Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 121 - 143, 25.07.2017


Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi döneminde Türk Dış Politikasının dönüşümü, üzerinde

çokça tartışılan ve derin analizlerin gerçekleştirildiği bir konudur. Uluslararası

literatür dönüşümün parametrelerini pek çok farklı düzeyde açıklamaya

çalışmıştır. Bu çalışma, dış politika çıktılarını, iç politikanın bir uzantısı olarak

değerlendirmektedir. Bu doğrultuda, Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi’nin Kürt

sorununu tanımlama biçiminin ve bu sorunu çözmede kullandığı araçların,

Ortadoğu Politikasına nasıl yansıdığını anlama amacını gütmektedir. Önce,

Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi ve ondan önceki karar alıcıların, Kürt sorununu iç

politikada tahlil etme biçimleri ve bu sorunu çözmek için kullandıkları araçlar

açıklanacaktır. Sonra, Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi’yle birlikte güvenlik odaklı bir

dış politikadan liberal bir dış politikaya geçiş; hem ilişki kurulan aktörlerin

değişimi hem de kurulan ilişkide meydana gelen değişiklikler irdelenerek

incelenecektir. Çalışma; özellikle Kürt sorunuyla bağlantılı olan Irak, Suriye,

İran ve İsrail’le yürütülen ilişkiler üzerine yoğunlaşacaktır.


