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Öğretmenlerin Gösterdikleri Psikolojik, Sosyal ve Fiziksel Şiddet Davranışları ve Sonuçları

Year 2022, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 448 - 465, 26.06.2022


Şiddet son yıllarda en çok araştırılan konuların başında gelmektedir. Özellikle de aile içi şiddet, kadına yönelik şiddet, işyerlerinde maruz kalınan mobbing, okulda akran zorbalığı, gençlerin ve çocukların evde maruz kaldıkları psikolojik ve fiziksel şiddet hakkında oldukça çok araştırma yapılmış ve ciddi bir bilgi birikimi ortaya çıkmıştır. Yine son yıllarda çocuk ve gençlerin birbirlerine yaptıkları akran zorbalığı ülkemizde de her eğitim kademesinde tüm boyutlarıyla geniş bir şekilde araştırılmış, bilgi sahibi olunmuş ve bununla ilgili olarak müdahale programları yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmalar neticesinde ciddi bir farkındalık oluşturulmuştur. Yine öğretmenlerin maruz kaldığı şiddette kamuoyunda, televizyon ve gazetelerde oldukça çok yer almıştır. Bu konuda da bir duyarlık gelişmiştir. Fakat öğretmenlerin gösterdikleri şiddete hiç değinilmemiştir, Öğretmenlere böyle bir şey asla layık görülmemiş, yakıştırılmamış ve bu konu biraz da tabu olduğu için araştırılmamıştır. Bu derleme makalenin amacı da öğretmenlerin gösterdikleri psikolojik, sosyal ve fiziksel şiddet davranışlarının neler olabileceği, bunların nasıl tanımlandığı, yaygınlık oranları, öğrenciler üzerindeki etkileri ve bu şiddet döngüsünün nasıl devam ettiğini araştırmaktır. O nedenle tüm bu konuları içeren makaleler taranmış ve özgün bir derleme yazılmıştır.

