e-ISSN: 1309-4173
Founded: 2009
Publisher: Osman KÖSE
Cover Image

The Journal of History Studies is an international peer-reviewed journal published in four issues per year [February, May, August, November] and accepts manuscripts written in Turkish, English, German and French. The Articles submitted by the author(s) for publication in the journal are subjected to an initial evaluation by the field editors for peer review. After the editor's approval, they are evaluated by at least two independent referees with double-blinding. The journal publishes articles on political, social, military and economic developments in the field of "History".

History Studies places a significant emphasis on the tenets of scientific integrity and impartiality. In accordance with the standards of academic and ethical conduct, no author may request any privilege or priority in the review process. Such requests will not be considered under any circumstances. The evaluation of articles is based solely on their academic quality and original contribution to the literature. All authors and articles are evaluated with the same rigor and impartiality. History Studies is committed to maintaining high standards in academic publishing, adhering to the principles of transparency and integrity.

A similarity rate report is mandatory for each study applied for publication (articles with a similarity rate exceeding 12% are not evaluated). Submitted articles are placed in the queue provided that the referee process has been completed and published in the issue in which they appear. Articles that do not comply with the article writing template on the page are not taken into preliminary evaluation and returned to the author.

Due to the high number of manuscripts submitted to the journal, late return from the field editor(s), failure to receive the return from the referees assigned to evaluate the manuscripts, there may be delays in the evaluation of the manuscripts.

Closing Date for Article Submission: September 19, 2024


History Studies International Journal of History Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
