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2.45 GHz mikrodalga frekansının yabancı ot mücadele yöntemi olarak kullanılması

Year 2019, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 58 - 71, 25.12.2019


Organik üretimin artması ve
tarımsal kimyasalların kullanımı ile ilgili bazı kısıtlamaların getirilmesi
çevre dostu olan, mikrodalgaya yabancı ot kontrolü uygulamaları için bir fırsat
sunmuştur. Bu çalışmada, tarımsal üretiminde yabancı otların (istenmeyen bitki
ve tohumlar) kontrolünde kimyasal olamayan bir yöntem olarak mikrodalga
kullanımının mevcut durumu değerlendirilmektedir.  Makale, mikrodalga yardımıyla yabancı ot
kontrolü uygulamalarında kullanılan teknolojileri de içermektedir.
Mikrodalgalar, yabancı otları ve her türlü istenmeyen bitkileri ve tohumlarını
yok edebilmektedir. Bu konuda yapılan çalışmaların çoğu, sınırlı bir alanda
mikrodalga uygulamalarına odaklanmıştır. Mikrodalga uygulamaları sırasında
meydana gelen termal kaçaklar, magnetronların harcadığı elektrik enerjisi ile
tüketilen toplam elektrik enerjisi arasındaki fark, gerçek maliyetin
hesaplanmasını zorlaştırmaktadır. Öte yandan, deneysel uygulamalarda, insan
hücrelerine ve dokulara zarar verebilen mikrodalga sızıntısı meydana gelme olasılığı
da, mikrodalga ile yabancı ot kontrolü uygulamalarının başka bir zorluğudur.

Yazar Rehberi

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  • [1]Adu, B., & Otten, L. (1996). Microwave Heating And Mass Transfer Characteristics Of White Beans. Journal Of Agricultural Engineering Research, 64(1), 71-78.
  • [2]Ark, P.A. And Perry, W., “Application Of High Frequency Electrostatic Field İn Agriculture”, The Quarterly Rewiev Of Biology, Vol.6, No:3, Pp.277-287, 1979.
  • [3]Ascard, J. 1990. Weed Control İn Ecological Vegetable Farming. In A. Granstedt (Ed).Proceedings Of The Ecological Agriculture, Nordiske Jordbrugsforskeres Forening, Seminar, 166, 178-184.
  • [4]Baghurst, David R. And Mingos, D. Michael P. Microwave Processing Of Materials, The National Academies, 1992.
  • [5]Bajwa, A. A., Mahajan, G., & Chauhan, B. S. (2015). Nonconventional Weed Management Strategies For Modern Agriculture. Weed Science, 63(4), 723-747.
  • [6]Blaszczak, W., Gralık, J., Klockıewıcz-Kamınska, E., Fornal, J., & Warchalewskı, J. R., 2002. Effect Of Γ-Radiation And Microwave Heating On Endosperm Microstructure İn Relation To Some Technological Properties Of Wheat Grain. Nahrung/Food, 46(2), 122–129.
  • [7]Brodie, G. (2018). The Use Of Physics İn Weed Control. Non-Chemical Weed Control, 33-59.
  • [8]Brodie, G., Hamılton, S. And Woodworth, J.2007. “An Assessment Of Microwave Soil Pasteurization For Killing Seeds And Weeds,” Plant Protection Quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 4, Pp. 143–149, 2007.
  • [9]Buffler, Cr. Microwave Cooking And Processing: Engineering Fundamentals For The Food Scientist. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold; 1993.
  • [10]Cretescu, I., Căpriță, R., Velicevici, G., Ropciuc, S., & Buzamat, G. (2013). Response Of Barley Seedlings To Microwaves At 2.45 Ghz. Scientific Papers Animal Science And Biotechnologies, 46(1), 185-191.
  • [11]Daff, Weeds, Australian Department Of Agriculture, Fisheries And Foresty, 2006.
  • [12]Davis, F., Wayland, J., Merkle, M., 1971. Ultrahigh-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields For Weed Control: Phytotoxicity And Selectivity. Science, 173, 535–537.
  • [13]De Wilde, M., Buisson, E., Yavercovski, N., Willm, L., Bieder, L., & Mesléard, F. (2017). Using Microwave Soil Heating To İnhibit İnvasive Species Seed Germination. Invasive Plant Science And Management, 10(3), 262-270.