  • AHMAD, Feroz. (1993), The Making of Modern Turkey, Routledge London. AKTÜRK, Şener. (2009), “Persistence of the Islamic Millet as an Ottoman Legacy: Mono-Religious and Anti-Ethnic Definition of Turkish Nationhood”, Middle Eastern Studies, cilt.45, S.6, ss. 893-909. AKTÜRK, Şener. (2011), “Regimes of Ethnicity: Comparative Analysis of Germany, the Soviet Union/Post Soviet Russia, and Turkey”, World Politics, cilt. 63, S. 01, ss. 115-164. ALLİSON, Graham T. (1969), “Conceptual Models and Cuban Missile Crisis”, American Political Science Review, cilt: 63, ss. 689-718. ARAS, Bülent & GÖRENER, Aylin. (2000), “National role conceptions and foreign policy orientation: the ideational bases of the Justice and Development Party's foreign policy activism in the Middle East”, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, cilt. 12, S.1, ss. 73-92. ARIKAN AKDAĞ, Gül. (2015), Ethnicity and Elections in Turkey: Party Politics and the Mobilization of Swing Voters, Routledge, Great Britain. ALTUNIŞIK, Meliha B. (2008), “The Possibilities and Limits of Turkey’s Soft Power in the Middle East,” Insight Turkey, cilt. 10, S. 2, ss. 41-54. ALTUNIŞIK, Meliha B. & MARTİN, Lenore G. (2011), “ Making Sense of Turkish Foreign Policy in the Middle East under AKP”, Turkish Studies, cilt. 12, S.4, ss.569-587 ATAMAN, Muhittin. (2001), “The Kurdish Question and its Impact on Turkey’s Foreign Policy: From 1923 to 2000,” Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, cilt. 24, S. 2, ss. 33-49. AYDIN ÇAKIR, Aylin & ARIKAN AKDAĞ, Gül (2017), “An Empirical Analysis of the Change in Turkish Foreign Policy under the AKP Government,” Turkish Studies, cilt.18, S.2, ss.334-357. BARKEY, Henry. J. (1998), “The People’s Democracy Party (HADEP): The Travails of a Legal Kurdish Party in Turkey”, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, cilt. 18, S. 1, ss. 129-38. BARKEY, Henri J. (2011), “Turkey and Iraq: The Making of a Partnership”, Turkish Studies, cilt. 12, S.4, ss. 663-674 BENGİO, Ofra. (2011),“The “Kurdish Spring” in Turkey and its Impact on Turkish Foreign Relations in the Middle East”, Turkish Studies, cilt.12, S.4, ss.619-632. BRAYBROOKE, David & LİNDBLOM, Charles E. (1963), A Strategy of Decision, Free Press. BRAUMOELLER, Bear F. (1997), "Deadly Doves: Liberal Nationalism and the Democratic Peace in the Soviet Successor States". International Studies Quarterly, cilt. 41, S. 3, ss. 375–402. ÇARKOĞLU, Ali. (2000), ‘Geography of April 1999 Turkish elections’, Turkish Studies, cilt.1, S.1, ss.149-171. ÇARKOĞLU, Ali. (2002), “ The Rise of the New Generation Pro-Islamists in Turkey: The Justice and Development Party Phenomenon in the November 2002 Elections in Turkey”, South European Society and Politics, cilt. 7, S.3, ss.123-156. ÇARKOĞLU, Ali. (2012), “Economic Evaluations vs. Ideology: Diagnosing the Sources of Electoral Change in Turkey, 2002-2011”, Electoral Studies, cilt. 31, S. 3, ss.513-521. ÇİÇEK, Cuma. (2011), “Elimination or Integration of Pro‐Kurdish Politics: Limits of the AKP's Democratic Initiative” Turkish Studies, cilt. 12, S. 1, ss. 15-26. DEMİRTAŞ, Birgül. (2003), “Turkish-Syrian Relations: From Friend “Esad” to Enemy “Esed”, Middle East Policy, cilt. 20, S.1, ss. 11-120. DOYLE, Michael W. (1983), "Kant, Liberal Legacies, and Foreign Affairs". Philosophy and Public Affairs, cilt. 12, S. 3, ss. 205–235 EFEGİL, Ertan. (2011), “Analysis of the AKP Government’s Policy towards the Kurdish Issue”, Turkish Studies, cilt: 12, S: 1, ss. 27-40. ELİGÜR, Banu. (2012), “ Crisis in Turkish–Israeli Relations (December2008–June 2011): From Partnership to Enmity”, Middle Eastern Studies, cilt. 48, S. 3, ss. 429-459, GELPİ, Christopher F & GRİESDORF, Michael. (2001), "Winners or Losers? Democracies in International Crisis, 1918–94", American Political Science Review, cilt. 95, S.3, ss. 633–647 GOLDSTEİN, Judith & Keohane, Robert O. (1993), Ideas and Foreign Policy: Beliefs, Institutions and Political Change, Cornell University Press. GUNTER, Michael M. (1997),The Kurds and The future of Turkey, St. Martin Press, Newyork. GÜNEY, Aylin. (2002),‘The Peoples Democracy Party’, Turkish Studies, cilt: 3, S. 1, ss. 122-137. HALE, William. (2003), Türk Dış Politikası 1774-2000, Çev. Petek Demir, İstanbul. HALPERİN, Morton H. at al (1974), Bureaucratic Politics and Foreign Policy, Brookings Institutions, Washington DC. HEPER, Metin. (2008), Devlet ve Kürtler, Doğan Kitap, Istanbul. HERMANN, Charles F. (1990), “Changing Course: When Governments Choose Redirect Foreign Policy”, International Studies Quarterly, cilt. 34, S. 1, ss. 3-21. HÜRSOY, Siret (2013), “Turkey’s Foreign Policy and Economic Interest in the Gulf”, Turkish Studies, cilt: 14, S: 3, ss. 503-519. İÇDUYGU, Ahmet, ROMANO, David & SİRKECİ, Ibrahim. (1999) “The Ethnic Question in an Environment of Insecurity: the Kurds in Turkey”, Ethnic and Racial Studies, cilt. 22, S. 6, ss. 991-1010. JERVİS, Robert. (1976), Perception and Misperception in International Politics, Princeton University Press, Princeton. KEOHANE, Robert and NYE, Joseph. (1989), Power and Interdependence: World Politics in Transition, Little, Brown and Company, Boston. KESKİN, Funda. (2008), “Turkey’s Trans-Border Operations in Nothern Iraq: Before and after the Invasion of Iraq”, Research Journal of Internatıonal Studies, S. 8, ss. 59-75. KİRİŞÇİ, Kemal & WİNROW, Gareth M. (2000), Kürt Sorunu: Kökeni ve Gelişimi, Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, İstanbul. KİRİŞCİ, Kemal. (2011), “The Kurdish Issue in Turkey: Limits of European Union Reform”, South European Society and Politics, cilt.16, S. 2, ss. 335-349 KİRİŞCİ, Kemal. (2012), “ Turkey's Engagement with Its Neighborhood: A “Synthetic” and Multidimensional Look at Turkey's Foreign Policy Transformation”, Turkish Studies, cilt. 13, S.3, ss. 319-341 LOİZİDES, N. G. (2010), “State ideology and the Kurds in Turkey”, Middle Eastern Studies, cilt. 46, S. 4, ss. 513-527. KILIÇ, H. Ayla. (1998), “Democratization, Human Rights and Ethnic Policies in Turkey”, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, cilt.18, S. 1, ss.91-110 KÖCHLER, Hans. (1995), Democracy and the International Rule of Law: Propositions for an Alternative World Order, Springer. LARRABEE, F. Stephen & TOL, Gönül. (2011), “ Turkey's Kurdish Challenge,” Survival: Global Politics and Strategy, cilt. 53, S.4, ss. 143-152 MCDOWALL, D. (1996), A Modern History of the Kurds, I.B. Tauris, London. MESUT, Özcan, “From Distance to Engagement: Turkish Policy Towards the Middle East, Iraq and Iraqi Kurds,” Insight Turkey, cilt. 13, S. 2, 2011, ss. 71-92. MUTLU, Server. (1996), “Ethnic Kurds in Turkey: A Demographic Study”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, cilt. 28, ss. 517-541. ÖNİŞ, Ziya. (2012), “The Triumph of Conservative Globalism: The Political Economy of the AKP Era”, Turkish Studies, cilt. 13, S.2, ss.135-152 ÖZSOY, Ali E., Koç, Ismet & Toros, Aykut. (1992), “Türkiye’nin etnik Yapısının Anadil Sorunlarına göre Analizi”, Turkish Journal of Population Studies, cilt. 