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Travmanın Retina ve Lens Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2025, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 109 - 117, 25.02.2025


Oküler travma ülkemizde çok sık görülmektedir. Özellikle genç ve aktif insanlar bu tür travmalardan etkilenmektedir. Oküler travmada görme azlığına en sık lens ve retina travması neden olur. Bu derlemede amaç travmatik lens ve retina yaralanmalarına genel bir bakışla birlikte travmatik katarakt ve travmatik retinopatinin güncel tedavi yöntemlerini tartışmaktır.


  • Sternberg P Jr, Aeberg TM. The persistent challenge of ocular trauma. Am J Ophthalmol 1989;107:421-444.
  • Thylefors B. Epidemiological patterns of ocular trauma. Aust NZ J Ophthalmol 1992;20:95-98.
  • Iftikhar M, Latif A, Farid UZ, Usmani B, Canner JK, Shah SMA. Changes in the incidence of eye trauma hospitalizations in the United States from 2001 through 2014 JAMA Ophthalmol 2019;137:48–56.
  • Luo H, Beckles GL, Fang X, Crews JE, Saaddine JB, Zhang X. Socioeconomic status and lifetime risk for workplace eye injury reported by a us population aged 50 years and over. Ophthalmic Epidemiol 2012;19:103–110.
  • Negrel AD, Thylefors B. The global impact of eye injuries. Ophthalmic Epidemiol 1998;5:143–169.
  • Shah M, Shah S, Upadhyay P, et al. Controversies in traumatic cataract classification and management: a review. Can J Ophthalmol 2013;48:251-258.
  • Pieramici DJ, Sternberg P, Aaberg TM, et al. A system for classifying mechanical injuries of the eye (globe). The Ocular Trauma Classification Group. Am J Ophthalmol 1997;123:820–831.
  • Shah MA, Shah SM, Shah SB, et al. Morphology of traumatic cataract: does it play a role in final visual outcome? BMJ Open 2011;29;1:e000060.
  • Pandav SS, Kaushik S. Phacolytic glaucoma: A nearly forgotten entity. Eur J Ophthalmol 2020 ;30:32-35.
  • Nche EN, Amer R. Lens-induced uveitis: an update. Graefe’s Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2020;6:1-7.
  • Barnard SGR, Hamada N. Individual response of the ocular lens to ionizing radiation.Int J Radiat Biol 2023;99:138-154.
  • Moreschi C, Da Broi U, Lanzetta P. Medico-legal implications of traumatic cataract. J Forensic Leg Med 2013;20:69-73.
  • Shah AS, Turalba AV. Intraocular lens implantation in penetrating ocular trauma. Int Ophthalmol Clin 2010;50:43-59.
  • Baykara M, Doğru M, Özçetin H, Ertürk H. Primary repair and intraocular lens implantation after perforating eye injury.J Cataract Refract Surg 2002;28:1832-1835.
  • Shah MA, Shah SM, Shah SB, et al. Comparative study of final visual outcome between open- and closed-globe injuries following surgical treatment of traumatic cataract. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2011;249:1775-1881.
  • Rumelt S, Rehany U. The influence of surgery and intraocular lens implantation timing on visual outcome in traumatic cataract. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2010;248:1293-1297.
  • Sen P, Shah C, Sen A, et al. Primary versus secondary intraocular lens implantation in traumatic cataract after openglobe injury in pediatric patients. J Cataract Refract Surg 2018;44:1446-1453.
  • Yardley AM, Ali A, Najm-Tehrani N, et al. Refractive and visual outcomes after surgery for pediatric traumatic cataract. J Cataract Refract Surg 2018;44:85-90.
  • Khokhar S, Gupta S, Yogi R, et al. Epidemiology and intermediate-term outcomes of open- and closed-globe injuries in traumatic childhood cataract. Eur J Ophthalmol 2014;24:124-130.
  • Chan NSW, Lim JS, Mohanram LS, Chee SP. Ultrasound biomicroscopy in the management of complex cataract and intraocular lens: A review. Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2024;52:186-206.
