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Year 2006, Volume: 30 Issue: 30, 120 - 129, 01.06.2006


  • Ardell, D. B. (1998). The history of wellness. Ardell Wellness Report , 50, 3-11.
  • Ardell, D. B. (2001). Wellness models. Ardell Wellness Report, 59(6), 4.
  • Askegaard, M. L. (2000). The impact of college wellness course on wellness knowledge, attitude. and behavior, The University of North Dakota, unpublished PhD thesis.
  • Bayram, D. (1999). Bir grup gençte mhsal belirti ile sosyal destek ilişkisi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, lzmir, yayınlanmamış doktora tezi.
  • Bezner, J. R., Adams, T. B. ve Steinhardt, M. A. (1997). Relationship of body dissatisfaction to physical health and wellness. American Journal of Health Behavior, 21(2).
  • Biddle, S. J. H., Kenneth, R. F. ve Boutcher, S. H. (2000) .Physical activity and psychological well-being. London and New York: Routledge,
  • Brylinksy, J. ve Hoadley, M. (1991). A comporative analysis of wellness attitudes of “suicidal” and “at risk” college students. Wellness Persperectives, 7(2), 59-72.
  • Burke, R.] . ve Weir, T. (1978). Sex difference in adolescent life stress, social support, and well—being. The Journal of Psychology, 98, 277-278.
  • Burkett, L. N., Rena, C. G., Stone K. W. J. ve Klein, D. A. (2002). The effect of wellness education on the body image of college students. Health Promotion Practice, 3(1), 76-82.
  • Cagle, B. (2000). A survey of status of the life a time wellness course in tennessee, DA. Middle Tennessee State University, unpublished PhD thesis.
  • Canetti, L. ve Bachar, E. (1997). Parental bonding and mental health in adolescence. Adolescence, 32(126), 381394.
  • Cheng, S. K. ve Lam, D. J. (1997). Relationships among life stress, problem solving, self—esteem, and dysphoria in hong kong adolescents: test of a model. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 16(3), 343-355.
  • Chou, K-L. (1999). Social support and subjective well-being among hong kong chinese young adults. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 160(3), 319-331.
  • Clark, A. A. ve Hovanitz, C. A. (1989). Dimensions of coping that contribute to psychopathology. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 45, 28-36.
  • Cramer, S. R., Nieman, D. C. ve Lee, J. W. (1991). The effects of moderate exercise training on psychological well—being and mood state in women. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 35(4—5), 437-449.
  • Degges-White, S., Myers, J. E., Adelman, J. U. ve Pastoor, D. D. (2003). Examining counseling needs of headache patients: an exploratory study of wellness and perceived stress. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 25.(4), 271-290.
  • Donaghy, K. B. (1995). Beyond survival: applying wellness interventions in battered women's shelters. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 17(1), 3-17.
  • Doğan, T. (2004). Üniversite Öğrencilerinin iyilik Halinin İncelenmesi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara, yayınlanmamış doktora tezi.
  • Elliott, T., Marmarosh, C. L. (1994). Pröblem-solving appraisal, health complaints, and health-related expectancies. Journal of Counseling & Development, 72(5), 531-537.
  • Epstein, J. A., GrifŞn, K. W. ve Gilbert, J. B. (2000). A model of smoking among inner—city adolescents: the role of personal competence and perceived social benefits of smoking. Prevention Medicine. 31 , 107-1 14.
  • Epstein, J. A., Griffin, K. W. ve Gilbert, J. B. (2002). Positive impact of competence skills and psychological wellness in protecting inner-city adolescents from alcohol use. Prevention Science, 3(2), 95-104.
  • Fişek, N. (1985). Halk Sağlığına Giriş, Ankara: H.Ü. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü Hizmet Araştırma ve Araştırıcı Yetiştirme Merkezi Yayını No. 2, Çağ Matbaası.
  • Türkan DOĞAN / H.Ü. Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi (H.Ü. Journal of Education). 30 (2006) 120—129
  • Garrett, M. T. (1999). Soaring on the wings of the eagle: wellness of native american high school students. Professional School Counseling, 3(1), 57—64.
