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Kappadokia Bölgesi Göreme Vadisi Azize Barbara Kilisesi Resim Programına Yeniden Bakış

Year 2022, Volume: 39 Issue: 2, 615 - 633, 30.12.2022


Çalışma, Kappadokia Bölgesi’nde, Nevşehir sınırları içindeki Göreme Vadisi’nde bulunan Azize Barbara Kilisesi’ni konu almaktadır. Kilise bugün birçok kilise, yemekhane ve ek mekanın bulunduğu Göreme Açık Hava Müzesi içerisindedir. Yapı, hem mimari planıyla, hem de aşı boyası motiflerin yoğunluğuyla kendine özgü bir konumdadır. Başka bir evreye ait olan figürlü duvar resimleri, aşı boyası motiflerin üzerini örtmemenin yanı sıra, duvarların aşı boyası motif barındırmayan kısımlarında görülür. Bununla birlikte, neredeyse tüm motiflerin birbirlerinden ayrıntıda farklılaştığı ve belli motiflerin yapının belli noktalarında betimlendiği dikkat çeker. Bu nedenle, motif ve kompozisyonların kilise içinde hiyerarşik olarak konumlandırıldığı, farklı ayrıntıların tüm motiflere kendine ait bir anlam kazandırdığı ve hatta tümünün ‘aşı boyası resim programı’ biçiminde isimlendirilebileceği açıktır. Bu program, kiliseyi ilk kullananlar tarafından kabul edilip anlaşılmış, sonraki dönemde figürlü duvar resimlerini yapanlar tarafından da anlaşılıp korunmuş olmalıdır. Örtü sistemi ve serbest desteklerin yer aldığı bölümle Azize Barbara Kilisesi’ne benzeyen tek örnek aynı müze içerisindeki Çarıklı Kilise’dir. Mimari planlarıyla bu derece benzer, duvar resimleriyle bu kadar farklı iki kilisenin, nasıl organize olduğu kesin olarak bilinmeyen Açık Hava Müzesi’ndeki bir aradalığı ilginçtir. Yine de, detaylı, kendine özgü ve anikonik resim programının sonraki bir dönemde üzerinin kapatılmaması, müze alanının hiyerarşik yapılanması içerisinde kabul gördüğünü gösterir. Bu çalışma, bölgedeki anikonik motif repertuarını, kilisenin mimari planını, İkonoklast dönem ve sonrasının figürlü betimlemeye yönelik düşüncelerini inceleyerek, Azize Barbara Kilisesi’nin müze alanı içerisinde nasıl bir anlama sahip olduğunu ve nasıl bir inanan topluluğu tarafından kullanıldığını değerlendirmeye çalışmaktadır.


