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Güç Sisteminin Tam Çökmesi Sonrasında Yeniden Başlatma Özellikli Güç Üretim Santrallerinin Sistem Restorasyonundaki Önemi

Year 2022, , 99 - 112, 30.08.2022


Güç sistemleri, elektrik enerjisinin kesintisiz bir şekilde tüketiciye ulaştırılmasını sağlayan ve birbiriyle koordineli çalıştırılan ekipmanların toplamı şeklinde ifade edilen kompleks yapılardır. Ancak bazı durumlarda güç sisteminde tam ya da kısmi olarak sistem çökmesi meydana gelebilmektedir. Bu sistem çökmesi bazen hemen giderilebilirken bazen de giderilmesi uzun sürmektedir. Uzun süren kesintiler sonrasında toplumsal yaşam, gündelik faaliyetler ve üretim faaliyetleri sekteye uğramakta; bu durum maddi olarak büyük bir kayba yol açmaktadır. Güç sisteminin tamamında meydana gelen bir sistem çökmesi sonrasında özenilerek hazırlanmış olan güç sistem restorasyonu planları hemen uygulanmaya başlanmalıdır. Güç sisteminin restorasyonunda kritik bir rol oynayan yeniden toparlanma özellikli güç üretim ünitelerinin konumu ve kapasitesi, sistem çökmesi sonrasında uygulanacak olan restorasyon stratejisine karar vermede büyük bir öneme sahiptir. Yapılan bu çalışmada güç sisteminin tam çökmesi sonrasında yeniden toparlanma özellikli güç üretim santrallerinin sistem restorasyonunda önemini anlamak için gerçek veriler kullanılarak simülasyon çalışması yapılmıştır. Yapılan çalışmada sistem çökmesi ve sistem restorasyonunun uygulama safhalarında güç üretim birimlerinin davranışları incelenmiştir. Güç sistem restorasyon planları hazırlanırken dikkat edilmesi gereken hususlar ile ilgili bilgi verilmiştir.


