Aşındırıcı Akışkanla İşleme (AAİ) hassas parçaların
yüzey işlemesinde kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, asimetrik düz dişli dövme
kalıbının parlatılmasında AAİ işlemi uygulanmıştır. AISI H13'ten yapılmış kalıp
bir stok olarak sertleştirilmiş ve temperlenmiş ve asimetrik dişli profili tel
elektro erozyon ile kesilmiştir. Kalıbın yüzey kalitesi, (AAİ) çevrim sayısına
göre belirlenmiştir. Sonuçlar, asimetrik düz dişli kalıbında, tel elektro
erozyon sırasında oluşan beyaz tabakanın AAİ kullanılarak başarıyla kaldırıldığını
göstermektedir. Beyaz tabakanın kürecikleri ilk AFM çevriminde kaldırılmış ve
beyaz tabakanın ortalama kalınlığı azaltılmıştır. Dördüncü çevrim sonunda beyaz
tabaka tamamen kaldırılmıştır. Yüzey pürüzlülük değeri, çevrim sayısıyla
azalmıştır. Yüzey iyileştirmesi ilk AAİ çevriminde daha iyidir ve kademeli
olarak belli bir seviyeye kadar azalmaktadır. Yüzeyin diş kalınlığı yönündeki
son yüzey pürüzlülüğü, aşındırıcı ortamın akışının, akış yönüne paralel olması
nedeniyle, evolvent profili yönünden daha iyidir.
Rhoades, L. J. (1991). "Abrasive flow machining: a case study." Journal of Materials Processing Technology 28(1-2): 107-116.
Jain, V. K. and S. G. Adsul (2000). "Experimental investigations into abrasive flow machining (AFM)." International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 40(7): 1003-1021.
Jain, R. K. and V. K. Jain (2003). "Finite element simulation of abrasive flow machining." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture 217(12): 1723-1736
Jain, V. K., C. Ranganatha and K. Muralidhar (2001). "Evaluatıon of Rheologıcal Propertıes of Medıum for AFM Process." Machining Science and Technology 5(2): 151-170.
Fletcher, A. J. and A. Fioravanti (1996). "Polishing and Honing Processes: An Investigation of the Thermal Properties of Mixtures of Polyborosiloxane and Silicon Carbide Abrasive." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 210(3): 255-265.
Agrawal, A., V. Jain and K. Muralidhar (2005). "Experimental determination of viscosity of abrasive flow machining media." International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 7(2): 142-156.
Gorana, V. K., V. K. Jain and G. K. Lal (2004). "Experimental investigation into cutting forces and active grain density during abrasive flow machining." International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 44(2): 201-211.
Loveless, T. R., R. E. Williams and K. P. Rajurkar (1994). "A study of the effects of abrasive-flow finishing on various machined surfaces." Journal of Materials Processing Technology 47(1–2): 133-151.
Eyercioglu, O, Yilmaz, N. F. and Dereli, T., “Aşındırıcı Akışkanla Yüzey İşleme TİMAK Tasarım İmalat Analiz Kongresi,” TİMAK-Tasarım İmalat Analiz Kongresi, Balıkesir, 2006.
Gov K ,Abrasive Flow Machining of EDMed Surfaces, Ph. D. Thesis, Gaziantep University, Institute of Science >Mechanical Engineering, 20142014.
Gov K., Eyercioglu O. (2017). “Abrasive Flow Machining of Ti-6AL-4V” International Science and Technology Conference: 2146-7382
Gov, K., O. Eyercioglu and M. V. Cakir (2013). "Hardness Effects on Abrasive Flow Machining." Journal of Mechanical Engineering 59(10): 626-631
Gov, K., O. Eyercioglu, “Effects of abrasive types on the surface integrity of abrasive flow machined surfaces,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, vol. 232, no. 6, pp. 1044–1053, Aug. 2016.
Yoshimura,H. and Tanaka, K. 2000. Precision forging of aluminum and steel. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 98, pp. 196-204
Eyercioglu, O.; Walton, D.; Dean, T.A. 1997. Comparative bending fatigue strength of precision forged spur gears. Proceedings of IMechE Part-C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 21: 4: 293-299.
Eyercioglu, O., Dean, T.A., Walton, D., 1994. Dimensional accuracy of hot precision forged spur gears. In: Fawcett, J.N. (Ed.). Proceedings of the International Gearing Conference. Newcastle Upon Tyne, pp. 285–290.