  • Auzépy, M. F. (1999). L’hagiographie et L’iconoclasme Byzantine. Le cas de la Vie d’Étienne le Jeune. Ashgate.
  • Barber‚ C. (2007). Contesting the logic of painting: Art and understanding in Eleventh-Century Byzantium. Brill.
  • Bell‚ G. L. (1907). Notes on a journey through Cilicia and Lycaonia. Revue Archéologique‚ 9‚ 18-30.
  • Bevilacqua, L. (2013). Arte e arisrocrazia a Bisanzio nell’età dei Macedoni. Campisano.
  • Brubaker, L. (2004). Aniconic decoration in the Christian World (6th-11th Century): East and West. Cristianità d'Occidente e Cristianità d'Oriente: (secoli VI - XI); 24-30 aprile 2003 (pp. 573-600). Spoleto.
  • Brubaker‚ L. and Haldon, J. (2011). Byzantium in the Iconoclast Era‚ c. 680-850. A History. Cambridge University Press.
  • Buchwald, H. (1984). Western Asia Minor as a generator of architectural forms in the Byzantine period, provincial back-wash or dynamic center of production?. Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 34, 199-235.
  • Cooper, J. E. and Decker, M. J. (2013). Life and society in Byzantine Cappadocia. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Cormack‚ R. (1967). Byzantine Cappadocia: The archaic group of wall-paintings. Journal of the British Archaeological Association‚ 30(1)‚ 19-36.
  • Darrouzès‚ J. (1981). Notitiae Episcopatuum Ecclesiae Constantinopolitanae. Texte Critique‚ Introduction et Notes. Paris: Institut Français d’études Byzantines.
  • Demus‚ O. (1955). Byzantine mosaic decoration. Aspects of monumental art in Byzantium. Boston: Boston Book&Art Shop.
  • Epstein‚ A. W. (1975). Rock-cut chapels in Göreme Valley‚ Cappadocia: The Yılanlı Group and the Column Churches. Cahiers Archéologiques‚ 24‚ 115-134.
  • Epstein‚ A. W. (1977). The ‘iconoclast’ churches of Cappadocia. In A. Bryer and J. Herrin (Eds), Iconoclasm: Papers given at the Ninth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies (pp. 103-111). Birmingham: Centre of Byzantine Studies.
  • Epstein‚ A. W. (1980-1981). The Fresco Decoration of the Column Churches, Göreme Valley, Cappadocia. A Consideration of Their Chronology and Their Models. Cahiers Archeologiques, 29, 27-45.
  • Eyice‚ S. (1971). Konya’nın Alâeddin Tepesinde Selçuklu öncesine ait bir eser: Eflâtun Mescidi. Sanat Tarihi Yıllığı‚ 4‚ 269-302.
  • Gallas‚ K.‚ Wessel, K. and Borboudakis, M. (1983). Byzantinisches Kreta. Hirmer Verlag München.
  • Haldon, J. F. (trans.) (1990). Constantine Porphyrogenitus. Three treatises on imperial military expeditions. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
  • Hatlie, P. (2007). The monks and monasteries of Constantinople, ca. 350-850. Cambridge University Press.
  • Hild, F. and Restle, M. (1980). Tabula Imperii Byzantini 2. Kappdokien (Kappadokia, Charsianon, Sebasteia und Lykandos). Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
  • Jerphanion, G. de. (1925‐1942). Une Nouvelle Province de L’art Byzantin Les Églises Rupestres de Cappadoce. 2 vols. Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner.
  • Jerphanion, G. de. (1931). La chronologie des peintures de Cappadoce. Échos d’Orient, 30(161), 5-27.
  • Jolivet-Lévy, C. (1991). Les Èglises Byzantines de Cappadoce. Le Programme Iconographique de l’abside et des ses abords. Paris.
  • Jolivet-Lévy, C. (1998). Çarıklı Kilise, l’église de la Précieuse croix à Göreme (Korama), Cappadoce: une fondation des Mélissènoi? ΕΥΨΥΧΙΑ. Mélanges Offerts à Hélène Ahrweiler. Vol. I. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne.
  • Jolivet-Lévy, C. (2009). The Bahattin Samanlığı Kilisesi at Belisırma (Cappadocia) revisited. In C. Hourihane (Ed.), Byzantine Art: Recent Studies. Essays in honor of Lois Drewer (pp. 81-110). Brepols.
  • Jolivet-Lévy, C. (2015). De l’aniconisme en Cappadoce: quelques réflexions à la lumiére de découvertes récentes. In L’aniconisme dans l’art religieux byzantin. Actes du colloque de Genève (1-3 octobre 2009). Geneva: La Pomme d’or.
  • Karakaya, N. (2004). 2002 Yılı, Kayseri Yeşilhisar İlçesi Erdemli Köyü’ndeki Kaya Kiliseleri Duvar Resimleri. In 21. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı 2. Cilt (26-31 Mayıs 2003 Ankara) (pp. 17-28). Ankara: Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Basımevi.
  • Lebides, A. M. (1899). Ai en monolithois monai tes Kappadokias kai Lykaonias. Konstantinopolis.
  • Lemaigre Demesnil, N. (2010). Architecture rupestre et décor sculpté en Cappadoce (Ve-IXe siécle). Oxford: BAR International Series 2093.
  • Mainstone, R. J. (1958). Notes on the Rock-Cut Churches of Cappadocia. St. Albans.
  • Mango, C. (1978). Byzantine Architecture. Electa Editrice.
