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The Children of Aşıklı Höyük

Year 2024, Issue: 13, 1 - 18, 15.05.2024


Childhood is the most crucial stage in human life, as well as for the cognitive and technological development of our species. However, earlier traditional archaeological studies have often neglected the role of children in prehistoric societies and focused on the primary socio-economic elements of daily life in prehistory (e.g. agriculture, animal husbandry, hunting-gathering, and various crafts). The picture of a Neolithic village portrayed by archaeologists mostly comprised adults who were engaged in production and subsistence. Children, were seen as passive until they reached a certain age when they became active in production. Increasing ethnographic and archaeological studies however, portray a contrasting picture as they yield insights into the learning and transmission processes of know-how and skills regarding socio-economic activities, technologies, and craft production which suggest that social roles and identities are all formed during childhood. Thus, although the state of research shows that we still have further steps to go, it is clear that a deeper understanding of childhood and children in prehistory is as essential as understanding the world of adults. In such an attempt, this article focuses on the children of Aşıklı Höyük, an Early Neolithic community in Central Anatolia. We briefly discuss the skeletal evidence emerging from the anthropological analyses, and attempt to approach the roles and identities of children through the lens of grave goods and lithic production technologies.


  • Altınışık vd. 2022
  • Altınışık, N. E.-Kazancı, D. D.-Aydoğan, A.-Gemici, H. C.-Erdal, Ö. D.-Sarıaltun, S.-Vural, K. B.- Koptekin, D.-Gürün, K.-Sağlıcan, E.-Çakan, G.-Koruyucu, M. M.-Lagerholm, V. K.-Karamurat, C.-Özkan, M.-Kılınç, G. M.-Sevkar, A.-Sürer, E.-Götherström, A.-Atakuman, Ç.-Erdal, Y. S.-Özer, F.-Erim Özdoğan, A.-Somel, M., “A Genomic Snapshot of Demographic Dynamism in Upper Mesopotamia during the Neolithic Transition”, Science Advances, Volume 8, Issue 44, 04 November 2022, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abo360.
  • Atamtürk vd. 2018
  • Atamtürk, D.-Özbal R.-Gerritsen, F.-Duyar, İ., “Analysis and Interpretation of Neolithic Period Footprints from Barcın Höyük, Turkey”, Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 18/1, 163-174.
  • Bamforth-Finlay 2008
  • Bamforth, D.B.-Finlay, N., “Introduction: Archaeological Approaches to Lithic Production Skill and Craft Learning”, Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory,15, 1-27.
  • Baxter 2008
  • Baxter, J. E., “The Archaeology of Childhood”, Annual Review of Anthropology, 37, 159-175.
  • Benz-Gresky-Alarashi 2020
  • Benz, M.-Gresky, J.-Alarashi, H., “Similar but Different: Displaying Social Roles of Subadults in Burials from the Late Pre-Pottery Neolithic Site of Ba’ja, Southern Jordan”, L’art du paraitre: Apparences de l’humain de la préhistoire a nos jours, ed. H. Alarashi-R. M. Dessi, Cote d’Azur, Editions APDCA, Nice, 93-107.
  • Castaneda 2018
  • Castaneda, N., “Apprenticeship in Early Neolithic Societies: The Transmission of Technological Knowledge at the Flint Mine of Casa Montero (Madrid, Spain), ca. 5300-5200 cal BC”, Current Anthropology, 59/6, 716-740.
  • Duru, G., “Sedentism and Solitude; Exploring the Impact of Private Space on Social Cohesion in the Neolithic”, Religion, History and Place in the Origin of Settled Life, ed. I. Hodder, University of Colorado Press, 162-185.
