1. R. Abu-Saris, C. Cinar and I. Yalcinkaya, On the asymptotic stability of , Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 56(5) (2008), 1172-1175.
2. I. Dekkar, N. Touafek and Y. Yazlik, Global stability of a third-order nonlinear system of difference equations with period-two coefficients, Revista de la real academia de ciencias exactas, físicas y naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas, Doi:10.1007/s13398-016-0297-z.
3. E.M. Elsayed, Qualitative behavior of a rational recursive sequence, Indagationes Mathematicae 19(2)(2008), 189- 201.
4. E.M. Elsayed, Qualitative properties for a fourth order rational difference equation, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 110(2)(2010), 589-604.
5. N. Haddad, N. Touafek and J. F. T. Rabago, Solution form of a higher-order system of difference equations and dynamical behavior of its special case, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, (2016), doi: 10.1002/mma.4248.
6. N. Haddad, N. Touafek and J. F. T. Rabago, Well-defined solutions of a system of difference equations, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, (2017), Doi:10.1007/ s12190-017-1081-8.
7. Y. Halim, N. Touafek and Y. Yazlik, Dynamic behavior of a second-order nonlinear rational difference equation, Turkish Journal of Mathematics 39(6)(2015), 1004-1018.
8. A. S. Kurbanli, C. Çinar and D. Şimşek, On the periodicity of solutions of the system of rational difference equations, Applied Mathematics, 2 (2011), 410-413.
9. S. Stevic, On some solvable systems of difference equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218 (2012) 5010- 5018.
10. S. Stevic, M. A. Alghamdi, N. Shahzad and D. A. Maturi, On a class of solvable difference equations, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol. 2013, Article ID 157943, 7 pages.
11. S. Stevic, Representation of solutions of bilinear difference equations in terms of generalized Fibonacci sequences, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 2014, No. 67, (2014), 1-15.
12. S. Stevic, J. Diblík, B. Iricanin and Z. Šmarda, On a solvable system of rational difference equations, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 20(5-6)(2014): 811-825.
13. S. Stevic, M. A. Alghamdi, A. Alotaibi and E. M. Elsayed, Solvable product-type system of difference equations of second order, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2015, No:169, (2015), 1-20.
14. S. Stevic, New class of solvable systems of difference equations, Applied Mathematics Letters, 63(2017), 137- 144.
15. N. Taskara, K. Uslu and D. T. Tollu, The periodicity and solutions of the rational difference equation with periodic coefficients, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 62 (2011), 1807-1813.
16. D. T. Tollu, Y. Yazlik and N. Taskara, On the solutions of two special types of Riccati difference equation via Fibonacci numbers, Advances in Difference Equations, 2013, 2013:174.
17. D. T. Tollu, Y. Yazlik and N. Taskara, On fourteen solvable systems of difference equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 233 (2014), 310-319.
18. N. Touafek, On a second order rational difference equation, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 41(6) (2012), 867-874.
19. I. Yalcinkaya, C. Cinar and D. Simsek, Global asymptotic stability of a system of difference equations, Applicable Analysis, 87(6)(2008), 677-687, DOI: 10.1080/00036810802140657.
20. I. Yalcinkaya, On the global asymptotic stability of a secondorder system of difference equations, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, vol. 2008, Article ID 860152, 12 pages, 2008. doi:10.1155/2008/860152.
21. I. Yalcinkaya, On the global asymptotic behavior of a system of two nonlinear difference equations, Ars Combinatoria, 95 (2010), 151-159.
22. I. Yalcinkaya and C. Cinar, Global asymptotic stability of two nonlinear difference equations , Fasciculi Mathematici, 43 (2010), 171-180.
23. I. Yalcinkaya and D. T. Tollu, Global behavior of a secondorder system of difference equations, Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics, 26(4)(2016), 653-667.
24. Y. Yazlik, On the solutions and behavior of rational difference equations, Journal of Computational Analysis & Applications, 17(3)(2014), 584-594.
25. Y. Yazlik, E. M. Elsayed and N. Taskara, On the behaviour of the solutions of difference equation systems, Journal of Computational Analysis & Applications, 16(5)(2014), 932- 941.
26. Y. Yazlik, D. T. Tollu and N. Taskara, On the behaviour of solutions for some systems of difference equations, Journal of Computational Analysis & Applications, 18(1)(2015), 166-178.
27. Y. Yazlik, D. T. Tollu and N. Taskara, On the solutions of a max-type difference equation system, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 38(17)(2015), 4388-4410.
28. Y. Yazlik, D. T. Tollu and N. Taskara, On the solutions of a three-dimensional system of difference equations, Kuwait Journal of Science 43(1)(2016), 95-111.
29. L. Xianyi and Z. Deming, Global asymptotic stability in a rational equation, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 9(9)(2003), 833-839.
30. L. Xianyi and Z. Deming, Two rational recursive sequences, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 47 (2004) 1487-1494.
31. X. Wang and Z. Li, Global asymptotic stability for two kinds of higher order recursive sequences, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 22(10)(2016), 1542-1553, DOI: 10.1080/10236198.2016.1216111.
