Research Article
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Year 2023, , 106 - 124, 15.03.2023



  • Altena, E., Baglioni, C., Espie, C. A., Ellis, J., Gavriloff, D., Holzinger, B., & Riemann, D. (2020). Dealing with sleep problems during home confinement due to the COVID‐19 outbreak: Practical recommendations from a task force of the European CBT‐I Academy. Journal of Sleep Research, 29(4), Article e13052.
  • Barrett, L. F, Gross, J., Christensen, T. C., & Benvenuto, M. (2001). Knowing what you’re feeling and knowing what to do about it: Mapping the relation between emotion differentiation and emotion regulation. Cognition and Emotion, 15(6), 713-724.
  • Berking, M. & Whitney, B. (2018). Duygulanım düzenleme eğitimi: Uygulamacı el kitabı (Trans. Ed. S. Vatan). Ankara: Nobel. (Original work published 2014)
  • Bo, H. X., Li, W., Yang, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, Q., Cheung, T., & Xiang, Y. T. (2021). Posttraumatic stress symptoms and attitude toward crisis mental health services among clinically stable patients with COVID-19 in China. Psychological medicine, 51(6), 1052-1053.
  • Butler, E. A., Egloff, B., Wilhelm, F. H., Smith, N. C., Erickson, E. A., & Gross, J. J. (2003). The social consequences of expressive suppression. Emotion, 3(1), 48-67.
  • Carter, R. (2012). Beyin kitabı. (G. Kayacı Sevinç Trans.). İstanbul: Alfa Yayınları. (Original work published 2009).
  • Cesur Soysal, G. & Öncel Arı, E. (Eds.) (2020). Duygu düzenleme. Ankara: Nobel.
  • Choi, E. P. H., Hui, B. P. H., & Wan, E. Y. F. (2020). Depression and anxiety in Hong Kong during COVID-19. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(10), Article 3740.
  • Çocuk gelişimi ulusal çekirdek eğitim programı (ÇUÇEP) (2016). Çocuk gelişimi ulusal çekirdek eğitim programı. Retrieved from
  • Creswell, J. W. & Plano Clark, V. L. (2011). Karma yöntem araştırmaları: Tasarımı ve yürütülmesi (Trans. Ed. Dede, Y & Demir, S. B.). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık. (Original work published 2011).
  • Field, T. A., Jones, L. K., & Russell Chapin, L. A. (2019) Nöro-psikolojik danışma: Beyin temelli klinik yaklaşımlar (V. Yorğun Trans.). Ankara: Anı. (Original work published 2017).
  • Folk, D., Okabe Miyamoto, K., Dunn, E., & Lyubomirsky, S. (2020). Have introverts or extraverts declined in social connection during the first wave of COVID-19? Retrieved from
  • Fujita, F. & Diener, E. (2005). Life satisfaction set point: Stability and change. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88(1), 158–164.
  • Gilbert, D. (2018). Mutluluk beyinde başlar (Polat, F. ve Hekimoğlu Gül, A. Trans.). İstanbul: Ketebe Yayınları. Greenberg, L. S. (2018). Duygu odaklı terapi: Danışanlara duygu koçluğu yapmak (Trans. Ed. S.Balcı Çelik). Ankara: Nobel. (Original work published 2002)
  • Gross, J. J. (2013). Emotion regulation: Taking stock and moving forward. Emotion, 13(3), 359-365.
  • Gross, J. J. & John, O. P. (2003). Individual differences in two emotion regulation processes: Implications for affect, relationships, and well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85(2), 348-362.
  • Gubler, D. A., Makowski, L. M., Troche, S. J., & Schlegel, K. (2021). Loneliness and well-being during the Covid-19 pandemic: Associations with personality and emotion regulation. Journal of Happiness Studies, 22(5), 2323-2342.
  • Holmes, E. A., O'Connor, R. C., Perry, V. H., Tracey, I., Wessely, S., Arseneault, L., & Bullmore, E. (2020). Multidisciplinary research priorities for the COVID-19 pandemic: a call for action for mental health science. The Lancet Psychiatry, 7(6), 547-560.