  • Erdal, D., “Lifesytle and Health Conditions of the Neolithic People of Aşıklı Höyük”, The Early Settlement at Aşıklı Höyük-Essays in Honor of Ufuk Esin, ed. M. Özbaşaran-G. Duru-M. Stiner, Ege Yayınları, İstanbul, 405-423.
  • Esin-Harmankaya 2007
  • Esin, U.-Harmankaya, S., “Aşıklı Höyük”, Türkiye’de Neolitik Dönem, ed. M. Özdoğan-N. Başgelen, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, 255-272. Ferguson 2008
  • Ferguson, J. R., “The When, Where, and How of Novices in Craft Production”, Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 15, 51-67.
  • French-Nowell 2022
  • French, J. C.-Nowell, A., “Growing up Gravettian: Bioarchaeological Perspectives on Adolescence in the European Mid-Upper Paleolithic”, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 67, September 2022, 101430, Fulminante 2020
  • Fulminante, F., “Identifying Social and Cultural Thresholds in Sub-Adult Burials of Central Italy during the First Millennium BC”, Ages and Abilities: The Stages of Childhood and their Social Recognition in Prehistoric Europe and Beyond, ed. K. Rebay Salisbury-D. Pany Kucera, Archaeopress, Oxford, 151-173.
  • Högberg 2008
  • Högberg, A., “Playing with Flint: Tracing a Child’s Imitation of Adult Work in a Lithic Assemblage”, Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 15/1, 112-131.
  • Högberg 2018
  • Högberg, A., “Approaches to Children’s Knapping in Lithic Technology Studies”, Revista de Arqueologia, 31/2, 58-74.
  • Inglis-Halcrow 2018
  • Inglis, R. M.-Halcrow, S. E., “The Bioarchaeology of Childhood: Theoretical Development in the Field”, Children and Childhood in Bioarchaeology, ed. P. Beauchesne-S. C. Agarwal, University Press Scholarship, 33-60, Online, June 2018, DOI: 10.5744/ florida/9780813056807.003.0002.
  • Inizan vd. 1999
  • Inizan, M. L.-Reduron Ballinger, M.-Roche, H.-Tixier, J., Technology and Terminology of Knapped Stone, Cercle de recherches et d’études préhistoriques, Nanterre.
  • Kamp vd. 1999
  • Kamp, K. A.-Timmerman, N.-Lind, G.-Graybill, J.-Natowsky, I., “Discovering Childhood: Using Fingerprints to Find Children in the Archaeological Record’’, American Antiquity, 64/2, 309-315.
  • Kayacan 2014
  • Kayacan, N., “Aşıklı Obsidyen İşçiliği ve Yerleşme Analizi”, Yerleşim Sistemleri ve Mekan Analizi, Tematik Arkeoloji Serisi 1, ed. Ö. Çevik-B. Erdoğu, Ege Yayınları, İstanbul, 137-144.
  • Lancy, D. F., “Homo faber juvenalis: A Multidisciplinary Survey of Children as Tool Makers/Users”, Childhood in the Past, 10/1, 72-90, Online, 09 May 2017, DOI: 10.1080/17585716.2017.1316010.
  • Lancy, D. F., Anthropological Perspectives on Children as Helpers, Workers, Artisans and Laborers, Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
  • Lancy-Grove 2011
  • Lancy, D. F.-Grove, M. A., “Getting Noticed: Middle Childhood in Cross-Cultural Perspective”, Human Nature, 22, 281-302.
  • Lillehammer 2010
  • Lillehammer, G., “Archaeology of Children”, Complutum, 21/2, 15-45.
  • Lillehammer 2015
  • Lillehammer, G., “25 Years with the ‘Child’ and the Archaeology of Childhood”, Childhood in the Past: An International Journal, 8/2, 78-86.
  • Meiklejohn vd. 1992
  • Meiklejohn, C.-Agelarakis, A.-Akkermans, P. A.-Smith, P. E. L.-Solecki, R., “Artificial Cranial Deformation in the Proto-Neolithic and Neolithic Near East and its Possible Origin: Evidence from Four Sites”, Paléorient, 18/2, 83-97.
  • Milks vd. 2021
  • Milks, A.-Lew Levy S.-Lavi, N.-Friesem, D. E.-Reckin, R., “Hunter-Gatherer Children in the Past: An Archaeological Review”, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, Vol. 64, Article 101369, Online, December 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.jaa.2021.101369.
