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Türkiye’nin Batısında Bir Üniversite Hastanesinde Yatan Erişkin Hastalarda Ağrı Sıklığının Belirlenmesi: Bir Gözlemsel Nokta Prevelans Çalışması

Year 2024, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 297 - 306, 14.10.2024


Amaç: Beşinci vital bulgu olarak adlandırılan ağrı aynı zaman da bir yaşam kalitesi göstergesi olarak bilinmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye’nin batısında bir üniversite hastanesinde yatan erişkin hastalarda ağrı prevalansı ve ilişkili faktörlerini araştırmaktır.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Etik komite onayı alındıktan sonra hazırlanan bu cross-sectional çalışmada dahil edilme kriterlerine uygun hospitalize hastalar 01-31 Mayıs 2022 tarihleri arasında yüzyüze anket yöntemi kullanılarak ağrı prevalansı ve ilişkili faktörler sorgulandı. Araştırmaya katılanlara sosyodemografik veri anketleri uygulanmıştır. Ağrı yoğunluğunu değerlendirmek için Sayısal Derecelendirme Ölçeği (NRS) ve Kısa Ağrı Envanteri (BPI) kullanıldı.
Bulgular: Çalışmaya dahil edilen 762 kişinin ağrı prevelansı 68.5% olarak tespit edilmiştir. NRS ortalaması 6.33±2.24 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Ağrısı olan hastaların 60'ında (%11.7) hafif, 210'unda (%41) orta, 242'sinde (%47.3) şiddetli ağrı vardı. Cinsiyete göre ağrı varlığı arasında anlamlı farklılık tespit edilmiştir (p=0.034). Son 24 saat en kötü ağrı şiddeti ile son 24 saat en hafif ağrı şiddeti (r=0.401, p<0.001) ve son 24 saatteki ortalama ağrı şiddeti (r=0.629, p<0.001) arasında pozitif yönde orta dereceli korelasyon ilişkisi tespit edilmiştir.
Sonuç: Ağrı prevelansı ve ağrı yoğunluğu Türkiye’nin batısında bulunan bir üniversite hastanesinde yüksek tespit edilmiştir. Ağrı yönetimindeki zamanında uygun tedaviler komplikasyon gelişimini önleyebilir ve hasta yaşam kalitesini artırabilir.


  • Raja SN, Carr DB, Cohen M, et al. The revised International Association for the Study of Pain definition of pain: concepts, challenges, and compromises. Pain. 2020;161(9):1976-1982.
  • Mitello L, Coaccioli S, Muredda C, et al. Pain Prevalence in two Italian Hospitals. An observational study. Clin Ter. 2022;173(2):164-173.
  • Das SK, Dhar SS, Panigrahi A. Prevalence of Pain and Its Characteristics in Hospitalized Patients in an Indian Teaching Hospital. Pain Manag Nurs. 2020;21(3):299-303.
  • Wu CL, Hung YL, Wang YR, et al. Pain prevalence in hospitalized patients at a tertiary academic medical center: Exploring severe persistent pain. PLoS One. 2020;15(12):e0243574. Published 2020 Dec 7.
  • Teker AG, Luleci NE. Sleep quality and anxiety level in employees. North Clin Istanb. 2018;5(1):31-36. Published 2018 Jan 18.
  • Luleci E, Hey W, Subasi F. Assessing selected quality of life factors of nursing home residents in Turkey. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2008;46(1):57-66.
  • Sawyer J, Haslam L, Robinson S, Daines P, Stilos K. Pain prevalence study in a large Canadian teaching hospital. Pain Manag Nurs. 2008;9(3):104-112.
  • Salomon L, Tcherny-Lessenot S, Collin E, et al. Pain prevalence in a French teaching hospital. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2002;24(6):586-592.
  • Strohbuecker B, Mayer H, Evers GC, Sabatowski R. Pain prevalence in hospitalized patients in a German university teaching hospital. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2005;29(5):498-506.
  • Sawyer J, Haslam L, Daines P, Stilos K. Pain prevalence study in a large Canadian teaching hospital. Round 2: lessons learned?. Pain Manag Nurs. 2010;11(1):45-55.
  • Jabusch KM, Lewthwaite BJ, Mandzuk LL, Schnell-Hoehn KN, Wheeler BJ. The pain experience of inpatients in a teaching hospital: revisiting a strategic priority. Pain Manag Nurs. 2015;16(1):69-76.
  • Eti Aslan F, Çınar F. Prevalence of pain in adult population in Türkiye. Türkiye'de erişkin bireylerde ağrı prevalansı. Agri. 2023;35(2):83-95.
  • Cinaroglu, SongulR isk factors associated with chronic low back pain: an analysis of Turkey health survey data. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health. 2018;5.454.
  • Gauntlett-Gilbert J, Brook P. Living well with chronic pain: the role of pain-management programmes. BJA Educ. 2018;18(1):3-7.
  • Saunders R, Crookes K, Atee M, et al. Prevalence of frailty and pain in hospitalised adult patients in an acute hospital: a protocol for a point prevalence observational study. BMJ Open. 2021;11(3):e046138. Published 2021 Mar 23.
  • Jamora KE, Castillo MRL, Calaguas MJC. Assessment of the prevalence of pain, adequacy of pain management and influencing factors in patients undergoing radiotherapy. Ecancermedicalscience. 2022;16:1483. Published 2022 Dec 2.
  • Atkinson TM, Mendoza TR, Sit L, et al. The Brief Pain Inventory and its "pain at its worst in the last 24 hours" item: clinical trial endpoint considerations. Pain Med. 2010;11(3):337-346.
  • Lorenz KA, Sherbourne CD, Shugarman LR, et al. How reliable is pain as the fifth vital sign?. J Am Board Fam Med. 2009;22(3):291-298.
  • Wadensten B, Fröjd C, Swenne CL, Gordh T, Gunningberg L. Why is pain still not being assessed adequately? Results of a pain prevalence study in a university hospital in Sweden. J Clin Nurs. 2011;20(5-6):624-634.
  • Damico V, Murano L, Cazzaniga F, Dal Molin A. Pain prevalence, severity, assessment and management in hospitalized adult patients: a result of a multicenter cross sectional study. Ann Ist Super Sanita. 2018;54(3):194-200.
  • Silva EJDGD, Dixe MDACR. Pain prevalence and characteristics in patients admitted to a Portuguese hospital. Revista Dor, 2013;14(4),245-250.
  • El-Tallawy SN, Nalamasu R, Salem GI, LeQuang JAK, Pergolizzi JV, Christo PJ. Management of Musculoskeletal Pain: An Update with Emphasis on Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain. Pain Ther. 2021;10(1):181-209.
  • Costantini M, Viterbori P, Flego G. Prevalence of pain in Italian hospitals: results of a regional cross-sectional survey. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2002;23(3):221-230.
  • Hutchcroft BM, Peacock JE, Wright BM, Jenkins J, Smith J, Zinober BW. The patient's perception of chronic pain. Prof Nurse. 1999;15(1):26-30.

