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When Daedalus Meets Orpheus: Edwin Morgan’s Science-Fiction Poetry

Year 2018, , 61 - 71, 15.06.2018


As is illustrated in a number of contemporary British poems, it is safe to assume that the reflections of science and technology in contemporary poetry are abundant. Influenced by the Space Race that had been going on between the US and the USSR and fascinated with “the shiny technological outcome,” Scottish poet Edwin Morgan wrote science fiction poems which present optimistic scenarios for the future of humanity. Putting people in extraordinary, if not impossible, circumstances, Morgan envisions a future where, despite the horrifying results of the catastrophes that had occurred on Earth, humans are shown as the ideal species to adapt to change. Forced to abandon Earth, humanity is excited about discovering new frontiers. Humanity’s positive attitude towards mutability reflects Morgan’s views, which regard evolution as a natural step. Determined to carry forward no matter what their dire circumstances

compel them to, humanity shows a strong stamina. Space exploration, alien encounters, teleportation, dematerialisation and rematerialisation are central to most of Morgan’s science fiction poetry. Particularly, his science-fiction poems, namely “For the International Poetry Incarnation,” “The First Men on Mercury,” “In Sobieski’s Shield” and “Memories of Earth,” in which encounters with the third kind occur reflect Morgan’s tendency to break down the distinctions between the human and non-human world. Thus, in an age when travelling to space is no longer a dream but a reality, Morgan’s poetry, unlike many post-apocalyptic science-fiction works of the twenty-first century, welcomes change quite positively. Contrary to miscellaneous post-apocalyptic scenarios regarding the future, which look back on the past quite wistfully and melancholically, Morgan’s science-fiction poetry presents an optimistic attitude towards mutability that eagerly and curiously awaits whatever the future has in store for humanity. In this sense, this article will argue that Morgan’s science-fiction poetry has an unwavering faith in progress, which by challenging the anthropocentric worldview introduces an alternate way to see things at the same time, besides underlining the adaptability of humankind into any environment despite the negative experiences they have underwent.


  • Armstrong, T. (2001). Poetry and Science. N. Roberts (Ed.), A Companion to Twentieth -Century Poetry in (pp. 76-88). Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Boddy, K. (2000). Edwin Morgan’s Adventures in Calamerica. The Yale Journal of Criticism, 13, 1: 177-194. Bova, B. (1974). The Role of Science Fiction. R. Bretnor (Ed.), Science, Today and Tomorrow in (pp. 3-16). New York: Harper & Row, Publishers. Cambridge, G. (1997). Edwin Morgan in Conversation: Interview. The Dark Horse, 34, Summer: 34-43. Clareson, T. D. (1971). Ed. SF: The Other Side of Realism: Essays on Modern Fantasy and Science Fiction. (pp. 1-28). Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green University Popular Press. Crawford, R. (1990). ‘to change / the unchangeable’ – The Whole Morgan. R. Crawford and H. Whyte (Eds.), About Edwin Morgan in (pp. 10-24) Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP. Crawford, R. (2006a). Ed. Contemporary Poetry and Contemporary Science. (pp. 1-10). Oxford: Oxford UP. Crawford, R. (2006b). Ed. Contemporary Poetry and Contemporary Science. (pp. 52- 68). Oxford: Oxford UP. Crompton, S. W. (2007). Sputnik / Explorer I: The Race to Conquer Space. New York: Chelsea House Publishers. Edwin Morgan: 1920-2010. (n. d.). Retrieved from http://www.scottishpoetrylibrary. Erickson, M. (2005). Science, Culture and Society: Understanding Science in the 21st Century. Cambridge: Polity. Fox, S. (2004). Edwin Morgan and the Two Cultures. Studies in Scottish Literature. 33, 1: 71-86. Gardiner, M. (2002). Towards a Post-British Theory of Modernism: Speech and Vision in Edwin Morgan. Pretexts: literary and cultural studies. 11, 2: 133-146. Graham, J. (n. d.) Virtuoso: the poetry of Edwin Morgan (1920-2010). WriteWords. 07. 06. 2014. Retrived from morgan.asp. Gregson, I. (2006). Contemporary Poetry and Postmodernism: Dialogue and Estrangement. New York: St. Martin’s Press. Huk, R. (1996). Introduction. J. Acheson and R. Huk. (Eds.), Contemporary British Poetry: Essays in Theory and Criticism in (pp. 1-15). New York: State University of New York. Johnson, L. K. (2009). Linton Kwesi Johnson-Reality Poem. Jah Lyrics. Retrived from Jones, R. (2009). Computer Error: Voices and Translations in Edwin Morgan’s Science Fiction Poetry. University of Edinburgh Postgraduate Journal of Culture & the Arts, 9, Autumn. Kennedy, D., and Morley D. (1993). Introduction. D. Kennedy and D. Morley (Eds.), The New Poetry in (pp. 15-28). Newcastle upon Tyne: Bloodaxe Books. Michaelis, Anthony R. (1981). The Interdisciplinary Impact. C. M. Kinnon, et al. (Eds.), The Impact of Modern Scientific Ideas on Society: In Commemoration of Einstein in (pp. 167-177). Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company. Middleton, P. (2007). Can Poetry be Scientific? P. Coleman (Ed.), On Literature and Science: Essays, Reflections, Provocations in (pp. 190-208). Dublin: Four Courts Press. Morgan, E. (1982). Poems of Thirty Years. Manchester: Carcanet New Press. Nicholson, C. (2000). Remembering the Future: Edwin Morgan’s Science Fiction Poetry. The Yearbook of English Studies, 30, Time and Narrative: 221-233. Reeves, R. (1994). The Superpower Space Race: An Explosive Rivalry through the Solar System. Plenum, US: Springer Science, Business, Media LLC. Reid, G. (2010). “Edwin Morgan 1920–2010: A Eulogy.” The Association for Scottish Literary Studies. ScotLit 40, Winter. Siddiqi, A. A. (2000). Challenge to Apollo: The Soviet Union and the Space Race, 1945-1974. Washington, DC: NASA. Snow, C. P. (1963). The Two Cultures and A Second Look. Cambridge: Cambridge UP. Tompson, R. S. (2003). Ed. Great Britain: A Reference Guide from the Renaissance to the Present. New York: Facts On File. Walker, M. (1990). The Voyage Out and the Favoured Place: Edwin Morgan’s Science Fictions. R. Crawford and H. Whyte (Eds.), About Edwin Morgan in (pp. 54-64). Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP. Watson, R. (1997). Edwin Morgan: Messages and Transformations. G. Day and B. Docherty (Eds.), British Poetry from the 1950s to the 1990s: Politics and Art in (pp. 170-192). New York: St. Martin’s Press. Watts, P. (29 May 2015). Allen Ginsberg, LSD Poetry and Sacrificing Chickens: The Birth of the ’60s Hippie Underground Revealed. Uncut. (pp. 1-5). 30. 05. 2015. Retrived from anarchic-gang-of-poets-ushered-in-the-60s-counterculture-68717. Woolgar, S. (1988). Science: The Very Idea. Chichester, West Sussex: Ellis Horwood Limited.