  • Kuhn F. Traumatic cataract: what, when, how. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2010; 248:1221-1223.
  • Kılıç A, Çağlar Ç, Çinal A, Yaşar T, Demirok A, Gül A. Yetişkinlerde travmatik katarakt cerrahisi sonuçlarımız. Tıp Araştırmaları Dergisi 2007;5:125-128.
  • Shahid SM, Flores-Sánchez BC, Chan EW, et al. Scleral-fixated intraocular lens implants-evolution of surgical techniques and future developments. Eye (Lond) 2021;35:2930-2961.
  • Mayer C, Khoramnia R. Pupil reconstruction with an artificial iris. Ophthalmologe 2022;119:3-12.
  • Gius I, Tozzi L, De Biasi CS, Pizzolon T, Parolini B, Frisina R. Artificial iris: state of the art. J Cataract Refract Surg 2023;49:430-437.
  • Ahn SJ, Woo SJ, Kim KE, et al. Optical coherence tomography morphologic grading of macular commotio retinae and its association with anatomic and visual outcomes. Am J Ophthalmol 2013;156:994–1001.
  • Marie Burke, Philip Lieu, Gary Abrams, Joseph Boss. Macular choroidal thıckness in unilateral commotıo retina. Retin Cases Brief Rep 2021;15:417-420.
  • Venkatesh R, Pereira A, Sangai S, Yadav NK. Hyporeflective micro-elevations and irregularity of the ellipsoid layer: novel optical coherence tomography features in commotio retinae Can J Ophthalmol 2020;55:492-499.
  • Boss JD. Functional and Morphological Evaluation of Traumatized Eyes With Berlin’s Edema Affecting the Macula Using mfERG, Microperimetry, and SD-OCT. Osli Retina 2017;48:114-121.
  • Mendes S, Campos A, Beselga D, Campos J, Neves A. Traumatic maculopathy 6 months after injury: a clinical case report. Case Rep Ophthalmol 2014;5:78-82.
  • Lupidi M, Muzi A, Castellucci G, et al. The choroidal rupture: current concepts and insights. Surv Ophthalmol 2021;66:761-770.
  • Patel MM, Chee YE, Eliott D. Choroidal rupture: a review. Int Ophthalmol Clin 2013;53:69-78.
  • Ludwig CA, Shields RA, Do DV, Moshfeghi DM, Mahajan VB. Traumatic chorioretinitis sclopetaria: Risk factors, management, and prognosis. Am J Ophthalmol Case Rep 2019;14:39-46.
  • Barth T, Zeman F, Helbig H, Gamulescu MA. Intravitreal anti-VEGF treatment for choroidal neovascularization secondary to traumatic choroidal rupture. BMC Ophthalmol 2019;19:239.
  • Özdemir G. Cerrahi Tedavi Gerektirmeyen Retina Yaralanmaları. Türk Oft Derg 2012;42:36-40.
  • Tripathy K, Patel BC. Purtscher Retinopathy In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan.
  • Santamaría Álvarez JF, Serret Camps A, Aguayo Alvarez J, García García O. Optic coherence tomography angiography follow-up in a case of Purtscher-like retinopathy due to atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome. Eur J Ophthalmol 2020;30:14-17.
  • Wang AG, Yen MY, Liu JH. Pathogenesis and neuroprotective treatment in Purtscher's retinopathy. Jpn J Ophthalmol 1998;42:318-322.
  • Miguel AI, Henriques F, Azevedo LF, Loureiro AJ, Maberley DA. Systematic review of Purtscher’s and Purtscher-like retinopathies. Eye (Lond) 2013;27:1-13.
  • Xia D, Chen X, Zhou Q, Xiao S, Yu Y, Wang Y, et al. Efficacy of Purtscher’s Retinopathy Treatments: A Systematic Review, Current Eye Research 2017;42:908-917.