  • [14]Decareau, R.V. Chapter One: History Of The Microwave Oven. In: Microwave Foods: New Product Development. Trumbull: Food & Nutrition Press, Inc.; 1992. P.1-46.
  • [15]Diprose, M. F. , Benson, F. A. And Willis, A. J. “The Effect Of Externally Applied Electrostatic Fields, Microwave Radiation And Electric Currents On Plants And Other Organisms, With Special Reference To Weed Control,” The Botanical Review, Vol. 50, No. 2, Pp. 171–223, 1984.
  • [16]Fakhouri, M. O., And Ramaswamy, H. S. (1993). Temperature Uniformity Of Microwave Heated Foods As İnfluenced By Product Type And Composition. Food Research International, 26(2), 89– 95.
  • [17]Fda, Us, Center For Devices And Radiological Health. Microwave Oven Radiation. U.S. Food And Drug Administration; 2000. Www.Fda.Gov/Cdrh/Consumer.
  • [18]Feng, J.C., Meng,Q.U.,Lıu,Y.,And Daı, L.,Org. Prep. Proc. Int. 1997, 29, 687-689.
  • [19]Fergedal, S., 1993. Weed Control By Freezing With Liquid Nitrogen And Carbon Dioxide Snow; A Comparison Between Flaming And Freezing. Communications Of The 4th International Conference I.F.O.A.M. Non-Chemical Weed Control, Dijon, France, 163-166.
  • [20]Ferrell, J.A., Macdonald, G.E., Sellers, B., And Raınbott, C., 2007. Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute Of Food And Agricultural Sciences University Of Florida.
  • [21]Funawatashi, Y., & Suzuki, T. (2003). Numerical Analysis Of Microwave Heating Of A Dielectric. Heat Transfer-Asian Research, 32(3), 227–236.
  • [22]Funebo, T., & Ohlsson, T. (1998). Microwave Assisted Air Dehydration Of Apple And Mushroom. Journal Of Food Engineering, 38(3), 353–367.
  • [23]Geyde, R., Smıth, F. K., Westaway, Alı, H., Baldısera, L., Laberge L., Rousell, J., Tetrahedron Lett. 1986, 27, 279-283.
  • [24]Giguere, R. J., Bray, T. L., Duncan, S., Majetıch, M. G. Tetrahedron Lett. 1986, 27, 4945-4949.
  • [25]Gunesakaran , S., 1990. Grain Drying Using Continuous And Pulsed Microwave Energy. Drying Technology, 8(5), 1039–1047.
  • [26]Hansson, D., Ascard, J., 2002. Influence Of Developmental Stage And Time Of Assessment On Hot Water Weed Control. Weed Res;42(4):307–16.
  • [27]Hansson, D., J.,E., Mattsson, 2003. Effect Of Air Temperature, Rain And Drought On Hot Water Weed Control. European Weed Research Society Weed Research 43, 245-251.
  • [28]Hansson, D., Mattsson, J.,E., 2002. Effect Of Drop Size, Water Flow, Wetting Agent And Water Temperature On Hot Water Weed Control. Crop Protection 21, 773-781.
  • [29]Heisel, T., J. Schou, S. Christensen, C. Andreasen, 2001. Cutting Weeds With A 〖Co〗_2 Laser. European Weed Research Society Weed Research, 41, 19-29.
  • [30]Heisel, T., Schou, J., Andreasen, C., Christensen, S., 2002. Using Laser To Measure Stem Thickness And Cut Weed Stems. European Weed Research Society Weed Research 42, 242-248.
  • [31]Hill, A ,Ilsi Europe Mıcrowave Oven Task Force. Microwave Ovens. Brussels: Ilsı Europe; 1998.
  • [32]Hua, W, Bennett E, And Letcher R, 2006. Ozone Treatment And The Depletion Of Detectable Pharmaceuticals And Atrazine Herbicide İn Drinking Water Sorced From The Upper Detroit River Ontario Canada. Water Research 40 (2006) 2259-2266.
  • [33]Jones, D. A., Lelyveld, T. P., Mavrofidis, S. D., Kingman, S. W., & Miles, N. J. (2002). Microwave Heating Applications İn Environmental Engineering—A Review. Resources, Conservation And Recycling, 34(2), 75-90.
  • [34]Kang, W.,S., 2001. Development Of A Flame Weeder. American Society Of Agricultural Engineers. Vol.44 (5): 1065-1070.
