Current Issue

Volume: 16 Issue: 3, 8/10/24

Year: 2024
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Türkan POLATCI DEMİRKOL Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi, İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, Çankırı, Türkiye 0000-0002-4914-3569
Ottoman Institutions and Civilization, Ottoman Society, Late Modern Ottoman History, Early Modern Ottoman History, Ottoman history
Res. Assist. Dr. Yunus Emre ÇAKIR ÇANKIRI KARATEKİN ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0002-9075-7458
Ottoman Institutions and Civilization, Ottoman Society, Late Modern Renewal History
Medieval European History, Medieval History, Medieval Cities, Medieval Folk Culture
Ancient History (Other), Language Studies, Ancient History, Old Anatolian History, History of Old Asia Minor
Late Modern Ottoman History, Late Modern Renewal History
Prof. Dr. Esma REYHAN Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi
Political History, History of The Republic of Turkiye, General Turkish History
History of Ottoman Socio-Economy
Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhittin ÇEKEN Aydın Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi
Medieval European History, Medieval History
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat HANİLÇE Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of History, Tokat, Turkey
Early Modern Urban History, Late Modern Urban History, Late Modern History of Middle East, Late Modern Ottoman History, Late Modern Renewal History, Early Modern History, Early Modern Mediterranean History, Early Modern European History, Early Modern Discoveries and Colonialism History, Early Modern History of Middle East, Early Modern Ottoman History, Early Modern Renewal History, Ottoman history, Tourism History
Prof. Dr. Murat KEÇİŞ MUĞLA SITKI KOÇMAN ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0001-9776-3976
Medieval History, History of The Byzantine, Medieval European History, History of Seljuk
Prof. Dr. Numan ELİBOL Eskişehir Osmangazi üniversitesi
Early Modern Ottoman History, Early Modern History
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurgül YILDIRIM Hatay Mustafa Kemal University
Ancient History, Old Anatolian History, History of Old Asia Minor
Late Modern Ottoman History
Medieval Cities, Medieval Folk Culture, Medieval History, History of The Byzantine, Political and Civilization History of Islam, Medieval European History, History of Seljuk, History of Muslim Turkish Countries and Societies
History of The Republic of Turkiye
History of Ottoman Economy
History of Old Asia Minor, Hittitology, Old Anatolian History
Dr. Özlem GÜL İZMİR BAKIRÇAY ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0003-1323-4212
Medieval European History


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History Studies publishes articles on political, social, military and economic developments from modern times to the earliest known periods of history.

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As of 2025, all authors must hold at least a PhD degree. Otherwise, articles will not be evaluated. 

1. Journal of History Studies is an international peer-reviewed journal and is published four times a year [February, May, August, November] as six issues. Submitted articles are put in order and published as many times as possible, provided that the referee process has been completed.

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13. Headings and sub-headings in the article should be numbered as follows:












14. Tables should be numbered in the article and explanations should be written in 9 points.

Preferred Page Size: A4 Vertical (210 x 297 mm) 8.27 × 11.69 in
Top Margin: 4 cm 1.5 in
Bottom Margin: 3 cm 1 in
Left Margin: 3,1 cm 1.2 in
Right Margin: 3,1 cm 1.2 in
First line of each paragraph 0,5 cm .25 in
Block quotations 0,5 cm left and right .25 in left and right
Font: Times New Roman
Font: Type Style Normal
Size of Normal Text 11 pt
Size of Block Quotations 9 pt
Size of Foot Note 9 pt
Space Between Paragraphs 6 pt
Space Between Lines 1  

Do not include page numbers inside the text, on the header or footer.
For Turkish spelling and punctuation, please follow Turkish Linguistic Society’s Spelling Guide. Exceptions are acceptable in case of a necessity.
All articles submitted to History Studies must follow History Studies Publication Guidelines and use footnotes. See the examples below for most commonly used forms of citations. For any source not explicitly stated below, follow Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edt, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010 or


Book with One Author

First Footnote: John J. Curry, The Transformation of Muslim Mystical Thought in the Ottoman Empire: The Rise of the Halveti Order, 1350-1650. (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2010), 44-45.