  • Migne, J.-P. (1865). Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Series Graeca, Vol. 100. Paris.
  • Moffatt, A. and Tall, M. (trans.) (2012). Constantine Porphyrogennetos. The Book of Ceremonies‚ I-II, Canberra: Australian Association for Byzantine Studies Byzantina Australiensia 18(2).
  • Ousterhout, R. (2010). Remembering the Dead in Byzantine Cappadocia: The Architectural Settings for Commemoration. Architecture of Byzantium and Kievan Rus from the 9th to the 12th Centuries (Materials of the International seminar November 17-21, 2009). The State Hermitage Publishers.
  • Ousterhout, R. G. (2017). Visualizing community: Art, material culture, and settlement in Byzantine Cappadocia. Dumbarton Oaks Studies XLVI.
  • Ötüken, S. Y. (1984). Kappadokya bölgesindeki kapalı Yunan haçı kiliselerde resim programı. Ege Üniversitesi Arkeoloji ve Sanat Tarihi Dergisi, 3, 143-167.
  • Parry, K. (2021). The theological argument about images in the 9th Century. In M. Humphreys (Ed.), A Companion to Byzantine Iconoclasm (pp. 425-464). Leiden: Brill.
  • Pekak, S. (2009). Trilye (Zeytinbağı) Fatih Camisi: Bizans kapalı Yunan haçı planı. Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları.
  • Ramsay‚ W. M.‚ and Bell, G. L. (2008). The thousand and one churches.In R. G. Ousterhout and M. P. C. Jackson (Eds.). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania.
  • Restle, M. (1969). Byzantine wall painting in Asia Minor. 3 vols. Irish University Press.
  • Rodley, L. (1985). Cave monasteries of Byzantine Cappadocia. Cambridge University Press.
  • Schiemenz, G. P. (1966). Eine Unbekannte Felsenkirche in Göreme. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 59(2), 307-333.
  • Schiemenz, G. P. (1970). Zur Chronologie der Kappadokischen Felsenmalereien. Archaologischer Anzeiger, 85, 253-273.
  • Struck‚ A. (1909). Vier Byzantinische Kirchen der Argolis. Athenischen Mitteilungen‚ 34(3)‚ 189-235.
  • Tekinalp‚ M. (2009). Palace churches of the anatolian Seljuks: tolerance or necessity? Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies‚ 33(2), 148-167.
  • Teteriatnikov‚ N. (1992). The Frescoes of the Chapel of St. Basil in Cappadocia. Cahiers Archaelogiques‚ 40‚ 99-114.
  • Theoharidou, K. (1988). The architecture of Hagia Sophia, Thessaloniki, from its erection up to the Turkish conquest. BAR International Series 399.
  • Thierry, N. and Thierry, M. (1963a). Une nouvelle église rupestre de Cappadoce: Cambazlı Kilise à Ortahisar. Journal des savants‚ 1‚ 5-23.
  • Thierry, N. and Thierry, M. (1963b). Nouvelles églises Rupestres de Cappadoce: Région du Hasan Dağı. Paris: Libraire C. Klincksieck.
  • Thierry, N. (1971). The Rock Churches. L. Giovannini (Ed.), Arts of Cappadocia (pp. 129-171). Geneva: Nagel Publishers.
  • Thierry‚ N. (1973). Un atelier de peintures du début du Xe siècle en Cappadoce: L’atelier de l’ancienne église de Tokalı. Bulletin de la Société nationaledes antiquaires de France‚ 1971‚ 170-178.
  • Thierry, N. (1981). Le culte de la croix dans l’empire byzantin du VIIe siècle au Xe dans ses rapports avec la guerre contre l’infidèle. Nouveaux tèmoignages archeologiques. Rivista di studi Byzantini e Slavi, 1, 205-228.
  • Thierry, N. (1987). L’Eglise Sainte-Barbe. Dossiers Histoire et Archeologie, 121, 56-58.
  • Thierry, N. (1989). Erdemli, Une vallée monastique inconnue en Cappadoce: étude préliminaire. Zograf, 20, 5-21.
  • Tsakalos, A. (2012). Art et Donation en Cappadoce Byzantine: l’église rupestre de Karanlık Kilise. In J. M. Spieser and É. Yota (Eds.), Donation et donateurs dans le monde byzantin (pp. 162-187). Desclée de brouwer.
  • Walter‚ C. (2000). Pictures as Language: How the Byzantines Exploited Them. London: Pindar Press.
  • Warland, R. (2008). Die byzantinische Höhlensiedlung von Gökçe/Momoasson in Kappadokien. İstanbuler Mitteilungen, 58, 347-369.
  • Warland, R. (2013). Byzantinisches Kappadokien. Philipp von Zabern.
  • Warland, R. (2021). Frühbyzantinische Kreuzdiskurse des 6. und 7. Jahrhunderts und ihre Rezeption in Konstantinopel, Kappadokien und im Westen. Millennium 18(1), 203-249.
  • Wessel, K. (1971). Reallexikon zur Byzantinischen Kunst. Vol. II. Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann.
  • Wood, D. (1959). Byzantine Military Standards in a Cappadocian Church. Archaeology, 12(1), 38-46.
  • Xenaki, M. (2011). Recherches sur les églises byzantines de Cappadoce et leur décor peint (VIᵉ-IXᵉ siècles). Université Paris 1 (Doctoral dissertation).
  • Yıldırım, Ş. (2017). Dating dispute over the cross-in-square church in the Episcopal Palace in Side. Olba 25, 421-438.