  • [35]Kawala, Zdzisław; Atamańczuk, Tomasz. Microwave-Enhanced Thermal Decontamination Of Soil. Environmental Science & Technology, 1998, 32.17: 2602-2607.
  • [36]Khalafallah, A. A., & Sallam, S. M. (2009). Response Of Maize Seedlings To Microwaves At 945 Mhz. Romanian J. Biophys, 19(1), 49-62.
  • [37]Khan, M. J., Brodie, G., & Gupta, D. (2016). Effect Of Microwave (2.45 Ghz) Treatment Of Soil On Yield Components Of Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.). Journal Of Microwave Power And Electromagnetic Energy, 50(3), 191-200.
  • [38]Krasewski., A., W. And Nelson, S., O., 1995. Application Of Microwave Techniques İn Agricultural Research. Sbmo/Ieee Mtt-S International Microwave And Optoelectronics Conference, Pp 117–126.
  • [39]Krokida, M. K., Maroulis, Z. B., & Saravacos, G. D. 2001. The Effect Of The Method Of Drying On The Color Of Dehydrated Products. International Journal Of Food Science & Technology, 36(1), 53–59.
  • [40]Kurfess, W., S., Kliesinger, 2000. Effect Of Hot Water On Weeds. Proceedings 20 Th German Conference On Weed 265 Biology And Weed Control, Stuttgart-Hohenheim, 473- 477, Germany.
  • [41]Metaxas,A., C. And Meredith R., J., 1993. Industrial Microwave Heating. Iee Power Engineering Series 4, Peter Peregrinus Ltd., London.
  • [42]Miler, N., & Kulus, D. (2018). Microwave Treatment Can İnduce Chrysanthemum Phenotypic And Genetic Changes. Scientia Horticulturae, 227, 223-233.
  • [43]Mudgett, R.E. 1986a. Electrical Properties Of Foods “İn, Engineering Properties Of Foods, Eds M.A. Rao And S.S.H. Risvi” Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, Basel, 544 Sayfa.
  • [44]Nelson, S. O. (2018). Rf Electrical Seed Treatment To Improve Germination. In 2018 Asabe Annual International Meeting (P. 1). American Society Of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
  • [45]Nelson, S., O., 1996. A Review And Assessment Of Microwave Energy For Soil Treatment To Control Pests. Transactions Of The Asae, 39(1), 281–289.
  • [46]Ohlsson, T. Domestic Use Of Microwave Ovens. In: Macrae R, Robinson, Rk And Sadler, Mj, Editors. Encyclopaedia Of Food Science Food Technology And Nutrition. Vol. 2. London: Academic Press; 1993. P. 1232-1237.
  • [47]Pluenneke, R. H., & Dykes, W. G. (1975). Method And Apparatus For Using Electrical Current To Destroy Grasses And Weeds.
  • [48]Rana, A., & Derr, J. F. (2017). Determining The Microwave Radiations Exposure Level Needed For Weed Control Using A Stationary And Running Belt Microwave Radiations Applicator System. Journal Of Environmental Horticulture, 35(2), 58-65.
  • [49]Rana, A., & Derr, J. F. (2018). Responses Of Ten Weed Species To Microwave Radiation Exposure As Affected By Plant Size. Journal Of Environmental Horticulture, 36(1), 14-20.
  • [50]Revitt, D., M., Ellis, J., B. And Llewellyn, N.R., 2002. Seasonal Removal Herbicides İn Urban Runoff. Urban Water 4 (2002) 13-19.
  • [51]Sahin, H., & Saglam, R. (2015). A Research About Microwave Effects On The Weed Plants. J Agr Biol Sci, 10, 79-84.
  • [52]Sahin, H., & Yalınkılıc, M. (2017). Using Electric Current As A Weed Control Method. European Journal Of Engineering Research And Science, 2(6), 59-64.
  • [53]Sahin, H., (2014). Effects Of Microwaves On The Germination Of Weed Seeds. Journal Of Biosystems Engineering, 39(4), 304-309.
  • [54]Skiles, J. W. (2006). Plant Response To Microwaves At 2.45 Ghz. Acta Astronautica, 58(5), 258-263.
  • [55]Şahin, H., 2012. Tarımsal Üretimde Yabancı Ot Mücadelesinde Mikrodalga Yönteminin Uygulanabilirliğinin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma, Doktora Tezi, Harran Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • [56]Taheri, S., Brodie, G., Jacob, M. V., & Antunes, E. (2018). Dielectric Properties Of Chickpea, Red And Green Lentil İn The Microwave Frequency Range As A Function Of Temperature And Moisture Content. Journal Of Microwave Power And Electromagnetic Energy, 1-17.