In the following footnotes: Curry, The Transformation, 60.

Bibliography: Curry, John J. The Transformation of Muslim Mystical Thought in the Ottoman Empire: The Rise of the Halveti Order, 1350-1650. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2010.

Electronic Book

Footnote: John J. Curry, The Transformation of Muslim Mystical Thought in the Ottoman Empire: The Rise of the Halveti Order, 1350-1650 (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2010) Kindle Edition.

In the following footnotes: Curry, The Transformation, KE 60.

Bibliography: Curry, John J. The Transformation of Muslim Mystical Thought in the Ottoman Empire: The Rise of the Halveti Order, 1350-1650. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2010. Kindle Edition.

Book with Two or More Authors

Footnote: William Ochsenwald and Sydney Nettleton Fisher, The Middle East: A History (Boston: McGraw Hill, 2003), 88-90.

In the following footnotes: Ochsenwald and Fisher, The Middle East, 110.

Bibliography: William Ochsenwald and Sydney Nettleton Fisher. The Middle East: A History. Boston: McGraw Hill, 2003.

Unpublished Manuscripts

Footnote: Mühyi-i Gülşeni, Siret-i Murad-ı Cihan, Süleymaniye Kütüphanesi, (İstanbul MS Fatih 3496), 1b-3b.

In the following footnotes: Gülşeni, Siret-i Murad-ı Cihan, 2a-4a.

Bibliography: Mühyi-i Gülşeni, Siret-i Murad-ı Cihan, Süleymaniye Kütüphanesi, İstanbul, MS Fatih 3496.


Article in a Printed Journal

Footnote: Tamer Balci, “The Rise and Fall of Nine Lights Ideology,” Politics, Religion and Ideology 12:2 (2011): 150.

In the following footnotes: Balci, “The Rise and Fall,” 154-55.

Bibliography: Balci, Tamer. “The Rise and Fall of Nine Lights Ideology.” Politics, Religion and Ideology 12:2 (2011): 145-160.

Article in an Online Journal

Footnote: Ema Miljkovic, “The Timar System in the Serbian Lands from 1450 to 1550: With a Special Survey on the Timar System in the Sanjak Of Smederevo” Journal of Ottoman Legacy Studies (JOLS), 1/1, (November 2014): 38. (Date Accessed: January 21, 2015).

In the following footnotes: Miljkovic, “The Timar System,” 41.

Bibliography: Ema Miljkovic, “The Timar System in the Serbian Lands from 1450 to 1550: With a Special Survey on the Timar System in the Sanjak Of Smederevo” Journal of Ottoman Legacy Studies (JOLS), 1/1, (November 2014): 36-47. (Date Accessed: January 21, 2015).


Documents from Ottoman Archival

Footnote: BOA (Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives) Bab-ı Asafi, Mektubi Kalemi Mühimme Evrakı, (BOA. A. MKT. MHM.), 439/79, 22 Mart 1869 (1285.Z.8).

In the following footnotes: BOA, Bab-ı Asafi, Mektubi Kalemi Mühimme Evrakı, (BOA. A. MKT. MHM.), 439/79, 22 Mart 1869 (1285.Z.8).

Bibliography: BOA, A. MKT. MHM. (Bab-ı Asafi, Mektubi Kalemi Mühimme Evrakı), 439/79, 22 Mart 1869 (1285.Z.8)

Documents from Republic Archives

Footnote: BCA (Prime Ministry Republic Archives), Yassıada Tutanakları “Vatan Cephesi”, 010. 09/ 212. 656.1, 10.05.1961.

In the following footnotes: BCA, Yassıada Tutanakları “Vatan Cephesi”, 010. 09/ 212. 656.1, 10.05.1961.

Bibliography: BCA: Yassıada Tutanakları “Vatan Cephesi.”

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Click here for History Studies Citation and Referencing Guide.



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