  • Özbaşaran 2013
  • Özbaşaran, M., “Orta Anadolu’nun Neolitikleşme Sürecinde Aşıklı”, Colloquium Anatolicum, S. 12, 1-14.
  • Özbaşaran-Duru-Uzdurum 2018
  • Özbaşaran, M.-Duru, G.-Uzdurum, M., “Architecture of the Early Settlement and Trends through the Cultural Sequence”, The Early Settlement at Aşıklı Höyük- Essays in Honor of Ufuk Esin, ed. M. Özbaşaran-G. Duru-M. Stiner, Ege Yayınları, İstanbul, 57-103.
  • Özbek, M., “Aşıklı Höyük’te 2007 ve 2008 Yılı Kazı Çalışmalarında Bulunan İki İlginç İnsan İskeleti”, 26. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı, Ankara, 1-12.
  • Özbek-Erdal 2006
  • Özbek, M.-Erdal, D., “Anadolu’nun Bazı Neolitik ve Kalkolitik Topluluklarında Bebek Ölümleri ve Olası Nedenleri”, Türk Arkeoloji ve Etnografya Dergisi, S. 6, 41-52.
  • Pearson vd. 2010
  • Pearson, J.-Hedges, R. E. M.-Molleson, T. I.-Özbek, M., “Exploring the Relationship Between Weaning and Infant Mortality: An Isotope Case Study from Aşıklı Höyük and Çayönü Tepesi”, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 143, 448-457.
  • Pezzulla 2020
  • Pezzulla, N., “Dumu.gaba, ṣiḫru e Guruš/sal.Tur.tur: The Recognition of Developmental Stages in Ancient Mesopotamia”, Ages and Abilities. The Stages of Childhood and their Social Recognition in Prehistoric Europe and Beyond, ed. K. Rebay Salisbury,-D. Pany-Kucera, Archaeopress, Oxford, 133-150.
  • Purschwitz 2022
  • Purschwitz, C., “Skill, Learning and Knowledge Transfer in Lithic Production as seen from LPPNB/FPPNB Ba’ja, Southern Levant”, Tracking the Neolithic in the Near East. Lithic Perspectives on its Origins, Development and Dispersals, ed. Y. Nishiaki-O. Maeda-M. Arimura, The Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the PPN Chipped and Ground Stone Industries of the Near East, Tokyo, 12th-16th November 2019, Sidestone Press, Leiden, 227-247.
  • Riede vd. 2018
  • Riede, F.-Johannsen, N. N.-Högberg, A.-Nowell, A.-Lombard, M., “The Role of Play Objects and Object Play in Human Cognitive Evolution and Innovation”, Evolutionary Anthropology, 27/1, 46-59.
  • Sánchez Romero 2009
  • Sánchez Romero, M., “Childhood and the Construction of Gender Identities through Material Culture”, Childhood in the Past, 1/1, 17-37.
  • Tiryaki 2019
  • Tiryaki, G., “Demirçağ Anadolu’sunda Çocuk/Çocukluk Temsilleri Üzerine”, Colloquium Anatolicum, S. 18, 183-208.
  • Wendrich 2012
  • Wendrich, W. (ed.)., Archaeology of Apprenticeship. Body Knowledge, Identity, and Communities of Practice, The University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
  • Yelözer 2018
  • Yelözer, S., “The Beads from Aşıklı Höyük”, The Early Settlement at Aşıklı Höyük- Essays in Honor of Ufuk Esin, ed. M. Özbaşaran-G. Duru-M. Stiner, Ege Yayınları, Istanbul, 383-404.
  • Yelözer-Christidou 2020
  • Yelözer, S.-Christidou, R., “The foot of the hare, the tooth of the deer and the shell of the mollusc: Neolithic osseous ornaments from Aşıklı Höyük (Central Anatolia, Turkey)”, Beauty and the Eye of the Beholder: Personal Adornments across the Millennia, ed. M. Margarit-A. BoroneantI, Cetatea de scaun, Târgoviște, 197-222.
  • Yelözer-Özbaşaran 2022
  • Yelözer, S.-Özbaşaran, M., “Entangled at Death: Beads, Gender, and Life Cycles during the Central Anatolian Early Neolithic; Aşıklı Höyük as a case study”, The Mummy Under the Bed: Essays on Gender and Methodology in the Ancient Near East, ed. K. De Graef- A. Garcia Ventura-A. Goddeeris-B. Alpert Nakhai, Zaphon, Münster, 289-323.

