Writing Rules

Articles should be written with Microsoft Word Programme and adjusted as in that: Paper Dimension Vertical A4, Top Side Margin 3,5 cm., Bottom Side Margin 2,5 cm., Left Side Margin 3,5 cm, Right Side Margin 2,5 cm, Writing Fond Bookman Old Style, Article Title 16 Punto with capital letters/ Left Aligned. Abstracts 8 Punto/italics English Article 10 Punto/Italics/ Left Aligned Normal Text Dimension 9 Punto, Line Gap Exact, before 0 nk, after 6 nk, value 14 nk, No indentation. Besides, in articles page number, upper information and sub information will not be used. In article, not invisible and hidden any writing, shape and simple things cannot be used. If any hidden thing is found, legal responsibility will be fully owned by the author(s).

Introduction part and main heads of article will be numbered in a sequential manner as 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sub headers will remain as 1.1 2.2. 3.3. 4.4. 5.5. ... and only first letters will be capital letters. Detailed information is available in file named article template in information system.

Writing of the in-text citation and resource part, writers should obey APA 6 rules (American Psychology Association). Resource is given in accordance with the bibliography rules and writing resource part begins with first writer’s surname.

It is advised that articles are restricted with 8.000 words (Maximum 25 papers). Permission authority of articles exceeding this limit belongs to editor. Articles sent to Journal of the Hitit University Social Sciences Institute  firstly are evaluated by editor/ editorial board. Articles that are not original and do not obey to journal’s aim and context, Turkish and English language and narration rules, publication principles are rejected.

If writings do not obey publication principles, they are not transferred from the pre-control process to the evaluation process and the author(s) of the article are informed according to the rules of the journal writing. In pre control process, author(s) will be allowed once for a maximum of 7 days for editing according to spelling rules. For writing rules, detail information is available in word document, whose name is installed article template.

Article template

Copyrigt form

Puplication principles and writing rules  

Creative Commons License