  • Levine, P. & Frederick, A. (2020). Kaplanı uyandırmak: Travmayı iyileştirmek (Z. Yalçınkaya Trans.). İstanbul: Butik. (Original work published 1997).
  • Lyubomirsky, S. (2019). Nasıl mutlu olunur? (Göze, G Trans.). İstanbul: Ketebe Yayınları.
  • Lyubomirsky, S., Sheldon, K. M., & Schkade, D. (2005). Pursuing happiness: The architecture of sustainable change. Review of General Psychology, 9(2), 111-131. Merriam, S.B. (2015). Nitel araştırma: Desen ve uygulama için bir rehber (Trans. Ed. Turan S.) Ankara: Nobel. (Original work published 2009)
  • Okabe-Miyamoto, K. & Boehm, J. K. (2020). Hedonic adaptation. In D. H. Saklofske, C. S. Nave, C. Stough, & A. Di Fabio (Eds.), The Wiley encyclopedia of personality and individual differences (pp. 237-241). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Parrott, W. (2001). Emotions in social psychology: Essential Readings. Philadelphia: Psychology Press.
  • Qi, R., Chen, W., Liu, S., Thompson, P. M., Zhang, L. J., Xia, F., & Luo, S. (2020). Psychological morbidities and fatigue in patients with confirmed COVID-19 during disease outbreak: prevalence and associated biopsychosocial risk factors. MedRxiv.
  • Roy, D., Sarvodaya, T., Sujita, K., Nivedita, S., Sudhir, K., & Vika, K. (2020). Study of knowledge, attitude, anxiety & perceived mental healthcare need in Indian population during COVID-19 pandemic. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 51, Article 102083.
  • Southam Gerow, M. A. (2014). Çocuklarda ve ergenlerde duygusal düzenleme: Uygulayıcının rehberi (Trans. Ed. M. Şahin). Ankara: Nobel. (Original work published 2013)
  • Srivastava, S., Angelo, K. M., & Vallereux, S. R. (2008). Extraversion and positive affect: A day reconstruction study of person–environment transactions. Journal of Research in Personality, 42(6), 1613–1618.
  • Stieger, S., Lewetz, D., & Swami, V. (2021). Emotional well-being under conditions of lockdown: An experience sampling study in Austria during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Happiness Studies, 22, 2703–2720.
  • Tarsitani, L., Vassalini, P., Koukopoulos, A., Borrazzo, C., Alessi, F., Di Nicolantonio, C., & d’Ettorre, G. (2021). Post-traumatic stress disorder among COVID-19 survivors at 3-month follow-up after hospital discharge. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 36, 1702-1707.
  • Twenge, J. M. & Joiner, T. E. (2020). Mental distress among US adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 76(12), 2170–2182.
  • Vatan, S. & Oruçlular Kahya, Y. (2018). Duygu düzenleme becerileri ölçeğinin Türkçeye uyarlanması: Geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışması. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 19(2), 192-201.
  • Wang, C., López-Núñez, M. I., Pan, R., Wan, X., Tan, Y., Xu, L., Choo, F., Ho, R., Ho, C., & ME, A. G. (2021). The impact of 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on physical and mental health: A comparison between China and Spain. JMIR Formative Research, 5(5), Article e27818.
  • Wang, Z., Luo, S., Xu, J., Wang, Y., Yun, H., Zhao, Z., & Wang, Y. (2021). Well-being reduces COVID-19 anxiety: A three-wave longitudinal study in China. Journal of Happiness Studies, 22, 3593–3610.
  • Wesemann, U., Hadjamu, N., Willmund, G., Dolff, S., Vonderlin, N., Wakili, R., & Siebermair, J. (2022). Influence of COVID-19 on general stress and posttraumatic stress symptoms among hospitalized high-risk patients. Psychological Medicine, 52(7), 1399-1400.
