BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2016, , 65 - 84, 09.11.2016



  • Altun A. (2009). Eğitim Bilim Açısından Seçmeli Medya Okuryazarlığı Dersi Programına Eleştirel Bir Yaklaşım. Ahi Evran University Kırsehir Faculty of Education Journal (KEFAD), 10 (3), 97-109.
  • An, S., Jin, H.S & Park, E.H. (2014). Children’s Advertising Literacy for Advergames: Perception of the Game as Advertising. Journal of Advertising, 43 (1), 63-72.
  • Arslan, Sadık M., Genç, E., Kaya, N., Azer, H. (2008). Media Literacy Instruction Guide. Ankara: Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı-Devlet Kitapları Müdürlüğü.
  • Balaban-Salı, J., Ünal, F & Küçük, M. (2008). İlköğretim Medya Okuryazarlığı Dersinin Amaçlarının ve Etkinliklerinin Değerlendirilmesi. The International Educational Technology Conference Proceeding Book. p. 555-559. Erişim Tarihi: 15.04.2015,
  • Bowen, G. A. (2009). Document Analysis As An Qualitative Research Method. Qualitative Research Journal, 9 (2), 27-40.
  • Children’s Media Consumption Habit Research (2013). Ankara: The Radio and Television Supreme Counsil (RTUK).
  • Corbin, J. & Strauss, A. (2008). Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques And Procedures For Developing Grounded Theory. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Hasdemir, T. A. (2012). Gelenekselden Yeni Medya Okuryazarlığına: Türkiye Örneğinde Bir Değerlendirme. Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5 (2), 23-40. Erişim Tarihi: 16 May 2015,
  • Karaduman, S. (2013). An Assessment on Media Literacy Education in Turkey and the Problems Experienced In Practice. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 106, 371-379.
  • Lin, J. H & Peng, W. (2010). An Advertising Literacy Workshop to Enhance Young Adolescents’ Understanding of Traditional and Emerging Advertising of Food. International Communication Association 2009 Annual Meeting, 1-33.
  • Livingstone, S. & Helsper, E. J. (2006). Does Advertising Literacy Mediate the Effects of Advertising on Children? A Critical Examination of Two Linked Research Literatures in Relation to Obesity and Food Choice. Journal of Communication, 56 (3), 560-584.
  • Malmelin, N. (2010). What is Advertising Literacy? Exploring the Dimensions of Advertising Literacy. Journal of Visual Literacy, 29 (2), 129-142.
  • Media Literacy Teaching Program and Guide (2006). Ankara: Radyo Televizyon Üst Kurulu & Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı.
  • Media Literacy Handbook (2007). Ankara: Radyo Televizyon Üst Kurulu.
  • Media Literacy Teaching Material (2014). Yazarlar: Nezih Orhon, Nilüfer Pembecioğlu, Adnan Altun, Sait Tüzel, Ebubekir Çakmak. Ankara: Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı-Devlet Kitapları Müdürlüğü.
  • Media Literacy Teaching Program (2013). Ankara: Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı.
  • Merriam, S. B. (1988). Case Study Research in Education: A Qualitative Approach. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publications.
  • Nelson, M. R. (2015). Developing Persuasion Knowledge by Teaching Advertising Literacy in Primary School. Journal of Advertising. 0 (0), 1-14.
  • Roedder John, D. (1999). Through The Eyes of a Child. Children’s Knowledge and Understanding of Advertising. M. Carole Macklin & Les Carlson (Ed.). Advertising to Children. Concepts and Controversies (pp. 3-26). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Rozendaal, E., Van Reijmersdal, E.A., Buijzen, M. & Lapierre, M.A. (2011). Reconsidering Advertising Literacy as a Defense against Advertising Effects. Media Psychology, 14 (4), 333-354.
  • Smythe, D. W. (1981). On The Audience Commodity and Its Work. Dallas Walker Smythe. Dependency Road: Communications, Capitalism, Consciousness and Canada (22-51). Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing.
  • Spielvogel, J. & Terlutter, R. (2011a). Do Children’s BMI, Body Shape Perception and Selfesteem Impact Their Advertising Literacy?. Proceedings of the American Advertising Association Conference. p. 78-79.
  • --------------------------------------- (2011b). Children’s Advertising Literacy: Do BMI, Body Shape Perception, Self-esteem and TV Exposure Matter?. Advances in Advertising Research, 2, 147-162.
  • Stern, S. & An, S. (2009). Increasing Children’s Understanding of Advergames’ Commercial Nature: Does an Advertising Literacy Lesson or Ad Break Make a Difference. International Communication Association 2009 Annual Meeting, p. 1-38.
  • Tarabashkina, L, Quester, P. & Habell, C. Obesity. (2011). Advertising Literacy, Peer-Child Communication, Popular Foods and Children’s Food Related Behaviour: Mediating Or Non-Existent Effects?. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 5 (1), p. 38.
  • Young, B. (2003). Does Food Advertising Influence Children’s Food Choices? A Critical Review of Some of the Recent Literature. International Journal of Advertising, 22 (4), 441-459.