  • [57]Vale, S. 1998. Mechanical Weeder Uses Compressed Air. Vegetable Farmer, Act Publishing, Maidstone, Uk, (August), 24-26.
  • [58]Velazquez-Martí, B., Gracia-López, C., & De La Puerta, R. (2008). Work Conditions For Microwave Applicators Designed To Eliminate Undesired Vegetation İn A Field. Biosystems Engineering, 100(1), 31-37.
  • [59]Vidmar, M., 2005. An Improved Microwave Weed Killer. Microwave Journal October 1, 2005.
  • [60]Warchalewski, J. R., Gralık, J., Wojtasıak, R. Z., Zabıelskı, J., And Kusnnıerz, R. (1998). The Evaluation Of Wheat Grain Odour And Colour After Gamma And Microwave İrradiation. Electronic Journal Of Polish Agricultural Universities, 1(1), 1–11.
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  • [63]Ying, G, And Williams B, 2000. Dissipation Of Herbicides İn Soil And Grapesin A South Australian Vineyard. Agriculture, Ecosystem And Environment 78 (2000) 283-289.
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Year 2019, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 58 - 71, 25.12.2019



  • [1]Adu, B., & Otten, L. (1996). Microwave Heating And Mass Transfer Characteristics Of White Beans. Journal Of Agricultural Engineering Research, 64(1), 71-78.
  • [2]Ark, P.A. And Perry, W., “Application Of High Frequency Electrostatic Field İn Agriculture”, The Quarterly Rewiev Of Biology, Vol.6, No:3, Pp.277-287, 1979.
  • [3]Ascard, J. 1990. Weed Control İn Ecological Vegetable Farming. In A. Granstedt (Ed).Proceedings Of The Ecological Agriculture, Nordiske Jordbrugsforskeres Forening, Seminar, 166, 178-184.
  • [4]Baghurst, David R. And Mingos, D. Michael P. Microwave Processing Of Materials, The National Academies, 1992.
  • [5]Bajwa, A. A., Mahajan, G., & Chauhan, B. S. (2015). Nonconventional Weed Management Strategies For Modern Agriculture. Weed Science, 63(4), 723-747.
  • [6]Blaszczak, W., Gralık, J., Klockıewıcz-Kamınska, E., Fornal, J., & Warchalewskı, J. R., 2002. Effect Of Γ-Radiation And Microwave Heating On Endosperm Microstructure İn Relation To Some Technological Properties Of Wheat Grain. Nahrung/Food, 46(2), 122–129.
  • [7]Brodie, G. (2018). The Use Of Physics İn Weed Control. Non-Chemical Weed Control, 33-59.
  • [8]Brodie, G., Hamılton, S. And Woodworth, J.2007. “An Assessment Of Microwave Soil Pasteurization For Killing Seeds And Weeds,” Plant Protection Quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 4, Pp. 143–149, 2007.
  • [9]Buffler, Cr. Microwave Cooking And Processing: Engineering Fundamentals For The Food Scientist. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold; 1993.
  • [10]Cretescu, I., Căpriță, R., Velicevici, G., Ropciuc, S., & Buzamat, G. (2013). Response Of Barley Seedlings To Microwaves At 2.45 Ghz. Scientific Papers Animal Science And Biotechnologies, 46(1), 185-191.
  • [11]Daff, Weeds, Australian Department Of Agriculture, Fisheries And Foresty, 2006.
  • [12]Davis, F., Wayland, J., Merkle, M., 1971. Ultrahigh-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields For Weed Control: Phytotoxicity And Selectivity. Science, 173, 535–537.
  • [13]De Wilde, M., Buisson, E., Yavercovski, N., Willm, L., Bieder, L., & Mesléard, F. (2017). Using Microwave Soil Heating To İnhibit İnvasive Species Seed Germination. Invasive Plant Science And Management, 10(3), 262-270.
  • [14]Decareau, R.V. Chapter One: History Of The Microwave Oven. In: Microwave Foods: New Product Development. Trumbull: Food & Nutrition Press, Inc.; 1992. P.1-46.
