BibTex RIS Cite


Year 2006, Volume: 30 Issue: 30, 240 - 250, 01.06.2006


  • Alp, E. (2005). An analysis of Turkish Students' environmental knowledge and Attitude. Middle East Technical University. MS thesis.
  • Aydin, 0. (2000). Davrams Bilimlerine Giri§. Eskisehir: Anadolu Universitesi Yayinlan No: 1027. 332.
  • Bayram, N. (2004). Sosyal Bilimlerde SPSS ile Veri Analizi. Bursa: 4 Nokta Matbaaciltk Ltd. Sti.
  • Berberoglu, G. and Tosunoglu C. (1995). Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses of an Environmental Attitude Scale (EAS) for Turkish University Students. Journal of Environmental Education 26 (3). 40-44.
  • Bradley, J.C., Waliczek, T.M., Zajicek, J. M. (1999). Relationship between Environmental Knowledge and Environmental Attitude of High School Students. Journal of Environmental Education 30 (3). 17-21.
  • Buyukozturk, S. (2005). Sosyal Bilimler Icin Veri Analizi El Kitabi (5. Basks). Ankara: Cantekin Matbaasi. cetin, O.B. (2002). Environmental Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior in Eski§ehir. Middle East Technical University. PhD thesis.
  • Jernigan, H.D and Wiersch, L. (1978). Developing Positive Student Attitude Toward the Environment. American Biology Teacher 40 (1). 30-35.
  • Kara K. W. Chan, (1996) Environmental attitudes and behaviour of secondary schooi students in Hong Kong. The Environmentalist. 16 (4). 297-306.
  • Kuhlemeier, H., Bergh, H. and Lagerweij, N. (1999). Environmental Knowledge, Attitudes and Behavior in Dutch Secondary Education, Journal of Environmental Education 30 (2). 4-14.
  • Leeming. F.C. and Dwyer, W.O.(1995). Children's Environmental Attitude and Knowledge Scale: Construction and Validation. Journal of Environmental Education 26 (3).
  • Leeming, F.C. and Porter, B.E. (1997). Effects of Participation in Class Activities on Children's Environmental Attitudes and Knowledge. Journal of Environmental Education 28 (2).
  • Maki, M.H., A.E.Khalick, F. and Boujaoude, S. (2003). Lebanese Secondary School Students' Environmental Knowledge and Attitudes, Environmental Education Research, 9 (1). 21-33.
  • Ozguven, I.E. (2004). Psikolojik Testler. Ankara: Sistem Ofset. 353.
  • Ozmen, D. cetinkaya, A.t. Nehir, S. (2005). Oniversite Ogrencilerinin cevre Sorunlanna Y6nelik Tutumlan. TSK Koruyucu hekimlik Biilteni 4 (6). 330-344.
  • Pooley, J.A. and O'Connor, M. (2000). Environmental Education and Attitudes, Environment & Behavior 32 (5). 711-724.
  • Roth, R.E. and Perez, J. (1989). Twelfth Grade Student Knowledge and Attitudes toward the Environment in the Dominican Republic: An Assessment. Journal of Environmental Education 20 (3). 10-14.
  • Sama, E. (2003). Ogretmen Adaylannin cevre Sorunlanna Yonelik Tutumlan, G.C. Gazi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi Cilt 23, Says 2. 99-110.
  • Topaloglu (Gurbahge), D.D. (1999). cevreye Yonelik Tutumlar ve cevre Egitimi. Ege Oniversitesi. Yuksek lisans tezi.
  • Tosunoglu C. (1993). A Study on the Dimensions and Determinants of Environmental Attitudes. Middle East Technical University. PhD thesis.
  • Tuncer, G., Ertepinar, H., Tekkaya, C., Sungur, S. (2005). Environmental attitudes of young people in Turkey: effects of school type and gender, Environmental Education Research, 11 (2). 215-233.
  • Yilmaz, O., Boone, W. J. And Anderson, H. O. (2004). Views of elementary and middle school Turkish students toward environmental issues. International Journal of Scienece Education, 26 (12). 1527-1546.
Year 2006, Volume: 30 Issue: 30, 240 - 250, 01.06.2006


