulos, E. Zintzaras, T. S. Karachalios and K. N. Malizos (2012). Factors affecting the quality of life after total knee arthroplasties: a prospective study. BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 13: 116.
  • Referans47: Park, K. H., & Song, M. R. (2017). The effects of postdischarge telephone counseling and short message service on the knee function, activities of daily living, and life satisfaction of patients undergoing total knee replacement. Orthopaedic Nursing, 36(3): 229.
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  • Referans58: Turhan Damar H., Bilik Ö. (2015). Total Diz Protezi Planlanan Hastalarda Hemşirelerin Eğitici Rolü. Sağlıkla Hemşirelik Dergisi, 22(5): 28-30
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Why Should Consultancy Be Offered To The Patıents Scheduled For Total Knee Artroplasty?

Year 2020, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 25 - 30, 31.05.2020



  • Referans1: Akyol, Ö., Karayurt, Ö., & Salmond, S. (2009). Experiences of pain and satisfaction with pain management in patients undergoing total knee replacement. Orthopaedic Nursing, 28(2), 79-85.
  • Referans2: Aydemir Gedük, E. (2018). Hemşirelik Mesleğinin Gelişen Rolleri. Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi, 5(2): 253-258.
  • Referans3: Bardgett, M., J. Lally, A. Malviya, B. Kleim and D. Deehan (2016). "Patient-reported factors influencing return to work after joint replacement." Occup Med (Lond), 66(3): 215-221. doi: 10.1093/occmed/kqv187.
  • Referans4: Beğer, T., & Yavuzer, H. (2012). Yaşlılık ve yaşlılık epidemiyolojisi. Klinik gelişim, 25(3), 1-3.
  • Referans5: Ben-Morderchai B, Herman A, Kerzman H, Irony A. (2010). Structured discharge education improves early outcome in orthopedic patients. International Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing, 14:66-74.
  • Referans6: Best TJ. Revision total hip and total knee arthroplasty. (2005). Orthop Nurs, 24(3):174-9.
  • Referans7: Bilge, A., Ulusoy, R. G., Üstebay, S., & Öztürk, Ö. (2018). Osteoartrit. Kafkas J Med Sci, 8(Ek1): 133–142.
  • Referans8: Bilik Ö. Total Eklem Replasmanı. Akbayrak N, İlhan S, Ançel G, Albayrak A, editörler. Hemşirelik Bakım Planları.1.Baskı. Ankara: Birlik Matbaası; 2007.s.1007-16.
  • Referans9: Billon, L., Décaudin, B., Pasquier, G., Lons, A., Deken-Delannoy, V., Germe, A. F., … Migaud, H. (2017). Prospective assessment of patients’ knowledge and informational needs and of surgeon-to-patient information transfer before and after knee or hip arthroplasty. Orthopaedics and Traumatology: Surgery and Research. 103(8): 1161-1167.
  • Referans10: Blitz, J. D., & Mabry, C. (2018). Designing and Running a Preoperative Clinic. Anesthesiology clinics, 36(4), 479-491.
  • Referans11: Bodur, H. (2011). Dünyada Ve Türkiye’de Osteoartrite Güncel Bakış; Epidemiyoloji Ve Sosyoekonomik Boyut. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics, 14(Suppl 1), 7–14.
  • Referans12: Bryan, S., Goldsmith, L. J., Davis, J. C., Hejazi, S., MacDonald, V., McAllister, P., … Sawatzky, R. (2018). Revisiting patient satisfaction following total knee arthroplasty: A longitudinal observational study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 19(1), 423.
  • Referans13: Chen, A. F., Stewart, M. K., Heyl, A. E., & Klatt, B. A. (2012). Effect of Immediate Postoperative Physical Therapy on Length of Stay for Total Joint Arthroplasty Patients. Journal of Arthroplasty, 27(6): 851-856.
  • Referans14: Chua, M. J., Hart, A. J., Mittal, R., Harris, I. A., Xuan, W., & Naylor, J. M. (2017). Early mobilisation after total hip or knee arthroplasty: A multicentre prospective observational study. PLoS ONE, 12(6): e0179820.
  • Referans15: Conradsen, S., Gjerseth, M. M., & Kvangarsnes, M. (2016). Patients’ experiences from an education programme ahead of orthopaedic surgery - a qualitative study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25(19–20), 2798–2806.
  • Referans16: Cook JR, Warren M, Ganley KJ, Prefontaine P, Wylie JW. (2008). A comprehensive joint replacement program for total knee artroplasty: A descriptive study. BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 9:154-64. doi:10.1186/1471-2474-9-154
  • Referans17: Damar, H. T., & Bilik, Ö. (2014). Roy Uyum Modeli’ne Temellendirilmiş Total Diz Protezi Ameliyatına Hazırlık Programı. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Elektronik Dergisi, 7(4): 321–329.
  • Referans18: Damar, H. T. and O. Bilik (2017). "The patient's experience in total knee arthroplasty: past-now-future." MedSurg Nursing, 26(2): 132-137.
  • Referans19: Engstrom, A., J. Bostrom and A. C. Karlsson (2017). Women's Experiences of Undergoing Total Knee Joint Replacement Surgery. J Perianesth Nurs, 32(2): 86-95.
  • Referans20: Epstein, N. E. (2014). A review article on the benefits of early mobilization following spinal surgery and other medical/surgical procedures. Surgical Neurology International, 16(5): 66–73.
  • Referans21: Goh, M. L., J. Y. Chua and L. Lim (2015). Total knee replacement pre-operative education in a Singapore tertiary hospital: A best practice implementation project. Int J Orthop Trauma Nurs 19(1): 3-14.
