Case Report
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Aynı Tarafta Sakroileit ve İliak Kemiğin Basit Kisti Birlikteliği: Bir Vaka Sunumu

Year 2023, , 232 - 234, 10.10.2023


Burada, ipsilateral iliak kemiğinde inflamatuar sakroileit ve basit kemik kisti bulunan 36 yaşında bir kadın hasta sunulmaktadır. Basit kemik kistleri gelişmekte olan iskelette asemptomatik olarak ortaya çıkar; ancak patolojik kırıklara neden olabilen iyi huylu litik kemik lezyonlarıdır. Tüm vücutta basit kemik kisti prevelansı 0,30/100000 olarak bildirilmiştir. Bu nadir kistlerin sadece %2`lik kısmı pelviste bulunur ve bilgilerimize göre bu olgu, iliak basit kemik kistinin aynı tarafta sakroileit ile birlikte görüldüğü ilk vakadır.


  • Schwarzer AC, Aprill CN, Bogduk N. The sacroiliac joint in chronic low back pain. Spine 1995;20:31-37.
  • Kul A, Bağcıer F, Bayraktutan Ü. Sakroiliak Ağrının Nadir Bir Nedeni: iliak Kemik Kisti. Turk J Osteoporos 2017;23:119-120.
  • Zhang P, Zhu N, Du L, Zheng J, Hu S, Xu B. Treatment of simple bone cysts of the humerus by intramedullary nailing and steroid injection. BMC Musculoskeletal Disord 2020;21(1),70.
  • Zehetgruber H, Bittner B, Gruber D, et al. Prevalence of aneurysmal and solitary bone cysts in in young patients. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2005;439:136-143.
  • Abdelwahab IF, Hermann G, Norton KI, Kenan S, Lewis MM, Klein MJ. Simple bone cysts of the pelvis in adolescents. A report of four cases. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1991;73(7):1090-1094.
  • Hagmann S, Eichorn F, Moradi B, et al. Mid- and long-term results of surgical therapy in unicameral bone cysts. BMC Muscloskelet Disord 2011;12:281.
  • Boseker E, Bickel W, Dahlin D. A Clinicopathologic Study of Simple Unicameral Bone Cyst. Surg Gynec and Obstet 1968;127:550-560.
  • Hammoud S, Weber K, Mc Carthy EF. Unicameral bone cysts of the pelvis: a study of 16 cases. Iowa Orthop J 2005;25:69-74.
  • Moreau G, Letts M. Unicameral bone cyst of the calcaneus in children. J Pediatr Orthop 1994;14(1):101-104.
  • Polat O, Sağlik Y, Adıgüzel HE, Arikan M, Yildiz HY. Our experience on calcaneal bone cysts. 36 cysts in 33 patients. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 2009;129(11):1489-1494.
  • Bloem JL, Reidsma II. Bone and soft tissue tumors of hip and pelvis. Eur J Radiol 2012;81:3793-3801.
  • Norman A, Schiffman M. Simple bone cysts: factors of age. Radiology 1977;124(3):779-782.

Coexistence of Ipsilateral Sacroiliitis and Simple Cyst in the Iliac Bone: A Case Report

Year 2023, , 232 - 234, 10.10.2023


Here, a 36-year-old female patient with inflammatory sacroiliitis and simple bone cyst of the ipsilateral iliac bone is presented. Simple bone cysts occur in the developing skeleton, usually asymptomatic; however, they are benign lytic bone lesions that can cause pathological fractures. The prevalence of simple bone cysts in the whole body has been reported as 0.30/100000. Only 2% of these rare cysts are found in the pelvis, and according to our knowledge, it is the first case in which iliac simple bone cyst is seen together with sacroiliitis on the same side.


  • Schwarzer AC, Aprill CN, Bogduk N. The sacroiliac joint in chronic low back pain. Spine 1995;20:31-37.
  • Kul A, Bağcıer F, Bayraktutan Ü. Sakroiliak Ağrının Nadir Bir Nedeni: iliak Kemik Kisti. Turk J Osteoporos 2017;23:119-120.
  • Zhang P, Zhu N, Du L, Zheng J, Hu S, Xu B. Treatment of simple bone cysts of the humerus by intramedullary nailing and steroid injection. BMC Musculoskeletal Disord 2020;21(1),70.
  • Zehetgruber H, Bittner B, Gruber D, et al. Prevalence of aneurysmal and solitary bone cysts in in young patients. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2005;439:136-143.
  • Abdelwahab IF, Hermann G, Norton KI, Kenan S, Lewis MM, Klein MJ. Simple bone cysts of the pelvis in adolescents. A report of four cases. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1991;73(7):1090-1094.
  • Hagmann S, Eichorn F, Moradi B, et al. Mid- and long-term results of surgical therapy in unicameral bone cysts. BMC Muscloskelet Disord 2011;12:281.
  • Boseker E, Bickel W, Dahlin D. A Clinicopathologic Study of Simple Unicameral Bone Cyst. Surg Gynec and Obstet 1968;127:550-560.
  • Hammoud S, Weber K, Mc Carthy EF. Unicameral bone cysts of the pelvis: a study of 16 cases. Iowa Orthop J 2005;25:69-74.
  • Moreau G, Letts M. Unicameral bone cyst of the calcaneus in children. J Pediatr Orthop 1994;14(1):101-104.
  • Polat O, Sağlik Y, Adıgüzel HE, Arikan M, Yildiz HY. Our experience on calcaneal bone cysts. 36 cysts in 33 patients. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 2009;129(11):1489-1494.
  • Bloem JL, Reidsma II. Bone and soft tissue tumors of hip and pelvis. Eur J Radiol 2012;81:3793-3801.
  • Norman A, Schiffman M. Simple bone cysts: factors of age. Radiology 1977;124(3):779-782.
There are 12 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Case Report

Zeynep Kıraç Ünal 0000-0002-8139-3971

Methiye Kübra Sezer 0000-0003-3453-2518

Aynur Turan 0000-0001-6654-3129

Ajda Bal 0000-0002-3910-2851

Publication Date October 10, 2023
Submission Date April 17, 2023
Acceptance Date September 5, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


AMA Kıraç Ünal Z, Sezer MK, Turan A, Bal A. Coexistence of Ipsilateral Sacroiliitis and Simple Cyst in the Iliac Bone: A Case Report. Hitit Medical Journal. October 2023;5(3):232-234. doi:10.52827/hititmedj.1284873