  • Jackson, C., Henriksen, L., Dickinson, D. ve Levine, D. W. (1997). The early use of alcohol and tobacco: its relation to children’s competence and parents’ behavior. American Journal of Public Health, 87(3), 359-364.
  • Jampol, R. C. (1989). Coping stress: the role locus control, appraisal and coping responses in adjusting to college." Dissertation Abstract International. 49a (10), 4545-B.
  • Jensen, M. A., Peterson, T. L., Murphy, R. J. ve Emmerling, D. A. (1992). ‘Relationship of health behaviors to alcohol and cigarette use by college students. Journal of College Student Development, 33(2), 163-170.
  • Juang, L. P. ve Silbereisen, R. K. (1999). Supportive parenting and adolescent adjusment across time in former east and west germany. Journal of Adolescence, 22(6), 719-736.
  • Koçoğlu, F. (1998). Dünyada ve Türkiye'de sağlık. Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Yayınlan, Noz72.
  • Meehan. M. P., Durlak, J. A. ve Braynt, F. B. (1993). The relationship of social support to perceived control and subjective mental health in adolescents. Journal of Community Psychology, 21, 49-55.
  • Myers, J. E., Sweeney, T. J. ve Witmer, J. M. (2000). The wheel of wellness counseling for wellness: a holistic model for treatment planning. Journal of Counseling and Development, 78(3), 251-266.
  • Palombi, B. J . ( 1991 ). Psychometric properties of wellness instruments. Journal of Counseling and Development, 71(2), 221 - 225.
  • Peterson, M. (1996). Health perception and behavior comparison between wellness program participants and non-participants. Journal of Wellness Perspectives, 12(3), 155-160.
  • Pitkânen, T. (1999). Problem drinking and psycological well-being: a Şve-year follow-up study from adolescence to young adulthood. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 40, 197-207.
  • Savaşır, I. ve Şahin, N. H. (1997). Bilişsel Davranışçı Terapilerde Değerlendirme. Ankara: Türk Psikoloji Derneği Yayınlan.
  • Shillingford, J. P. ve Mackin, A. S. (1991). Enhancing self-esteem through wellness programs. The Elementary School Journal, 91(5), 458-466.
  • Sweeney, T. J. ve Witmer, J. M. (1991). Beyond social interest: striving toward optimum health and wellness. Individual Psychology, 47(4), 527-540.
  • Szabo, A. (2003). The acute effects of humor and exercise on mood and ankxiety. Journal of Leisure Research, 35(2), 152- 162.
  • Travis, J. W. ve Ryan, R. S. (1998). Wellness Workbook (second ed.). California: Ten Speed. Press.
  • Wentzel. K. (1998). Social relationship and motivation in middle school: the role of parents, teacher, and peers. Journal Of Educational Psychology, 90(2), 202-207.
  • Willls, T. A., Duhamel, K. ve Vaccaro, D. (1995). Activity and mood temperament as predictors of adolescent substance use: test of a self-regulation mediational model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 68(5), 901-91.
  • Williams, K. A., Kolar, M. M., Reger, B. E. ve J. C. Pearson. (2001). Evaluation of a wellness-based mindfullness stress reduction intervention: a controlled trial. American Journal Of Health Promotion, 15(6), 422-432.
  • Winer, B. J. (1962). Statistical Principles in Experimental Desing (Second ed). McGraw-Hill Book Company. p:573—574.
  • Witmer, J .M. ve Sweeney, T. J. ( 1992). A holistic model for wellness and prevention over life span. Journal Of Counseling &, Development, 71, (2), 140-148.
  • Yıldırım, 1. (1997). Algılanan sosyal destek ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi, güvenirliği ve geçerliliği. Hacettepe Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 13, 147-157.
  • Yıldırım, İ. (1998). Akademik başarı düzeyleri farklı olan lise öğrencilerinin bazı değişkenlere göre sosyal destek düzeyleri. Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, ll(10), 33—45.
  • Zimpfer, D. G. (1992). Psycholosocial treatment of life-threatening disease: a wellness model. Journal of Counseling and Development, 71(2), 203—209.
Year 2006, Volume: 30 Issue: 30, 120 - 129, 01.06.2006


  • Ardell, D. B. (1998). The history of wellness. Ardell Wellness Report , 50, 3-11.
