Case Report
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Evaluating Adverse Events and Management Strategies in Foam Sclerotherapy: A Case Report of Sinus Venosus Atrial Septal Defect

Year 2025, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 143 - 147, 25.02.2025


Foam sclerotherapy (FS) is widely employed for minimally invasive varicose vein treatment. Despite contraindications in symptomatic right-to-left shunt cases like patent foramen ovale, routine pre-procedure transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) screening isn't standard. This article discusses managing chest symptoms during FS in a young woman later diagnosed with an unknown sinus venosus atrial septal defect (SV-ASD). FS was administered to a 38-year-old female with symptomatic CEAP-1, who developed chest symptoms. Subsequent diagnosis revealed SV-ASD. Minimally invasive repair followed four weeks later. While FS is generally safe, it poses systemic adverse event risks, emphasizing vigilance in managing SV-ASD patients undergoing FS.


  • Yiannakopoulou E. Safety Concerns for Sclerotherapy of Telangiectases, Reticular and Varicose Veins. Pharmacology 2016;98(1-2):62-69.
  • Cavezzi A, Parsi K. Complications of foam sclerotherapy. Phlebology 2012;27(1):46-51.
  • Tessari L, Cavezzi A, Frullini A. Preliminary experience with a new sclerosing foam in the treatment of varicose veins. Dermatol Surg 2001;27(1):58-60.
  • Rabe E, Pannier F. Sclerotherapy of varicose veins with polidocanol based on the guidelines of the German Society of Phlebology. Dermatol Surg 2010;36(2):968-975.
  • Geva T, Martins JD, Wald RM. Atrial septal defects. Lancet 2014;383(9932):1921-1932.
  • Horton SC, Bunch TJ. Patent foramen ovale and stroke [published correction appears in Mayo Clin Proc. 2004. Mayo Clin Proc 2004;79(1):79-88.
  • Forlee MV, Grouden M, Moore DJ, Shanik G. Stroke after varicose vein foam injection sclerotherapy. J Vasc Surg 2006;43(1):162-164.
  • Paysant F, Baert A, Morel I, Le Gall F, Le Gueut M. L’aetoxisclerol accusé à tort d’entraîner une mort subite [Case of death occurred after an injection of aetoxisclerol. The responsibility of the product should be discussed]. Acta Clin Belg 2006;61(1):51-53.
  • Sylvoz N, Villier C, Blaise S, Seinturier C, Mallaret M. Toxicité cardiaque du polidocanol: rapport d’un cas et revue de la littérature [Polidocanol induced cardiotoxicity: a case report and review of the literature]. J Mal Vasc 2008;33(4-5):234-238.
  • Rabe E, Breu FX, Flessenkämper I, et al. Sclerotherapy in the treatment of varicose veins : S2k guideline of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Phlebologie (DGP) in cooperation with the following societies: DDG, DGA, DGG, BVP. Hautarzt 2021;72(2):23-36.

Köpük Skleroterapi ile Ortaya Çıkan Sinus Venosus Atrial Septal Defekt: Advers Olaylar ve Yönetim Üzerine Bir Vaka Sunumu

Year 2025, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 143 - 147, 25.02.2025


Köpük skleroterapi (KS), minimal invaziv varis tedavisi için yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Patent foramen ovale gibi semptomatik sağdan sola şant vakalarında kontrendikasyonlara rağmen, işlem öncesi rutin transtorasik ekokardiyogram (TTE) taraması standart değildir. Bu makale, daha sonra bilinmeyen bir sinus venosus atrial septal defekt (SV-ASD) teşhisi konulan genç bir kadında KS sırasında gelişen göğüs semptomlarının yönetimini ele almaktadır. Semptomatik CEAP-1 tanısı olan 38 yaşındaki bir kadına KS uygulanmış ve hastada göğüs semptomları gelişmiştir. Sonrasında yapılan teşhis SV-ASD’yi ortaya koymuştur. Dört hafta sonra minimal invaziv onarım gerçekleştirilmiştir. KS genellikle güvenli olmakla birlikte, sistemik advers olay riskleri taşır, bu da KS uygulanan SV-ASD hastalarının yönetiminde dikkatli olunması gerektiğini vurgular.


  • Yiannakopoulou E. Safety Concerns for Sclerotherapy of Telangiectases, Reticular and Varicose Veins. Pharmacology 2016;98(1-2):62-69.
  • Cavezzi A, Parsi K. Complications of foam sclerotherapy. Phlebology 2012;27(1):46-51.
  • Tessari L, Cavezzi A, Frullini A. Preliminary experience with a new sclerosing foam in the treatment of varicose veins. Dermatol Surg 2001;27(1):58-60.
  • Rabe E, Pannier F. Sclerotherapy of varicose veins with polidocanol based on the guidelines of the German Society of Phlebology. Dermatol Surg 2010;36(2):968-975.
  • Geva T, Martins JD, Wald RM. Atrial septal defects. Lancet 2014;383(9932):1921-1932.
  • Horton SC, Bunch TJ. Patent foramen ovale and stroke [published correction appears in Mayo Clin Proc. 2004. Mayo Clin Proc 2004;79(1):79-88.
  • Forlee MV, Grouden M, Moore DJ, Shanik G. Stroke after varicose vein foam injection sclerotherapy. J Vasc Surg 2006;43(1):162-164.
  • Paysant F, Baert A, Morel I, Le Gall F, Le Gueut M. L’aetoxisclerol accusé à tort d’entraîner une mort subite [Case of death occurred after an injection of aetoxisclerol. The responsibility of the product should be discussed]. Acta Clin Belg 2006;61(1):51-53.
  • Sylvoz N, Villier C, Blaise S, Seinturier C, Mallaret M. Toxicité cardiaque du polidocanol: rapport d’un cas et revue de la littérature [Polidocanol induced cardiotoxicity: a case report and review of the literature]. J Mal Vasc 2008;33(4-5):234-238.
  • Rabe E, Breu FX, Flessenkämper I, et al. Sclerotherapy in the treatment of varicose veins : S2k guideline of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Phlebologie (DGP) in cooperation with the following societies: DDG, DGA, DGG, BVP. Hautarzt 2021;72(2):23-36.
There are 10 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Cardiovascular Surgery
Journal Section Case Report

Ufuk Türkmen 0000-0002-4174-5629

Kudret Atakan Tekin This is me 0000-0002-0046-8303

Publication Date February 25, 2025
Submission Date August 14, 2024
Acceptance Date December 2, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


AMA Türkmen U, Tekin KA. Evaluating Adverse Events and Management Strategies in Foam Sclerotherapy: A Case Report of Sinus Venosus Atrial Septal Defect. Hitit Medical Journal. February 2025;7(1):143-147. doi:10.52827/hititmedj.1533045