  • Nesmith BL, Bitar MS, Schaal S. The anatomical and functional benefit of bevacizumab in the treatment of macular edema associated with Purtscher-like retinopathy. Eye (Lond). 2014 ;28:1038-1040.
  • Nor-Masniwati S, Azhany Y, Zunaina E. Purtscher-like retinopathy following valsalva maneuver effect: case report. J Med Case Rep 2011;5:338.
  • Yusuf IH, Watson SL. Purtscher retinopathies: are we aiming at the wrong target? Eye (Lond) 2013 ;27:783-785.
  • Hoogewoud F, Chronopoulos A, Varga Z, Souteyrand G, Thumann G, Schutz JS. Traumatic retinal detachment–the difficulty and importance of correct diagnosis. Surv Ophthalmol 2016;61:156–163.
  • Liu X, Wang L, Wang C, Sun G, Liu S, Fan Y. Mechanism of traumatic retinal detachment in blunt impact: a finite element study. J Biomech 2013;46:1321–1327.
  • Erdurman FC, Sobaci G, Acikel CH, Ceylan MO, Durukan AH, Hurmeric V. Anatomical and functional outcomes in contusion injuries of posterior segment. Eye (Lond) 2011;25:1050–1056.
  • Hsiao CH, Chen HJ, Hsia WP, Chang CJ. Surgical outcomes and prognostic factors in traumatic retinal detachment following closed-globe injuries. Int Ophthalmol 2022;42:1849-1860.
  • Williamson TH, Lee EJ, Shunmugam M. Characteristics of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment and their relationship to success rates of surgery. Retina 2014;34:1421–1427.
  • Rouberol F, Denis P, Romanet JP, Chiquet C. Comparative study of 50 early- or late-onset retinal detachments after open or closed globe injury. Retina 2011;31:1143–1149.
  • Molly O, Yasmin FKI, Luis JH. Timing and outcomes of vitreoretinal surgery after traumatic retinal detachment. J Ophthalmol 2016:2016:4978973.
  • Ekşioğlu Ü. Oküler Travmada Klinik Değerlendirme. Turk J Ophthalmol 2012;42:16-22.
  • Budoff G, Bhagat N, Zarbin MAJ. Traumatic Macular Hole: Diagnosis, Natural History, and Management. Ophthalmol 2019;2019:5837832.
  • Espaillat A, Janigian R, To K. Cataracts, bilateral macular holes, and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment induced by lightning. American Journal of Ophthalmology 1999;127:216–217.
  • Johnson RN, McDonald HR, Lewis H, et al. Traumatic macular hole. Ophthalmology. 2001;108:853–857.
  • Miller JB, Yonekawa Y, Eliott D, et al. Long-term follow-up and outcomes in traumatic macular holes. American Journal of Ophthalmology 2015;160:1255–1258.
  • Gao M, Liu K, Lin Q, Liu H. Management Modalities for Traumatic Macular Hole: A Systematic Review and Single-Arm Meta-Analysis. Curr Eye Res 2017;42:287-296.
  • Yu-Wai-Man P. Traumatic optic neuropathy-clinical features and management issues. Taiwan J Ophthalmol 2015;5:3–8.
  • Bennett NP, Eddie CH. Neuroinflammation, Microglia and Implications for Retinal Ganglion Cell Survival and Axon Regeneration in Traumatic Optic Neuropathy. Front Immunol 2022:13:860070.
  • Yu-Wai-Man P, Griffiths PG. Steroids for traumatic optic neuropathy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2013;6:Cd006032.
  • Stunkel L, Van Stavern GP. Steroid treatment of optic neuropathies. Asia Pac J Ophthalmol 2018;7:218–228.
  • Kashkouli MB, Yousefi S, Nojomi M, et al. Traumatic optic neuropathy treatment trial (TONTT): open label, phase 3, multicenter, semi-experimental trial. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2018;256:209–218.
