This book, which we will introduce and evaluate, is a compilation consisting of scientific papers presented in various symposia on usûl al-fiqh issues and a large number of articles classified according to their subjects. In this compilation, academic articles that are considered to be useful in creating a healthy view and awareness of approaching verses and tradition are brought together. The first product of the study, which is expected to continue in a “series”, entered the publication life under the name of “Religion and Fiqh Writings”. Considering the content of the book, it is seen that, in general, many issues regarding "usûl" such as the nature of the fiqh method, the problem of method, the risks of historicity, the meaning-interpretation difference, religion-fiqh relationship, the function of the sect and the return to the sources are addressed. In the book, it is stated that the editing, main structure and content of the articles are preserved and there is no significant intervention in the main idea of the articles. However, it is also stated that soft touches, small additions and subtractions are made in a few places that are thought to be rough in terms of the final point of intellectual development.