  • Wolcott, H. F. (1994). Transforming qualitative data: Description, analysis, and interpretation. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) (2020). WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19-11 March 2020. Retrieved from
  • Yiğitoğlu, E. T., Karadede, H., Karadede, Ö., Karaali, R., & Aydın, E. (2021). COVID-19 tanılı bireylerin anksiyete ve depresyon düzeylerinin belirlenmesi. Yoğun Bakım Hemşireliği Dergisi, 25(2), 51-59.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek, H. (2016). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin.
  • Zoll, C. & Enz, S. (2005). A questionnaire to assess affective and cognitive empathy in children. Journal of Child Psychology, 15, 165-174.
Year 2023, , 106 - 124, 15.03.2023



  • Altena, E., Baglioni, C., Espie, C. A., Ellis, J., Gavriloff, D., Holzinger, B., & Riemann, D. (2020). Dealing with sleep problems during home confinement due to the COVID‐19 outbreak: Practical recommendations from a task force of the European CBT‐I Academy. Journal of Sleep Research, 29(4), Article e13052.
  • Barrett, L. F, Gross, J., Christensen, T. C., & Benvenuto, M. (2001). Knowing what you’re feeling and knowing what to do about it: Mapping the relation between emotion differentiation and emotion regulation. Cognition and Emotion, 15(6), 713-724.
  • Berking, M. & Whitney, B. (2018). Duygulanım düzenleme eğitimi: Uygulamacı el kitabı (Trans. Ed. S. Vatan). Ankara: Nobel. (Original work published 2014)
  • Bo, H. X., Li, W., Yang, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, Q., Cheung, T., & Xiang, Y. T. (2021). Posttraumatic stress symptoms and attitude toward crisis mental health services among clinically stable patients with COVID-19 in China. Psychological medicine, 51(6), 1052-1053.
  • Butler, E. A., Egloff, B., Wilhelm, F. H., Smith, N. C., Erickson, E. A., & Gross, J. J. (2003). The social consequences of expressive suppression. Emotion, 3(1), 48-67.
  • Carter, R. (2012). Beyin kitabı. (G. Kayacı Sevinç Trans.). İstanbul: Alfa Yayınları. (Original work published 2009).
  • Cesur Soysal, G. & Öncel Arı, E. (Eds.) (2020). Duygu düzenleme. Ankara: Nobel.
  • Choi, E. P. H., Hui, B. P. H., & Wan, E. Y. F. (2020). Depression and anxiety in Hong Kong during COVID-19. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(10), Article 3740.
  • Çocuk gelişimi ulusal çekirdek eğitim programı (ÇUÇEP) (2016). Çocuk gelişimi ulusal çekirdek eğitim programı. Retrieved from
  • Creswell, J. W. & Plano Clark, V. L. (2011). Karma yöntem araştırmaları: Tasarımı ve yürütülmesi (Trans. Ed. Dede, Y & Demir, S. B.). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık. (Original work published 2011).
  • Field, T. A., Jones, L. K., & Russell Chapin, L. A. (2019) Nöro-psikolojik danışma: Beyin temelli klinik yaklaşımlar (V. Yorğun Trans.). Ankara: Anı. (Original work published 2017).
  • Folk, D., Okabe Miyamoto, K., Dunn, E., & Lyubomirsky, S. (2020). Have introverts or extraverts declined in social connection during the first wave of COVID-19? Retrieved from
  • Fujita, F. & Diener, E. (2005). Life satisfaction set point: Stability and change. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88(1), 158–164.
  • Gilbert, D. (2018). Mutluluk beyinde başlar (Polat, F. ve Hekimoğlu Gül, A. Trans.). İstanbul: Ketebe Yayınları. Greenberg, L. S. (2018). Duygu odaklı terapi: Danışanlara duygu koçluğu yapmak (Trans. Ed. S.Balcı Çelik). Ankara: Nobel. (Original work published 2002)
  • Gross, J. J. (2013). Emotion regulation: Taking stock and moving forward. Emotion, 13(3), 359-365.