Supporting Institution


Project Number





  • American Psychological Association, (1993). Violence and youth: Psychology’s response. Washington, DC:
  • Author. Bear, G. (2011). Positive Psychology and School Discipline: Positive Is Not Simply the Opposite of Punitive. Communique, 39(5), 8-9.
  • Benavides Abanto, C. M., Jara-Almonte, J. L., Stuart, J., ve La Riva, D. (2021). Bullying victimization among Peruvian children: the predictive role of parental maltreatment. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(13-14), 6369-6390.
  • Benbenishty, R. Zeira, A., Astor, R. A., & Khoury-Kassabri, M. (2002). Maltreatment of primary school students by educational staff in Israel. Child Abuse and Neglect, 26, 1291-1309.
  • Benbenishty, R. Zeira, & A., Astor (2002). Children reports of emotional, physical, and sexual maltreatment by educational staff in Israel. Child Abuse and Neglect, 26, 763-782.
  • Bulut, S. (2008). Öğretmenden öğrenciye yönelik olan fiziksel şiddet: Nicel bir araştırma. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(1), 105-118.
  • Burke, J. (2020). Positive Psychology and School Leadership: The New Science of Positive Educational Leadership. Nova.
  • Chapell, M., Casey, D., De la Cruz, C., Ferrell, J., Forman, J., Lipkin, R., Newsham, M., Sterling, M., Whittaker, S. (2004). Bullying in college by students and teachers. Adolescence, 39, 53-64.
  • Coleman, M. M., Alder, M. E., & Prihoda, T. J (1995). Regional comparisons of child abuse and related variables in the United States. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 16(4),314-9.
  • Cothran, D. J. ve Ennis, C. D. (1997). Students' and teachers' perceptions of conflict andpower. Teaching and Teacher Education, 13(5), 541-553.
  • Delfabbro, P., Winefield, T., Trainor, S., Dollard, M., Anderson, S., & Metzer, J., et al. (2006). Peer and teacher bullying/victimization of South Australian secondary school students: Prevalence and psychosocial profiles. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 76, 71-90.
  • Fekkes, M., Pijpers, F. I. M. veVerloove-Vanhorick, P. (2005). Bullying: who does what, when and where? Involvement of children, teachers and parents in bullying behavior. Health Education Research, 20, 81-91.
  • Gonzales de Rivera, J. L. (2002). El maltrato psicologica: Cómo defender- se del mobbing y otras formas de acoso. Espasa-Calpe.
  • Graeff-Martins, A. S., Dmitrieva, T., El Din, A. S., Caffo, E., Flament, M. F., Nurcombe, B., & Rohde, L. A. (2007). School Dropout: A Systematic Worldwide Review Concerning Risk Factors and Preventive Interventions. The mental health of children and adolescents: An area of global neglect, 165-177.
  • Hart, S., & Brassard, M. (1987). A major treat to children’s mental health: Psychological maltreatment. American Psychologist, 42, 160-165.
  • Hu, P. C. (1997). Spousal violence among 200 couples. Chinese Mental Health Journal, 10,171-172.
  • Hyman, I. A., & Perone, D. C. (1998). The other side of school violence. Educator policiesand practices that may contribute to student misbehavior. Journal of School Psychology, 36 (1), 7-27.
  • Hyman, I., Zelikoff, W., & Clark, J. (1998). Psychological and physical abuse in schools: A paradigm for understanding post-traumatic stress disorder in children. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 1, 243-267.
  • Kim, D. H., Kim, K. I., Park, Y. C., Zhang, L. D., Lu, M. K. ve Li, D. G. (2000). Children experience of violence in China and Korea: A transcultural study. Child Abuse and Neglect, 24 (9), 1163-1173.
  • Kim, N. ve Oh, I. (2017). Analysis of stakeholders’ perceptions of zero tolerance policy for school violence in South Korea. KEDI Journal of Educational Policy, 14(1), 59-76.
  • Kondrasuk, J. N., Pamplin, R. B., Grene, T., Waggoner, J., Edwards, K., & Nayak-Rhodes, A. (2005). Violence affecting school employees. Education, 125, 638-647.
  • Lambert, C. (1990). Factorial structure and reliability of a scale measuring stress response as a result of maltreatment in schools. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Temple University.
  • Landrum, T. J. ve Kauffman, J. M. (2006). Behavioural approaches to classroom management. In C.M. Everton & C.S. Weinstein (Eds.), Handbook of classroom management: Research, practice, and contemporary issues.
  • MacDonald, G., Leary, M. R., (2005). Why Does Social Exclusion Hurt? The Relationship between Social and Physical Pain. Psychological Bulletin, 131(2), 202-223.
  • Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. López Castedo, A., Álvarez García, D., Domínguez Alonso, J. ve Álvarez Roales, E. (2018). Expressions of school violence in adolescence. Psicothema, 30.
  • Mc.Millan, H. L., Boyle, M. H., Wong, M. Y. Y., Duku, F. K., Fleming, J. E. ve Walsh, C. A. (1999). Slapping and spanking in childhood and its association with lifetime prevalence of psychiatric disorders in general population sample. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 161 (7), 805-809.
  • Milner, H. R. (2020). Fifteenth Annual AERA Brown Lecture in Education Research: Disrupting Punitive Practices and Policies: Rac(e)ing Back to Teaching, Teacher Preparation, and Brown. Educational Researcher, 49(3), 147–160.
  • Morrissette, P. J. (2001). Reducing incivility in the university college classroom. International Electronic Journal for Leadership in Learning, 5(4), 1-12
  • Olweus, D. (1996).Bullying of students by teachers. Alma Mater Forlag.
  • Olweus, D. (1999). In P. K. Smith, Y. Morita, J. Junger-Tas, D. Olweus, R. Catalano, & P. Slee (Eds.). The Nature of School Bullying (pp.28-48). Routledge.
  • Parkay, F. W., & Conoley, C. (1982). Characteristics of educators who advocate corporal punishment: A brief report. Journal of Humanistic Education and Development, 2 (1), 33-36.
  • Rigby, K. (1996). Bullying in schools and what to do about it. Shannon Pres.
  • Rokach, A. ve Chan, S. (2021). The Many Faces of Child Emotional Maltreatment. Clinical Psychology and Mental Health Care, 3(1).
  • SAM (Society for Adolescent Medicine) (2003). Corporal punishment in schools. Position Paper of The Society For Adolescent Medicine, 32, 385-393.
  • Sarno, G. (1992). Emotional distress by schoolteacher and administrator. 18. American Journal of Proof Fact 3rd, 103.
  • Seligman, M. E. P., Steen, T. A., Park, N., & Peterson, C. (2005). Positive Psychology Progress: Empirical Validation of Interventions. American Psychologist, 60(5), 410–421.
  • Straus, M. A. (1996). Spanking and the making of a violent society. Pediatrics, 98, 837-831.
  • Stuart, T., Peter, F., Frank, S., & John, R. B. Jr. (2006). Teachers who bully students: A hidden trauma. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 52, 187-198.
  • Terry, A. A. (1998). Teachers as targets of bullying by their pupils: A study to investigate incidence. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 68(2), 255-268
  • Turkel, A. R. (2007). Sugar, Spice, and Puppy Dogs’ Tails: The Psychodynamics of Bullying. Journal of American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry, 35, 243-258.
  • Twemlow, S. ve Fonagy, P. (2006). Teachers who bully students: A hidden trauma. International Journal of Social Psychiatry,
  • Twemlow, S. W., Fonagy, P., Sacco, F. C. ve Brethour Jr, J. R. (2006). Teachers who bully students: A hidden trauma. International journal of social psychiatry, 52(3), 187-198.
  • Twemlow, S., Fonagy, P., Sacco, F., Brethour, Jr. J.R. (2005). The prevalence of teachers who bully students with differing levels of behavioral problems. American Journal Psychiatry, 162, 2387-2389.
  • Wymer, S. C., Corbin, C. M., & Williford, A. P. (2022). The relation between teacher and child race, teacher perceptions of disruptive behavior, and exclusionary discipline in preschool. Journal of School psychology, 90, 33-42.
  • Yell, M. L., Katsiyannis, A., Rose, C. A., & Houchins, D. E. (2016). Bullying and Harassment of Students With Disabilities in Schools. Remedial and Special Education, 37(5), 274–284.
  • Youssef, R M., Attia, R. M. ve Kamel, M. I. (1998). Children experiencing violence. II.Prevalence and determinants of corporal punishments in schools. Child Abuse andNeglect, 22 (10), 975-985.

