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Avrasya Geç Miyosen Dönem Microstonyx (Suidae) Taksonomisine Genel Bir Bakış

Year 2024, Issue: 14, 1 - 14, 15.11.2024


Doğu Akdeniz Bölgesi’nde Geç Miyosen Dönem’de (11,63-5,333 milyon yıl) Microstonyx’in paleobiyo- coğrafik dağılımı ve biyostratigrafik farklılığı uzun bir zamandır paleontoloji literatüründe tartışılmak- tadır. Zaman, cinsiyet ve bölgesel farklılıkların karmaşası bu Geç Miyosen Dönem domuzunu Avrasya Bölgesi’nde oldukça karakteristik kılmaktadır. Vallesian ve Turolian dönemlerde açık ve kuru alanların artmasıyla birlikte Microstonyx’ler yaşam alanındaki ekolojik farklılığa çok çabuk adapte olabilmiştir. Morfolojik küçük farklılıklar Microstonyx’in alt tür ayrımını son derece hassas kılmıştır. Bu alt türün (subspecies) durumu üç farklı temel prensibe dayanır. Bunlardan ilki kronolojik sıra, ikincisi coğrafik dağılım ve üçüncüsü ise MN 12’den itibaren gerileyerek azalan ölçüleridir. MN 12/13 Dönemi’nde türlerin yok oluşu zirve yapmış ve Akdeniz ve Patratetis’in (7-5 milyon yıl) çekilmesiyle eş zamanlı olarak bu durum sona ermiştir. Akdeniz’den Orta Avrupa’ya kadar olan coğrafik bölgelerde MN 13’e kadar olan süreç içinde, Microstonyx’in yaşanabilir göl sistemleri içinde savana benzeri açık alanlardan ziyade bu alanların daha yeşil yüksek yerlerinde var olmaları bu hipotezi destekler niteliktedir. Ayrıca cranial morfolojisi ve ekosistemde paylaştığı ortak fauna da bu durumu doğrulamaktadır. Microstonyx’in evri- mi, spesifik olarak ekolojik değişikliklere karşı çok esnektir. Bu çalışma, Geç Miyosen Dönem’de Doğu Akdeniz Bölgesi’nin yaygın domuzu olan Microstonyx’in coğrafik ve stratigrafik farklılığının yanında ekolojik uyumuna genel bir bakış açısı getirmeyi hedeflemiştir.

Ethical Statement

Bu çalışmanın hazırlanma sürecinde bilimsel ve etik ilkelere uyulduğu ve yararlanılan tüm çalışmaların kaynakçada belirtildiği beyan olunur.