  • Gross, J. J. & John, O. P. (2003). Individual differences in two emotion regulation processes: Implications for affect, relationships, and well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85(2), 348-362.
  • Gubler, D. A., Makowski, L. M., Troche, S. J., & Schlegel, K. (2021). Loneliness and well-being during the Covid-19 pandemic: Associations with personality and emotion regulation. Journal of Happiness Studies, 22(5), 2323-2342.
  • Holmes, E. A., O'Connor, R. C., Perry, V. H., Tracey, I., Wessely, S., Arseneault, L., & Bullmore, E. (2020). Multidisciplinary research priorities for the COVID-19 pandemic: a call for action for mental health science. The Lancet Psychiatry, 7(6), 547-560.
  • Levine, P. & Frederick, A. (2020). Kaplanı uyandırmak: Travmayı iyileştirmek (Z. Yalçınkaya Trans.). İstanbul: Butik. (Original work published 1997).
  • Lyubomirsky, S. (2019). Nasıl mutlu olunur? (Göze, G Trans.). İstanbul: Ketebe Yayınları.
  • Lyubomirsky, S., Sheldon, K. M., & Schkade, D. (2005). Pursuing happiness: The architecture of sustainable change. Review of General Psychology, 9(2), 111-131. Merriam, S.B. (2015). Nitel araştırma: Desen ve uygulama için bir rehber (Trans. Ed. Turan S.) Ankara: Nobel. (Original work published 2009)
  • Okabe-Miyamoto, K. & Boehm, J. K. (2020). Hedonic adaptation. In D. H. Saklofske, C. S. Nave, C. Stough, & A. Di Fabio (Eds.), The Wiley encyclopedia of personality and individual differences (pp. 237-241). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Parrott, W. (2001). Emotions in social psychology: Essential Readings. Philadelphia: Psychology Press.
  • Qi, R., Chen, W., Liu, S., Thompson, P. M., Zhang, L. J., Xia, F., & Luo, S. (2020). Psychological morbidities and fatigue in patients with confirmed COVID-19 during disease outbreak: prevalence and associated biopsychosocial risk factors. MedRxiv.
  • Roy, D., Sarvodaya, T., Sujita, K., Nivedita, S., Sudhir, K., & Vika, K. (2020). Study of knowledge, attitude, anxiety & perceived mental healthcare need in Indian population during COVID-19 pandemic. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 51, Article 102083.
  • Southam Gerow, M. A. (2014). Çocuklarda ve ergenlerde duygusal düzenleme: Uygulayıcının rehberi (Trans. Ed. M. Şahin). Ankara: Nobel. (Original work published 2013)
  • Srivastava, S., Angelo, K. M., & Vallereux, S. R. (2008). Extraversion and positive affect: A day reconstruction study of person–environment transactions. Journal of Research in Personality, 42(6), 1613–1618.
  • Stieger, S., Lewetz, D., & Swami, V. (2021). Emotional well-being under conditions of lockdown: An experience sampling study in Austria during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Happiness Studies, 22, 2703–2720.
  • Tarsitani, L., Vassalini, P., Koukopoulos, A., Borrazzo, C., Alessi, F., Di Nicolantonio, C., & d’Ettorre, G. (2021). Post-traumatic stress disorder among COVID-19 survivors at 3-month follow-up after hospital discharge. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 36, 1702-1707.
  • Twenge, J. M. & Joiner, T. E. (2020). Mental distress among US adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 76(12), 2170–2182.
  • Vatan, S. & Oruçlular Kahya, Y. (2018). Duygu düzenleme becerileri ölçeğinin Türkçeye uyarlanması: Geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışması. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 19(2), 192-201.
  • Wang, C., López-Núñez, M. I., Pan, R., Wan, X., Tan, Y., Xu, L., Choo, F., Ho, R., Ho, C., & ME, A. G. (2021). The impact of 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on physical and mental health: A comparison between China and Spain. JMIR Formative Research, 5(5), Article e27818.