  • [15]Diprose, M. F. , Benson, F. A. And Willis, A. J. “The Effect Of Externally Applied Electrostatic Fields, Microwave Radiation And Electric Currents On Plants And Other Organisms, With Special Reference To Weed Control,” The Botanical Review, Vol. 50, No. 2, Pp. 171–223, 1984.
  • [16]Fakhouri, M. O., And Ramaswamy, H. S. (1993). Temperature Uniformity Of Microwave Heated Foods As İnfluenced By Product Type And Composition. Food Research International, 26(2), 89– 95.
  • [17]Fda, Us, Center For Devices And Radiological Health. Microwave Oven Radiation. U.S. Food And Drug Administration; 2000. Www.Fda.Gov/Cdrh/Consumer.
  • [18]Feng, J.C., Meng,Q.U.,Lıu,Y.,And Daı, L.,Org. Prep. Proc. Int. 1997, 29, 687-689.
  • [19]Fergedal, S., 1993. Weed Control By Freezing With Liquid Nitrogen And Carbon Dioxide Snow; A Comparison Between Flaming And Freezing. Communications Of The 4th International Conference I.F.O.A.M. Non-Chemical Weed Control, Dijon, France, 163-166.
  • [20]Ferrell, J.A., Macdonald, G.E., Sellers, B., And Raınbott, C., 2007. Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute Of Food And Agricultural Sciences University Of Florida.
  • [21]Funawatashi, Y., & Suzuki, T. (2003). Numerical Analysis Of Microwave Heating Of A Dielectric. Heat Transfer-Asian Research, 32(3), 227–236.
  • [22]Funebo, T., & Ohlsson, T. (1998). Microwave Assisted Air Dehydration Of Apple And Mushroom. Journal Of Food Engineering, 38(3), 353–367.
  • [23]Geyde, R., Smıth, F. K., Westaway, Alı, H., Baldısera, L., Laberge L., Rousell, J., Tetrahedron Lett. 1986, 27, 279-283.
  • [24]Giguere, R. J., Bray, T. L., Duncan, S., Majetıch, M. G. Tetrahedron Lett. 1986, 27, 4945-4949.
  • [25]Gunesakaran , S., 1990. Grain Drying Using Continuous And Pulsed Microwave Energy. Drying Technology, 8(5), 1039–1047.
  • [26]Hansson, D., Ascard, J., 2002. Influence Of Developmental Stage And Time Of Assessment On Hot Water Weed Control. Weed Res;42(4):307–16.
  • [27]Hansson, D., J.,E., Mattsson, 2003. Effect Of Air Temperature, Rain And Drought On Hot Water Weed Control. European Weed Research Society Weed Research 43, 245-251.
  • [28]Hansson, D., Mattsson, J.,E., 2002. Effect Of Drop Size, Water Flow, Wetting Agent And Water Temperature On Hot Water Weed Control. Crop Protection 21, 773-781.
  • [29]Heisel, T., J. Schou, S. Christensen, C. Andreasen, 2001. Cutting Weeds With A 〖Co〗_2 Laser. European Weed Research Society Weed Research, 41, 19-29.
  • [30]Heisel, T., Schou, J., Andreasen, C., Christensen, S., 2002. Using Laser To Measure Stem Thickness And Cut Weed Stems. European Weed Research Society Weed Research 42, 242-248.
  • [31]Hill, A ,Ilsi Europe Mıcrowave Oven Task Force. Microwave Ovens. Brussels: Ilsı Europe; 1998.
  • [32]Hua, W, Bennett E, And Letcher R, 2006. Ozone Treatment And The Depletion Of Detectable Pharmaceuticals And Atrazine Herbicide İn Drinking Water Sorced From The Upper Detroit River Ontario Canada. Water Research 40 (2006) 2259-2266.
  • [33]Jones, D. A., Lelyveld, T. P., Mavrofidis, S. D., Kingman, S. W., & Miles, N. J. (2002). Microwave Heating Applications İn Environmental Engineering—A Review. Resources, Conservation And Recycling, 34(2), 75-90.
  • [34]Kang, W.,S., 2001. Development Of A Flame Weeder. American Society Of Agricultural Engineers. Vol.44 (5): 1065-1070.
  • [35]Kawala, Zdzisław; Atamańczuk, Tomasz. Microwave-Enhanced Thermal Decontamination Of Soil. Environmental Science & Technology, 1998, 32.17: 2602-2607.
  • [36]Khalafallah, A. A., & Sallam, S. M. (2009). Response Of Maize Seedlings To Microwaves At 945 Mhz. Romanian J. Biophys, 19(1), 49-62.