When Daedalus Meets Orpheus: Edwin Morgan’s Science-Fiction Poetry

Year 2018, , 61 - 71, 15.06.2018


Bilim ve teknolojinin yankıları çağdaş şiirde sıklıkla görülmektedir. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve Sovyet Sosyalist Cumhuriyetler Birliği arasında devam etmekte olan uzay yarışından etkilenmiş ve teknolojinin gözkamaştırıcı çıktılarından büyülenmiş İskoç şair Edwin Morgan, insanlığın geleceği hakkında iyimser senaryolar öngören bilim kurgu şiirleri yazmıştır. İnsanları, imkânsız değilse de, olağanüstü durumlara yerleştiren Morgan, dünyadaki felaketlerin yıkıcı sonuçlarına rağmen geleceği insanların ideal bir tür olarak değişime ayak uydurabildikleri bir zaman olarak tasavvur eder. Dünyayı terk etmek zorunda kalan insanlık yeni hudutları keşfetmekten heyecan duyar. Morgan’ın evrimi bir sonraki doğal adım olarak gören bakış açısı, insanlığın değişime dair olumlu tutumundan kaynaklanır. Vahim şartlar neye zorlarsa zorlasın ilerlemeye kararlı olan insanlık, güçlü bir direnç gösterir. Uzayın keşfi, uzaylılarla karşılaşma, ışınlanma, maddenin bölünmesi ve maddenin yeniden yapılanması Morgan’ın bilimkurgu şiirlerinin başlıca konularıdır. Üçüncü türden varlıklarla karşılaşmayı içeren “For the International Poetry Incarnation”, “The First Men on Mercury”, “In Sobieski’s Shield” ve “Memories of Earth” başlıklı bilimkurgu şiirleri Morgan’ın insan ve insan olmayan türler arasındaki farklılıkları yok etme eğilimini gösterir. Uzaya yolculuğun gerçek olduğu bugünlerde, yirmi birinci yüzyılın birçok kıyamet sonrası bilimkurgu eserinin aksine Morgan şiirlerinde değişimi olumlu karşılar. Geçmişe özlem ve hüzünle bakan çeşitli kıyamet sonrası gelecek senaryosunun aksine, Morgan bilimkurgu şiirlerinde değişime iyimser yaklaşır, heves ve merakla geleceğin insanlığa neler getireceğini bekler.
Bu makale, Morgan’ın bilimkurgu şiirlerinin insan merkezli dünya görüşünü sorgulayarak olaylara değişik bir bakış açısı kazandırır ve ilerlemeye yönelik sarsılmaz bir inanca sahip olmanın yanı sıra olumuz deneyimlere rağmen insanoğlunun her çevreye uyum sağlayabileceğinin altını çizdiğini tartışır.