  • Wang, Z., Luo, S., Xu, J., Wang, Y., Yun, H., Zhao, Z., & Wang, Y. (2021). Well-being reduces COVID-19 anxiety: A three-wave longitudinal study in China. Journal of Happiness Studies, 22, 3593–3610.
  • Wesemann, U., Hadjamu, N., Willmund, G., Dolff, S., Vonderlin, N., Wakili, R., & Siebermair, J. (2022). Influence of COVID-19 on general stress and posttraumatic stress symptoms among hospitalized high-risk patients. Psychological Medicine, 52(7), 1399-1400.
  • Wolcott, H. F. (1994). Transforming qualitative data: Description, analysis, and interpretation. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) (2020). WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19-11 March 2020. Retrieved from
  • Yiğitoğlu, E. T., Karadede, H., Karadede, Ö., Karaali, R., & Aydın, E. (2021). COVID-19 tanılı bireylerin anksiyete ve depresyon düzeylerinin belirlenmesi. Yoğun Bakım Hemşireliği Dergisi, 25(2), 51-59.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek, H. (2016). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin.
  • Zoll, C. & Enz, S. (2005). A questionnaire to assess affective and cognitive empathy in children. Journal of Child Psychology, 15, 165-174.

Emotion Regulation Skills with the Changing Perception of Happiness in the Pandemic

Year 2023, , 106 - 124, 15.03.2023


In the present study, the purpose was to determine the happiness perceptions of the students who returned to school after the Covid-19 pandemic prohibitions from the beginning of the semester to the end of the semester, to examine their adaptations in the process, and to examine whether the emotion regulation skills of the students affected the hedonic adaptation situation. The study was conducted in the mixed model, Convergent Parallel Design, in the case study design in the qualitative dimension, and descriptive research design in the quantitative dimension. The study group, which was determined with the Snowball Sampling Method, consisted of 24 students. The Emotion Regulation Skills Scale and Interview Form were used as the data collection tools. The results of the study show that emotion regulation skills have a positive effect on the hedonic adaptations of students and positively affect their perceived happiness levels.


  • Altena, E., Baglioni, C., Espie, C. A., Ellis, J., Gavriloff, D., Holzinger, B., & Riemann, D. (2020). Dealing with sleep problems during home confinement due to the COVID‐19 outbreak: Practical recommendations from a task force of the European CBT‐I Academy. Journal of Sleep Research, 29(4), Article e13052.
  • Barrett, L. F, Gross, J., Christensen, T. C., & Benvenuto, M. (2001). Knowing what you’re feeling and knowing what to do about it: Mapping the relation between emotion differentiation and emotion regulation. Cognition and Emotion, 15(6), 713-724.
  • Berking, M. & Whitney, B. (2018). Duygulanım düzenleme eğitimi: Uygulamacı el kitabı (Trans. Ed. S. Vatan). Ankara: Nobel. (Original work published 2014)
  • Bo, H. X., Li, W., Yang, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, Q., Cheung, T., & Xiang, Y. T. (2021). Posttraumatic stress symptoms and attitude toward crisis mental health services among clinically stable patients with COVID-19 in China. Psychological medicine, 51(6), 1052-1053.
  • Butler, E. A., Egloff, B., Wilhelm, F. H., Smith, N. C., Erickson, E. A., & Gross, J. J. (2003). The social consequences of expressive suppression. Emotion, 3(1), 48-67.
  • Carter, R. (2012). Beyin kitabı. (G. Kayacı Sevinç Trans.). İstanbul: Alfa Yayınları. (Original work published 2009).
  • Cesur Soysal, G. & Öncel Arı, E. (Eds.) (2020). Duygu düzenleme. Ankara: Nobel.
  • Choi, E. P. H., Hui, B. P. H., & Wan, E. Y. F. (2020). Depression and anxiety in Hong Kong during COVID-19. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(10), Article 3740.
