Research Article
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Reflections of the Story of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste, with Mor Behnam and Sarah in Syriac Painting

Year 2024, Volume: 41 Issue: 2, 514 - 543, 30.12.2024


This study focuses on the forty martyrs of Sivas and the stories of Mor Behnam and Sarah, which have an important place in Syriac Orthodox Christianity. The forty martyrs of Sivas are frequently depicted in Byzantine and Syriac Orthodox art. In Byzantine art, the forty martyrs are depicted in works of art, such as wall paintings, icons and manuscripts. In the Syriac Orthodox illustrated manuscripts, the story of the forty martyrs is reflected in a different iconographic approach. In addition, the contemporary works of the Syriac Orthodox family of Mardin, the Şımmeshındi family, which deal with these stories were also analysed within the scope of the research. The Şımmeshındi family has reflected these two stories in their unique, both contemporary and local styles. The Shimmeshndi family has ensured that the stories have survived to the present day with their works. In this research, we attempted to reveal the continuity of these two martyrdom stories culturally and through art through their iconographic reflections on Byzantine and Syriac Orthodox art.


  • Akyüz, G. (2005). Tüm yönleriyle Süryaniler. Anadolu Ofset.
  • Akyüz, G. (2019). Kırklar Kilisesi, Artuklu Yayınları.
  • Anderson, J. C. (1983). The date and purpose of the Barberini Psalter. Bibliothéque des Cahiers Archeologiqués, 31, 35- 67.
  • Anderson, J. C. (1987). The common (studite) origin of the Moscow Menologium and Jerusalem Gregory. Byzantion, 57(1), 5–11.
  • Anderson, J. C. (1988). On the nature of the Theodore Psalter. The Art Bulletin, 70(4), 550–568.
  • Anderson, J. C. (1998). Further prolegomena to a study of the Pantokrator Psalter: An unpublished miniature, some restored losses, and observations on the relationship with the Chludov Psalter and Paris Fragment. Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 52, 305–321.
  • Barut, F. (2017). Kırk Martirler kültü ve doğu Hıristiyan sanatındaki yansımaları, H. S. Ünalan Özdemir vd. (Yay. haz.), Uluslararası XVIII. Ortaçağ ve Türk Dönemi Kazıları ve Sanat Tarihi Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, 22-25 EKİM 2014 içinde (ss. 71-79). İtimat Ofset Matbaacılık.
  • Barberini Mezmur, Kırk Martirler [Çevrim içi görsel]. Vatican Apostolic Library.
  • Barberini Mezmur, Kırk Martirler [Çevrim içi görsel]. Vatican Apostolic Library.
  • Buchthal, H. (1939). The painting of the Syrian Jacobites in its relation to Byzantine and Islamic Art. Syria, 20, 136-150.
  • Buckle, D. P. (1921). The Forty Martyrs of Sebaste: A study of Hagiographic development. The Librarian (Yay. haz.), Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester. Vol 6 içinde (ss. 352-360). At the University Press.
  • Cutler, A. (1980). Liturgical Strata in the marginal Psalters. Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 34(35), 17-30.
  • Demus, O. (1960). Two palaeologan mosaic icons in the Dumbarton Oaks collection. Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 14, 87-119.
  • Doğan, M. A. (2017). Mardin’de kumaş baskı-boyama sanatı: Şımmeshındi Ailesi örnekleri. [Yüksek Lisans Tezi]. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi.
  • Fiey, J. M. (2004). Saints Syriaques. L. I. Conrad (Yay. haz.), Studies in Late Antiquity and Early Islam, Vol. 6 içinde (ss. 156-157). The Darwin Press.
  • Gavrilovic, Z.A. (2001). The Forty in Arte. S. Hackel (Yay. haz.). The Byzantine Saint. University of Birmingham Fourteenth Spring Symposium of Byzantium Studies içinde (ss.190-194). St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press.
  • Hasluck, F. W. (1912). The Forty. The Annual of the British School at Athens, 19, 221–228.
  • Havice, C. (1984). The Marginal Miniatures in the Hamilton Psalter (Kupferstichkabinett 78. A. 9.). Jahrbuch Der Berliner Museen, 26, 79–142.
  • Hetherington, P. (çev.). (1974). The ‘Painter's Manual’ of Dionysius of Fourna. Ωakwood Publications.
  • Hunt, L. A. (2000). ‘Manuscript Production by Christians in 13th-14th Century Greater Syria and Mesopotamia and Related Areas’, (içinde), Hunt (2000). Byzantium, Eastern Christendom And Islam, Vol. II, 153-197. (yeniden basım Aram 9-10, 1997-1998, 1-48).
