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Atom Bombası Edebiyatı, Frankenstein ve Operadaki Hayalet’in Mahşerî Yeniden İnşası: Onibaba

Yıl 2022, , 131 - 149, 15.03.2022


Kaneto Şindō’nun korku filmi Onibaba’ya dair ön araştırmalar, olgucu bir şekilde, yönetmenin filmle ilgili eksiltili beyanlarını temel alagelmiştir. Bu da kaçınılmaz olarak çözümleme perspektiflerini sınırlandırmıştır. Dolayısıyla filmde ön araştırmaların gözden kaçırdığı önemli noktalar vardır: Onibaba, atom bombası edebiyatından esinlendiği erken dönem filmleriyle savaş-sonrası Japonya’nın “kurbanlık anlatısı”na istemeden katkıda bulunan Shindō için bir özeleştiri niteliğindedir. Ayrıca, Shindō nükleer savaşların yol açtığı yıkım sonucu ilkel çağlara dönmüş bir mahşerî dünyanın alegorik imgesini oluşturmak için Frankenstein 1970 (1958) ve Operadaki Hayalet (1962) gibi popüler Batı korku filmlerindeki birçok motiften yararlanmıştır. Bu karşılaştırmalı çalışmada, Onibaba’nın gözden kaçırılan bu derin anlamlarının “maskelerini düşürmeye” çalıştık. Böylelikle atom bombası edebiyatı uyarlamaları ve korku sineması araştırmalarına katkıda bulunmayı amaçlıyoruz.


  • Bowker, Editorial Staff (1983). Variety’s film reviews 1964-1967. New Providence: R. R. Bowker.
  • Broderick, M. (1996). Hibakusha cinema: Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the nuclear image in Japanese Film. Oxfordshire: Routledge.
  • Calaprice, A. (2005). The new quotable Einstein. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Fujiki, H. (2005). Zōhyōtachi no senjō: Chūsei no yōhei to doreigari (『雑兵たちの戦場 : 中世の傭兵と奴隷狩り』). Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha.
  • Hikmet, N. (2002). Poems of Nazım Hikmet (R. Blasing, Trans.). New York: Persea Books. (Original work published 1951-1959) Hinds, A., Keys, B. (Producers) and Fisher, T. (Director). (1962). The Phantom of the Opera. [DVD]. London: Hammer Film Productions.
  • Kapur, J. (2005). The return of history as horror: Onibaba and the atomic bomb. In S. J. Schneider & T. Williams (Eds.), Horror international (pp. 83-97). Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
  • Kataoka, Y. (1961). Nagai Takashi no shōgai (『永井隆の生涯』). Tokyo: San Paulo Shuppan.
  • Konya, T. (Producer) and Shindō, K. (1964). Onibaba (『鬼婆』). [DVD]. Tokyo: Kindai Eiga Kyōkai, Tokyo Eiga.
  • Lanouette, W. and Silard, B. (1992). Genius in the shadows: A biography of Leo Szilárd, the man behind the bomb. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
  • Lowenstein, A. (2004). Allegorizing Hiroshima: Shindō Kaneto’s Onibaba as trauma text. In E. A. Kaplan & B. Wang (Eds.), Trauma and cinema: Cross-cultural explorations (pp. 145-161). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
  • Lowenstein, A. (2005). Unmasking Hiroshima: Demons, human beings, and Shindō Kaneto’s Onibaba. In Historical trauma, national cinema, and the modern horror film (pp. 83-109). New York: Columbia University Press . McDonald, K. I. (2005). Eros, politics, and folk religion: Kaneto Shindō’s Onibaba (1963). In Reading a Japanese Film: Cinema in Context (pp. 108-121). Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
  • Mellen, J. (1975). Voices from the Japanese cinema. New York: Liveright Publishing.
  • Milne, T.M. (1966). Onibaba (The Hole), Japan, 1964. Monthly Film Bulletin, 33(384), 180–181.
  • Moreno, J. D. (2005). The Einstein-Russell Manifesto, 50 Years On. Center for American Progress. Retrieved from
  • Russell, B. (2003). Man’s peril 1954-55. Hove: Psychology Press.
  • Schenck, A. (Producer) and Koch, H. W. (Director). (1958). Frankenstein 1970 [DVD]. Burbank: Aubrey Schenck Productions.
  • Seirai, Y. (2006). Bakushin (『爆心』). Tokyo: Bungeishunjū.
  • Seirai, Y. (2014). Ground zero, Nagasaki, stories (P. Warham, Trans.). New York: Columbia University Press. (Original work published 2006)
  • Seirai, Y. (2011, August 22). Kitō suru Hitobito, Hiroshima no Aoi Sora, Tsunagari kanjita. (「祈祷する人々、ヒロシマの青い空、繋がり感じた」). Chūgoku Shinbun, 1.
  • Shindō, K. (Director) (2021, October 5). Onibaba, DVD extra: Interview with the director. [DVD]. New York: Criterion Collection.
  • Weiler, A.H. (1965, February 10). The Hole (1964): Onibaba at Toho. The New York Times.
  • Winchell, W. (1946, September 23). Quote and unquote: Raising ‘Alarmist’ cry brings a Winchell reply. Wisconsin State Journal,6.