  • Akgün-Kaya-Forstén vd. 2000
  • Akgün, F.-Kaya, T.-Forstén, A.-Atalay, Z., “Biostratigraphic data (Mammalia and Palynology) from the Upper Miocene İncesu Formation at Düzyayla (Hafik-Sivas, Central Anatolia)”, Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 9, 57-67.
  • Baltuille-Becker Platen-Benda vd. 1992
  • Baltuille, J. M.-Becker Platen, J. D.-Benda, L.-Calzaga, Y. I., “A contribution to the subdivision of the Neogene in Spain using palynology”, Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 27 (1-2), 41-58.
  • Benda, L., “Principles of the Palynologic Subdivision of the Turkish Neogene”, Newsletters on Stratigraphy, l/3, 23-26.
  • Benda-Meulenkamp 1990
  • Benda, L.-Meulenkamp, J. E., “Biostratigraphic correlations in the Eastern Mediterranean Neogene 9. sporomorph associations and event stratigraphy of the Eastern Mediterranean Neogene”, Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 23/1, 1-10.
  • Bernor, R. L., “Geochronology and zoogeographic relationships of Miocene Hominoidea”, New interpretations of ape and human ancestry, ed. Russell L. Ciochon, Robert S. Corruccini, Springer, 21-64. Bernor-Kovar Eder-Suc vd. 1990
  • Bernor, R. L.-Kovar Eder, J.-Suc, J. P.-Tobien, H., “A Contribution to the Evolutionary History of European Late Miocene Age Hipparionines (Mammalia: Equidae)”, Paleobiol, Contin. 27, 291-309. Bonis-Bouvrain 1996
  • Bonis, L. De-Bouvrain, G., “Suidae du Miocène supérieur de Grèce”, Bulletin du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, 4e série, 18, section c, 1, 107-132.
  • Demirsoy 2002
  • Demirsoy, A., Genel Zoocoğrafya ve Türkiye Zoocoğrafyası/Hayvan Coğrafyası, Meteksan Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Eldredge 1999
  • Eldredge N., “Cretaceous Meteor Showers, the Human Ecological “Niche” and the Sixth Extinction”, Extinctions in Near Time, ed. R. D. E. MacPhee, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 1-15. Fortelius-van der Made-Bernor 1996
  • Fortelius, M.-van der Made, J.-Bernor, R.L., “Middle and Late Miocene Suoidea of Central Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean: evolution, biogeography and paleoecology”, 28 The Evolution of Western Eurasian Neogene Mammal Faunas, ed. R. L. Bernor-V. Fahlbusch-H.
  • W. Mittmann, Columbia University Press, New York, 344-377.
  • Gaudry 1873
  • Gaudry, A., Animaux fossiles du Mont Léberon, ed. F. Savy, Paris.
  • Gervais 1848-1852
  • Gervais, P., Zoologie et paléontologie françaises, 3, Arthur Bertand, Paris.
  • Ginsburg 1974
  • Ginsburg, L., “Les Tayassuids des phosphorites du Quercy”, Palaeovertebrata, 6, 55-85.
  • Ginsburg 1980
  • Ginsburg, L., “Xenohyus venitor, suid nouveau (Mammalia, artiodactyla) du Miocène Inferieur de France”, Geobios, 13, 861-877.
  • Ginsburg 1988
  • Ginsburg, L., “Contributions a l’étude du gisement Miocène Supérieur de Montrédon (Herault). Les grands mammifères. 4-Les artiodactyles Suidae”, Palaeovertebrata, Mém. extr.: 57-64, pl 1.
  • Golpe Posse 1980
  • Golpe Posse, J. M.,“Le genre Microstonyx en Espagne et ses relations avec les autres espèces du même genre hors d’Espagne. Palaeovertebrata”, Montpellier, Mém. Jubil. R. Lavocat 3, 213-231. Hünermann 1975
  • Hünermann, K. A., “Die Suidae aus dem Türkischen Neogen”, Die Gliederung des höheren Jungtertiärs und Altquartärs in der Türkei nach Vertebraten und ihre Bedeutung für die internationale Neogen-Stratigraphie, ed. O. Sickenberg, Stuttgart, Schweizerbart. 15, 153-156.
  • Kaup, J. J., Description d’ossements fossiles de Mammifères, C 2, Chez J. G. Heyer, Darmstadt.
  • Kostopoulos 1994
  • Kostopoulos D., “Microstonyx major (Suidae, Artiodactyla) from the late Miocene locality of “Nikiti-1”, Macedonia, Greece; some remarks about the species”, Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 30/1, 341-355.
  • Kostopoulos-Spassov-Kovachev 2001
  • Kostopoulos, D. S.-Spassov, N.-Kovachev, D., “Contributionto the study of Microstonyx: evidence from Bulgaria and the SE European populations”, Geodiversitas 23/3, 411-437. Lydekker 1877
  • Lydekker, R., “Notices of new and rare mammals from the Siwaliks”, Records of the Geological Survey of India, 10, 76-83. Liu-Kostopoulos-Fortelius 2003
  • Liu, L.-Kostopoulos, D. S.-Fortelius, M., “Late Miocene Microstonyx remains (Suidae, Mammalia) from Northern China”, Geobios, 37, 49-64.
  • Ozansoy 1965
  • Ozansoy, F., “Études des gisements continentaux et de Mammifères du Cénozoïque du Turquie. Mémoires de la Societé Géologique de France”, Nouvelle Série, 44, 1-92.
  • Pickford 1988
  • Pickford, M., “Revision of the Miocene Suidae of the Indian Subcontinent”, Münchener Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, Reihe A, Geologie und Palontologie 12, 1-91.
  • Pickford 1993
  • Pickford, M., “Old world Suoid systematics, phylogeny,biogeography and biostratigraphy”, Paleontologia i Evolucio´, 26–27, 237-269.
  • Pickford-Ertürk 1979
  • Pickford, M.-Ertürk, Ç., “Suidae and Tayassuidea from Turkey”, Bulletin of the Geological Society of Turkey, C 22, 141–154.
  • Pilgrim 1926
  • Pilgrim, G. E., The fossil “Suidae” of India, Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India, Palaeontologia Indica, 8, 1-104.
  • Roth-Wagner 1854
  • Roth, J.-Wagner, A., “Die Fossilen knochenberreste von Pikermi in Griechenland”, Abhandlungen der bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 7, Verlag Der K. Akademie, München, 371–464.
  • Rögl-Zapfe-Bernor vd. 1993
  • Rögl, F.-Zapfe, H.-Bernor, R. L.-Brzobohaty, R.L.-DaxnerHöck, G.-Draxler, I.-Fejfar, O.-Gaudant, J.-Hermann, P.-Rabeder, G.-Schultz, O.-Zetter, R., “Die Primatenfundstelle Gotzendorf ander Leitha (Obermiozan des Wiener Beckens Niederosterreich)”, Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 136/2, 503-526.
  • Schmidt Kittler 1971
  • Schmidt Kittler, N., “Die obermiozäne Fossillagerstätte Sandelzhausen 3. Suidae (Artiodactyla, Mammalia)”, Mitteilungen der Bayerische Staatssamlung für Palontäontologie und Historische Geologie, 11, 129-170.
  • Şenyürek 1952
  • Şenyürek, M. S., “A study of the Pontian fauna of Gökdere (Elmadağı), southeast of Ankara”, Belleten, C 16, S. 64, 449-492.
  • Thenius 1972
  • Thenius, E., “Microstonyx antiquus aus dem Alt-Pliozän Mittel-Europas. Zur Taxonomie und Evolution der Suidae (Mammalia)”, Annalen des Naturhistorishes Museums, 76, 539-586.
  • Trofimov 1954
  • Trofimov, B. A., “The fossil Suids of the genus Microstonyx. In:Tertiary Mammals, Part 2. On the Mammalia of the Southern SSSR and Mongolia”, Doklady Akademia Nauk SSR, 47, 61-99.
  • van der Made-Hussain 1989
  • van der Made, J.-Hussain, S. T., “Microstonyx» major (Suidae, artiodactyla) from the type area of the nagri formation, siwalik group, Pakistán”, Estudios geológicos, 45, 409-416.
  • van der Made-Moyà Solà 1989
  • van der Made, J.-Moyà-Solà, S., “European Suinae (Artiodactyla) from the Late Miocene onwards”, Bolletino de la Società Paleontologica Italiana, 28/(2/3), 329-339.
  • van der Made 1990a
  • van der Made, J., “Iberian Suoidea”, Paleontologia i Evolució, 23, 83-97.
  • van der Made 1990b
  • van der Made, J., “A range chart for European Suidae and Tayassuidae”, Paleontologia i Evolució, 23, 99-104.
  • van der Made-Montoya-Alcalá 1992
  • van der Made, J.-Montoya, P.-Alcalá, L., “Microstonyx (Suidae, Mammalia) from the Upper Miocene of Spain”, Geobios, 25/3, 395-413.
  • van der Made 1997
  • van der Made, J., “The fossil pig from the Upper Miocene of Dorn Dürkheim in Germany”, Courier Forschungsinsitut Senckenberg, 197, 205-230.
  • van der Made-Güleç-Erkman 2013
  • van der Made, J-Güleç, E.-Erkman, A. C., “Microstonyx (Suidae, Artiodactyla) from the Upper Miocene of Hayranlı-Haliminhanı, Turkey”, Turkish Journal of Zoology, 37, 106-122.
  • Young, J. Z., The Life of Vertebrates, Third Edition Oxford, New York.