Aşıklı Höyük’ün Çocukları

Year 2024, Issue: 13, 1 - 18, 15.05.2024


İnsan yaşamında bilişsel ve teknolojik gelişimin en önemli aşaması, çocukluk dönemidir. Buna karşın tarih öncesi toplulukların dünyasında çocuklar, genelde ihmal edilen bir alan olmuştur. Bu konuda araştırma azlığının nedeni, çalışmaların genellikle tarih öncesi toplulukların sosyoekonomik dünyalarını meydana getiren temel aktiviteler olan tarım, hayvancılık, avcılık-toplayıcılık ve çeşitli zanaatlar gibi çoğunlukla fiziksel güç ve bilişsel beceri gerektiren konulara odaklanmış olmasıdır. Bu nedenle, çoğu zaman arkeologlar için, örneğin Neolitik bir köy, besin üretimi ile meşgul olan yetişkin bireylerle özdeştir. Çocuklar ise üretim faaliyetlerinin aktif bir parçası olmaya başladıkları belirli bir yaşa gelene dek toplumun en pasif halkası olarak görülürler. Ancak, etnografik ve arkeolojik çalışmalar, yetişkin bireylerin gündelik sorumluluklara ve zanaatlara ilişkin bilgi ve becerilerinin gelişimi, bireyin seçeceği uzmanlık, topluluk içindeki kimlik ve rollerinin çocukluk döneminde oluşmaya başladığını göstermektedir. Bu nedenle tarih öncesi bir topluluğu anlamak için çocukların dünyasını anlamak en az yetişkin bireyler kadar önemlidir. Bu makale, bundan 10 bin yıl öncelerinde Aşıklı Höyük’te doğan ve ölen çocuklar üzerinedir. Bebek ve çocuklara dair iskelet verilerinin yanı sıra yontma taş (obsidiyen) işçiliği üzerine yürütülen teknolojik analizler sonucunda, çocukların da üretim süreci içerisinde yer aldıkları saptanmış ve böylelikle çocuklar, arkeolojik veriler vasıtasıyla görünür kılınmıştır. Çalışmada, son veriler ışığında, Aşıklı topluluğunun bin yıllık uzun ve kesintisiz iskân tarihinde bebeklerin ve çocukların yeri ve biyolojik ve sosyal kimlikleri ele alınmaktadır.