Determining the Prevalence of Pain in Adult Patients Hospitalized in a University Hospital in Western Türkiye: An Observational Point Prevalence Study

Year 2024, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 297 - 306, 14.10.2024


Objective: Pain, called the fifth vital sign, is also known as an indicator of quality of life. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence and associated factors of pain in adult patients hospitalized in a university hospital in western Türkiye.
Material and method: After obtaining ethical committee approval, this cross-sectional study investigated the prevalence of pain and associated factors in hospitalized patients who met the inclusion criteria using a face-to-face survey method between May 1-31, 2022. Sociodemographic data surveys were administered to the participants in the study. The Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) and the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) were used to assess pain intensity. Pain intensity is defined as mild [1-3], moderate [4-6], or severe [7-10].
Results: The prevalence of pain was found to be 68.5% among the 762 people included in the study. The average NRS was found to be 6.33±2.24. Among the patients with pain, 60 (11.7%) had mild pain, 210 (41%) had moderate pain, and 242 (47.3%) had severe pain. A significant difference was found in between in the presence of pain according to gender (p=0.034). A moderate positive correlation was found between the worst pain intensity in the last 24 h and the least pain intensity in the last 24 h (r=0.401, p<0.001) and the average pain intensity in the last 24 h (r=0.629, p<0.001).
Conclusion: Pain prevalence and pain intensity were high in a university hospital in western Türkiye. Timely and appropriate treatments for pain management can prevent the development of complications and improve the quality of life of patients.

Ethical Statement

Ethics committee approval was obtained before this cross-sectional study (Dokuz Eylül University Ethics Committee, Ethics committee No: 2022/02-22, Date: 23.02.2022).