A General Overview of the Taxonomy of Microstonyx (Suidae) During the Late Miocene Period in Eurasia

Year 2024, Issue: 14, 1 - 14, 15.11.2024


The paleo-biogeographic distribution and bio-stratigraphic differences of Microstonyx in the Eastern Mediterranean region during the Late Miocene period (11.63-5.333 million years) have been discussed in the literature for a long time. The complexity of time, gender, and regional differences makes this Late Miocene pig notably characteristic of Eurasia. Ecologically, with the increase in open and dry areas in the Vallesian and Turolian periods, adapted very quickly to the differences in habitats. Small morphological differences make the subspecies distinction of Microstonyx extremely sensitive. The status of this subspecies is based on three different basic principles. The first of these is the chronological order, the second is the geographical distribution and the third is the decreasing dimensions starting from MN 12. Species extinction peaked during MN 12/13 and ended simultaneously with the retreat of the Mediterranean and Patratethys (7-5 Ma). In the geographical regions from the Mediterranean to Central Europe during the MN 13 period, Microstonyx’s presence in habitable lake systems in greener higher places rather than in savannah-like open areas supports this hypothesis. Moreover, its cranial morphology and the common fauna sharing in the ecosystem also confirm this situation. The evolution of Microstonyx is particularly flexible to ecological changes. This study aimed to bring a general perspective to the ecological adaptation and the geographical and stratigraphic differences of Microstonyx, the common pig of the Eastern Mediterranean region in the Late Miocene period.

Ethical Statement

It is declared that scientific and ethical principles were complied with during the preparation of this study and all the works referred are mentioned in the bibliography.


