The foundation of the contracts in the Islamic Economic System required to have free will, to recognize the balance between income and deficiency so that an equal balance between society and individuals would be provided. According to general principles in Islamic economic system, the price of the products, materials are determined among supply and demand equilibrium so that commerce is done as perspicuously and admissible to free competition rules.
In this study, we talked about the measures taken against artificial price increases in Islamic economy system in the first period of İslâm. These are neces, block market, townspeople to be a vehicle to the villagers and telakki’r-rukban. The importance of these issues is emphasized in terms of current conditions. These measures introduced by the Islamic economic system will be guided today in the fight against the artificial costs created by the speculators. The solution of the Islamic economic system to the black market, the monopolization and the cost of speculators is important. As a result, state intervention is necessary for social peace and market stability.
The foundation of the contracts in the Islamic Economic System required to have free will, to recognize the balance between income and deficiency so that an equal balance between society and individuals would be provided. According to general principles in Islamic economic system, the price of the products, materials are determined among supply and demand equilibrium so that commerce is done as perspicuously and admissible to free competition rules.
In this case, as of the period of the prophet Muhammad, an opportunity to trade freely could be maintained. The both sides who want to trade with each other have not been allowed to restrict the rights of other side. Also, the price fluctuations in markets were recognized and then were evaluated in the light of the supply and demand equilibrium thus nobody could prefer to intervene in prices.
Additionally, the misuse of the fiscal power that might damage the social order was not permitted in any sense. However, to protect the general interest and the rights of the individuals, sometimes, establishing a contract was interfered. with the help of the rules and limitations that have been put for gaining and using the private property, it was aimed to get the social welfare and to prevent the public loss.
The state not only interfered to the prices during the periods of inflation, but also controlled the markets to take necessary precautions to forestall any kind of speculations in prices during the price stability terms. That was vital for social welfare and economic stabilization both.
In this case, to get social welfare, since from the period of Prophet Muhammad, the necessary precautions have been taken and for instance, the affairs of ihtikâr, neceş and telakki'r rukban that might lead the manmade price escalation have been prevented.
As a result of this, the manmade price escalation was not allowed and so economic trust atmosphere in markets has been maintained. The intervention to the prices was done by the state only for controlling the competition conditions in markets, to protect the rights of consumers and to prevent the speculative increase in prices.
The Prophet Muhammad avoided from the intervention in prices in the markets and preferred to leave traders freely when people wished him to interfere to the prices during the periods of the high increase in prices and he said that ‘‘undoubtedly, one who decides, changes or rises the prices was only Allah. On Doomsday, I do not want anyone to blame me for his rights related to his life and possessions.’’
This act of Prophet Muhammad showed that state must become more aware of its responsibilities not only in production, and trading steps, but also in the protection of individual property and social interest. The government also recognized that it must take protective measures for safety of traders and consumers rights.
The case of the regimentation of the state into prices has been still a trend controversy even at present. Under the normal conditions, many traders wanted the state to avoid from intervening the prices as previous hadith orders.
However, when the business ethic was damaged and manmade price escalation occurred, many tolerated the state's intervention to prices for getting the social interest and the economic stability. In general, Fıqh sects thought that ihtikâr, neceş, and tellekki'r rukban concepts causes the increase in prices in market, and saw all these concepts as a treat for public welfare.
This study emphasizes the importance of precautions in the Islamic Economic System which were taken to prevent the manmade price escalation, creating the competition atmosphere within buyers, the importance of ihtikâr which means products must be sold as late as possible to increase the price, and the place of foxy merchants who buy products even before they are transported to market areas.
It is clear that these measures that Islamic Economic System has already practiced, are going to be a guide for today's speculators to overcome the manmade price escalation in markets. Especially, these new precautions of the Islamic Economic System offered many solutions for expenditure by foxy men who do not have any contribution in the process of fabrication or production and transportation of the goods, materials and the speculations that the affairs of the stockpiling and monopolization causes. therefore, as it is visible the state's control and intervene to markets can be necessary to maintain the social welfare and economic stability. In this case, the prohibition of any of the implementations that might cause the increase in prices like ihtikâr, neceş, telakki'r rukban as prophet Muhammad rejected, can be evaluated as a necessary measure to prevent manmade price escalation.
İslamıc Law Islamic Economy System Economic Stability Speculator Product Price Monopolization Price Escalation
İslâm ekonomi
sisteminde akidlerin kuruluşunda irade hürriyeti benimsenmiş, maslahat ve mefsedet dengesi toplumsal alanda
da bireysel alanda da gözetilerek, bireyle toplum arasında adalet merkezli bir
denge kurulmuştur. Özel mülkiyetin elde edilmesi ve kullanılmasında getirilen şartlar ve sınırlar
ile toplumsal refahın sağlanması ve kamu zararının engellenmesi hedeflenmiştir.
Bu bağlamda İslâm ekonomi sisteminde hem şahısların hukukunu korumak hem de toplumsal
menfaati gözetmek amacıyla suni fiyat artışlarını engelleyici tedbirler
alınmıştır. Bu sayede suni fiyat artışlarının önüne geçilerek piyasalarda güven
oluşturulmuş, ekonomik istikrarın devamı
sağlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada İslâm iktisâdında piyasalarda yapılacak manipülatif
işlemlere karşı alınan tedbirlerden, alışveriş yapanlar arasında fiyat
artırımına yönelik müşteri kızıştırmak, ihtiyaç mallarının fiyatlarının artması
için bekletilmesi anlamına gelen ihtikâr, pazara mal getiren tüccarların
mallarının piyasaya arz edilmeden satın alınarak pazar fiyatlarının
yükseltilmesi ve üretici konumunda olan köylünün pazarda doğrudan satışını
engelleyerek ürünlerinin simsarlarca alınıp satılmasının yasaklanması konularının
tahliline yer verilerek, günümüz koşulları açısından önemi vurgulanmıştır.
İslâm ekonomi sisteminin getirdiği bu tedbirlerin günümüzde spekülatörler
tarafından piyasalarda oluşturulan suni pahalılıkla mücadelede rehber olacağı
aşikardır. Özellikle üreticiden tüketiciye kadar malın vasfında, miktarında
veya kalitesinde zorunlu katkısı olmayan aracıların yol açtığı maliyetler,
stokçuluğun her geçen gün artış göstermesi ve tekelleşmenin yol açtığı
spekülatif girişimler karşısında İslâm ekonomi sisteminin çözümleri önem arz
etmektedir. Netice itibariyle, toplumsal refah ve piyasa istikrarı için devlet
denetiminin ve gerektiğinde fiyatları piyasa emsal değerlerinde tutmak için
müdahalesinin kaçınılmaz olacağı görülmektedir.
İslâm Hukuku slâm Ekonomi Sistemi Suni Fiyat Neceş İhtikâr Telakki’r-rukban Tekelcilik Simsar
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 30, 2019 |
Published in Issue | Year 2019 Volume: 18 Issue: 36 |