  • Jerphanion, G. (1940). Les Miniatures du Manuscript Syriaque No. 559 de la Bibliotheque Vaticane: XXV Planches en Phototypie et III en Couleurs 55 Illustration Dans le Texte. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana.
  • Karim, C.A. (2004). Symbols of The Cross in The Writings of the Early Syriac Fathers. Gorgias Press.
  • Karlin-Hayter, P. (1991). Passio of the XL Martyrs of Sebasteia. The Greek Tradition: the Earliest Account (BHG 1201). Analecta Bollandiana, 109(3-4), 249.
  • Kaster (1994). “Vierzig Martyrer von Sebaste.” Lexikon der Christlichen Ikonographie, Vol. 8, (ss. 550-554), Wien.
  • Kazhdan, A. P. & Ševčenko, N. P. (1991). “Forty Martyrs Of Sebasteia”, The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, Vol. I (s. 799-800), Oxford University Press.
  • Keser Kayaalp, E. (2021). Church Architecture of Late Antique Northern Mesopotamia. Oxford University Press. Kırk Martir Genel Görüntü [Çevrim içi görsel]. British Library.
  • Kutsal Kitap (Tevrat Zebur, İncil), (2016). Yeni Yaşam Yayınları.
  • Leemans, J., Mayer, W., Allen, P., ve Dehandschutter, B. (2003). Let us Die that we may Live: Greek Homilies on Christian Martyrs from Asia Minor, Palestine, and Syria (c. AD 350- AD 450). Routledge.
  • Leroy, J. (1964). Les Manuscrits Syriaques a Peintures Conserves dans les Bibliotheques d’Europe et d’Orient. Vol: I-II. Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner.
  • Menze, V. (2019). The Establishment of the Syriac Churches. D. King. (Yay. Haz.), The Syriac World içinde. Routledge.
  • Nicholson, O. (2018). Behnam, Mar, and Monastery of Mar Behnam, The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity: Volume I içinde (ss. 226-227). Oxford University Press.
  • Novák, M. ve Younansardaroud, H. (2002). Mār Behnāum, Sohn des Sanherib von Nimrūd: Tradition und Rezeption einer assyrischen Gestalt im iraqischen Christentum und die Frage nach den Fortleben der Assyrer. Altorientalische Forschungen, 29(1), 166-194.
  • Rajan, M. K. (2017). Martyrs, saints & prelates of the Syriac Orthodox Church. Travancore Syriac Orthodox Publishers &
  • Rassam, S. (2016). Christianity in Iraq: Its Origins and Development to the Present Day. Gracewing.
  • Relieftafel 40 Märtyrer von Sebaste Bodemuseum [Çevrim içi görsel]. Vikipedi.ärtyrer_von_Sebaste_Bodemuseum.jpg
  • Saint-Laurent, J.-N. M. (2015) Missionary Stories and the Formation of the Syriac Churches. University of California Press.
  • Saint-Laurent, J.-N. M., & Smith, K. (2018). The history of Mar Behnam and Sarah: Martyrdom and öonasticism in medieval Iraq. Persian Martyr Acts in Syriac: Text and Translation. Gorgias Press.
  • Saint-Laurent, J.N.M. (2020). Christian Legend in Medieval Iraq: Siblings, Sacrifice, and Sanctity in Behnam and Sarah. (İçinde). Frank G., Holman S., & Jacobs A. (Eds.), The Garb of Being: Embodiment and the Pursuit of Holiness in Late Ancient Christianity (s. 191-218). Fordham University Press.
  • Smine, R.E., The Illuminations of Syriac Lectionaries: Vatican Syr. 559 and British Library Add. 7170. [Devam Eden Doktora Tezi]. Leiden Üniversitesi.
  • Snelders, B. (2010). Identity and Christian-Muslim interaction: Medieval art of the Syrian Orthodox from the Mosul Area. Leiden Institute for Religious Studies, Faculty of the Humanities, Leiden University.
  • Spatharakis, I. (1976). The portrait in Byzantine illuminated manuscripts, E. J. Brill. Syriac Gospel Lectionary [Çevrim içi görsel]. British Library.
  • Van Dam, R. (2003). Becoming Christian: The conversion of Roman Cappadocia. University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Vat.sir. 559 [Çevrim içi görsel]. Vatican Apostolic Library.
  • Walsh, M. J. K. (2013). A Spectacle to the World, Both to Angels and to Men: Multiculturalism in Medieval Famagusta, Cyprus, as Seen through The Forty Martyrs of Sebaste Mural in the Church of Saints Peter and Paul. Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology & Heritage Studies, 1(3), 193–218.
  • Weyh, W. (1912). Die Syrische Legende der 40 Märtyrer von Sebaste. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 21(1), 76-93.
  • Winkler, D. W. (2019). The Syriac Church Denominations: An Overview, D. King, (Yay. haz.), The Syriac World içinde. Routledge.