  • Ayhancı C., (2018). “Güç Sistemlerinde Sistem Çökmesi ve Yeniden Toparlanma”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul
  • Ayhanci, C. , Yoldas, B. Y. , Kekezoglu, B. "BLACKOUT AND BLACKSTART ON POWER SYSTEMS" . PressAcademia Procedia 5 (2017 ): 190-197 33433/371653
  • C. Strunck, C. Rehtanz, D. Espín-Sarzosa and R. Palma-Behnke, "Control Possibilities for Community Microgrids Considering Small Production Processes and its Benefits to the Whole System," 2020 IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference and Exhibition - Latin America (T&D LA), 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/TDLA47668.2020.9326150.
  • Zeng, B., Ouyang, S., Zhang, J., Shi, H., Wu G., Zeng M., (2015). “An analysis ofprevious blackouts in the world: Lessons for China's power industry”,Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 42:1151-1163.
  • İktisat ve Toplum Dergisi, Elektriksiz bir günün iktisadi ve toplumsal anlamı, 26 Ağustos 2015
  • S. R. Kurup and Ashok S, "Grid restoration planning after a total blackout," 2015 International Conference on Control Communication & Computing India (ICCC), 2015, pp. 280-284, doi: 10.1109/ICCC.2015.7432906.
  • Candar P., (2011). “Enterkonnekte Şebekelerde Oluşan Sistem Çökmelerinin İrdelenmesi”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Alberto. B., Carlo, A.N., Mario P., (2013). Restoratıon Processes After Blackouts, IEEE Press, Part 3, Page 888-923 New Jersey. Yvon, B., Mircea, E., Nikolai, V., (2013). Major grid blackouts: analysis, classification, and prevention, IEEE Press, Part 3, Page 813-887 New Jersey.
  • Sreeram, R.K., Ashok, S., (2015). ‘’ Grid Restoration Planning After a Total Blackout’’, 2015 International Conference on Control, Communication & Computing India (ICCC), 19-21 November 2015, Trivandrum.
  • Nort American Electric Reliability Corporation(NERC), (2015). “2015 LongTerm Reliability Assessment”, Atlanta.
  • Ancona, J.J., (1995). “A Framework For Power System Restoration Following a Major Power Failure”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 10:3
  • Lopes, J.A.P., Moreira, C.L., Resende, .O., (2005). “MicroGrids Black Start and Islanded Operation”, 15th Power Systems Computation Conference, 22-26 August 2005, Liege.
  • Anya, C., (2013). ‘’ Microgrid Provision of Blackstart in Disaster Recovery for Power System Restoration’’, IEEE Smart grid Comm 2013- Smart Grid Services and Management Models, 21-24 Oct. 2013, Vancouver.
  • Ketabi, A., Asmar, H., Ranjbar, A.M, Feuillet, R., (2001)."An approach to initiation of optimal units during the restoration of the bulk power system", Large Engineering Systems Conference on Power Engineering, Theme: Strengthening after 2001 (Kat. No.01ex490) , 2001 Halifax.
  • En, L., Zhijun, Q., Mingbo, L., Yunhe, H., Ning, W., Jinyu, W., (2015). “Increasing Black Start Capacity by Fast Cut Back Function of Thermal Power Plants”, International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy.
  • Feltes, J.W., Moran, C.G., (2008). “Black Start Studies for System Restoration”, IEEE, New York 12305.
  • Zeng, S., Lin, Z., Wenb, F., Ledwich, G., (2012). “A new approach for power system black-start decision-making with vague set theory”, Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 34: 114-120.
  • Joglekar, J.J., Nerkar, Y.P., (2008). “A different approach in system restoration with special consideration of Islanding schemes”, Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 30: 519-524.
  • Barsali, S., Giglioli, R., Poli, D., Sforna, M., Salvati, R., Zaottini, R., (2008). “The restoration of an electric power system: International survey and discussion of possible innovative enhancements for the Italian system”, Electric Power Systems Research, 78:239-247.
  • Barsali, S., Polia, D., Praticò, A., Salvati, R., Sforna, M., Zaottini, R., (2008). “Restoration islands supplied by gas turbines”, Electric Power Systems Research, 78: 2004-2010.
  • Jiang, Y., Chen, S., Liu, C.C., Sun, W., Luo, X., Liu, S., Bhatt, N., Uppalapati, S., Forcum, D., (2017). “Blackstart capability planning for power system restoration”, Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 86: 127-137.
  • Lindenmeyera, D., Dommela, H.W., Adibi M.M., (2001). “Power system restoration- A bibliographical survey”, Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 23: 219-227.
  • H. Afrakhtel and M. R. Haghifam, "Optimal Islands Determination In Power System Restoration", Iranian Journal of Science & Technology Transaction B: Engineering, vol. 3.
  • Zhang, G., (2009). “EPRI Power Systems Dynamics Tutorial”, 1016042, Palo Alto. [26] The National Grid Company plc, (2001). “An Introduction to Black Start”, Market Development, February 2001.
  • Clean Technica, “Restoring The Grid After A Blackout — Using Batteries”,, 24 April 2017.
  • Sun, W., Liu, C.C., Liu, S., (2011). “Black Start Capability Assessment in Power System Restoration”, IEEE, 978-1-.4577-1002-5/11.
  • Wang, H., Lin, Z, Wen, F., Ledwich, G., Xue, Y., Zhou, Y., Huang, Y., (2014). “Black-start decision-making with interval represantation of uncertainfactors‘’, Elsevier, 79:34–41.
  • Southern Regional Load Despatch Centre Power System Operation Corporation, (2012). “Black Start Restoration Procedures Of Southern Region 2013’’, November 2012, Bangalore.
  • H. Jain, G. -S. Seo, E. Lockhart, V. Gevorgian and B. Kroposki, "Blackstart of Power Grids with Inverter-Based Resources," 2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 2020, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/PESGM41954.2020.9281851.
  • D. K. Maina, S. Shirzadi, S. Al-Sachit, L. Y. Liu and N. -K. C. Nair, "Electricity Distribution Resilience Assessment for Potential Seismic Event in New Zealand," 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Systems Technology (POWERCON), 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/POWERCON 48463. 2020. 9230572.
  • Hafner, Y.J., Duchen, H., Karlsson, M., Ronstrom, L., Abrahamsson, B., (2008). “HVDC with Voltage Source Converters-A Powerful Standby Black Start Facility”, IEEE PES T&D Conference, 21-24 April 2008, Chicago Zhu, H., Liu, X., Mastorakis, N., E.,(2014),”The Simulation Analysis of Motor Startup Based on the Etap Platform”, 2014 International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Sciences and in Industry, DOI 10.1109, 13-15 September 2014