  • Armstrong, T. (2001). Poetry and Science. N. Roberts (Ed.), A Companion to Twentieth -Century Poetry in (pp. 76-88). Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Boddy, K. (2000). Edwin Morgan’s Adventures in Calamerica. The Yale Journal of Criticism, 13, 1: 177-194. Bova, B. (1974). The Role of Science Fiction. R. Bretnor (Ed.), Science, Today and Tomorrow in (pp. 3-16). New York: Harper & Row, Publishers. Cambridge, G. (1997). Edwin Morgan in Conversation: Interview. The Dark Horse, 34, Summer: 34-43. Clareson, T. D. (1971). Ed. SF: The Other Side of Realism: Essays on Modern Fantasy and Science Fiction. (pp. 1-28). Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green University Popular Press. Crawford, R. (1990). ‘to change / the unchangeable’ – The Whole Morgan. R. Crawford and H. Whyte (Eds.), About Edwin Morgan in (pp. 10-24) Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP. Crawford, R. (2006a). Ed. Contemporary Poetry and Contemporary Science. (pp. 1-10). Oxford: Oxford UP. Crawford, R. (2006b). Ed. Contemporary Poetry and Contemporary Science. (pp. 52- 68). Oxford: Oxford UP. Crompton, S. W. (2007). Sputnik / Explorer I: The Race to Conquer Space. New York: Chelsea House Publishers. Edwin Morgan: 1920-2010. (n. d.). Retrieved from http://www.scottishpoetrylibrary. Erickson, M. (2005). Science, Culture and Society: Understanding Science in the 21st Century. Cambridge: Polity. Fox, S. (2004). Edwin Morgan and the Two Cultures. Studies in Scottish Literature. 33, 1: 71-86. Gardiner, M. (2002). Towards a Post-British Theory of Modernism: Speech and Vision in Edwin Morgan. Pretexts: literary and cultural studies. 11, 2: 133-146. Graham, J. (n. d.) Virtuoso: the poetry of Edwin Morgan (1920-2010). WriteWords. 07. 06. 2014. Retrived from morgan.asp. Gregson, I. (2006). Contemporary Poetry and Postmodernism: Dialogue and Estrangement. New York: St. Martin’s Press. Huk, R. (1996). Introduction. J. Acheson and R. Huk. (Eds.), Contemporary British Poetry: Essays in Theory and Criticism in (pp. 1-15). New York: State University of New York. Johnson, L. K. (2009). Linton Kwesi Johnson-Reality Poem. Jah Lyrics. Retrived from Jones, R. (2009). Computer Error: Voices and Translations in Edwin Morgan’s Science Fiction Poetry. University of Edinburgh Postgraduate Journal of Culture & the Arts, 9, Autumn. Kennedy, D., and Morley D. (1993). Introduction. D. Kennedy and D. Morley (Eds.), The New Poetry in (pp. 15-28). Newcastle upon Tyne: Bloodaxe Books. Michaelis, Anthony R. (1981). The Interdisciplinary Impact. C. M. Kinnon, et al. (Eds.), The Impact of Modern Scientific Ideas on Society: In Commemoration of Einstein in (pp. 167-177). Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company. Middleton, P. (2007). Can Poetry be Scientific? P. Coleman (Ed.), On Literature and Science: Essays, Reflections, Provocations in (pp. 190-208). Dublin: Four Courts Press. Morgan, E. (1982). Poems of Thirty Years. Manchester: Carcanet New Press. Nicholson, C. (2000). Remembering the Future: Edwin Morgan’s Science Fiction Poetry. The Yearbook of English Studies, 30, Time and Narrative: 221-233. Reeves, R. (1994). The Superpower Space Race: An Explosive Rivalry through the Solar System. Plenum, US: Springer Science, Business, Media LLC. Reid, G. (2010). “Edwin Morgan 1920–2010: A Eulogy.” The Association for Scottish Literary Studies. ScotLit 40, Winter. Siddiqi, A. A. (2000). Challenge to Apollo: The Soviet Union and the Space Race, 1945-1974. Washington, DC: NASA. Snow, C. P. (1963). The Two Cultures and A Second Look. Cambridge: Cambridge UP. Tompson, R. S. (2003). Ed. Great Britain: A Reference Guide from the Renaissance to the Present. New York: Facts On File. Walker, M. (1990). The Voyage Out and the Favoured Place: Edwin Morgan’s Science Fictions. R. Crawford and H. Whyte (Eds.), About Edwin Morgan in (pp. 54-64). Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP. Watson, R. (1997). Edwin Morgan: Messages and Transformations. G. Day and B. Docherty (Eds.), British Poetry from the 1950s to the 1990s: Politics and Art in (pp. 170-192). New York: St. Martin’s Press. Watts, P. (29 May 2015). Allen Ginsberg, LSD Poetry and Sacrificing Chickens: The Birth of the ’60s Hippie Underground Revealed. Uncut. (pp. 1-5). 30. 05. 2015. Retrived from anarchic-gang-of-poets-ushered-in-the-60s-counterculture-68717. Woolgar, S. (1988). Science: The Very Idea. Chichester, West Sussex: Ellis Horwood Limited.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Merve Sarı

Publication Date June 15, 2018
Submission Date August 14, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Sarı, M. (2018). When Daedalus Meets Orpheus: Edwin Morgan’s Science-Fiction Poetry. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 35(1), 61-71.

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