14, ss. 87- 115 RAY, James Lee. (1998) "Does Democracy Cause Peace?", Annual Review of Political Science, ss. 27–46. RAY, James Lee. (2003), "A Lakatosian View of the Democratic Peace Research Program". In Colin and Miriam Fendius Elman (eds) Progress in International Relations Theory, MIT Press. ROBİNS, Philip. (2003), Suits and Uniforms: the Turkish Foreign policy since the Cold War, University of Wasihngton Press, Seattle. ROMANO, David(2006) , The Kurdish Nationalist Movement, Cambridge University Press, NewYork. SARIGİL, Zeki. (2010), “Curbing Kurdish Ethno-nationalism in Turkey: an Empirical Assessment of Pro-Islamic and Socio-economic Approaches”, Ethnic and Racial Studies, cilt. 33, S.3, ss.533-553 SAYARI, Sabri. (2000), “Turkish Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era: The Challenges of Multi-Regionalism”, Journal of International Affairs, ss. 169-182. SECOR, A. J. (2001), “Ideologies in crisis: political cleavages and electoral politics in Turkey in the 1990s”, Political Geography, cilt. 20, ss. 539-560. ŞAHİN, Ismet, and GÜLMEZ, Yener. (2000), “Efficiency of Education: The Case in Eastern and SoutheasternTurkey.” Social Indicators Research, cilt.49, ss. 213- 36. SNYDER, Richard C. at al. (1962), Foreign Policy Decision Making: An approach to the Study of International Politics, Free Press, New York. SİRKECI, İbrahim. (2000), “Exploring the Kurdish Population in the Turkish Context, Genus, cilt. 56, S. 1-2, ss. 149-175. TAYFUR, M. Fatih & GÖYMEN, Korel. (2002), “Decision-Making in Turkish Foreign Policy: The Caspian Oil Pipeline Issue”, Middle Eastern Studies, ss. 101-122. TEZCÜR, Güneş Murat. (2009), “ Kurdish Nationalism and Identity in Turkey: A Conceptual Reinterpretation”, European Journal of Turkish Studies, cilt.10, ss. 2-17. VAN BRUINESSEN, Martin. (1998) , “Shifting National and Ethnic Identities’, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, cilt. 18, S. 1, ss. 39-52. VİOTTİ, Paul R. & KAUPPİ, Mark V. (1998), International Relations Theory: Realism, Pluralism, Globalism, and Beyond, Allyn and Bacon, Boston, London. WALLERSTEİN, Immanuel. (1974), The Modern World-System, Academic Press, New York. WALTZ, Kenneth. (1979), Theory of International Politics, McGraw Hill, New York. WEART, Spencer R. (1998), Never at War, Yale University Press. WENDT, Alexander. (1992), "Anarchy is What States Make of It: the Social Construction of Power Politics", International Organization, cilt.46, S.2, ss. 391- 425. WHİTE, Paul J. (1998), “Economic Marginalization of Turkey’s Kurds: the Failed Promise of Modernization and Reform’, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, cilt. 18, S. 1, ss. 139-58. YALÇIN MOUSSEAU, Demet. (2012), “An Inquiry into the Linkage among Nationalizing Policies, Democratization, and Ethno-Nationalist Conflict: the Kurdish Case in Turkey”, Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity, cilt. 40, S. 1, ss. 45-62. YALVAÇ, Faruk. (2012), “Strategic Depth or Hegemonic Depth? A Critical Realist Analysis of Turkey’s Position in the World System”, International Relations, cilt. 26, S.2, ss. 165–180. YAVUZ, Hakan. (1998), “A Preamble to the Kurdish Question: the Politics of Kurdish Identity”, Journal of Muslim minority Affairs, cilt. 18, S. 1, ss. 114-143. YAVUZ, Hakan & ÖZCAN ,Nihat A. (2006), ‘The Kurdish Question and Turkey’s Justice and Development Party’, Middle East Policy, cilt. 13, S. 1, ss. 102-19.
Year 2017, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 121 - 143, 25.07.2017