Sivaslı Kırk Martirler ve Mor Behnam ile Sarah Hikâyesi’nin Süryani Sanatındaki Yansımaları

Year 2024, Volume: 41 Issue: 2, 514 - 543, 30.12.2024


Çalışma Süryani Ortodoks Hıristiyanlığında önemli bir yer edinmiş Sivaslı kırk martirler ve Mor Behnam ile Sarah hikâyelerini ele almaktadır. Sivaslı kırk martirler Bizans ve Süryani Ortodoks sanatında sıklıkla betimlenmiştir. Bizans sanatında, kırk martirler duvar resim sanatı, ikona ve el yazmaları gibi sanat eserlerinde tasvir edilmiştir. Süryani Ortodoks resimli el yazmalarında izlerine rastlanan kırk martirler hikâyesi farklı bir ikonografik anlayışla yansıtılmıştır. Bununla birlikte, Mardinli Süryani Ortodoks bir aile olan Şımmeshındi ailesinin bu hikâyeleri ele alan günümüz eserleri de araştırma kapsamında incelenmiştir. Şımmeshındi ailesi bu iki hikâyeyi kendilerine özgü çağdaş ve yerel bir üslupla yansıtmıştır. Şımmeshındi ailesi yaptıkları eserlerle hikâyelerin günümüze kadar gelmesini sağlamıştır. Araştırmada bu iki martirlik hikâyesinin Bizans ve Süryani Ortodoks sanatındaki ikonografik yansımaları üzerinden kültürel açıdan ve sanat aracılığıyla gösterdiği devamlılık ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır.