The Importance of Power Generation Plants with Blackstart on Power System Restoration after Blackout

Year 2022, , 99 - 112, 30.08.2022


Power systems are complex structures that provide uninterrupted delivery of electrical energy to the consumer and are expressed as the sum of equipment operated in coordination with each other. However, in some cases, a complete or partial system collapse may occur in the power system. While this system blackout can sometimes be fixed immediately, sometimes it takes a long time to fix it. After long interruptions, social life, daily activities and production activities are interrupted; This leads to a huge financial loss. After a system blackout of the entire power system, elaborate power system restoration plans should be implemented immediately. The location and capacity of blackstart power generation units, which play a critical role in the restoration of the power system, are of great importance in deciding the restoration strategy to be applied after the system blackout. In this study, a simulation study was conducted using real data in order to understand the importance of power generation plants with recovery feature in the system restoration after the complete collapse of the power system. In this study, the behavior of power generation units during the application phases of system collapse and system restoration was investigated. Information is given about the points to be considered while preparing power system restoration plans.


  • Ayhancı C., (2018). “Güç Sistemlerinde Sistem Çökmesi ve Yeniden Toparlanma”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul
  • Ayhanci, C. , Yoldas, B. Y. , Kekezoglu, B. "BLACKOUT AND BLACKSTART ON POWER SYSTEMS" . PressAcademia Procedia 5 (2017 ): 190-197 33433/371653
  • C. Strunck, C. Rehtanz, D. Espín-Sarzosa and R. Palma-Behnke, "Control Possibilities for Community Microgrids Considering Small Production Processes and its Benefits to the Whole System," 2020 IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference and Exhibition - Latin America (T&D LA), 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/TDLA47668.2020.9326150.
  • Zeng, B., Ouyang, S., Zhang, J., Shi, H., Wu G., Zeng M., (2015). “An analysis ofprevious blackouts in the world: Lessons for China's power industry”,Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 42:1151-1163.
  • İktisat ve Toplum Dergisi, Elektriksiz bir günün iktisadi ve toplumsal anlamı, 26 Ağustos 2015
  • S. R. Kurup and Ashok S, "Grid restoration planning after a total blackout," 2015 International Conference on Control Communication & Computing India (ICCC), 2015, pp. 280-284, doi: 10.1109/ICCC.2015.7432906.
  • Candar P., (2011). “Enterkonnekte Şebekelerde Oluşan Sistem Çökmelerinin İrdelenmesi”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Alberto. B., Carlo, A.N., Mario P., (2013). Restoratıon Processes After Blackouts, IEEE Press, Part 3, Page 888-923 New Jersey. Yvon, B., Mircea, E., Nikolai, V., (2013). Major grid blackouts: analysis, classification, and prevention, IEEE Press, Part 3, Page 813-887 New Jersey.
  • Sreeram, R.K., Ashok, S., (2015). ‘’ Grid Restoration Planning After a Total Blackout’’, 2015 International Conference on Control, Communication & Computing India (ICCC), 19-21 November 2015, Trivandrum.
  • Nort American Electric Reliability Corporation(NERC), (2015). “2015 LongTerm Reliability Assessment”, Atlanta.
  • Ancona, J.J., (1995). “A Framework For Power System Restoration Following a Major Power Failure”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 10:3
  • Lopes, J.A.P., Moreira, C.L., Resende, .O., (2005). “MicroGrids Black Start and Islanded Operation”, 15th Power Systems Computation Conference, 22-26 August 2005, Liege.
  • Anya, C., (2013). ‘’ Microgrid Provision of Blackstart in Disaster Recovery for Power System Restoration’’, IEEE Smart grid Comm 2013- Smart Grid Services and Management Models, 21-24 Oct. 2013, Vancouver.
  • Ketabi, A., Asmar, H., Ranjbar, A.M, Feuillet, R., (2001)."An approach to initiation of optimal units during the restoration of the bulk power system", Large Engineering Systems Conference on Power Engineering, Theme: Strengthening after 2001 (Kat. No.01ex490) , 2001 Halifax.