  • Ardell, D. B. (2001). Wellness models. Ardell Wellness Report, 59(6), 4.
  • Askegaard, M. L. (2000). The impact of college wellness course on wellness knowledge, attitude. and behavior, The University of North Dakota, unpublished PhD thesis.
  • Bayram, D. (1999). Bir grup gençte mhsal belirti ile sosyal destek ilişkisi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, lzmir, yayınlanmamış doktora tezi.
  • Bezner, J. R., Adams, T. B. ve Steinhardt, M. A. (1997). Relationship of body dissatisfaction to physical health and wellness. American Journal of Health Behavior, 21(2).
  • Biddle, S. J. H., Kenneth, R. F. ve Boutcher, S. H. (2000) .Physical activity and psychological well-being. London and New York: Routledge,
  • Brylinksy, J. ve Hoadley, M. (1991). A comporative analysis of wellness attitudes of “suicidal” and “at risk” college students. Wellness Persperectives, 7(2), 59-72.
  • Burke, R.] . ve Weir, T. (1978). Sex difference in adolescent life stress, social support, and well—being. The Journal of Psychology, 98, 277-278.
  • Burkett, L. N., Rena, C. G., Stone K. W. J. ve Klein, D. A. (2002). The effect of wellness education on the body image of college students. Health Promotion Practice, 3(1), 76-82.
  • Cagle, B. (2000). A survey of status of the life a time wellness course in tennessee, DA. Middle Tennessee State University, unpublished PhD thesis.
  • Canetti, L. ve Bachar, E. (1997). Parental bonding and mental health in adolescence. Adolescence, 32(126), 381394.
  • Cheng, S. K. ve Lam, D. J. (1997). Relationships among life stress, problem solving, self—esteem, and dysphoria in hong kong adolescents: test of a model. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 16(3), 343-355.
  • Chou, K-L. (1999). Social support and subjective well-being among hong kong chinese young adults. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 160(3), 319-331.
  • Clark, A. A. ve Hovanitz, C. A. (1989). Dimensions of coping that contribute to psychopathology. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 45, 28-36.
  • Cramer, S. R., Nieman, D. C. ve Lee, J. W. (1991). The effects of moderate exercise training on psychological well—being and mood state in women. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 35(4—5), 437-449.
  • Degges-White, S., Myers, J. E., Adelman, J. U. ve Pastoor, D. D. (2003). Examining counseling needs of headache patients: an exploratory study of wellness and perceived stress. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 25.(4), 271-290.
  • Donaghy, K. B. (1995). Beyond survival: applying wellness interventions in battered women's shelters. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 17(1), 3-17.
  • Doğan, T. (2004). Üniversite Öğrencilerinin iyilik Halinin İncelenmesi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara, yayınlanmamış doktora tezi.
  • Elliott, T., Marmarosh, C. L. (1994). Pröblem-solving appraisal, health complaints, and health-related expectancies. Journal of Counseling & Development, 72(5), 531-537.
  • Epstein, J. A., GrifŞn, K. W. ve Gilbert, J. B. (2000). A model of smoking among inner—city adolescents: the role of personal competence and perceived social benefits of smoking. Prevention Medicine. 31 , 107-1 14.
  • Epstein, J. A., Griffin, K. W. ve Gilbert, J. B. (2002). Positive impact of competence skills and psychological wellness in protecting inner-city adolescents from alcohol use. Prevention Science, 3(2), 95-104.
  • Fişek, N. (1985). Halk Sağlığına Giriş, Ankara: H.Ü. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü Hizmet Araştırma ve Araştırıcı Yetiştirme Merkezi Yayını No. 2, Çağ Matbaası.
  • Türkan DOĞAN / H.Ü. Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi (H.Ü. Journal of Education). 30 (2006) 120—129
  • Garrett, M. T. (1999). Soaring on the wings of the eagle: wellness of native american high school students. Professional School Counseling, 3(1), 57—64.
  • Jackson, C., Henriksen, L., Dickinson, D. ve Levine, D. W. (1997). The early use of alcohol and tobacco: its relation to children’s competence and parents’ behavior. American Journal of Public Health, 87(3), 359-364.