  • Çocuk gelişimi ulusal çekirdek eğitim programı (ÇUÇEP) (2016). Çocuk gelişimi ulusal çekirdek eğitim programı. Retrieved from
  • Creswell, J. W. & Plano Clark, V. L. (2011). Karma yöntem araştırmaları: Tasarımı ve yürütülmesi (Trans. Ed. Dede, Y & Demir, S. B.). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık. (Original work published 2011).
  • Field, T. A., Jones, L. K., & Russell Chapin, L. A. (2019) Nöro-psikolojik danışma: Beyin temelli klinik yaklaşımlar (V. Yorğun Trans.). Ankara: Anı. (Original work published 2017).
  • Folk, D., Okabe Miyamoto, K., Dunn, E., & Lyubomirsky, S. (2020). Have introverts or extraverts declined in social connection during the first wave of COVID-19? Retrieved from
  • Fujita, F. & Diener, E. (2005). Life satisfaction set point: Stability and change. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88(1), 158–164.
  • Gilbert, D. (2018). Mutluluk beyinde başlar (Polat, F. ve Hekimoğlu Gül, A. Trans.). İstanbul: Ketebe Yayınları. Greenberg, L. S. (2018). Duygu odaklı terapi: Danışanlara duygu koçluğu yapmak (Trans. Ed. S.Balcı Çelik). Ankara: Nobel. (Original work published 2002)
  • Gross, J. J. (2013). Emotion regulation: Taking stock and moving forward. Emotion, 13(3), 359-365.
  • Gross, J. J. & John, O. P. (2003). Individual differences in two emotion regulation processes: Implications for affect, relationships, and well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85(2), 348-362.
  • Gubler, D. A., Makowski, L. M., Troche, S. J., & Schlegel, K. (2021). Loneliness and well-being during the Covid-19 pandemic: Associations with personality and emotion regulation. Journal of Happiness Studies, 22(5), 2323-2342.
  • Holmes, E. A., O'Connor, R. C., Perry, V. H., Tracey, I., Wessely, S., Arseneault, L., & Bullmore, E. (2020). Multidisciplinary research priorities for the COVID-19 pandemic: a call for action for mental health science. The Lancet Psychiatry, 7(6), 547-560.
  • Levine, P. & Frederick, A. (2020). Kaplanı uyandırmak: Travmayı iyileştirmek (Z. Yalçınkaya Trans.). İstanbul: Butik. (Original work published 1997).
  • Lyubomirsky, S. (2019). Nasıl mutlu olunur? (Göze, G Trans.). İstanbul: Ketebe Yayınları.
  • Lyubomirsky, S., Sheldon, K. M., & Schkade, D. (2005). Pursuing happiness: The architecture of sustainable change. Review of General Psychology, 9(2), 111-131. Merriam, S.B. (2015). Nitel araştırma: Desen ve uygulama için bir rehber (Trans. Ed. Turan S.) Ankara: Nobel. (Original work published 2009)
  • Okabe-Miyamoto, K. & Boehm, J. K. (2020). Hedonic adaptation. In D. H. Saklofske, C. S. Nave, C. Stough, & A. Di Fabio (Eds.), The Wiley encyclopedia of personality and individual differences (pp. 237-241). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Parrott, W. (2001). Emotions in social psychology: Essential Readings. Philadelphia: Psychology Press.
  • Qi, R., Chen, W., Liu, S., Thompson, P. M., Zhang, L. J., Xia, F., & Luo, S. (2020). Psychological morbidities and fatigue in patients with confirmed COVID-19 during disease outbreak: prevalence and associated biopsychosocial risk factors. MedRxiv.
  • Roy, D., Sarvodaya, T., Sujita, K., Nivedita, S., Sudhir, K., & Vika, K. (2020). Study of knowledge, attitude, anxiety & perceived mental healthcare need in Indian population during COVID-19 pandemic. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 51, Article 102083.
  • Southam Gerow, M. A. (2014). Çocuklarda ve ergenlerde duygusal düzenleme: Uygulayıcının rehberi (Trans. Ed. M. Şahin). Ankara: Nobel. (Original work published 2013)
  • Srivastava, S., Angelo, K. M., & Vallereux, S. R. (2008). Extraversion and positive affect: A day reconstruction study of person–environment transactions. Journal of Research in Personality, 42(6), 1613–1618.