  • AHMAD, Feroz. (1993), The Making of Modern Turkey, Routledge London. AKTÜRK, Şener. (2009), “Persistence of the Islamic Millet as an Ottoman Legacy: Mono-Religious and Anti-Ethnic Definition of Turkish Nationhood”, Middle Eastern Studies, cilt.45, S.6, ss. 893-909. AKTÜRK, Şener. (2011), “Regimes of Ethnicity: Comparative Analysis of Germany, the Soviet Union/Post Soviet Russia, and Turkey”, World Politics, cilt. 63, S. 01, ss. 115-164. ALLİSON, Graham T. (1969), “Conceptual Models and Cuban Missile Crisis”, American Political Science Review, cilt: 63, ss. 689-718. ARAS, Bülent & GÖRENER, Aylin. (2000), “National role conceptions and foreign policy orientation: the ideational bases of the Justice and Development Party's foreign policy activism in the Middle East”, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, cilt. 12, S.1, ss. 73-92. ARIKAN AKDAĞ, Gül. (2015), Ethnicity and Elections in Turkey: Party Politics and the Mobilization of Swing Voters, Routledge, Great Britain. ALTUNIŞIK, Meliha B. (2008), “The Possibilities and Limits of Turkey’s Soft Power in the Middle East,” Insight Turkey, cilt. 10, S. 2, ss. 41-54. ALTUNIŞIK, Meliha B. & MARTİN, Lenore G. (2011), “ Making Sense of Turkish Foreign Policy in the Middle East under AKP”, Turkish Studies, cilt. 12, S.4, ss.569-587 ATAMAN, Muhittin. (2001), “The Kurdish Question and its Impact on Turkey’s Foreign Policy: From 1923 to 2000,” Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, cilt. 24, S. 2, ss. 33-49. AYDIN ÇAKIR, Aylin & ARIKAN AKDAĞ, Gül (2017), “An Empirical Analysis of the Change in Turkish Foreign Policy under the AKP Government,” Turkish Studies, cilt.18, S.2, ss.334-357. BARKEY, Henry. J. (1998), “The People’s Democracy Party (HADEP): The Travails of a Legal Kurdish Party in Turkey”, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, cilt. 18, S. 1, ss. 129-38. BARKEY, Henri J. (2011), “Turkey and Iraq: The Making of a Partnership”, Turkish Studies, cilt. 12, S.4, ss. 663-674 BENGİO, Ofra. (2011),“The “Kurdish Spring” in Turkey and its Impact on Turkish Foreign Relations in the Middle East”, Turkish Studies, cilt.12, S.4, ss.619-632. BRAYBROOKE, David & LİNDBLOM, Charles E. (1963), A Strategy of Decision, Free Press. BRAUMOELLER, Bear F. (1997), "Deadly Doves: Liberal Nationalism and the Democratic Peace in the Soviet Successor States". International Studies Quarterly, cilt. 41, S. 3, ss. 375–402. ÇARKOĞLU, Ali. (2000), ‘Geography of April 1999 Turkish elections’, Turkish Studies, cilt.1, S.1, ss.149-171. ÇARKOĞLU, Ali. (2002), “ The Rise of the New Generation Pro-Islamists in Turkey: The Justice and Development Party Phenomenon in the November 2002 Elections in Turkey”, South European Society and Politics, cilt. 7, S.3, ss.123-156. ÇARKOĞLU, Ali. (2012), “Economic Evaluations vs. Ideology: Diagnosing the Sources of Electoral Change in Turkey, 2002-2011”, Electoral Studies, cilt. 31, S. 3, ss.513-521. ÇİÇEK, Cuma. (2011), “Elimination or Integration of Pro‐Kurdish Politics: Limits of the AKP's Democratic Initiative” Turkish Studies, cilt. 12, S. 1, ss. 15-26. DEMİRTAŞ, Birgül. (2003), “Turkish-Syrian Relations: From Friend “Esad” to Enemy “Esed”, Middle East Policy, cilt. 20, S.1, ss. 11-120. DOYLE, Michael W. (1983), "Kant, Liberal Legacies, and Foreign Affairs". Philosophy and Public Affairs, cilt. 12, S. 3, ss. 205–235 EFEGİL, Ertan. (2011), “Analysis of the AKP Government’s Policy towards the Kurdish Issue”, Turkish Studies, cilt: 12, S: 1, ss. 27-40. ELİGÜR, Banu. (2012), “ Crisis in Turkish–Israeli Relations (December2008–June 2011): From Partnership to Enmity”, Middle Eastern Studies, cilt. 48, S. 3, ss. 429-459, GELPİ, Christopher F & GRİESDORF, Michael. (2001), "Winners or Losers? Democracies in International Crisis, 1918–94", American Political Science Review, cilt. 95, S.3, ss. 633–647 GOLDSTEİN, Judith & Keohane, Robert O. (1993), Ideas and Foreign Policy: Beliefs, Institutions and Political Change, Cornell University Press. GUNTER, Michael M. (1997),The Kurds and The future of Turkey, St. Martin Press, Newyork. GÜNEY, Aylin. (2002),‘The Peoples Democracy Party’, Turkish Studies, cilt: 3, S. 1, ss. 122-137. HALE, William. (2003), Türk Dış Politikası 1774-2000, Çev. Petek Demir, İstanbul. HALPERİN, Morton H. at al (1974), Bureaucratic Politics and Foreign Policy, Brookings Institutions, Washington DC. HEPER, Metin. (2008), Devlet ve Kürtler, Doğan Kitap, Istanbul. HERMANN, Charles F. (1990), “Changing Course: When Governments Choose Redirect Foreign Policy”, International Studies Quarterly, cilt. 34, S. 1, ss. 3-21. HÜRSOY, Siret (2013), “Turkey’s Foreign Policy and Economic Interest in the Gulf”, Turkish Studies, cilt: 14, S: 3, ss. 503-519. İÇDUYGU, Ahmet, ROMANO, David & SİRKECİ, Ibrahim. (1999) “The Ethnic Question in an Environment of Insecurity: the Kurds in Turkey”, Ethnic and Racial Studies, cilt. 22, S. 6, ss. 991-1010. JERVİS, Robert. (1976), Perception and Misperception in International Politics, Princeton University Press, Princeton. KEOHANE, Robert and NYE, Joseph. (1989), Power and Interdependence: World Politics in Transition, Little, Brown and Company, Boston. KESKİN, Funda. (2008), “Turkey’s Trans-Border Operations in Nothern Iraq: Before and after the Invasion of