  • Altınışık vd. 2022
  • Altınışık, N. E.-Kazancı, D. D.-Aydoğan, A.-Gemici, H. C.-Erdal, Ö. D.-Sarıaltun, S.-Vural, K. B.- Koptekin, D.-Gürün, K.-Sağlıcan, E.-Çakan, G.-Koruyucu, M. M.-Lagerholm, V. K.-Karamurat, C.-Özkan, M.-Kılınç, G. M.-Sevkar, A.-Sürer, E.-Götherström, A.-Atakuman, Ç.-Erdal, Y. S.-Özer, F.-Erim Özdoğan, A.-Somel, M., “A Genomic Snapshot of Demographic Dynamism in Upper Mesopotamia during the Neolithic Transition”, Science Advances, Volume 8, Issue 44, 04 November 2022, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abo360.
  • Atamtürk vd. 2018
  • Atamtürk, D.-Özbal R.-Gerritsen, F.-Duyar, İ., “Analysis and Interpretation of Neolithic Period Footprints from Barcın Höyük, Turkey”, Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 18/1, 163-174.
  • Bamforth-Finlay 2008
  • Bamforth, D.B.-Finlay, N., “Introduction: Archaeological Approaches to Lithic Production Skill and Craft Learning”, Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory,15, 1-27.
  • Baxter 2008
  • Baxter, J. E., “The Archaeology of Childhood”, Annual Review of Anthropology, 37, 159-175.
  • Benz-Gresky-Alarashi 2020
  • Benz, M.-Gresky, J.-Alarashi, H., “Similar but Different: Displaying Social Roles of Subadults in Burials from the Late Pre-Pottery Neolithic Site of Ba’ja, Southern Jordan”, L’art du paraitre: Apparences de l’humain de la préhistoire a nos jours, ed. H. Alarashi-R. M. Dessi, Cote d’Azur, Editions APDCA, Nice, 93-107.
  • Castaneda 2018
  • Castaneda, N., “Apprenticeship in Early Neolithic Societies: The Transmission of Technological Knowledge at the Flint Mine of Casa Montero (Madrid, Spain), ca. 5300-5200 cal BC”, Current Anthropology, 59/6, 716-740.
  • Duru, G., “Sedentism and Solitude; Exploring the Impact of Private Space on Social Cohesion in the Neolithic”, Religion, History and Place in the Origin of Settled Life, ed. I. Hodder, University of Colorado Press, 162-185.
  • Erdal, D., “Lifesytle and Health Conditions of the Neolithic People of Aşıklı Höyük”, The Early Settlement at Aşıklı Höyük-Essays in Honor of Ufuk Esin, ed. M. Özbaşaran-G. Duru-M. Stiner, Ege Yayınları, İstanbul, 405-423.
  • Esin-Harmankaya 2007
  • Esin, U.-Harmankaya, S., “Aşıklı Höyük”, Türkiye’de Neolitik Dönem, ed. M. Özdoğan-N. Başgelen, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, 255-272. Ferguson 2008
  • Ferguson, J. R., “The When, Where, and How of Novices in Craft Production”, Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 15, 51-67.
  • French-Nowell 2022
  • French, J. C.-Nowell, A., “Growing up Gravettian: Bioarchaeological Perspectives on Adolescence in the European Mid-Upper Paleolithic”, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 67, September 2022, 101430, Fulminante 2020
  • Fulminante, F., “Identifying Social and Cultural Thresholds in Sub-Adult Burials of Central Italy during the First Millennium BC”, Ages and Abilities: The Stages of Childhood and their Social Recognition in Prehistoric Europe and Beyond, ed. K. Rebay Salisbury-D. Pany Kucera, Archaeopress, Oxford, 151-173.
  • Högberg 2008
  • Högberg, A., “Playing with Flint: Tracing a Child’s Imitation of Adult Work in a Lithic Assemblage”, Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 15/1, 112-131.
  • Högberg 2018
  • Högberg, A., “Approaches to Children’s Knapping in Lithic Technology Studies”, Revista de Arqueologia, 31/2, 58-74.
  • Inglis-Halcrow 2018
  • Inglis, R. M.-Halcrow, S. E., “The Bioarchaeology of Childhood: Theoretical Development in the Field”, Children and Childhood in Bioarchaeology, ed. P. Beauchesne-S. C. Agarwal, University Press Scholarship, 33-60, Online, June 2018, DOI: 10.5744/ florida/9780813056807.003.0002.
  • Inizan vd. 1999
  • Inizan, M. L.-Reduron Ballinger, M.-Roche, H.-Tixier, J., Technology and Terminology of Knapped Stone, Cercle de recherches et d’études préhistoriques, Nanterre.
  • Kamp vd. 1999
  • Kamp, K. A.-Timmerman, N.-Lind, G.-Graybill, J.-Natowsky, I., “Discovering Childhood: Using Fingerprints to Find Children in the Archaeological Record’’, American Antiquity, 64/2, 309-315.
  • Kayacan 2014
  • Kayacan, N., “Aşıklı Obsidyen İşçiliği ve Yerleşme Analizi”, Yerleşim Sistemleri ve Mekan Analizi, Tematik Arkeoloji Serisi 1, ed. Ö. Çevik-B. Erdoğu, Ege Yayınları, İstanbul, 137-144.
  • Lancy, D. F., “Homo faber juvenalis: A Multidisciplinary Survey of Children as Tool Makers/Users”, Childhood in the Past, 10/1, 72-90, Online, 09 May 2017, DOI: 10.1080/17585716.2017.1316010.
  • Lancy, D. F., Anthropological Perspectives on Children as Helpers, Workers, Artisans and Laborers, Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