  • Rashad MA, Abdel Latif AAM, Mostafa HA, et al. Visual-evoked-response-supported outcome of intravitreal erythropoietin in management of indirect traumatic optic neuropathy. J Ophthalmol 2018:2750632.
  • Blanch RJ, Joseph IJ, Cockerham K. Traumatic optic neuropathy management: a systematic review. Eye (Lond). 2024;38: 2312–2318.
  • Gupta D, Gadodia M. Transnasal endoscopic optic nerve decompression in post traumatic optic neuropathy. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2018;70:49–52.
  • He Z, Li Q, Yuan J, et al. Evaluation of transcranial surgical decompression of the optic canal as a treatment option for traumatic optic neuropathy. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 2015;134:130–135.
  • Oh HJ, Yeo DG, Hwang SC. Surgical treatment for traumatic optic neuropathy. Korean J Neurotrauma 2018;14:55–60.
  • Martinez-Perez R, Albonette-Felicio T, Hardesty DA, et al. Outcome of the surgical decompression for traumatic optic neuropathy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Neurosurg Rev 2021 ;44:2619-2627.
  • Chen B, Zhang H, Zhai Q, Li H, Wang C, Wang Y. Traumatic optic neuropathy: a review of current studies. Neurosurg Rev 2022;45:1895-1913.
  • Pujari A, Saxena R, Phuljhele S, Bhaskaran K, Basheer S, Sharma P. Pathomechanism of optic nerve avulsion. Med Hypotheses 2019;125:28-30.
  • Mackiewicz J, Tomaszewska J, Jasielska M. Optic nerve avulsion after blunt ocular trauma - Case report. Ann Agric Environ Med 2016;23:382–383.
  • Şahin S, Furundaoturan O, Barış ME, Demirkılınç Biler E. Sheath Preserving Complete Optic Nerve Avulsion Following Closed-Globe Injury: A Case Report. Turk J Ophthalmol 2022;52:216-219.
  • Davidson A, Jackson D, Painter S, Parmar B. Traumatic optic nerve head avulsion. BMJ 2017;359:j4881.
Year 2025, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 109 - 117, 25.02.2025



  • Sternberg P Jr, Aeberg TM. The persistent challenge of ocular trauma. Am J Ophthalmol 1989;107:421-444.
  • Thylefors B. Epidemiological patterns of ocular trauma. Aust NZ J Ophthalmol 1992;20:95-98.
  • Iftikhar M, Latif A, Farid UZ, Usmani B, Canner JK, Shah SMA. Changes in the incidence of eye trauma hospitalizations in the United States from 2001 through 2014 JAMA Ophthalmol 2019;137:48–56.
  • Luo H, Beckles GL, Fang X, Crews JE, Saaddine JB, Zhang X. Socioeconomic status and lifetime risk for workplace eye injury reported by a us population aged 50 years and over. Ophthalmic Epidemiol 2012;19:103–110.
  • Negrel AD, Thylefors B. The global impact of eye injuries. Ophthalmic Epidemiol 1998;5:143–169.
  • Shah M, Shah S, Upadhyay P, et al. Controversies in traumatic cataract classification and management: a review. Can J Ophthalmol 2013;48:251-258.
  • Pieramici DJ, Sternberg P, Aaberg TM, et al. A system for classifying mechanical injuries of the eye (globe). The Ocular Trauma Classification Group. Am J Ophthalmol 1997;123:820–831.
  • Shah MA, Shah SM, Shah SB, et al. Morphology of traumatic cataract: does it play a role in final visual outcome? BMJ Open 2011;29;1:e000060.
  • Pandav SS, Kaushik S. Phacolytic glaucoma: A nearly forgotten entity. Eur J Ophthalmol 2020 ;30:32-35.
  • Nche EN, Amer R. Lens-induced uveitis: an update. Graefe’s Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2020;6:1-7.
  • Barnard SGR, Hamada N. Individual response of the ocular lens to ionizing radiation.Int J Radiat Biol 2023;99:138-154.