Psychological, Social and Physical Bullying of Teacher’s Behaviors and Its Results

Year 2022, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 448 - 465, 26.06.2022


Şiddet son yıllarda en çok araştırılan konuların başında gelmektedir. Özellikle de aile içi şiddet, kadına yönelik şiddet, işyerlerinde maruz kalınan mobbing, okulda akran zorbalığı, gençlerin ve çocukların evde maruz kaldıkları psikolojik ve fiziksel şiddet hakkında oldukça çok araştırma yapılmış ve ciddi bir bilgi birikimi ortaya çıkmıştır. Yine son yıllarda çocuk ve gençlerin birbirlerine yaptıkları akran zorbalığı ülkemizde de her eğitim kademesinde tüm boyutlarıyla geniş bir şekilde araştırılmış, bilgi sahibi olunmuş ve bununla ilgili olarak müdahale programları yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmalar neticesinde ciddi bir farkındalık oluşturulmuştur. Yine öğretmenlerin maruz kaldığı şiddette kamuoyunda, televizyon ve gazetelerde oldukça çok yer almıştır. Bu konuda da bir duyarlık gelişmiştir. Fakat öğretmenlerin gösterdikleri şiddete hiç değinilmemiştir. Öğretmenlere böyle bir şey asla layık görülmemiş, yakıştırılmamış ve bu konu biraz da tabu olduğu için araştırılmamıştır. Bu derleme makalenin amacı da öğretmenlerin gösterdikleri psikolojik, sosyal ve fiziksel şiddet davranışlarının neler olabileceği, bunların nasıl tanımlandığı, yaygınlık oranları, öğrenciler üzerindeki etkileri ve bu şiddet döngüsünün nasıl devam ettiğini araştırmaktır. O nedenle tüm bu konuları içeren makaleler taranmış ve özgün bir derleme yazılmıştır.