  • Akgün-Kaya-Forstén vd. 2000
  • Akgün, F.-Kaya, T.-Forstén, A.-Atalay, Z., “Biostratigraphic data (Mammalia and Palynology) from the Upper Miocene İncesu Formation at Düzyayla (Hafik-Sivas, Central Anatolia)”, Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 9, 57-67.
  • Baltuille-Becker Platen-Benda vd. 1992
  • Baltuille, J. M.-Becker Platen, J. D.-Benda, L.-Calzaga, Y. I., “A contribution to the subdivision of the Neogene in Spain using palynology”, Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 27 (1-2), 41-58.
  • Benda, L., “Principles of the Palynologic Subdivision of the Turkish Neogene”, Newsletters on Stratigraphy, l/3, 23-26.
  • Benda-Meulenkamp 1990
  • Benda, L.-Meulenkamp, J. E., “Biostratigraphic correlations in the Eastern Mediterranean Neogene 9. sporomorph associations and event stratigraphy of the Eastern Mediterranean Neogene”, Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 23/1, 1-10.
  • Bernor, R. L., “Geochronology and zoogeographic relationships of Miocene Hominoidea”, New interpretations of ape and human ancestry, ed. Russell L. Ciochon, Robert S. Corruccini, Springer, 21-64. Bernor-Kovar Eder-Suc vd. 1990
  • Bernor, R. L.-Kovar Eder, J.-Suc, J. P.-Tobien, H., “A Contribution to the Evolutionary History of European Late Miocene Age Hipparionines (Mammalia: Equidae)”, Paleobiol, Contin. 27, 291-309. Bonis-Bouvrain 1996
  • Bonis, L. De-Bouvrain, G., “Suidae du Miocène supérieur de Grèce”, Bulletin du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, 4e série, 18, section c, 1, 107-132.
  • Demirsoy 2002
  • Demirsoy, A., Genel Zoocoğrafya ve Türkiye Zoocoğrafyası/Hayvan Coğrafyası, Meteksan Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Eldredge 1999
  • Eldredge N., “Cretaceous Meteor Showers, the Human Ecological “Niche” and the Sixth Extinction”, Extinctions in Near Time, ed. R. D. E. MacPhee, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 1-15. Fortelius-van der Made-Bernor 1996
  • Fortelius, M.-van der Made, J.-Bernor, R.L., “Middle and Late Miocene Suoidea of Central Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean: evolution, biogeography and paleoecology”, 28 The Evolution of Western Eurasian Neogene Mammal Faunas, ed. R. L. Bernor-V. Fahlbusch-H.
  • W. Mittmann, Columbia University Press, New York, 344-377.
  • Gaudry 1873
  • Gaudry, A., Animaux fossiles du Mont Léberon, ed. F. Savy, Paris.
  • Gervais 1848-1852
  • Gervais, P., Zoologie et paléontologie françaises, 3, Arthur Bertand, Paris.
  • Ginsburg 1974
  • Ginsburg, L., “Les Tayassuids des phosphorites du Quercy”, Palaeovertebrata, 6, 55-85.
  • Ginsburg 1980
  • Ginsburg, L., “Xenohyus venitor, suid nouveau (Mammalia, artiodactyla) du Miocène Inferieur de France”, Geobios, 13, 861-877.
  • Ginsburg 1988
  • Ginsburg, L., “Contributions a l’étude du gisement Miocène Supérieur de Montrédon (Herault). Les grands mammifères. 4-Les artiodactyles Suidae”, Palaeovertebrata, Mém. extr.: 57-64, pl 1.
  • Golpe Posse 1980
  • Golpe Posse, J. M.,“Le genre Microstonyx en Espagne et ses relations avec les autres espèces du même genre hors d’Espagne. Palaeovertebrata”, Montpellier, Mém. Jubil. R. Lavocat 3, 213-231. Hünermann 1975
  • Hünermann, K. A., “Die Suidae aus dem Türkischen Neogen”, Die Gliederung des höheren Jungtertiärs und Altquartärs in der Türkei nach Vertebraten und ihre Bedeutung für die internationale Neogen-Stratigraphie, ed. O. Sickenberg, Stuttgart, Schweizerbart. 15, 153-156.
  • Kaup, J. J., Description d’ossements fossiles de Mammifères, C 2, Chez J. G. Heyer, Darmstadt.
  • Kostopoulos 1994
  • Kostopoulos D., “Microstonyx major (Suidae, Artiodactyla) from the late Miocene locality of “Nikiti-1”, Macedonia, Greece; some remarks about the species”, Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 30/1, 341-355.
  • Kostopoulos-Spassov-Kovachev 2001
  • Kostopoulos, D. S.-Spassov, N.-Kovachev, D., “Contributionto the study of Microstonyx: evidence from Bulgaria and the SE European populations”, Geodiversitas 23/3, 411-437. Lydekker 1877