  • Moreschi C, Da Broi U, Lanzetta P. Medico-legal implications of traumatic cataract. J Forensic Leg Med 2013;20:69-73.
  • Shah AS, Turalba AV. Intraocular lens implantation in penetrating ocular trauma. Int Ophthalmol Clin 2010;50:43-59.
  • Baykara M, Doğru M, Özçetin H, Ertürk H. Primary repair and intraocular lens implantation after perforating eye injury.J Cataract Refract Surg 2002;28:1832-1835.
  • Shah MA, Shah SM, Shah SB, et al. Comparative study of final visual outcome between open- and closed-globe injuries following surgical treatment of traumatic cataract. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2011;249:1775-1881.
  • Rumelt S, Rehany U. The influence of surgery and intraocular lens implantation timing on visual outcome in traumatic cataract. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2010;248:1293-1297.
  • Sen P, Shah C, Sen A, et al. Primary versus secondary intraocular lens implantation in traumatic cataract after openglobe injury in pediatric patients. J Cataract Refract Surg 2018;44:1446-1453.
  • Yardley AM, Ali A, Najm-Tehrani N, et al. Refractive and visual outcomes after surgery for pediatric traumatic cataract. J Cataract Refract Surg 2018;44:85-90.
  • Khokhar S, Gupta S, Yogi R, et al. Epidemiology and intermediate-term outcomes of open- and closed-globe injuries in traumatic childhood cataract. Eur J Ophthalmol 2014;24:124-130.
  • Chan NSW, Lim JS, Mohanram LS, Chee SP. Ultrasound biomicroscopy in the management of complex cataract and intraocular lens: A review. Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2024;52:186-206.
  • Kuhn F. Traumatic cataract: what, when, how. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2010; 248:1221-1223.
  • Kılıç A, Çağlar Ç, Çinal A, Yaşar T, Demirok A, Gül A. Yetişkinlerde travmatik katarakt cerrahisi sonuçlarımız. Tıp Araştırmaları Dergisi 2007;5:125-128.
  • Shahid SM, Flores-Sánchez BC, Chan EW, et al. Scleral-fixated intraocular lens implants-evolution of surgical techniques and future developments. Eye (Lond) 2021;35:2930-2961.
  • Mayer C, Khoramnia R. Pupil reconstruction with an artificial iris. Ophthalmologe 2022;119:3-12.
  • Gius I, Tozzi L, De Biasi CS, Pizzolon T, Parolini B, Frisina R. Artificial iris: state of the art. J Cataract Refract Surg 2023;49:430-437.
  • Ahn SJ, Woo SJ, Kim KE, et al. Optical coherence tomography morphologic grading of macular commotio retinae and its association with anatomic and visual outcomes. Am J Ophthalmol 2013;156:994–1001.
  • Marie Burke, Philip Lieu, Gary Abrams, Joseph Boss. Macular choroidal thıckness in unilateral commotıo retina. Retin Cases Brief Rep 2021;15:417-420.
  • Venkatesh R, Pereira A, Sangai S, Yadav NK. Hyporeflective micro-elevations and irregularity of the ellipsoid layer: novel optical coherence tomography features in commotio retinae Can J Ophthalmol 2020;55:492-499.
  • Boss JD. Functional and Morphological Evaluation of Traumatized Eyes With Berlin’s Edema Affecting the Macula Using mfERG, Microperimetry, and SD-OCT. Osli Retina 2017;48:114-121.
  • Mendes S, Campos A, Beselga D, Campos J, Neves A. Traumatic maculopathy 6 months after injury: a clinical case report. Case Rep Ophthalmol 2014;5:78-82.
  • Lupidi M, Muzi A, Castellucci G, et al. The choroidal rupture: current concepts and insights. Surv Ophthalmol 2021;66:761-770.
  • Patel MM, Chee YE, Eliott D. Choroidal rupture: a review. Int Ophthalmol Clin 2013;53:69-78.