Apocalyptic Reconstruction of A-bomb Literature, Frankenstein, The Phantom of the Opera: Onibaba

Yıl 2022, , 131 - 149, 15.03.2022


Preliminary studies on Kaneto Shindō’s horror film Onibaba (1964) have based their analyses, in a positivist way, on the director’s elliptic statements, which inevitably restricted their perspective. Hence there are crucial points that preliminary studies overlooked: Onibaba was a self-criticism of Shindō, who had unintentionally contributed to the post-war Japan’s “victimisation narrative” with his early films, inspired by contemporary a-bomb literature. Furthermore, the film draws on many motifs from such popular Western horror films as Frankenstein 1970 (1958) and The Phantom of the Opera (1962) to form an allegorical image of an apocalyptic world, reverted to primitive ages due to the devastation by nuclear world wars. With this comparative study that tries to “unmask” the hidden meanings of this intriguing but equally esoteric film, we aim to contribute to the research on a-bomb literature adaptations and horror cinema.


  • Bowker, Editorial Staff (1983). Variety’s film reviews 1964-1967. New Providence: R. R. Bowker.
  • Broderick, M. (1996). Hibakusha cinema: Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the nuclear image in Japanese Film. Oxfordshire: Routledge.
  • Calaprice, A. (2005). The new quotable Einstein. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Fujiki, H. (2005). Zōhyōtachi no senjō: Chūsei no yōhei to doreigari (『雑兵たちの戦場 : 中世の傭兵と奴隷狩り』). Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha.
  • Hikmet, N. (2002). Poems of Nazım Hikmet (R. Blasing, Trans.). New York: Persea Books. (Original work published 1951-1959) Hinds, A., Keys, B. (Producers) and Fisher, T. (Director). (1962). The Phantom of the Opera. [DVD]. London: Hammer Film Productions.
  • Kapur, J. (2005). The return of history as horror: Onibaba and the atomic bomb. In S. J. Schneider & T. Williams (Eds.), Horror international (pp. 83-97). Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
  • Kataoka, Y. (1961). Nagai Takashi no shōgai (『永井隆の生涯』). Tokyo: San Paulo Shuppan.
  • Konya, T. (Producer) and Shindō, K. (1964). Onibaba (『鬼婆』). [DVD]. Tokyo: Kindai Eiga Kyōkai, Tokyo Eiga.
  • Lanouette, W. and Silard, B. (1992). Genius in the shadows: A biography of Leo Szilárd, the man behind the bomb. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
  • Lowenstein, A. (2004). Allegorizing Hiroshima: Shindō Kaneto’s Onibaba as trauma text. In E. A. Kaplan & B. Wang (Eds.), Trauma and cinema: Cross-cultural explorations (pp. 145-161). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
  • Lowenstein, A. (2005). Unmasking Hiroshima: Demons, human beings, and Shindō Kaneto’s Onibaba. In Historical trauma, national cinema, and the modern horror film (pp. 83-109). New York: Columbia University Press . McDonald, K. I. (2005). Eros, politics, and folk religion: Kaneto Shindō’s Onibaba (1963). In Reading a Japanese Film: Cinema in Context (pp. 108-121). Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
  • Mellen, J. (1975). Voices from the Japanese cinema. New York: Liveright Publishing.
  • Milne, T.M. (1966). Onibaba (The Hole), Japan, 1964. Monthly Film Bulletin, 33(384), 180–181.
  • Moreno, J. D. (2005). The Einstein-Russell Manifesto, 50 Years On. Center for American Progress. Retrieved from
  • Russell, B. (2003). Man’s peril 1954-55. Hove: Psychology Press.
  • Schenck, A. (Producer) and Koch, H. W. (Director). (1958). Frankenstein 1970 [DVD]. Burbank: Aubrey Schenck Productions.
  • Seirai, Y. (2006). Bakushin (『爆心』). Tokyo: Bungeishunjū.
  • Seirai, Y. (2014). Ground zero, Nagasaki, stories (P. Warham, Trans.). New York: Columbia University Press. (Original work published 2006)
  • Seirai, Y. (2011, August 22). Kitō suru Hitobito, Hiroshima no Aoi Sora, Tsunagari kanjita. (「祈祷する人々、ヒロシマの青い空、繋がり感じた」). Chūgoku Shinbun, 1.
  • Shindō, K. (Director) (2021, October 5). Onibaba, DVD extra: Interview with the director. [DVD]. New York: Criterion Collection.
  • Weiler, A.H. (1965, February 10). The Hole (1964): Onibaba at Toho. The New York Times.
  • Winchell, W. (1946, September 23). Quote and unquote: Raising ‘Alarmist’ cry brings a Winchell reply. Wisconsin State Journal,6.
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Tüm Sayı

Devrim Çetin Güven 0000-0001-5248-8261

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Mart 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Güven, D. Ç. (2022). Apocalyptic Reconstruction of A-bomb Literature, Frankenstein, The Phantom of the Opera: Onibaba. HUMANITAS - Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10(19), 131-149.