  • [37]Khan, M. J., Brodie, G., & Gupta, D. (2016). Effect Of Microwave (2.45 Ghz) Treatment Of Soil On Yield Components Of Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.). Journal Of Microwave Power And Electromagnetic Energy, 50(3), 191-200.
  • [38]Krasewski., A., W. And Nelson, S., O., 1995. Application Of Microwave Techniques İn Agricultural Research. Sbmo/Ieee Mtt-S International Microwave And Optoelectronics Conference, Pp 117–126.
  • [39]Krokida, M. K., Maroulis, Z. B., & Saravacos, G. D. 2001. The Effect Of The Method Of Drying On The Color Of Dehydrated Products. International Journal Of Food Science & Technology, 36(1), 53–59.
  • [40]Kurfess, W., S., Kliesinger, 2000. Effect Of Hot Water On Weeds. Proceedings 20 Th German Conference On Weed 265 Biology And Weed Control, Stuttgart-Hohenheim, 473- 477, Germany.
  • [41]Metaxas,A., C. And Meredith R., J., 1993. Industrial Microwave Heating. Iee Power Engineering Series 4, Peter Peregrinus Ltd., London.
  • [42]Miler, N., & Kulus, D. (2018). Microwave Treatment Can İnduce Chrysanthemum Phenotypic And Genetic Changes. Scientia Horticulturae, 227, 223-233.
  • [43]Mudgett, R.E. 1986a. Electrical Properties Of Foods “İn, Engineering Properties Of Foods, Eds M.A. Rao And S.S.H. Risvi” Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, Basel, 544 Sayfa.
  • [44]Nelson, S. O. (2018). Rf Electrical Seed Treatment To Improve Germination. In 2018 Asabe Annual International Meeting (P. 1). American Society Of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
  • [45]Nelson, S., O., 1996. A Review And Assessment Of Microwave Energy For Soil Treatment To Control Pests. Transactions Of The Asae, 39(1), 281–289.
  • [46]Ohlsson, T. Domestic Use Of Microwave Ovens. In: Macrae R, Robinson, Rk And Sadler, Mj, Editors. Encyclopaedia Of Food Science Food Technology And Nutrition. Vol. 2. London: Academic Press; 1993. P. 1232-1237.
  • [47]Pluenneke, R. H., & Dykes, W. G. (1975). Method And Apparatus For Using Electrical Current To Destroy Grasses And Weeds.
  • [48]Rana, A., & Derr, J. F. (2017). Determining The Microwave Radiations Exposure Level Needed For Weed Control Using A Stationary And Running Belt Microwave Radiations Applicator System. Journal Of Environmental Horticulture, 35(2), 58-65.
  • [49]Rana, A., & Derr, J. F. (2018). Responses Of Ten Weed Species To Microwave Radiation Exposure As Affected By Plant Size. Journal Of Environmental Horticulture, 36(1), 14-20.
  • [50]Revitt, D., M., Ellis, J., B. And Llewellyn, N.R., 2002. Seasonal Removal Herbicides İn Urban Runoff. Urban Water 4 (2002) 13-19.
  • [51]Sahin, H., & Saglam, R. (2015). A Research About Microwave Effects On The Weed Plants. J Agr Biol Sci, 10, 79-84.
  • [52]Sahin, H., & Yalınkılıc, M. (2017). Using Electric Current As A Weed Control Method. European Journal Of Engineering Research And Science, 2(6), 59-64.
  • [53]Sahin, H., (2014). Effects Of Microwaves On The Germination Of Weed Seeds. Journal Of Biosystems Engineering, 39(4), 304-309.
  • [54]Skiles, J. W. (2006). Plant Response To Microwaves At 2.45 Ghz. Acta Astronautica, 58(5), 258-263.
  • [55]Şahin, H., 2012. Tarımsal Üretimde Yabancı Ot Mücadelesinde Mikrodalga Yönteminin Uygulanabilirliğinin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma, Doktora Tezi, Harran Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
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There are 67 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Hasan Şahin 0000-0002-3977-4252

Publication Date December 25, 2019
Submission Date May 23, 2019
Acceptance Date October 2, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 4 Issue: 3


APA Şahin, H. (2019). 2.45 GHz mikrodalga frekansının yabancı ot mücadele yöntemi olarak kullanılması. Harran Üniversitesi Mühendislik Dergisi, 4(3), 58-71.