  • Ludwig CA, Shields RA, Do DV, Moshfeghi DM, Mahajan VB. Traumatic chorioretinitis sclopetaria: Risk factors, management, and prognosis. Am J Ophthalmol Case Rep 2019;14:39-46.
  • Barth T, Zeman F, Helbig H, Gamulescu MA. Intravitreal anti-VEGF treatment for choroidal neovascularization secondary to traumatic choroidal rupture. BMC Ophthalmol 2019;19:239.
  • Özdemir G. Cerrahi Tedavi Gerektirmeyen Retina Yaralanmaları. Türk Oft Derg 2012;42:36-40.
  • Tripathy K, Patel BC. Purtscher Retinopathy In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan.
  • Santamaría Álvarez JF, Serret Camps A, Aguayo Alvarez J, García García O. Optic coherence tomography angiography follow-up in a case of Purtscher-like retinopathy due to atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome. Eur J Ophthalmol 2020;30:14-17.
  • Wang AG, Yen MY, Liu JH. Pathogenesis and neuroprotective treatment in Purtscher's retinopathy. Jpn J Ophthalmol 1998;42:318-322.
  • Miguel AI, Henriques F, Azevedo LF, Loureiro AJ, Maberley DA. Systematic review of Purtscher’s and Purtscher-like retinopathies. Eye (Lond) 2013;27:1-13.
  • Xia D, Chen X, Zhou Q, Xiao S, Yu Y, Wang Y, et al. Efficacy of Purtscher’s Retinopathy Treatments: A Systematic Review, Current Eye Research 2017;42:908-917.
  • Nesmith BL, Bitar MS, Schaal S. The anatomical and functional benefit of bevacizumab in the treatment of macular edema associated with Purtscher-like retinopathy. Eye (Lond). 2014 ;28:1038-1040.
  • Nor-Masniwati S, Azhany Y, Zunaina E. Purtscher-like retinopathy following valsalva maneuver effect: case report. J Med Case Rep 2011;5:338.
  • Yusuf IH, Watson SL. Purtscher retinopathies: are we aiming at the wrong target? Eye (Lond) 2013 ;27:783-785.
  • Hoogewoud F, Chronopoulos A, Varga Z, Souteyrand G, Thumann G, Schutz JS. Traumatic retinal detachment–the difficulty and importance of correct diagnosis. Surv Ophthalmol 2016;61:156–163.
  • Liu X, Wang L, Wang C, Sun G, Liu S, Fan Y. Mechanism of traumatic retinal detachment in blunt impact: a finite element study. J Biomech 2013;46:1321–1327.
  • Erdurman FC, Sobaci G, Acikel CH, Ceylan MO, Durukan AH, Hurmeric V. Anatomical and functional outcomes in contusion injuries of posterior segment. Eye (Lond) 2011;25:1050–1056.
  • Hsiao CH, Chen HJ, Hsia WP, Chang CJ. Surgical outcomes and prognostic factors in traumatic retinal detachment following closed-globe injuries. Int Ophthalmol 2022;42:1849-1860.
  • Williamson TH, Lee EJ, Shunmugam M. Characteristics of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment and their relationship to success rates of surgery. Retina 2014;34:1421–1427.
  • Rouberol F, Denis P, Romanet JP, Chiquet C. Comparative study of 50 early- or late-onset retinal detachments after open or closed globe injury. Retina 2011;31:1143–1149.
  • Molly O, Yasmin FKI, Luis JH. Timing and outcomes of vitreoretinal surgery after traumatic retinal detachment. J Ophthalmol 2016:2016:4978973.
  • Ekşioğlu Ü. Oküler Travmada Klinik Değerlendirme. Turk J Ophthalmol 2012;42:16-22.
  • Budoff G, Bhagat N, Zarbin MAJ. Traumatic Macular Hole: Diagnosis, Natural History, and Management. Ophthalmol 2019;2019:5837832.
  • Espaillat A, Janigian R, To K. Cataracts, bilateral macular holes, and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment induced by lightning. American Journal of Ophthalmology 1999;127:216–217.