Yıl 2016, , 65 - 84, 09.11.2016


Abstract: Advertising literacy has an elucidative characteristic in order to be comprehended advertisements in a correct manner by children. In relation to this matter, advertising literacy has gained importance in the field of advertising in recent years. Advertising literacy education is a part of media literacy education program. Media literacy education program includes various subjects related to advertising literacy. Media literacy has started to be taught as an elective course since 2007-2008 education term in Turkey. Media literacy curriculum, which was prepared by The Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTUK) and The Ministry of National Education (MEB), has been updated in 2014. New media literacy teaching material in primary education started to be taught in 2014-2015 education term. The main focus of this study is an evaluation of media literacy curriculum in terms of advertising literacy in Turkey. In this frame, the content of media literacy course was examined in terms of advertising literacy, and old and new teaching materials in primary education were compared. In this context, the main components of advertising literacy curriculum were identified. Besides, the similarities and dissimilarities of old and new teaching materials in the field of advertising literacy were revealed. The findings of the study indicated that the new teaching material, which is more comprehensive in terms of subjects included in the curriculum regarding advertising literacy, allocates more space to advertising literacy, and embraces the different aspects of advertising literacy. In conjunction with this, the topics associated with advertising literacy are explained in more detail, and the new education program leads students to be more active and to be more productive. Consequently, the new teaching material contributes more to become a conscious advertising literate rather than the old teaching material.

Öz: Reklam okuryazarlığı, çocukların reklamları doğru bir şekilde değerlendirmesi için yol gösterici bir nitelik taşımaktadır. Bununla bağlantılı olarak, reklam okuryazarlığı son yıllarda reklamcılık alanında önem kazanmıştır. Medya okuryazarlığı eğitimi, reklam okuryazarlığı ile ilgili çeşitli konuları kapsamaktadır. Türkiye’de medya okuryazarlığı, 2007-2008 eğitim-öğretim yılından itibaren seçmeli bir ders olarak öğretilmeye başlanmıştır. Radyo Televizyon Üst Kurulu (RTÜK) ve Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı (MEB) tarafından hazırlanan medya okuryazarlığı müfredatı 2014 yılında güncellenmiştir. Yeni medya okuryazarlığı öğretim materyali, ilköğretimde 2014-2015 eğitim-öğretim yılından itibaren öğretilmeye başlanmıştır. Bu çalışma, Türkiye’de medya okuryazarlığı müfredatının reklam okuryazarlığı ekseninde değerlendirilmesine odaklanmaktadır. Bu çerçevede, medya okuryazarlığı dersinin içeriği reklam okuryazarlığı açısından analiz edilmektedir ve eski ve yeni öğretim materyalleri karşılaştırılmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, reklam okuryazarlığı müfredatının temel bileşenleri belirlenmiştir. Bunun yanısıra, reklam okuryazarlığı ekseninde eski ve yeni eğitim materyallerinin benzerlikleri ve farklılıkları tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın bulguları, müfredatta ele alınan konular açısından daha kapsamlı olan yeni öğretim materyalinin reklam okuryazarlığına daha fazla yer ayırdığına ve reklam okuryazarlığının farklı boyutları üzerinde durduğuna işaret etmektedir. Bununla bağlantılı olarak, reklam okuryazarlığı ile ilgili konular daha detaylı olarak açıklanmaktadır ve yeni öğretim programı öğrencileri daha aktif ve daha üretken olmaya yönlendirmektedir. Sonuç olarak, yeni öğretim materyali, eski öğretim materyaline oranla daha bilinçli bir reklam okuryazarı olunmasına daha fazla katkıda bulunmaktadır.