Explicit Solutions of a Three-dimensional System of Nonlinear Difference Equations
I n this paper, we show that the system of difference equations 1 11 0 , , , N , 111 n n nn nn n nn n n n n n n xy yz zx xyz n xy yz zx + ++ + ++ = = = ∈ +++ where the initial values xyz , , are real numbers, are solvable in explicit form via some changes of variables and tricks. Also, we determine the forbidden set of the initial values xyz , , for the above mentioned system and investigate asymptotic behavior of the well-defined solutions by using these explicit formulas
1. R. Abu-Saris, C. Cinar and I. Yalcinkaya, On the asymptotic stability of , Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 56(5) (2008), 1172-1175.
2. I. Dekkar, N. Touafek and Y. Yazlik, Global stability of a third-order nonlinear system of difference equations with period-two coefficients, Revista de la real academia de ciencias exactas, físicas y naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas, Doi:10.1007/s13398-016-0297-z.
3. E.M. Elsayed, Qualitative behavior of a rational recursive sequence, Indagationes Mathematicae 19(2)(2008), 189- 201.
4. E.M. Elsayed, Qualitative properties for a fourth order rational difference equation, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 110(2)(2010), 589-604.
5. N. Haddad, N. Touafek and J. F. T. Rabago, Solution form of a higher-order system of difference equations and dynamical behavior of its special case, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, (2016), doi: 10.1002/mma.4248.
6. N. Haddad, N. Touafek and J. F. T. Rabago, Well-defined solutions of a system of difference equations, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, (2017), Doi:10.1007/ s12190-017-1081-8.
7. Y. Halim, N. Touafek and Y. Yazlik, Dynamic behavior of a second-order nonlinear rational difference equation, Turkish Journal of Mathematics 39(6)(2015), 1004-1018.
8. A. S. Kurbanli, C. Çinar and D. Şimşek, On the periodicity of solutions of the system of rational difference equations, Applied Mathematics, 2 (2011), 410-413.
9. S. Stevic, On some solvable systems of difference equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218 (2012) 5010- 5018.
10. S. Stevic, M. A. Alghamdi, N. Shahzad and D. A. Maturi, On a class of solvable difference equations, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol. 2013, Article ID 157943, 7 pages.
11. S. Stevic, Representation of solutions of bilinear difference equations in terms of generalized Fibonacci sequences, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 2014, No. 67, (2014), 1-15.
12. S. Stevic, J. Diblík, B. Iricanin and Z. Šmarda, On a solvable system of rational difference equations, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 20(5-6)(2014): 811-825.
13. S. Stevic, M. A. Alghamdi, A. Alotaibi and E. M. Elsayed, Solvable product-type system of difference equations of second order, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2015, No:169, (2015), 1-20.
14. S. Stevic, New class of solvable systems of difference equations, Applied Mathematics Letters, 63(2017), 137- 144.
15. N. Taskara, K. Uslu and D. T. Tollu, The periodicity and solutions of the rational difference equation with periodic coefficients, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 62 (2011), 1807-1813.
16. D. T. Tollu, Y. Yazlik and N. Taskara, On the solutions of two special types of Riccati difference equation via Fibonacci numbers, Advances in Difference Equations, 2013, 2013:174.
17. D. T. Tollu, Y. Yazlik and N. Taskara, On fourteen solvable systems of difference equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 233 (2014), 310-319.
18. N. Touafek, On a second order rational difference equation, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 41(6) (2012), 867-874.
19. I. Yalcinkaya, C. Cinar and D. Simsek, Global asymptotic stability of a system of difference equations, Applicable Analysis, 87(6)(2008), 677-687, DOI: 10.1080/00036810802140657.
20. I. Yalcinkaya, On the global asymptotic stability of a secondorder system of difference equations, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, vol. 2008, Article ID 860152, 12 pages, 2008. doi:10.1155/2008/860152.
21. I. Yalcinkaya, On the global asymptotic behavior of a system of two nonlinear difference equations, Ars Combinatoria, 95 (2010), 151-159.
22. I. Yalcinkaya and C. Cinar, Global asymptotic stability of two nonlinear difference equations , Fasciculi Mathematici, 43 (2010), 171-180.
23. I. Yalcinkaya and D. T. Tollu, Global behavior of a secondorder system of difference equations, Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics, 26(4)(2016), 653-667.
24. Y. Yazlik, On the solutions and behavior of rational difference equations, Journal of Computational Analysis & Applications, 17(3)(2014), 584-594.
25. Y. Yazlik, E. M. Elsayed and N. Taskara, On the behaviour of the solutions of difference equation systems, Journal of Computational Analysis & Applications, 16(5)(2014), 932- 941.
26. Y. Yazlik, D. T. Tollu and N. Taskara, On the behaviour of solutions for some systems of difference equations, Journal of Computational Analysis & Applications, 18(1)(2015), 166-178.
27. Y. Yazlik, D. T. Tollu and N. Taskara, On the solutions of a max-type difference equation system, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 38(17)(2015), 4388-4410.
28. Y. Yazlik, D. T. Tollu and N. Taskara, On the solutions of a three-dimensional system of difference equations, Kuwait Journal of Science 43(1)(2016), 95-111.
29. L. Xianyi and Z. Deming, Global asymptotic stability in a rational equation, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 9(9)(2003), 833-839.
30. L. Xianyi and Z. Deming, Two rational recursive sequences, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 47 (2004) 1487-1494.
31. X. Wang and Z. Li, Global asymptotic stability for two kinds of higher order recursive sequences, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 22(10)(2016), 1542-1553, DOI: 10.1080/10236198.2016.1216111.