Iraq”, Research Journal of Internatıonal Studies, S. 8, ss. 59-75. KİRİŞÇİ, Kemal & WİNROW, Gareth M. (2000), Kürt Sorunu: Kökeni ve Gelişimi, Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, İstanbul. KİRİŞCİ, Kemal. (2011), “The Kurdish Issue in Turkey: Limits of European Union Reform”, South European Society and Politics, cilt.16, S. 2, ss. 335-349 KİRİŞCİ, Kemal. (2012), “ Turkey's Engagement with Its Neighborhood: A “Synthetic” and Multidimensional Look at Turkey's Foreign Policy Transformation”, Turkish Studies, cilt. 13, S.3, ss. 319-341 LOİZİDES, N. G. (2010), “State ideology and the Kurds in Turkey”, Middle Eastern Studies, cilt. 46, S. 4, ss. 513-527. KILIÇ, H. Ayla. (1998), “Democratization, Human Rights and Ethnic Policies in Turkey”, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, cilt.18, S. 1, ss.91-110 KÖCHLER, Hans. (1995), Democracy and the International Rule of Law: Propositions for an Alternative World Order, Springer. LARRABEE, F. Stephen & TOL, Gönül. (2011), “ Turkey's Kurdish Challenge,” Survival: Global Politics and Strategy, cilt. 53, S.4, ss. 143-152 MCDOWALL, D. (1996), A Modern History of the Kurds, I.B. Tauris, London. MESUT, Özcan, “From Distance to Engagement: Turkish Policy Towards the Middle East, Iraq and Iraqi Kurds,” Insight Turkey, cilt. 13, S. 2, 2011, ss. 71-92. MUTLU, Server. (1996), “Ethnic Kurds in Turkey: A Demographic Study”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, cilt. 28, ss. 517-541. ÖNİŞ, Ziya. (2012), “The Triumph of Conservative Globalism: The Political Economy of the AKP Era”, Turkish Studies, cilt. 13, S.2, ss.135-152 ÖZSOY, Ali E., Koç, Ismet & Toros, Aykut. (1992), “Türkiye’nin etnik Yapısının Anadil Sorunlarına göre Analizi”, Turkish Journal of Population Studies, cilt. 14, ss. 87- 115 RAY, James Lee. (1998) "Does Democracy Cause Peace?", Annual Review of Political Science, ss. 27–46. RAY, James Lee. (2003), "A Lakatosian View of the Democratic Peace Research Program". In Colin and Miriam Fendius Elman (eds) Progress in International Relations Theory, MIT Press. ROBİNS, Philip. (2003), Suits and Uniforms: the Turkish Foreign policy since the Cold War, University of Wasihngton Press, Seattle. ROMANO, David(2006) , The Kurdish Nationalist Movement, Cambridge University Press, NewYork. SARIGİL, Zeki. (2010), “Curbing Kurdish Ethno-nationalism in Turkey: an Empirical Assessment of Pro-Islamic and Socio-economic Approaches”, Ethnic and Racial Studies, cilt. 33, S.3, ss.533-553 SAYARI, Sabri. (2000), “Turkish Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era: The Challenges of Multi-Regionalism”, Journal of International Affairs, ss. 169-182. SECOR, A. J. (2001), “Ideologies in crisis: political cleavages and electoral politics in Turkey in the 1990s”, Political Geography, cilt. 20, ss. 539-560. ŞAHİN, Ismet, and GÜLMEZ, Yener. (2000), “Efficiency of Education: The Case in Eastern and SoutheasternTurkey.” Social Indicators Research, cilt.49, ss. 213- 36. SNYDER, Richard C. at al. (1962), Foreign Policy Decision Making: An approach to the Study of International Politics, Free Press, New York. SİRKECI, İbrahim. (2000), “Exploring the Kurdish Population in the Turkish Context, Genus, cilt. 56, S. 1-2, ss. 149-175. TAYFUR, M. Fatih & GÖYMEN, Korel. (2002), “Decision-Making in Turkish Foreign Policy: The Caspian Oil Pipeline Issue”, Middle Eastern Studies, ss. 101-122. TEZCÜR, Güneş Murat. (2009), “ Kurdish Nationalism and Identity in Turkey: A Conceptual Reinterpretation”, European Journal of Turkish Studies, cilt.10, ss. 2-17. VAN BRUINESSEN, Martin. (1998) , “Shifting National and Ethnic Identities’, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, cilt. 18, S. 1, ss. 39-52. VİOTTİ, Paul R. & KAUPPİ, Mark V. (1998), International Relations Theory: Realism, Pluralism, Globalism, and Beyond, Allyn and Bacon, Boston, London. WALLERSTEİN, Immanuel. (1974), The Modern World-System, Academic Press, New York. WALTZ, Kenneth. (1979), Theory of International Politics, McGraw Hill, New York. WEART, Spencer R. (1998), Never at War, Yale University Press. WENDT, Alexander. (1992), "Anarchy is What States Make of It: the Social Construction of Power Politics", International Organization, cilt.46, S.2, ss. 391- 425. WHİTE, Paul J. (1998), “Economic Marginalization of Turkey’s Kurds: the Failed Promise of Modernization and Reform’, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, cilt. 18, S. 1, ss. 139-58. YALÇIN MOUSSEAU, Demet. (2012), “An Inquiry into the Linkage among Nationalizing Policies, Democratization, and Ethno-Nationalist Conflict: the Kurdish Case in Turkey”, Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity, cilt. 40, S. 1, ss. 45-62. YALVAÇ, Faruk. (2012), “Strategic Depth or Hegemonic Depth? A Critical Realist Analysis of Turkey’s Position in the World System”, International Relations, cilt. 26, S.2, ss. 165–180. YAVUZ, Hakan. (1998), “A Preamble to the Kurdish Question: the Politics of Kurdish Identity”, Journal of Muslim minority Affairs, cilt. 18, S. 1, ss. 114-143. YAVUZ, Hakan & ÖZCAN ,Nihat A. (2006), ‘The Kurdish Question and Turkey’s Justice and Development Party’, Middle East Policy, cilt. 13, S. 1, ss. 102-19.
There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Gül Arıkan Akdağ