  • Lydekker, R., “Notices of new and rare mammals from the Siwaliks”, Records of the Geological Survey of India, 10, 76-83. Liu-Kostopoulos-Fortelius 2003
  • Liu, L.-Kostopoulos, D. S.-Fortelius, M., “Late Miocene Microstonyx remains (Suidae, Mammalia) from Northern China”, Geobios, 37, 49-64.
  • Ozansoy 1965
  • Ozansoy, F., “Études des gisements continentaux et de Mammifères du Cénozoïque du Turquie. Mémoires de la Societé Géologique de France”, Nouvelle Série, 44, 1-92.
  • Pickford 1988
  • Pickford, M., “Revision of the Miocene Suidae of the Indian Subcontinent”, Münchener Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, Reihe A, Geologie und Palontologie 12, 1-91.
  • Pickford 1993
  • Pickford, M., “Old world Suoid systematics, phylogeny,biogeography and biostratigraphy”, Paleontologia i Evolucio´, 26–27, 237-269.
  • Pickford-Ertürk 1979
  • Pickford, M.-Ertürk, Ç., “Suidae and Tayassuidea from Turkey”, Bulletin of the Geological Society of Turkey, C 22, 141–154.
  • Pilgrim 1926
  • Pilgrim, G. E., The fossil “Suidae” of India, Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India, Palaeontologia Indica, 8, 1-104.
  • Roth-Wagner 1854
  • Roth, J.-Wagner, A., “Die Fossilen knochenberreste von Pikermi in Griechenland”, Abhandlungen der bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 7, Verlag Der K. Akademie, München, 371–464.
  • Rögl-Zapfe-Bernor vd. 1993
  • Rögl, F.-Zapfe, H.-Bernor, R. L.-Brzobohaty, R.L.-DaxnerHöck, G.-Draxler, I.-Fejfar, O.-Gaudant, J.-Hermann, P.-Rabeder, G.-Schultz, O.-Zetter, R., “Die Primatenfundstelle Gotzendorf ander Leitha (Obermiozan des Wiener Beckens Niederosterreich)”, Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 136/2, 503-526.
  • Schmidt Kittler 1971
  • Schmidt Kittler, N., “Die obermiozäne Fossillagerstätte Sandelzhausen 3. Suidae (Artiodactyla, Mammalia)”, Mitteilungen der Bayerische Staatssamlung für Palontäontologie und Historische Geologie, 11, 129-170.
  • Şenyürek 1952
  • Şenyürek, M. S., “A study of the Pontian fauna of Gökdere (Elmadağı), southeast of Ankara”, Belleten, C 16, S. 64, 449-492.
  • Thenius 1972
  • Thenius, E., “Microstonyx antiquus aus dem Alt-Pliozän Mittel-Europas. Zur Taxonomie und Evolution der Suidae (Mammalia)”, Annalen des Naturhistorishes Museums, 76, 539-586.
  • Trofimov 1954
  • Trofimov, B. A., “The fossil Suids of the genus Microstonyx. In:Tertiary Mammals, Part 2. On the Mammalia of the Southern SSSR and Mongolia”, Doklady Akademia Nauk SSR, 47, 61-99.
  • van der Made-Hussain 1989
  • van der Made, J.-Hussain, S. T., “Microstonyx» major (Suidae, artiodactyla) from the type area of the nagri formation, siwalik group, Pakistán”, Estudios geológicos, 45, 409-416.
  • van der Made-Moyà Solà 1989
  • van der Made, J.-Moyà-Solà, S., “European Suinae (Artiodactyla) from the Late Miocene onwards”, Bolletino de la Società Paleontologica Italiana, 28/(2/3), 329-339.
  • van der Made 1990a
  • van der Made, J., “Iberian Suoidea”, Paleontologia i Evolució, 23, 83-97.
  • van der Made 1990b
  • van der Made, J., “A range chart for European Suidae and Tayassuidae”, Paleontologia i Evolució, 23, 99-104.
  • van der Made-Montoya-Alcalá 1992
  • van der Made, J.-Montoya, P.-Alcalá, L., “Microstonyx (Suidae, Mammalia) from the Upper Miocene of Spain”, Geobios, 25/3, 395-413.
  • van der Made 1997
  • van der Made, J., “The fossil pig from the Upper Miocene of Dorn Dürkheim in Germany”, Courier Forschungsinsitut Senckenberg, 197, 205-230.
  • van der Made-Güleç-Erkman 2013
  • van der Made, J-Güleç, E.-Erkman, A. C., “Microstonyx (Suidae, Artiodactyla) from the Upper Miocene of Hayranlı-Haliminhanı, Turkey”, Turkish Journal of Zoology, 37, 106-122.
  • Young, J. Z., The Life of Vertebrates, Third Edition Oxford, New York.
There are 73 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Archaeology (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Ahmet Cem Erkman 0000-0003-3382-1019