Readdressing the Painting Programme of the Church of St. Barbara in the Göreme Valley, Cappadocia

Year 2022, Volume: 39 Issue: 2, 615 - 633, 30.12.2022


The article focuses on the Church of St. Barbara in the Göreme Valley in Nevşehir, Cappadocia. Today the church is within the borders of the Göreme Open Air Museum which is a cluster of many churches, refectories and additional units. The church is unique with its architectural plan and elaborate nonfigurative elements in red ochre. Painted panels of a secondary phase do not cover up this red paint decoration but they are on the already-vacant parts of the naos. Remarkably, almost all motifs differ from each other in detail or in form. Furthermore, certain compartments of the building are reserved for certain motifs. Thus, it becomes clear that ruddled motifs and compositions can be named as parts of a ‘red ochre painting programme’ in which they are hierarchically arranged in the naos and each of them gain their specifical meaning thanks to the detailing. Such a programme must have been comprehended by the first users and accepted and vindicated by the painters of the second layer. The only church exactly similar to the Church of St. Barbara in its plan type is the Çarıklı Church in close proximity in the same museum. It is interesting that the churches exactly similar in architecture but totally dissimilar in painting programme are coexistent in the Göreme enclave on whose institutional organization so little is known. Still, that the panel paintings did not cover up the detailed red paint decoration indicates that the ruddled programme was approved or appreciated by the hierarchical order of the Göreme enclave. This study intends to examine the nonfigurative repertoire of the region, the architectural plan of the church and intends to shortly evaluate iconoclast and iconophile way of thought on figural imagery. By doing this, the study aims to comment on the meaning the church had in the Göreme circuit, and to hypothesize on the congregation who used the church.