Eyercioglu, O., Dean, T.A., Walton, D. 1996. Precision Forging of Gears. 7th Int. Machine Design and Production Conference.
Eyercioglu, O. Precision Forging of Asymmetric Spur Gears TUBİTAK- MAG 217M063.
Abrasive Flow Machining Of Asymmetric Spur Gear Forging Die
Year 2019,
Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 12 - 20, 30.04.2019
Abrasive Flow Machining (AFM) is utilized for surface
finishing of the precision parts. In the present study, AFM process is applied
to finishing of an asymmetric spur gear forging die. The die made of AISI H13
was hardened and tempered as a stock and the asymmetric gear profile was cut by
wire electrical discharge machine (WEDM). The surface quality of the die was
determined with respect to the number of AFM cycles. The results show that the
white layer formed during WEDM is successfully removed by using AFM for
asymmetric spur gear forging die. The globules of the white layer were removed
in the first AFM cycle and the average thickness of the white layer was
reduced. The layer was totally eliminated after four cycles. The surface
roughness value decreased with increasing in number of cycles. The surface
improvement is better in the first AFM cycle and gradually saturated to a
certain level. The final surface roughness along facewidth is better than
involute profile direction because the flow of abrasive media is parallel to
the facewidth direction.
Rhoades, L. J. (1991). "Abrasive flow machining: a case study." Journal of Materials Processing Technology 28(1-2): 107-116.
Jain, V. K. and S. G. Adsul (2000). "Experimental investigations into abrasive flow machining (AFM)." International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 40(7): 1003-1021.
Jain, R. K. and V. K. Jain (2003). "Finite element simulation of abrasive flow machining." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture 217(12): 1723-1736
Jain, V. K., C. Ranganatha and K. Muralidhar (2001). "Evaluatıon of Rheologıcal Propertıes of Medıum for AFM Process." Machining Science and Technology 5(2): 151-170.
Fletcher, A. J. and A. Fioravanti (1996). "Polishing and Honing Processes: An Investigation of the Thermal Properties of Mixtures of Polyborosiloxane and Silicon Carbide Abrasive." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 210(3): 255-265.
Agrawal, A., V. Jain and K. Muralidhar (2005). "Experimental determination of viscosity of abrasive flow machining media." International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 7(2): 142-156.
Gorana, V. K., V. K. Jain and G. K. Lal (2004). "Experimental investigation into cutting forces and active grain density during abrasive flow machining." International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 44(2): 201-211.
Loveless, T. R., R. E. Williams and K. P. Rajurkar (1994). "A study of the effects of abrasive-flow finishing on various machined surfaces." Journal of Materials Processing Technology 47(1–2): 133-151.
Eyercioglu, O, Yilmaz, N. F. and Dereli, T., “Aşındırıcı Akışkanla Yüzey İşleme TİMAK Tasarım İmalat Analiz Kongresi,” TİMAK-Tasarım İmalat Analiz Kongresi, Balıkesir, 2006.
Gov K ,Abrasive Flow Machining of EDMed Surfaces, Ph. D. Thesis, Gaziantep University, Institute of Science >Mechanical Engineering, 20142014.
Gov K., Eyercioglu O. (2017). “Abrasive Flow Machining of Ti-6AL-4V” International Science and Technology Conference: 2146-7382
Gov, K., O. Eyercioglu and M. V. Cakir (2013). "Hardness Effects on Abrasive Flow Machining." Journal of Mechanical Engineering 59(10): 626-631
Gov, K., O. Eyercioglu, “Effects of abrasive types on the surface integrity of abrasive flow machined surfaces,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, vol. 232, no. 6, pp. 1044–1053, Aug. 2016.
Yoshimura,H. and Tanaka, K. 2000. Precision forging of aluminum and steel. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 98, pp. 196-204
Eyercioglu, O.; Walton, D.; Dean, T.A. 1997. Comparative bending fatigue strength of precision forged spur gears. Proceedings of IMechE Part-C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 21: 4: 293-299.
Eyercioglu, O., Dean, T.A., Walton, D., 1994. Dimensional accuracy of hot precision forged spur gears. In: Fawcett, J.N. (Ed.). Proceedings of the International Gearing Conference. Newcastle Upon Tyne, pp. 285–290.
Eyercioglu, O., Dean, T.A., Walton, D. 1996. Precision Forging of Gears. 7th Int. Machine Design and Production Conference.
Eyercioglu, O. Precision Forging of Asymmetric Spur Gears TUBİTAK- MAG 217M063.
Kürşad Göv
Adem Aksoy
This is me