  • Jampol, R. C. (1989). Coping stress: the role locus control, appraisal and coping responses in adjusting to college." Dissertation Abstract International. 49a (10), 4545-B.
  • Jensen, M. A., Peterson, T. L., Murphy, R. J. ve Emmerling, D. A. (1992). ‘Relationship of health behaviors to alcohol and cigarette use by college students. Journal of College Student Development, 33(2), 163-170.
  • Juang, L. P. ve Silbereisen, R. K. (1999). Supportive parenting and adolescent adjusment across time in former east and west germany. Journal of Adolescence, 22(6), 719-736.
  • Koçoğlu, F. (1998). Dünyada ve Türkiye'de sağlık. Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Yayınlan, Noz72.
  • Meehan. M. P., Durlak, J. A. ve Braynt, F. B. (1993). The relationship of social support to perceived control and subjective mental health in adolescents. Journal of Community Psychology, 21, 49-55.
  • Myers, J. E., Sweeney, T. J. ve Witmer, J. M. (2000). The wheel of wellness counseling for wellness: a holistic model for treatment planning. Journal of Counseling and Development, 78(3), 251-266.
  • Palombi, B. J . ( 1991 ). Psychometric properties of wellness instruments. Journal of Counseling and Development, 71(2), 221 - 225.
  • Peterson, M. (1996). Health perception and behavior comparison between wellness program participants and non-participants. Journal of Wellness Perspectives, 12(3), 155-160.
  • Pitkânen, T. (1999). Problem drinking and psycological well-being: a Şve-year follow-up study from adolescence to young adulthood. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 40, 197-207.
  • Savaşır, I. ve Şahin, N. H. (1997). Bilişsel Davranışçı Terapilerde Değerlendirme. Ankara: Türk Psikoloji Derneği Yayınlan.
  • Shillingford, J. P. ve Mackin, A. S. (1991). Enhancing self-esteem through wellness programs. The Elementary School Journal, 91(5), 458-466.
  • Sweeney, T. J. ve Witmer, J. M. (1991). Beyond social interest: striving toward optimum health and wellness. Individual Psychology, 47(4), 527-540.
  • Szabo, A. (2003). The acute effects of humor and exercise on mood and ankxiety. Journal of Leisure Research, 35(2), 152- 162.
  • Travis, J. W. ve Ryan, R. S. (1998). Wellness Workbook (second ed.). California: Ten Speed. Press.
  • Wentzel. K. (1998). Social relationship and motivation in middle school: the role of parents, teacher, and peers. Journal Of Educational Psychology, 90(2), 202-207.
  • Willls, T. A., Duhamel, K. ve Vaccaro, D. (1995). Activity and mood temperament as predictors of adolescent substance use: test of a self-regulation mediational model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 68(5), 901-91.
  • Williams, K. A., Kolar, M. M., Reger, B. E. ve J. C. Pearson. (2001). Evaluation of a wellness-based mindfullness stress reduction intervention: a controlled trial. American Journal Of Health Promotion, 15(6), 422-432.
  • Winer, B. J. (1962). Statistical Principles in Experimental Desing (Second ed). McGraw-Hill Book Company. p:573—574.
  • Witmer, J .M. ve Sweeney, T. J. ( 1992). A holistic model for wellness and prevention over life span. Journal Of Counseling &, Development, 71, (2), 140-148.
  • Yıldırım, 1. (1997). Algılanan sosyal destek ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi, güvenirliği ve geçerliliği. Hacettepe Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 13, 147-157.
  • Yıldırım, İ. (1998). Akademik başarı düzeyleri farklı olan lise öğrencilerinin bazı değişkenlere göre sosyal destek düzeyleri. Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, ll(10), 33—45.
  • Zimpfer, D. G. (1992). Psycholosocial treatment of life-threatening disease: a wellness model. Journal of Counseling and Development, 71(2), 203—209.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Türkan Doğan This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 30 Issue: 30


APA Doğan, T. (2006). ÜNİVERSİTE ÖĞRENCİLERİNİN İYİLİK HALİNİN İNCELENMESİ. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 30(30), 120-129.