  • Auzépy, M. F. (1999). L’hagiographie et L’iconoclasme Byzantine. Le cas de la Vie d’Étienne le Jeune. Ashgate.
  • Barber‚ C. (2007). Contesting the logic of painting: Art and understanding in Eleventh-Century Byzantium. Brill.
  • Bell‚ G. L. (1907). Notes on a journey through Cilicia and Lycaonia. Revue Archéologique‚ 9‚ 18-30.
  • Bevilacqua, L. (2013). Arte e arisrocrazia a Bisanzio nell’età dei Macedoni. Campisano.
  • Brubaker, L. (2004). Aniconic decoration in the Christian World (6th-11th Century): East and West. Cristianità d'Occidente e Cristianità d'Oriente: (secoli VI - XI); 24-30 aprile 2003 (pp. 573-600). Spoleto.
  • Brubaker‚ L. and Haldon, J. (2011). Byzantium in the Iconoclast Era‚ c. 680-850. A History. Cambridge University Press.
  • Buchwald, H. (1984). Western Asia Minor as a generator of architectural forms in the Byzantine period, provincial back-wash or dynamic center of production?. Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 34, 199-235.
  • Cooper, J. E. and Decker, M. J. (2013). Life and society in Byzantine Cappadocia. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Cormack‚ R. (1967). Byzantine Cappadocia: The archaic group of wall-paintings. Journal of the British Archaeological Association‚ 30(1)‚ 19-36.
  • Darrouzès‚ J. (1981). Notitiae Episcopatuum Ecclesiae Constantinopolitanae. Texte Critique‚ Introduction et Notes. Paris: Institut Français d’études Byzantines.
  • Demus‚ O. (1955). Byzantine mosaic decoration. Aspects of monumental art in Byzantium. Boston: Boston Book&Art Shop.
  • Epstein‚ A. W. (1975). Rock-cut chapels in Göreme Valley‚ Cappadocia: The Yılanlı Group and the Column Churches. Cahiers Archéologiques‚ 24‚ 115-134.
  • Epstein‚ A. W. (1977). The ‘iconoclast’ churches of Cappadocia. In A. Bryer and J. Herrin (Eds), Iconoclasm: Papers given at the Ninth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies (pp. 103-111). Birmingham: Centre of Byzantine Studies.
  • Epstein‚ A. W. (1980-1981). The Fresco Decoration of the Column Churches, Göreme Valley, Cappadocia. A Consideration of Their Chronology and Their Models. Cahiers Archeologiques, 29, 27-45.
  • Eyice‚ S. (1971). Konya’nın Alâeddin Tepesinde Selçuklu öncesine ait bir eser: Eflâtun Mescidi. Sanat Tarihi Yıllığı‚ 4‚ 269-302.
  • Gallas‚ K.‚ Wessel, K. and Borboudakis, M. (1983). Byzantinisches Kreta. Hirmer Verlag München.
  • Haldon, J. F. (trans.) (1990). Constantine Porphyrogenitus. Three treatises on imperial military expeditions. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
  • Hatlie, P. (2007). The monks and monasteries of Constantinople, ca. 350-850. Cambridge University Press.
  • Hild, F. and Restle, M. (1980). Tabula Imperii Byzantini 2. Kappdokien (Kappadokia, Charsianon, Sebasteia und Lykandos). Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
  • Jerphanion, G. de. (1925‐1942). Une Nouvelle Province de L’art Byzantin Les Églises Rupestres de Cappadoce. 2 vols. Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner.
  • Jerphanion, G. de. (1931). La chronologie des peintures de Cappadoce. Échos d’Orient, 30(161), 5-27.
  • Jolivet-Lévy, C. (1991). Les Èglises Byzantines de Cappadoce. Le Programme Iconographique de l’abside et des ses abords. Paris.
  • Jolivet-Lévy, C. (1998). Çarıklı Kilise, l’église de la Précieuse croix à Göreme (Korama), Cappadoce: une fondation des Mélissènoi? ΕΥΨΥΧΙΑ. Mélanges Offerts à Hélène Ahrweiler. Vol. I. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne.
  • Jolivet-Lévy, C. (2009). The Bahattin Samanlığı Kilisesi at Belisırma (Cappadocia) revisited. In C. Hourihane (Ed.), Byzantine Art: Recent Studies. Essays in honor of Lois Drewer (pp. 81-110). Brepols.
  • Jolivet-Lévy, C. (2015). De l’aniconisme en Cappadoce: quelques réflexions à la lumiére de découvertes récentes. In L’aniconisme dans l’art religieux byzantin. Actes du colloque de Genève (1-3 octobre 2009). Geneva: La Pomme d’or.
  • Karakaya, N. (2004). 2002 Yılı, Kayseri Yeşilhisar İlçesi Erdemli Köyü’ndeki Kaya Kiliseleri Duvar Resimleri. In 21. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı 2. Cilt (26-31 Mayıs 2003 Ankara) (pp. 17-28). Ankara: Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Basımevi.
  • Lebides, A. M. (1899). Ai en monolithois monai tes Kappadokias kai Lykaonias. Konstantinopolis.
  • Lemaigre Demesnil, N. (2010). Architecture rupestre et décor sculpté en Cappadoce (Ve-IXe siécle). Oxford: BAR International Series 2093.
  • Mainstone, R. J. (1958). Notes on the Rock-Cut Churches of Cappadocia. St. Albans.
  • Mango, C. (1978). Byzantine Architecture. Electa Editrice.
  • Migne, J.-P. (1865). Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Series Graeca, Vol. 100. Paris.
  • Moffatt, A. and Tall, M. (trans.) (2012). Constantine Porphyrogennetos. The Book of Ceremonies‚ I-II, Canberra: Australian Association for Byzantine Studies Byzantina Australiensia 18(2).