  • Johnson RN, McDonald HR, Lewis H, et al. Traumatic macular hole. Ophthalmology. 2001;108:853–857.
  • Miller JB, Yonekawa Y, Eliott D, et al. Long-term follow-up and outcomes in traumatic macular holes. American Journal of Ophthalmology 2015;160:1255–1258.
  • Gao M, Liu K, Lin Q, Liu H. Management Modalities for Traumatic Macular Hole: A Systematic Review and Single-Arm Meta-Analysis. Curr Eye Res 2017;42:287-296.
  • Yu-Wai-Man P. Traumatic optic neuropathy-clinical features and management issues. Taiwan J Ophthalmol 2015;5:3–8.
  • Bennett NP, Eddie CH. Neuroinflammation, Microglia and Implications for Retinal Ganglion Cell Survival and Axon Regeneration in Traumatic Optic Neuropathy. Front Immunol 2022:13:860070.
  • Yu-Wai-Man P, Griffiths PG. Steroids for traumatic optic neuropathy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2013;6:Cd006032.
  • Stunkel L, Van Stavern GP. Steroid treatment of optic neuropathies. Asia Pac J Ophthalmol 2018;7:218–228.
  • Kashkouli MB, Yousefi S, Nojomi M, et al. Traumatic optic neuropathy treatment trial (TONTT): open label, phase 3, multicenter, semi-experimental trial. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2018;256:209–218.
  • Rashad MA, Abdel Latif AAM, Mostafa HA, et al. Visual-evoked-response-supported outcome of intravitreal erythropoietin in management of indirect traumatic optic neuropathy. J Ophthalmol 2018:2750632.
  • Blanch RJ, Joseph IJ, Cockerham K. Traumatic optic neuropathy management: a systematic review. Eye (Lond). 2024;38: 2312–2318.
  • Gupta D, Gadodia M. Transnasal endoscopic optic nerve decompression in post traumatic optic neuropathy. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2018;70:49–52.
  • He Z, Li Q, Yuan J, et al. Evaluation of transcranial surgical decompression of the optic canal as a treatment option for traumatic optic neuropathy. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 2015;134:130–135.
  • Oh HJ, Yeo DG, Hwang SC. Surgical treatment for traumatic optic neuropathy. Korean J Neurotrauma 2018;14:55–60.
  • Martinez-Perez R, Albonette-Felicio T, Hardesty DA, et al. Outcome of the surgical decompression for traumatic optic neuropathy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Neurosurg Rev 2021 ;44:2619-2627.
  • Chen B, Zhang H, Zhai Q, Li H, Wang C, Wang Y. Traumatic optic neuropathy: a review of current studies. Neurosurg Rev 2022;45:1895-1913.
  • Pujari A, Saxena R, Phuljhele S, Bhaskaran K, Basheer S, Sharma P. Pathomechanism of optic nerve avulsion. Med Hypotheses 2019;125:28-30.
  • Mackiewicz J, Tomaszewska J, Jasielska M. Optic nerve avulsion after blunt ocular trauma - Case report. Ann Agric Environ Med 2016;23:382–383.
  • Şahin S, Furundaoturan O, Barış ME, Demirkılınç Biler E. Sheath Preserving Complete Optic Nerve Avulsion Following Closed-Globe Injury: A Case Report. Turk J Ophthalmol 2022;52:216-219.
  • Davidson A, Jackson D, Painter S, Parmar B. Traumatic optic nerve head avulsion. BMJ 2017;359:j4881.
There are 72 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Surgery (Other)
Journal Section Review

Çağatay Çağlar 0000-0003-4391-2571

Publication Date February 25, 2025
Submission Date September 17, 2024
Acceptance Date December 16, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


AMA Çağlar Ç. Travmanın Retina ve Lens Üzerine Etkileri. Hitit Medical Journal. February 2025;7(1):109-117. doi:10.52827/hititmedj.1551949