  • Stieger, S., Lewetz, D., & Swami, V. (2021). Emotional well-being under conditions of lockdown: An experience sampling study in Austria during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Happiness Studies, 22, 2703–2720.
  • Tarsitani, L., Vassalini, P., Koukopoulos, A., Borrazzo, C., Alessi, F., Di Nicolantonio, C., & d’Ettorre, G. (2021). Post-traumatic stress disorder among COVID-19 survivors at 3-month follow-up after hospital discharge. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 36, 1702-1707.
  • Twenge, J. M. & Joiner, T. E. (2020). Mental distress among US adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 76(12), 2170–2182.
  • Vatan, S. & Oruçlular Kahya, Y. (2018). Duygu düzenleme becerileri ölçeğinin Türkçeye uyarlanması: Geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışması. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 19(2), 192-201.
  • Wang, C., López-Núñez, M. I., Pan, R., Wan, X., Tan, Y., Xu, L., Choo, F., Ho, R., Ho, C., & ME, A. G. (2021). The impact of 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on physical and mental health: A comparison between China and Spain. JMIR Formative Research, 5(5), Article e27818.
  • Wang, Z., Luo, S., Xu, J., Wang, Y., Yun, H., Zhao, Z., & Wang, Y. (2021). Well-being reduces COVID-19 anxiety: A three-wave longitudinal study in China. Journal of Happiness Studies, 22, 3593–3610.
  • Wesemann, U., Hadjamu, N., Willmund, G., Dolff, S., Vonderlin, N., Wakili, R., & Siebermair, J. (2022). Influence of COVID-19 on general stress and posttraumatic stress symptoms among hospitalized high-risk patients. Psychological Medicine, 52(7), 1399-1400.
  • Wolcott, H. F. (1994). Transforming qualitative data: Description, analysis, and interpretation. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) (2020). WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19-11 March 2020. Retrieved from
  • Yiğitoğlu, E. T., Karadede, H., Karadede, Ö., Karaali, R., & Aydın, E. (2021). COVID-19 tanılı bireylerin anksiyete ve depresyon düzeylerinin belirlenmesi. Yoğun Bakım Hemşireliği Dergisi, 25(2), 51-59.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek, H. (2016). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin.
  • Zoll, C. & Enz, S. (2005). A questionnaire to assess affective and cognitive empathy in children. Journal of Child Psychology, 15, 165-174.

Pandemide Değişen Mutluluk Algısı ile Duygu Düzenleme Becerileri

Year 2023, , 106 - 124, 15.03.2023


Bu araştırmada Covid-19 pandemi yasakları sonrası tekrar okula dönen öğrencilerin dönem başından dönem sonuna doğru değişen mutluluk algılarını belirlemek, süreç içerisindeki adaptasyonlarına bakmak ve hedonik adaptasyon durumuna öğrencilerin duygu düzenleme becerilerinin bir etkisi olup olmadığını incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma karma modelde, yakınsayan paralel desende, nitel boyutta durum çalışması ve nicel boyutta tanımlayıcı araştırma olarak yürütülmüştür. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu kartopu örnekleme yöntemi ile belirlenmiş ve çalışmaya toplam 24 öğrenci katılmıştır. Veri toplama araçları olarak Duygu Düzenleme Becerileri Ölçeği ve Görüşme Formu kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları duygu düzenleme becerilerinin öğrencilerin hedonik adaptasyonları üzerinde olumlu yönde etkili olduğunu ve algıladıkları mutluluk seviyelerini de pozitif etkilediğini göstermektedir.


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There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Tüm Sayı

Elifcan Cesur 0000-0002-9364-2293

Publication Date March 15, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Cesur, E. (2023). Emotion Regulation Skills with the Changing Perception of Happiness in the Pandemic. HUMANITAS - Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 11(21), 106-124.