  • Referans22: Goldsmith, L. J., Suryaprakash, N., Randall, E., Shum, J., MacDonald, V., Sawatzky, R., ... & Bryan, S. (2017). The importance of informational, clinical and personal support in patient experience with total knee replacement: a qualitative investigation. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 18(1), 127. DOI 10.1186/s12891-017-1474-8
  • Referans23: Gustafsson, B. A., S. L. Ekman, S. Ponzer and K. Heikkila (2010). The hip and knee replacement operation: an extensive life event. Scand J Caring Sci, 24(4): 663-670.
  • Referans24: Hoch C. Postoperative Care. In: Lewis SL, Dirksen SR, Heitkemper MM, Bucher L, Harding MM, eds. Medical Surgical Nursing Assesment of Clinical Problems. 9th ed. Canada: Elseiver Mosby; 2014. p.349-366.
  • Referans25: Jeffery, A. E., Wylde, V., Blom, A. W., & Horwood, J. P. (2011). İt’s there and I’m stuck with it’: Patients’ experiences of chronic pain following total knee replacement surgery. Arthritis Care and Research, 63(2): 286-292.
  • Referans26: Johansson, K., Nuutila, L., Virtanen, H., Katajisto, J., & Salantera, S. (2005). Preoperative education for ortopaedic patients: systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 50(2), 212-223.
  • Referans27: Johnson, V. L., & Hunter, D. J. (2014). The epidemiology of osteoarthritis. Best Practice and Research: Clinical Rheumatology, 28(1): 5-15.
  • Referans28: Kılıç, B., Turhan, Y., Demiroğlu, M., Akçay, S., & Gürcan, S. (2016). Diz Osteoartriti’nde Cerrahi Tedavi Yöntemleri. Düzce Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6(2), 135-138.
  • Referans29: Kıssal, A., & Beşer, A. (2009). Yaşlı istismar ve ihmalinin değerlendirilmesi. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 8(4), 357-364.
  • Referans30: Kleim, B. D., A. Malviya, S. Rushton, M. Bardgett and D. J. Deehan (2015). Understanding the patient-reported factors determining time taken to return to work after hip and knee arthroplasty. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 23(12): 3646-3652. DOI 10.1007/s00167-014-3265-1
  • Referans31: Krauss, I., G. Muller, B. Steinhilber, G. Haupt, P. Janssen and P. Martus (2017). Effectiveness and efficiency of different weight machine-based strength training programmes for patients with hip or knee osteoarthritis: a protocol for a quasi-experimental controlled study in the context of health services research. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med, 3(1): e000291.
  • Referans32: Leov, J., E. Barrett, S. Gallagher and N. Swain (2017). A qualitative study of pain experiences in patients requiring hip and knee arthroplasty. J Health Psychol, 22(2): 186-196.
  • Referans33: Leventhal, E. Q. A. (2014). Ageing and health. In Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health and Medicine, Second Edition.
  • Referans34: Lewis, S. L., L. Bucher, M. M. Heitkemper, M. M. Harding, J. Kwong and D. Roberts (2016). Medical-Surgical Nursing-E-Book: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, Single Volume, Elsevier Health Sciences.
  • Referans35: Loft M, McWilliam M, Ward Griffin C. (2003). Patient empowerment after total hip and knee replacement. Orthop Nurs, 22(1):42-7.
  • Referans36: Lucas, B. (2013). Preparing patients for hip and knee replacement surgey. Nursing Standard, 22(2): 50.
  • Referans37: Majid, N., Lee, S., & Plummer, V. (2015). The effectiveness of orthopedic patient education in improving patient outcomes: a systematic review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 13(1): 122-133.
  • Referans38: Mandzuk, L. L., McMillan, D. E., & Bohm, E. R. (2015). A longitudinal study of quality of life and functional status in total hip and total knee replacement patients. International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing, 97(2), 358–365.
  • Referans39: Martel-Pelletier, J., Barr, A. J., Cicuttini, F. M., Conaghan, P. G., Cooper, C., Goldring, M. B., … Pelletier, J. P. (2016). Osteoarthritis. Nature Reviews Disease Primers, 13(2): 16072.
  • Referans40: McDonald, S., M. J. Page, K. Beringer, J. Wasiak and A. Sprowson (2014). Preoperative education for hip or knee replacement. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, (5): CD003526.
  • Referans41: McIsaac, D. I., Huang, A., Wong, C. A., Wijeysundera, D. N., ve ark. (2017). Effect of Preoperative Geriatric Evaluation on Outcomes After Elective Surgery: A Population-Based Study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 65(12): 2665-2672.
  • Referans42: Mears, S. C., Edwards, P. K., & Barnes, C. L. (2016). How to Decrease Length of Hospital Stay After Total Knee Replacement. Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances, 25(1): 2-7.
  • Referans43: Montin L, Johanasson K, Kettunen J, Katajisto J, Leino-Kilpi H. (2010). Total Joint arthroplasty patients’ perception of received knowledge of care. Orthop Nurs, 29(4):246-53. doi: 10.1097/NOR.0b013e3181e51868
  • Referans44: Neogi, T, Zhang, Y. (2013). Epidemiology of osteoarthritis. Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America, 39: 1-19.
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There are 65 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Nursing
Journal Section Review

Çiğdem Kaya 0000-0001-8850-7612

Özlem Bilik 0000-0002-8372-8974

Publication Date May 31, 2020
Submission Date January 3, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Kaya, Ç., & Bilik, Ö. (2020). Total Diz Protezi Ameliyatı Planlanan Bireylere Neden Danışmanlık Verilmeli?. Hemşirelik Bilimi Dergisi, 3(1), 25-30.