Project Number



  • American Psychological Association, (1993). Violence and youth: Psychology’s response. Washington, DC:
  • Author. Bear, G. (2011). Positive Psychology and School Discipline: Positive Is Not Simply the Opposite of Punitive. Communique, 39(5), 8-9.
  • Benavides Abanto, C. M., Jara-Almonte, J. L., Stuart, J., ve La Riva, D. (2021). Bullying victimization among Peruvian children: the predictive role of parental maltreatment. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(13-14), 6369-6390.
  • Benbenishty, R. Zeira, A., Astor, R. A., & Khoury-Kassabri, M. (2002). Maltreatment of primary school students by educational staff in Israel. Child Abuse and Neglect, 26, 1291-1309.
  • Benbenishty, R. Zeira, & A., Astor (2002). Children reports of emotional, physical, and sexual maltreatment by educational staff in Israel. Child Abuse and Neglect, 26, 763-782.
  • Bulut, S. (2008). Öğretmenden öğrenciye yönelik olan fiziksel şiddet: Nicel bir araştırma. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(1), 105-118.
  • Burke, J. (2020). Positive Psychology and School Leadership: The New Science of Positive Educational Leadership. Nova.
  • Chapell, M., Casey, D., De la Cruz, C., Ferrell, J., Forman, J., Lipkin, R., Newsham, M., Sterling, M., Whittaker, S. (2004). Bullying in college by students and teachers. Adolescence, 39, 53-64.
  • Coleman, M. M., Alder, M. E., & Prihoda, T. J (1995). Regional comparisons of child abuse and related variables in the United States. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 16(4),314-9.
  • Cothran, D. J. ve Ennis, C. D. (1997). Students' and teachers' perceptions of conflict andpower. Teaching and Teacher Education, 13(5), 541-553.
  • Delfabbro, P., Winefield, T., Trainor, S., Dollard, M., Anderson, S., & Metzer, J., et al. (2006). Peer and teacher bullying/victimization of South Australian secondary school students: Prevalence and psychosocial profiles. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 76, 71-90.
  • Fekkes, M., Pijpers, F. I. M. veVerloove-Vanhorick, P. (2005). Bullying: who does what, when and where? Involvement of children, teachers and parents in bullying behavior. Health Education Research, 20, 81-91.
  • Gonzales de Rivera, J. L. (2002). El maltrato psicologica: Cómo defender- se del mobbing y otras formas de acoso. Espasa-Calpe.
  • Graeff-Martins, A. S., Dmitrieva, T., El Din, A. S., Caffo, E., Flament, M. F., Nurcombe, B., & Rohde, L. A. (2007). School Dropout: A Systematic Worldwide Review Concerning Risk Factors and Preventive Interventions. The mental health of children and adolescents: An area of global neglect, 165-177.
  • Hart, S., & Brassard, M. (1987). A major treat to children’s mental health: Psychological maltreatment. American Psychologist, 42, 160-165.
  • Hu, P. C. (1997). Spousal violence among 200 couples. Chinese Mental Health Journal, 10,171-172.
  • Hyman, I. A., & Perone, D. C. (1998). The other side of school violence. Educator policiesand practices that may contribute to student misbehavior. Journal of School Psychology, 36 (1), 7-27.
  • Hyman, I., Zelikoff, W., & Clark, J. (1998). Psychological and physical abuse in schools: A paradigm for understanding post-traumatic stress disorder in children. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 1, 243-267.
  • Kim, D. H., Kim, K. I., Park, Y. C., Zhang, L. D., Lu, M. K. ve Li, D. G. (2000). Children experience of violence in China and Korea: A transcultural study. Child Abuse and Neglect, 24 (9), 1163-1173.
  • Kim, N. ve Oh, I. (2017). Analysis of stakeholders’ perceptions of zero tolerance policy for school violence in South Korea. KEDI Journal of Educational Policy, 14(1), 59-76.
  • Kondrasuk, J. N., Pamplin, R. B., Grene, T., Waggoner, J., Edwards, K., & Nayak-Rhodes, A. (2005). Violence affecting school employees. Education, 125, 638-647.
  • Lambert, C. (1990). Factorial structure and reliability of a scale measuring stress response as a result of maltreatment in schools. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Temple University.
  • Landrum, T. J. ve Kauffman, J. M. (2006). Behavioural approaches to classroom management. In C.M. Everton & C.S. Weinstein (Eds.), Handbook of classroom management: Research, practice, and contemporary issues.
  • MacDonald, G., Leary, M. R., (2005). Why Does Social Exclusion Hurt? The Relationship between Social and Physical Pain. Psychological Bulletin, 131(2), 202-223.
  • Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. López Castedo, A., Álvarez García, D., Domínguez Alonso, J. ve Álvarez Roales, E. (2018). Expressions of school violence in adolescence. Psicothema, 30.
  • Mc.Millan, H. L., Boyle, M. H., Wong, M. Y. Y., Duku, F. K., Fleming, J. E. ve Walsh, C. A. (1999). Slapping and spanking in childhood and its association with lifetime prevalence of psychiatric disorders in general population sample. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 161 (7), 805-809.
  • Milner, H. R. (2020). Fifteenth Annual AERA Brown Lecture in Education Research: Disrupting Punitive Practices and Policies: Rac(e)ing Back to Teaching, Teacher Preparation, and Brown. Educational Researcher, 49(3), 147–160.
  • Morrissette, P. J. (2001). Reducing incivility in the university college classroom. International Electronic Journal for Leadership in Learning, 5(4), 1-12
  • Olweus, D. (1996).Bullying of students by teachers. Alma Mater Forlag.
  • Olweus, D. (1999). In P. K. Smith, Y. Morita, J. Junger-Tas, D. Olweus, R. Catalano, & P. Slee (Eds.). The Nature of School Bullying (pp.28-48). Routledge.
  • Parkay, F. W., & Conoley, C. (1982). Characteristics of educators who advocate corporal punishment: A brief report. Journal of Humanistic Education and Development, 2 (1), 33-36.
  • Rigby, K. (1996). Bullying in schools and what to do about it. Shannon Pres.
  • Rokach, A. ve Chan, S. (2021). The Many Faces of Child Emotional Maltreatment. Clinical Psychology and Mental Health Care, 3(1).
  • SAM (Society for Adolescent Medicine) (2003). Corporal punishment in schools. Position Paper of The Society For Adolescent Medicine, 32, 385-393.
  • Sarno, G. (1992). Emotional distress by schoolteacher and administrator. 18. American Journal of Proof Fact 3rd, 103.
  • Seligman, M. E. P., Steen, T. A., Park, N., & Peterson, C. (2005). Positive Psychology Progress: Empirical Validation of Interventions. American Psychologist, 60(5), 410–421.
  • Straus, M. A. (1996). Spanking and the making of a violent society. Pediatrics, 98, 837-831.
  • Stuart, T., Peter, F., Frank, S., & John, R. B. Jr. (2006). Teachers who bully students: A hidden trauma. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 52, 187-198.
  • Terry, A. A. (1998). Teachers as targets of bullying by their pupils: A study to investigate incidence. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 68(2), 255-268
  • Turkel, A. R. (2007). Sugar, Spice, and Puppy Dogs’ Tails: The Psychodynamics of Bullying. Journal of American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry, 35, 243-258.
  • Twemlow, S. ve Fonagy, P. (2006). Teachers who bully students: A hidden trauma. International Journal of Social Psychiatry,
  • Twemlow, S. W., Fonagy, P., Sacco, F. C. ve Brethour Jr, J. R. (2006). Teachers who bully students: A hidden trauma. International journal of social psychiatry, 52(3), 187-198.
  • Twemlow, S., Fonagy, P., Sacco, F., Brethour, Jr. J.R. (2005). The prevalence of teachers who bully students with differing levels of behavioral problems. American Journal Psychiatry, 162, 2387-2389.
  • Wymer, S. C., Corbin, C. M., & Williford, A. P. (2022). The relation between teacher and child race, teacher perceptions of disruptive behavior, and exclusionary discipline in preschool. Journal of School psychology, 90, 33-42.
  • Yell, M. L., Katsiyannis, A., Rose, C. A., & Houchins, D. E. (2016). Bullying and Harassment of Students With Disabilities in Schools. Remedial and Special Education, 37(5), 274–284.
  • Youssef, R M., Attia, R. M. ve Kamel, M. I. (1998). Children experiencing violence. II.Prevalence and determinants of corporal punishments in schools. Child Abuse andNeglect, 22 (10), 975-985.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Review

Sefa Bulut 0000-0002-2622-4390

Abdullah Aktaş 0000-0001-9571-6754

Project Number Yok
Publication Date June 26, 2022
Submission Date February 14, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Bulut, S., & Aktaş, A. (2022). Öğretmenlerin Gösterdikleri Psikolojik, Sosyal ve Fiziksel Şiddet Davranışları ve Sonuçları. Humanistic Perspective, 4(2), 448-465.

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Humanistic Perspective - 2019

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