Publication Date July 25, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 10 Issue: 1


APA Arıkan Akdağ, G. (2017). ADALET VE KALKINMA PARTİSİ: KÜRT SORUNUNUN YENİDEN TANIMLANMASI VE TÜRKİYE’NİN DEĞİŞEN ORTADOĞU POLİTİKASI (2002-2011). Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 10(1), 121-143.
AMA Arıkan Akdağ G. ADALET VE KALKINMA PARTİSİ: KÜRT SORUNUNUN YENİDEN TANIMLANMASI VE TÜRKİYE’NİN DEĞİŞEN ORTADOĞU POLİTİKASI (2002-2011). hititsosbil. July 2017;10(1):121-143. doi:10.17218/hititsosbil.330890
Chicago Arıkan Akdağ, Gül. “ADALET VE KALKINMA PARTİSİ: KÜRT SORUNUNUN YENİDEN TANIMLANMASI VE TÜRKİYE’NİN DEĞİŞEN ORTADOĞU POLİTİKASI (2002-2011)”. Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 10, no. 1 (July 2017): 121-43.
EndNote Arıkan Akdağ G (July 1, 2017) ADALET VE KALKINMA PARTİSİ: KÜRT SORUNUNUN YENİDEN TANIMLANMASI VE TÜRKİYE’NİN DEĞİŞEN ORTADOĞU POLİTİKASI (2002-2011). Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 10 1 121–143.
IEEE G. Arıkan Akdağ, “ADALET VE KALKINMA PARTİSİ: KÜRT SORUNUNUN YENİDEN TANIMLANMASI VE TÜRKİYE’NİN DEĞİŞEN ORTADOĞU POLİTİKASI (2002-2011)”, hititsosbil, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 121–143, 2017, doi: 10.17218/hititsosbil.330890.
ISNAD Arıkan Akdağ, Gül. “ADALET VE KALKINMA PARTİSİ: KÜRT SORUNUNUN YENİDEN TANIMLANMASI VE TÜRKİYE’NİN DEĞİŞEN ORTADOĞU POLİTİKASI (2002-2011)”. Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 10/1 (July 2017), 121-143.
MLA Arıkan Akdağ, Gül. “ADALET VE KALKINMA PARTİSİ: KÜRT SORUNUNUN YENİDEN TANIMLANMASI VE TÜRKİYE’NİN DEĞİŞEN ORTADOĞU POLİTİKASI (2002-2011)”. Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 1, 2017, pp. 121-43, doi:10.17218/hititsosbil.330890.