Publication Date November 15, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: 14


APA Erkman, A. C. (2024). Avrasya Geç Miyosen Dönem Microstonyx (Suidae) Taksonomisine Genel Bir Bakış. Höyük(14), 1-14.
AMA Erkman AC. Avrasya Geç Miyosen Dönem Microstonyx (Suidae) Taksonomisine Genel Bir Bakış. Höyük. November 2024;(14):1-14. doi:/hoyuk.1591514
Chicago Erkman, Ahmet Cem. “Avrasya Geç Miyosen Dönem Microstonyx (Suidae) Taksonomisine Genel Bir Bakış”. Höyük, no. 14 (November 2024): 1-14.
EndNote Erkman AC (November 1, 2024) Avrasya Geç Miyosen Dönem Microstonyx (Suidae) Taksonomisine Genel Bir Bakış. Höyük 14 1–14.
IEEE A. C. Erkman, “Avrasya Geç Miyosen Dönem Microstonyx (Suidae) Taksonomisine Genel Bir Bakış”, Höyük, no. 14, pp. 1–14, November 2024, doi: /hoyuk.1591514.
ISNAD Erkman, Ahmet Cem. “Avrasya Geç Miyosen Dönem Microstonyx (Suidae) Taksonomisine Genel Bir Bakış”. Höyük 14 (November 2024), 1-14.
JAMA Erkman AC. Avrasya Geç Miyosen Dönem Microstonyx (Suidae) Taksonomisine Genel Bir Bakış. Höyük. 2024;:1–14.
MLA Erkman, Ahmet Cem. “Avrasya Geç Miyosen Dönem Microstonyx (Suidae) Taksonomisine Genel Bir Bakış”. Höyük, no. 14, 2024, pp. 1-14, doi:/hoyuk.1591514.
Vancouver Erkman AC. Avrasya Geç Miyosen Dönem Microstonyx (Suidae) Taksonomisine Genel Bir Bakış. Höyük. 2024(14):1-14.

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