  • Raja SN, Carr DB, Cohen M, et al. The revised International Association for the Study of Pain definition of pain: concepts, challenges, and compromises. Pain. 2020;161(9):1976-1982.
  • Mitello L, Coaccioli S, Muredda C, et al. Pain Prevalence in two Italian Hospitals. An observational study. Clin Ter. 2022;173(2):164-173.
  • Das SK, Dhar SS, Panigrahi A. Prevalence of Pain and Its Characteristics in Hospitalized Patients in an Indian Teaching Hospital. Pain Manag Nurs. 2020;21(3):299-303.
  • Wu CL, Hung YL, Wang YR, et al. Pain prevalence in hospitalized patients at a tertiary academic medical center: Exploring severe persistent pain. PLoS One. 2020;15(12):e0243574. Published 2020 Dec 7.
  • Teker AG, Luleci NE. Sleep quality and anxiety level in employees. North Clin Istanb. 2018;5(1):31-36. Published 2018 Jan 18.
  • Luleci E, Hey W, Subasi F. Assessing selected quality of life factors of nursing home residents in Turkey. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2008;46(1):57-66.
  • Sawyer J, Haslam L, Robinson S, Daines P, Stilos K. Pain prevalence study in a large Canadian teaching hospital. Pain Manag Nurs. 2008;9(3):104-112.
  • Salomon L, Tcherny-Lessenot S, Collin E, et al. Pain prevalence in a French teaching hospital. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2002;24(6):586-592.
  • Strohbuecker B, Mayer H, Evers GC, Sabatowski R. Pain prevalence in hospitalized patients in a German university teaching hospital. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2005;29(5):498-506.
  • Sawyer J, Haslam L, Daines P, Stilos K. Pain prevalence study in a large Canadian teaching hospital. Round 2: lessons learned?. Pain Manag Nurs. 2010;11(1):45-55.
  • Jabusch KM, Lewthwaite BJ, Mandzuk LL, Schnell-Hoehn KN, Wheeler BJ. The pain experience of inpatients in a teaching hospital: revisiting a strategic priority. Pain Manag Nurs. 2015;16(1):69-76.
  • Eti Aslan F, Çınar F. Prevalence of pain in adult population in Türkiye. Türkiye'de erişkin bireylerde ağrı prevalansı. Agri. 2023;35(2):83-95.
  • Cinaroglu, SongulR isk factors associated with chronic low back pain: an analysis of Turkey health survey data. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health. 2018;5.454.
  • Gauntlett-Gilbert J, Brook P. Living well with chronic pain: the role of pain-management programmes. BJA Educ. 2018;18(1):3-7.
  • Saunders R, Crookes K, Atee M, et al. Prevalence of frailty and pain in hospitalised adult patients in an acute hospital: a protocol for a point prevalence observational study. BMJ Open. 2021;11(3):e046138. Published 2021 Mar 23.
  • Jamora KE, Castillo MRL, Calaguas MJC. Assessment of the prevalence of pain, adequacy of pain management and influencing factors in patients undergoing radiotherapy. Ecancermedicalscience. 2022;16:1483. Published 2022 Dec 2.
  • Atkinson TM, Mendoza TR, Sit L, et al. The Brief Pain Inventory and its "pain at its worst in the last 24 hours" item: clinical trial endpoint considerations. Pain Med. 2010;11(3):337-346.
  • Lorenz KA, Sherbourne CD, Shugarman LR, et al. How reliable is pain as the fifth vital sign?. J Am Board Fam Med. 2009;22(3):291-298.
  • Wadensten B, Fröjd C, Swenne CL, Gordh T, Gunningberg L. Why is pain still not being assessed adequately? Results of a pain prevalence study in a university hospital in Sweden. J Clin Nurs. 2011;20(5-6):624-634.
  • Damico V, Murano L, Cazzaniga F, Dal Molin A. Pain prevalence, severity, assessment and management in hospitalized adult patients: a result of a multicenter cross sectional study. Ann Ist Super Sanita. 2018;54(3):194-200.
  • Silva EJDGD, Dixe MDACR. Pain prevalence and characteristics in patients admitted to a Portuguese hospital. Revista Dor, 2013;14(4),245-250.
  • El-Tallawy SN, Nalamasu R, Salem GI, LeQuang JAK, Pergolizzi JV, Christo PJ. Management of Musculoskeletal Pain: An Update with Emphasis on Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain. Pain Ther. 2021;10(1):181-209.
  • Costantini M, Viterbori P, Flego G. Prevalence of pain in Italian hospitals: results of a regional cross-sectional survey. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2002;23(3):221-230.
  • Hutchcroft BM, Peacock JE, Wright BM, Jenkins J, Smith J, Zinober BW. The patient's perception of chronic pain. Prof Nurse. 1999;15(1):26-30.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Pain
Journal Section Research Articles

Erkan Özduran 0000-0003-3425-313X

Volkan Hancı 0000-0002-2227-194X

Yüksel Erkin 0000-0002-5859-2817

Ali Avcı 0009-0005-5697-4925

Ali Emircan Ilgınlı 0009-0003-5039-1898

Burakcan Budakın 0009-0001-7350-9831

Deniz Metin Açıkgöz 0009-0008-5429-9104

Gökhan Gökmen 0009-0006-3510-8099

Mehmet Fatih Erfidan 0009-0001-3199-9430

Muhammed Can Feda Dinç 0009-0007-4659-902X

Rana Elif Aydoğdu 0009-0007-0177-9326

Soner Demircan 0009-0002-4426-529X

Tunahan Birkol 0009-0003-9558-2161

Publication Date October 14, 2024
Submission Date May 1, 2024
Acceptance Date August 28, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 6 Issue: 3


AMA Özduran E, Hancı V, Erkin Y, Avcı A, Ilgınlı AE, Budakın B, Açıkgöz DM, Gökmen G, Erfidan MF, Dinç MCF, Aydoğdu RE, Demircan S, Birkol T. Determining the Prevalence of Pain in Adult Patients Hospitalized in a University Hospital in Western Türkiye: An Observational Point Prevalence Study. Hitit Medical Journal. October 2024;6(3):297-306. doi:10.52827/hititmedj.1476101