  • Akyüz, G. (2005). Tüm yönleriyle Süryaniler. Anadolu Ofset.
  • Akyüz, G. (2019). Kırklar Kilisesi, Artuklu Yayınları.
  • Anderson, J. C. (1983). The date and purpose of the Barberini Psalter. Bibliothéque des Cahiers Archeologiqués, 31, 35- 67.
  • Anderson, J. C. (1987). The common (studite) origin of the Moscow Menologium and Jerusalem Gregory. Byzantion, 57(1), 5–11.
  • Anderson, J. C. (1988). On the nature of the Theodore Psalter. The Art Bulletin, 70(4), 550–568.
  • Anderson, J. C. (1998). Further prolegomena to a study of the Pantokrator Psalter: An unpublished miniature, some restored losses, and observations on the relationship with the Chludov Psalter and Paris Fragment. Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 52, 305–321.
  • Barut, F. (2017). Kırk Martirler kültü ve doğu Hıristiyan sanatındaki yansımaları, H. S. Ünalan Özdemir vd. (Yay. haz.), Uluslararası XVIII. Ortaçağ ve Türk Dönemi Kazıları ve Sanat Tarihi Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, 22-25 EKİM 2014 içinde (ss. 71-79). İtimat Ofset Matbaacılık.
  • Barberini Mezmur, Kırk Martirler [Çevrim içi görsel]. Vatican Apostolic Library.
  • Barberini Mezmur, Kırk Martirler [Çevrim içi görsel]. Vatican Apostolic Library.
  • Buchthal, H. (1939). The painting of the Syrian Jacobites in its relation to Byzantine and Islamic Art. Syria, 20, 136-150.
  • Buckle, D. P. (1921). The Forty Martyrs of Sebaste: A study of Hagiographic development. The Librarian (Yay. haz.), Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester. Vol 6 içinde (ss. 352-360). At the University Press.
  • Cutler, A. (1980). Liturgical Strata in the marginal Psalters. Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 34(35), 17-30.
  • Demus, O. (1960). Two palaeologan mosaic icons in the Dumbarton Oaks collection. Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 14, 87-119.
  • Doğan, M. A. (2017). Mardin’de kumaş baskı-boyama sanatı: Şımmeshındi Ailesi örnekleri. [Yüksek Lisans Tezi]. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi.
  • Fiey, J. M. (2004). Saints Syriaques. L. I. Conrad (Yay. haz.), Studies in Late Antiquity and Early Islam, Vol. 6 içinde (ss. 156-157). The Darwin Press.
  • Gavrilovic, Z.A. (2001). The Forty in Arte. S. Hackel (Yay. haz.). The Byzantine Saint. University of Birmingham Fourteenth Spring Symposium of Byzantium Studies içinde (ss.190-194). St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press.
  • Hasluck, F. W. (1912). The Forty. The Annual of the British School at Athens, 19, 221–228.
  • Havice, C. (1984). The Marginal Miniatures in the Hamilton Psalter (Kupferstichkabinett 78. A. 9.). Jahrbuch Der Berliner Museen, 26, 79–142.
  • Hetherington, P. (çev.). (1974). The ‘Painter's Manual’ of Dionysius of Fourna. Ωakwood Publications.
  • Hunt, L. A. (2000). ‘Manuscript Production by Christians in 13th-14th Century Greater Syria and Mesopotamia and Related Areas’, (içinde), Hunt (2000). Byzantium, Eastern Christendom And Islam, Vol. II, 153-197. (yeniden basım Aram 9-10, 1997-1998, 1-48).
  • Jerphanion, G. (1940). Les Miniatures du Manuscript Syriaque No. 559 de la Bibliotheque Vaticane: XXV Planches en Phototypie et III en Couleurs 55 Illustration Dans le Texte. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana.
  • Karim, C.A. (2004). Symbols of The Cross in The Writings of the Early Syriac Fathers. Gorgias Press.
  • Karlin-Hayter, P. (1991). Passio of the XL Martyrs of Sebasteia. The Greek Tradition: the Earliest Account (BHG 1201). Analecta Bollandiana, 109(3-4), 249.
  • Kaster (1994). “Vierzig Martyrer von Sebaste.” Lexikon der Christlichen Ikonographie, Vol. 8, (ss. 550-554), Wien.
  • Kazhdan, A. P. & Ševčenko, N. P. (1991). “Forty Martyrs Of Sebasteia”, The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, Vol. I (s. 799-800), Oxford University Press.
  • Keser Kayaalp, E. (2021). Church Architecture of Late Antique Northern Mesopotamia. Oxford University Press. Kırk Martir Genel Görüntü [Çevrim içi görsel]. British Library.