  • Altun A. (2009). Eğitim Bilim Açısından Seçmeli Medya Okuryazarlığı Dersi Programına Eleştirel Bir Yaklaşım. Ahi Evran University Kırsehir Faculty of Education Journal (KEFAD), 10 (3), 97-109.
  • An, S., Jin, H.S & Park, E.H. (2014). Children’s Advertising Literacy for Advergames: Perception of the Game as Advertising. Journal of Advertising, 43 (1), 63-72.
  • Arslan, Sadık M., Genç, E., Kaya, N., Azer, H. (2008). Media Literacy Instruction Guide. Ankara: Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı-Devlet Kitapları Müdürlüğü.
  • Balaban-Salı, J., Ünal, F & Küçük, M. (2008). İlköğretim Medya Okuryazarlığı Dersinin Amaçlarının ve Etkinliklerinin Değerlendirilmesi. The International Educational Technology Conference Proceeding Book. p. 555-559. Erişim Tarihi: 15.04.2015,
  • Bowen, G. A. (2009). Document Analysis As An Qualitative Research Method. Qualitative Research Journal, 9 (2), 27-40.
  • Children’s Media Consumption Habit Research (2013). Ankara: The Radio and Television Supreme Counsil (RTUK).
  • Corbin, J. & Strauss, A. (2008). Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques And Procedures For Developing Grounded Theory. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Hasdemir, T. A. (2012). Gelenekselden Yeni Medya Okuryazarlığına: Türkiye Örneğinde Bir Değerlendirme. Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5 (2), 23-40. Erişim Tarihi: 16 May 2015,
  • Karaduman, S. (2013). An Assessment on Media Literacy Education in Turkey and the Problems Experienced In Practice. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 106, 371-379.
  • Lin, J. H & Peng, W. (2010). An Advertising Literacy Workshop to Enhance Young Adolescents’ Understanding of Traditional and Emerging Advertising of Food. International Communication Association 2009 Annual Meeting, 1-33.
  • Livingstone, S. & Helsper, E. J. (2006). Does Advertising Literacy Mediate the Effects of Advertising on Children? A Critical Examination of Two Linked Research Literatures in Relation to Obesity and Food Choice. Journal of Communication, 56 (3), 560-584.
  • Malmelin, N. (2010). What is Advertising Literacy? Exploring the Dimensions of Advertising Literacy. Journal of Visual Literacy, 29 (2), 129-142.
  • Media Literacy Teaching Program and Guide (2006). Ankara: Radyo Televizyon Üst Kurulu & Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı.
  • Media Literacy Handbook (2007). Ankara: Radyo Televizyon Üst Kurulu.
  • Media Literacy Teaching Material (2014). Yazarlar: Nezih Orhon, Nilüfer Pembecioğlu, Adnan Altun, Sait Tüzel, Ebubekir Çakmak. Ankara: Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı-Devlet Kitapları Müdürlüğü.
  • Media Literacy Teaching Program (2013). Ankara: Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı.
  • Merriam, S. B. (1988). Case Study Research in Education: A Qualitative Approach. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publications.
  • Nelson, M. R. (2015). Developing Persuasion Knowledge by Teaching Advertising Literacy in Primary School. Journal of Advertising. 0 (0), 1-14.
  • Roedder John, D. (1999). Through The Eyes of a Child. Children’s Knowledge and Understanding of Advertising. M. Carole Macklin & Les Carlson (Ed.). Advertising to Children. Concepts and Controversies (pp. 3-26). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Rozendaal, E., Van Reijmersdal, E.A., Buijzen, M. & Lapierre, M.A. (2011). Reconsidering Advertising Literacy as a Defense against Advertising Effects. Media Psychology, 14 (4), 333-354.
  • Smythe, D. W. (1981). On The Audience Commodity and Its Work. Dallas Walker Smythe. Dependency Road: Communications, Capitalism, Consciousness and Canada (22-51). Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing.
  • Spielvogel, J. & Terlutter, R. (2011a). Do Children’s BMI, Body Shape Perception and Selfesteem Impact Their Advertising Literacy?. Proceedings of the American Advertising Association Conference. p. 78-79.
  • --------------------------------------- (2011b). Children’s Advertising Literacy: Do BMI, Body Shape Perception, Self-esteem and TV Exposure Matter?. Advances in Advertising Research, 2, 147-162.
  • Stern, S. & An, S. (2009). Increasing Children’s Understanding of Advergames’ Commercial Nature: Does an Advertising Literacy Lesson or Ad Break Make a Difference. International Communication Association 2009 Annual Meeting, p. 1-38.
  • Tarabashkina, L, Quester, P. & Habell, C. Obesity. (2011). Advertising Literacy, Peer-Child Communication, Popular Foods and Children’s Food Related Behaviour: Mediating Or Non-Existent Effects?. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 5 (1), p. 38.
  • Young, B. (2003). Does Food Advertising Influence Children’s Food Choices? A Critical Review of Some of the Recent Literature. International Journal of Advertising, 22 (4), 441-459.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yeşim Çelik

Yayımlanma Tarihi 9 Kasım 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016

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