  • Lancy-Grove 2011
  • Lancy, D. F.-Grove, M. A., “Getting Noticed: Middle Childhood in Cross-Cultural Perspective”, Human Nature, 22, 281-302.
  • Lillehammer 2010
  • Lillehammer, G., “Archaeology of Children”, Complutum, 21/2, 15-45.
  • Lillehammer 2015
  • Lillehammer, G., “25 Years with the ‘Child’ and the Archaeology of Childhood”, Childhood in the Past: An International Journal, 8/2, 78-86.
  • Meiklejohn vd. 1992
  • Meiklejohn, C.-Agelarakis, A.-Akkermans, P. A.-Smith, P. E. L.-Solecki, R., “Artificial Cranial Deformation in the Proto-Neolithic and Neolithic Near East and its Possible Origin: Evidence from Four Sites”, Paléorient, 18/2, 83-97.
  • Milks vd. 2021
  • Milks, A.-Lew Levy S.-Lavi, N.-Friesem, D. E.-Reckin, R., “Hunter-Gatherer Children in the Past: An Archaeological Review”, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, Vol. 64, Article 101369, Online, December 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.jaa.2021.101369.
  • Özbaşaran 2013
  • Özbaşaran, M., “Orta Anadolu’nun Neolitikleşme Sürecinde Aşıklı”, Colloquium Anatolicum, S. 12, 1-14.
  • Özbaşaran-Duru-Uzdurum 2018
  • Özbaşaran, M.-Duru, G.-Uzdurum, M., “Architecture of the Early Settlement and Trends through the Cultural Sequence”, The Early Settlement at Aşıklı Höyük- Essays in Honor of Ufuk Esin, ed. M. Özbaşaran-G. Duru-M. Stiner, Ege Yayınları, İstanbul, 57-103.
  • Özbek, M., “Aşıklı Höyük’te 2007 ve 2008 Yılı Kazı Çalışmalarında Bulunan İki İlginç İnsan İskeleti”, 26. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı, Ankara, 1-12.
  • Özbek-Erdal 2006
  • Özbek, M.-Erdal, D., “Anadolu’nun Bazı Neolitik ve Kalkolitik Topluluklarında Bebek Ölümleri ve Olası Nedenleri”, Türk Arkeoloji ve Etnografya Dergisi, S. 6, 41-52.
  • Pearson vd. 2010
  • Pearson, J.-Hedges, R. E. M.-Molleson, T. I.-Özbek, M., “Exploring the Relationship Between Weaning and Infant Mortality: An Isotope Case Study from Aşıklı Höyük and Çayönü Tepesi”, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 143, 448-457.
  • Pezzulla 2020
  • Pezzulla, N., “Dumu.gaba, ṣiḫru e Guruš/sal.Tur.tur: The Recognition of Developmental Stages in Ancient Mesopotamia”, Ages and Abilities. The Stages of Childhood and their Social Recognition in Prehistoric Europe and Beyond, ed. K. Rebay Salisbury,-D. Pany-Kucera, Archaeopress, Oxford, 133-150.
  • Purschwitz 2022
  • Purschwitz, C., “Skill, Learning and Knowledge Transfer in Lithic Production as seen from LPPNB/FPPNB Ba’ja, Southern Levant”, Tracking the Neolithic in the Near East. Lithic Perspectives on its Origins, Development and Dispersals, ed. Y. Nishiaki-O. Maeda-M. Arimura, The Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the PPN Chipped and Ground Stone Industries of the Near East, Tokyo, 12th-16th November 2019, Sidestone Press, Leiden, 227-247.
  • Riede vd. 2018
  • Riede, F.-Johannsen, N. N.-Högberg, A.-Nowell, A.-Lombard, M., “The Role of Play Objects and Object Play in Human Cognitive Evolution and Innovation”, Evolutionary Anthropology, 27/1, 46-59.
  • Sánchez Romero 2009
  • Sánchez Romero, M., “Childhood and the Construction of Gender Identities through Material Culture”, Childhood in the Past, 1/1, 17-37.
  • Tiryaki 2019
  • Tiryaki, G., “Demirçağ Anadolu’sunda Çocuk/Çocukluk Temsilleri Üzerine”, Colloquium Anatolicum, S. 18, 183-208.
  • Wendrich 2012
  • Wendrich, W. (ed.)., Archaeology of Apprenticeship. Body Knowledge, Identity, and Communities of Practice, The University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
  • Yelözer 2018
  • Yelözer, S., “The Beads from Aşıklı Höyük”, The Early Settlement at Aşıklı Höyük- Essays in Honor of Ufuk Esin, ed. M. Özbaşaran-G. Duru-M. Stiner, Ege Yayınları, Istanbul, 383-404.
  • Yelözer-Christidou 2020
  • Yelözer, S.-Christidou, R., “The foot of the hare, the tooth of the deer and the shell of the mollusc: Neolithic osseous ornaments from Aşıklı Höyük (Central Anatolia, Turkey)”, Beauty and the Eye of the Beholder: Personal Adornments across the Millennia, ed. M. Margarit-A. BoroneantI, Cetatea de scaun, Târgoviște, 197-222.
  • Yelözer-Özbaşaran 2022
  • Yelözer, S.-Özbaşaran, M., “Entangled at Death: Beads, Gender, and Life Cycles during the Central Anatolian Early Neolithic; Aşıklı Höyük as a case study”, The Mummy Under the Bed: Essays on Gender and Methodology in the Ancient Near East, ed. K. De Graef- A. Garcia Ventura-A. Goddeeris-B. Alpert Nakhai, Zaphon, Münster, 289-323.
There are 71 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Archaeology (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Mihriban Özbaşaran 0000-0002-3603-948X