  • En, L., Zhijun, Q., Mingbo, L., Yunhe, H., Ning, W., Jinyu, W., (2015). “Increasing Black Start Capacity by Fast Cut Back Function of Thermal Power Plants”, International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy.
  • Feltes, J.W., Moran, C.G., (2008). “Black Start Studies for System Restoration”, IEEE, New York 12305.
  • Zeng, S., Lin, Z., Wenb, F., Ledwich, G., (2012). “A new approach for power system black-start decision-making with vague set theory”, Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 34: 114-120.
  • Joglekar, J.J., Nerkar, Y.P., (2008). “A different approach in system restoration with special consideration of Islanding schemes”, Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 30: 519-524.
  • Barsali, S., Giglioli, R., Poli, D., Sforna, M., Salvati, R., Zaottini, R., (2008). “The restoration of an electric power system: International survey and discussion of possible innovative enhancements for the Italian system”, Electric Power Systems Research, 78:239-247.
  • Barsali, S., Polia, D., Praticò, A., Salvati, R., Sforna, M., Zaottini, R., (2008). “Restoration islands supplied by gas turbines”, Electric Power Systems Research, 78: 2004-2010.
  • Jiang, Y., Chen, S., Liu, C.C., Sun, W., Luo, X., Liu, S., Bhatt, N., Uppalapati, S., Forcum, D., (2017). “Blackstart capability planning for power system restoration”, Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 86: 127-137.
  • Lindenmeyera, D., Dommela, H.W., Adibi M.M., (2001). “Power system restoration- A bibliographical survey”, Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 23: 219-227.
  • H. Afrakhtel and M. R. Haghifam, "Optimal Islands Determination In Power System Restoration", Iranian Journal of Science & Technology Transaction B: Engineering, vol. 3.
  • Zhang, G., (2009). “EPRI Power Systems Dynamics Tutorial”, 1016042, Palo Alto. [26] The National Grid Company plc, (2001). “An Introduction to Black Start”, Market Development, February 2001.
  • Clean Technica, “Restoring The Grid After A Blackout — Using Batteries”,, 24 April 2017.
  • Sun, W., Liu, C.C., Liu, S., (2011). “Black Start Capability Assessment in Power System Restoration”, IEEE, 978-1-.4577-1002-5/11.
  • Wang, H., Lin, Z, Wen, F., Ledwich, G., Xue, Y., Zhou, Y., Huang, Y., (2014). “Black-start decision-making with interval represantation of uncertainfactors‘’, Elsevier, 79:34–41.
  • Southern Regional Load Despatch Centre Power System Operation Corporation, (2012). “Black Start Restoration Procedures Of Southern Region 2013’’, November 2012, Bangalore.
  • H. Jain, G. -S. Seo, E. Lockhart, V. Gevorgian and B. Kroposki, "Blackstart of Power Grids with Inverter-Based Resources," 2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 2020, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/PESGM41954.2020.9281851.
  • D. K. Maina, S. Shirzadi, S. Al-Sachit, L. Y. Liu and N. -K. C. Nair, "Electricity Distribution Resilience Assessment for Potential Seismic Event in New Zealand," 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Systems Technology (POWERCON), 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/POWERCON 48463. 2020. 9230572.
  • Hafner, Y.J., Duchen, H., Karlsson, M., Ronstrom, L., Abrahamsson, B., (2008). “HVDC with Voltage Source Converters-A Powerful Standby Black Start Facility”, IEEE PES T&D Conference, 21-24 April 2008, Chicago Zhu, H., Liu, X., Mastorakis, N., E.,(2014),”The Simulation Analysis of Motor Startup Based on the Etap Platform”, 2014 International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Sciences and in Industry, DOI 10.1109, 13-15 September 2014
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Electrical Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Cihan Ayhancı 0000-0001-5749-0352

Bedri Kekezoğlu 0000-0002-1202-913X

Publication Date August 30, 2022
Submission Date April 4, 2022
Acceptance Date July 23, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Ayhancı, C., & Kekezoğlu, B. (2022). Güç Sisteminin Tam Çökmesi Sonrasında Yeniden Başlatma Özellikli Güç Üretim Santrallerinin Sistem Restorasyonundaki Önemi. Harran Üniversitesi Mühendislik Dergisi, 7(2), 99-112.