  • Ousterhout, R. (2010). Remembering the Dead in Byzantine Cappadocia: The Architectural Settings for Commemoration. Architecture of Byzantium and Kievan Rus from the 9th to the 12th Centuries (Materials of the International seminar November 17-21, 2009). The State Hermitage Publishers.
  • Ousterhout, R. G. (2017). Visualizing community: Art, material culture, and settlement in Byzantine Cappadocia. Dumbarton Oaks Studies XLVI.
  • Ötüken, S. Y. (1984). Kappadokya bölgesindeki kapalı Yunan haçı kiliselerde resim programı. Ege Üniversitesi Arkeoloji ve Sanat Tarihi Dergisi, 3, 143-167.
  • Parry, K. (2021). The theological argument about images in the 9th Century. In M. Humphreys (Ed.), A Companion to Byzantine Iconoclasm (pp. 425-464). Leiden: Brill.
  • Pekak, S. (2009). Trilye (Zeytinbağı) Fatih Camisi: Bizans kapalı Yunan haçı planı. Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları.
  • Ramsay‚ W. M.‚ and Bell, G. L. (2008). The thousand and one churches.In R. G. Ousterhout and M. P. C. Jackson (Eds.). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania.
  • Restle, M. (1969). Byzantine wall painting in Asia Minor. 3 vols. Irish University Press.
  • Rodley, L. (1985). Cave monasteries of Byzantine Cappadocia. Cambridge University Press.
  • Schiemenz, G. P. (1966). Eine Unbekannte Felsenkirche in Göreme. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 59(2), 307-333.
  • Schiemenz, G. P. (1970). Zur Chronologie der Kappadokischen Felsenmalereien. Archaologischer Anzeiger, 85, 253-273.
  • Struck‚ A. (1909). Vier Byzantinische Kirchen der Argolis. Athenischen Mitteilungen‚ 34(3)‚ 189-235.
  • Tekinalp‚ M. (2009). Palace churches of the anatolian Seljuks: tolerance or necessity? Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies‚ 33(2), 148-167.
  • Teteriatnikov‚ N. (1992). The Frescoes of the Chapel of St. Basil in Cappadocia. Cahiers Archaelogiques‚ 40‚ 99-114.
  • Theoharidou, K. (1988). The architecture of Hagia Sophia, Thessaloniki, from its erection up to the Turkish conquest. BAR International Series 399.
  • Thierry, N. and Thierry, M. (1963a). Une nouvelle église rupestre de Cappadoce: Cambazlı Kilise à Ortahisar. Journal des savants‚ 1‚ 5-23.
  • Thierry, N. and Thierry, M. (1963b). Nouvelles églises Rupestres de Cappadoce: Région du Hasan Dağı. Paris: Libraire C. Klincksieck.
  • Thierry, N. (1971). The Rock Churches. L. Giovannini (Ed.), Arts of Cappadocia (pp. 129-171). Geneva: Nagel Publishers.
  • Thierry‚ N. (1973). Un atelier de peintures du début du Xe siècle en Cappadoce: L’atelier de l’ancienne église de Tokalı. Bulletin de la Société nationaledes antiquaires de France‚ 1971‚ 170-178.
  • Thierry, N. (1981). Le culte de la croix dans l’empire byzantin du VIIe siècle au Xe dans ses rapports avec la guerre contre l’infidèle. Nouveaux tèmoignages archeologiques. Rivista di studi Byzantini e Slavi, 1, 205-228.
  • Thierry, N. (1987). L’Eglise Sainte-Barbe. Dossiers Histoire et Archeologie, 121, 56-58.
  • Thierry, N. (1989). Erdemli, Une vallée monastique inconnue en Cappadoce: étude préliminaire. Zograf, 20, 5-21.
  • Tsakalos, A. (2012). Art et Donation en Cappadoce Byzantine: l’église rupestre de Karanlık Kilise. In J. M. Spieser and É. Yota (Eds.), Donation et donateurs dans le monde byzantin (pp. 162-187). Desclée de brouwer.
  • Walter‚ C. (2000). Pictures as Language: How the Byzantines Exploited Them. London: Pindar Press.
  • Warland, R. (2008). Die byzantinische Höhlensiedlung von Gökçe/Momoasson in Kappadokien. İstanbuler Mitteilungen, 58, 347-369.
  • Warland, R. (2013). Byzantinisches Kappadokien. Philipp von Zabern.
  • Warland, R. (2021). Frühbyzantinische Kreuzdiskurse des 6. und 7. Jahrhunderts und ihre Rezeption in Konstantinopel, Kappadokien und im Westen. Millennium 18(1), 203-249.
  • Wessel, K. (1971). Reallexikon zur Byzantinischen Kunst. Vol. II. Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann.
  • Wood, D. (1959). Byzantine Military Standards in a Cappadocian Church. Archaeology, 12(1), 38-46.
  • Xenaki, M. (2011). Recherches sur les églises byzantines de Cappadoce et leur décor peint (VIᵉ-IXᵉ siècles). Université Paris 1 (Doctoral dissertation).
  • Yıldırım, Ş. (2017). Dating dispute over the cross-in-square church in the Episcopal Palace in Side. Olba 25, 421-438.
There are 62 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Articles

H. Ceylan Karaca 0000-0001-6908-7640

Early Pub Date November 30, 2022
Publication Date December 30, 2022
Submission Date January 5, 2022
Acceptance Date April 4, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 39 Issue: 2


APA Karaca, H. C. (2022). Readdressing the Painting Programme of the Church of St. Barbara in the Göreme Valley, Cappadocia. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 39(2), 615-633.

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