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Case Report
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Postmenopozal Bir Kadında Dev Endometriyal Polip

Year 2023, , 57 - 58, 20.02.2023



Endometriyal polipler (EP'ler), endometriyal bezlerin ve stomanın uterus boşluğuna
doğru çıkıntı yapan ve kadınların yaklaşık %25'ini etkileyen iyi huylu lokalize aşırı
büyümesidir. Dengesiz östrojen ve progesteron sonucu gelişirler. 4 cm'den büyük polipler
dev polip olarak kabul edilir. 68 yaşında kasık ağrısı ve akıntı şikâyeti ile gelen multipar bir
hastada 5 cm’lik endometriyal dev polip olgumuzu nadir olması nedeniyle sunduk.

Supporting Institution


Project Number





  • 1. Sharma S. Giant Endometrial Polyp: An Enigma in a Postmenopausal Woman. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2013;123(3):236-9.
  • 2. Lasmar BP, Lasmar RB: Endometrial polyp size and polyp hyperplasia. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2013;123:236-9.
  • 3. Sant'Ana de Almeida EC, Nogueira AA, et al. Immunohistochemical expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors in endometrial polyps and adjacent endometrium in postmenopausal women. Maturitas. 2004;49(3):229-33.
  • 4. Mammadova S, Durukan H, Yazıcı FG. Postmenopozal dönemde endometrial poliplerin obezite ile ilişkisi. Mersin Üniv Sağlık Bilim Derg 2020;13(2):235-40.
  • 5. Indraccolo U, Di Iorio R, Matteo M, Corona G, Greco P, Indraccolo SR: The pathogenesis of endometrial polyps: a systematic semi-quantitative review. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. 2013;34:5-22.
  • 6. Atıgan A, Gök S, Karakaya YA. Giant Endometrial Polyp in a Postmenopausal Woman. Hitit Med J 2020;2(1): 22-5.
  • 7. Meena J, Manchanda R, Kulkarni S, Bhargava N, Mahawar P. Story of a Giant Endometrial Polyp in Asymptomatic Postmenopausal Female. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017;11(3):6-7.
  • 8. Wang J, Zhao J, Lin J. Opportunities and risk factors for premalignant and malignant transformation of endometrial polyps: Management strategies. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2010;17(1):53–8.
Year 2023, , 57 - 58, 20.02.2023


Project Number



  • 1. Sharma S. Giant Endometrial Polyp: An Enigma in a Postmenopausal Woman. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2013;123(3):236-9.
  • 2. Lasmar BP, Lasmar RB: Endometrial polyp size and polyp hyperplasia. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2013;123:236-9.
  • 3. Sant'Ana de Almeida EC, Nogueira AA, et al. Immunohistochemical expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors in endometrial polyps and adjacent endometrium in postmenopausal women. Maturitas. 2004;49(3):229-33.
  • 4. Mammadova S, Durukan H, Yazıcı FG. Postmenopozal dönemde endometrial poliplerin obezite ile ilişkisi. Mersin Üniv Sağlık Bilim Derg 2020;13(2):235-40.
  • 5. Indraccolo U, Di Iorio R, Matteo M, Corona G, Greco P, Indraccolo SR: The pathogenesis of endometrial polyps: a systematic semi-quantitative review. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. 2013;34:5-22.
  • 6. Atıgan A, Gök S, Karakaya YA. Giant Endometrial Polyp in a Postmenopausal Woman. Hitit Med J 2020;2(1): 22-5.
  • 7. Meena J, Manchanda R, Kulkarni S, Bhargava N, Mahawar P. Story of a Giant Endometrial Polyp in Asymptomatic Postmenopausal Female. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017;11(3):6-7.
  • 8. Wang J, Zhao J, Lin J. Opportunities and risk factors for premalignant and malignant transformation of endometrial polyps: Management strategies. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2010;17(1):53–8.
There are 8 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Case Report

Nihal Kılınç 0000-0002-9731-0560

Project Number Yok
Publication Date February 20, 2023
Submission Date November 12, 2021
Acceptance Date June 17, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


AMA Kılınç N. Postmenopozal Bir Kadında Dev Endometriyal Polip. Hitit Medical Journal. February 2023;5(1):57-58. doi:10.52827/hititmedj.1012851