  • Kutsal Kitap (Tevrat Zebur, İncil), (2016). Yeni Yaşam Yayınları.
  • Leemans, J., Mayer, W., Allen, P., ve Dehandschutter, B. (2003). Let us Die that we may Live: Greek Homilies on Christian Martyrs from Asia Minor, Palestine, and Syria (c. AD 350- AD 450). Routledge.
  • Leroy, J. (1964). Les Manuscrits Syriaques a Peintures Conserves dans les Bibliotheques d’Europe et d’Orient. Vol: I-II. Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner.
  • Menze, V. (2019). The Establishment of the Syriac Churches. D. King. (Yay. Haz.), The Syriac World içinde. Routledge.
  • Nicholson, O. (2018). Behnam, Mar, and Monastery of Mar Behnam, The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity: Volume I içinde (ss. 226-227). Oxford University Press.
  • Novák, M. ve Younansardaroud, H. (2002). Mār Behnāum, Sohn des Sanherib von Nimrūd: Tradition und Rezeption einer assyrischen Gestalt im iraqischen Christentum und die Frage nach den Fortleben der Assyrer. Altorientalische Forschungen, 29(1), 166-194.
  • Rajan, M. K. (2017). Martyrs, saints & prelates of the Syriac Orthodox Church. Travancore Syriac Orthodox Publishers &
  • Rassam, S. (2016). Christianity in Iraq: Its Origins and Development to the Present Day. Gracewing.
  • Relieftafel 40 Märtyrer von Sebaste Bodemuseum [Çevrim içi görsel]. Vikipedi.ärtyrer_von_Sebaste_Bodemuseum.jpg
  • Saint-Laurent, J.-N. M. (2015) Missionary Stories and the Formation of the Syriac Churches. University of California Press.
  • Saint-Laurent, J.-N. M., & Smith, K. (2018). The history of Mar Behnam and Sarah: Martyrdom and öonasticism in medieval Iraq. Persian Martyr Acts in Syriac: Text and Translation. Gorgias Press.
  • Saint-Laurent, J.N.M. (2020). Christian Legend in Medieval Iraq: Siblings, Sacrifice, and Sanctity in Behnam and Sarah. (İçinde). Frank G., Holman S., & Jacobs A. (Eds.), The Garb of Being: Embodiment and the Pursuit of Holiness in Late Ancient Christianity (s. 191-218). Fordham University Press.
  • Smine, R.E., The Illuminations of Syriac Lectionaries: Vatican Syr. 559 and British Library Add. 7170. [Devam Eden Doktora Tezi]. Leiden Üniversitesi.
  • Snelders, B. (2010). Identity and Christian-Muslim interaction: Medieval art of the Syrian Orthodox from the Mosul Area. Leiden Institute for Religious Studies, Faculty of the Humanities, Leiden University.
  • Spatharakis, I. (1976). The portrait in Byzantine illuminated manuscripts, E. J. Brill. Syriac Gospel Lectionary [Çevrim içi görsel]. British Library.
  • Van Dam, R. (2003). Becoming Christian: The conversion of Roman Cappadocia. University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Vat.sir. 559 [Çevrim içi görsel]. Vatican Apostolic Library.
  • Walsh, M. J. K. (2013). A Spectacle to the World, Both to Angels and to Men: Multiculturalism in Medieval Famagusta, Cyprus, as Seen through The Forty Martyrs of Sebaste Mural in the Church of Saints Peter and Paul. Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology & Heritage Studies, 1(3), 193–218.
  • Weyh, W. (1912). Die Syrische Legende der 40 Märtyrer von Sebaste. Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 21(1), 76-93.
  • Winkler, D. W. (2019). The Syriac Church Denominations: An Overview, D. King, (Yay. haz.), The Syriac World içinde. Routledge.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Visual Cultures, Painting History, Art History
Journal Section Articles

Mehmet Ali Doğan 0000-0001-9566-4595

Early Pub Date December 25, 2024
Publication Date December 30, 2024
Submission Date August 30, 2023
Acceptance Date May 24, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 41 Issue: 2


APA Doğan, M. A. (2024). Sivaslı Kırk Martirler ve Mor Behnam ile Sarah Hikâyesi’nin Süryani Sanatındaki Yansımaları. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 41(2), 514-543.

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