Sera Yelözer 0000-0002-1151-343X

Nurcan Kayacan This is me 0000-0001-6256-5961

Güneş Duru 0000-0003-1870-0120

Publication Date May 15, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: 13


APA Özbaşaran, M., Yelözer, S., Kayacan, N., Duru, G. (2024). Aşıklı Höyük’ün Çocukları. Höyük(13), 1-18.
AMA Özbaşaran M, Yelözer S, Kayacan N, Duru G. Aşıklı Höyük’ün Çocukları. Höyük. May 2024;(13):1-18. doi:10.37879/hoyuk.2024.1.001
Chicago Özbaşaran, Mihriban, Sera Yelözer, Nurcan Kayacan, and Güneş Duru. “Aşıklı Höyük’ün Çocukları”. Höyük, no. 13 (May 2024): 1-18.
EndNote Özbaşaran M, Yelözer S, Kayacan N, Duru G (May 1, 2024) Aşıklı Höyük’ün Çocukları. Höyük 13 1–18.
IEEE M. Özbaşaran, S. Yelözer, N. Kayacan, and G. Duru, “Aşıklı Höyük’ün Çocukları”, Höyük, no. 13, pp. 1–18, May 2024, doi: 10.37879/hoyuk.2024.1.001.
ISNAD Özbaşaran, Mihriban et al. “Aşıklı Höyük’ün Çocukları”. Höyük 13 (May 2024), 1-18.
JAMA Özbaşaran M, Yelözer S, Kayacan N, Duru G. Aşıklı Höyük’ün Çocukları. Höyük. 2024;:1–18.
MLA Özbaşaran, Mihriban et al. “Aşıklı Höyük’ün Çocukları”. Höyük, no. 13, 2024, pp. 1-18, doi:10.37879/hoyuk.2024.1.001.
Vancouver Özbaşaran M, Yelözer S, Kayacan N, Duru G. Aşıklı Höyük’ün Çocukları. Höyük. 2024(13):1-18.

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