  • Alp, E. (2005). An analysis of Turkish Students' environmental knowledge and Attitude. Middle East Technical University. MS thesis.
  • Aydin, 0. (2000). Davrams Bilimlerine Giri§. Eskisehir: Anadolu Universitesi Yayinlan No: 1027. 332.
  • Bayram, N. (2004). Sosyal Bilimlerde SPSS ile Veri Analizi. Bursa: 4 Nokta Matbaaciltk Ltd. Sti.
  • Berberoglu, G. and Tosunoglu C. (1995). Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses of an Environmental Attitude Scale (EAS) for Turkish University Students. Journal of Environmental Education 26 (3). 40-44.
  • Bradley, J.C., Waliczek, T.M., Zajicek, J. M. (1999). Relationship between Environmental Knowledge and Environmental Attitude of High School Students. Journal of Environmental Education 30 (3). 17-21.
  • Buyukozturk, S. (2005). Sosyal Bilimler Icin Veri Analizi El Kitabi (5. Basks). Ankara: Cantekin Matbaasi. cetin, O.B. (2002). Environmental Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior in Eski§ehir. Middle East Technical University. PhD thesis.
  • Jernigan, H.D and Wiersch, L. (1978). Developing Positive Student Attitude Toward the Environment. American Biology Teacher 40 (1). 30-35.
  • Kara K. W. Chan, (1996) Environmental attitudes and behaviour of secondary schooi students in Hong Kong. The Environmentalist. 16 (4). 297-306.
  • Kuhlemeier, H., Bergh, H. and Lagerweij, N. (1999). Environmental Knowledge, Attitudes and Behavior in Dutch Secondary Education, Journal of Environmental Education 30 (2). 4-14.
  • Leeming. F.C. and Dwyer, W.O.(1995). Children's Environmental Attitude and Knowledge Scale: Construction and Validation. Journal of Environmental Education 26 (3).
  • Leeming, F.C. and Porter, B.E. (1997). Effects of Participation in Class Activities on Children's Environmental Attitudes and Knowledge. Journal of Environmental Education 28 (2).
  • Maki, M.H., A.E.Khalick, F. and Boujaoude, S. (2003). Lebanese Secondary School Students' Environmental Knowledge and Attitudes, Environmental Education Research, 9 (1). 21-33.
  • Ozguven, I.E. (2004). Psikolojik Testler. Ankara: Sistem Ofset. 353.
  • Ozmen, D. cetinkaya, A.t. Nehir, S. (2005). Oniversite Ogrencilerinin cevre Sorunlanna Y6nelik Tutumlan. TSK Koruyucu hekimlik Biilteni 4 (6). 330-344.
  • Pooley, J.A. and O'Connor, M. (2000). Environmental Education and Attitudes, Environment & Behavior 32 (5). 711-724.
  • Roth, R.E. and Perez, J. (1989). Twelfth Grade Student Knowledge and Attitudes toward the Environment in the Dominican Republic: An Assessment. Journal of Environmental Education 20 (3). 10-14.
  • Sama, E. (2003). Ogretmen Adaylannin cevre Sorunlanna Yonelik Tutumlan, G.C. Gazi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi Cilt 23, Says 2. 99-110.
  • Topaloglu (Gurbahge), D.D. (1999). cevreye Yonelik Tutumlar ve cevre Egitimi. Ege Oniversitesi. Yuksek lisans tezi.
  • Tosunoglu C. (1993). A Study on the Dimensions and Determinants of Environmental Attitudes. Middle East Technical University. PhD thesis.
  • Tuncer, G., Ertepinar, H., Tekkaya, C., Sungur, S. (2005). Environmental attitudes of young people in Turkey: effects of school type and gender, Environmental Education Research, 11 (2). 215-233.
  • Yilmaz, O., Boone, W. J. And Anderson, H. O. (2004). Views of elementary and middle school Turkish students toward environmental issues. International Journal of Scienece Education, 26 (12). 1527-1546.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Naim Uzun This is me

Necdet Sağlam This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 30 Issue: 30


APA Uzun, N., & Sağlam, N. (2006). ORTA ÖĞRETİM ÖĞRENCİLERİ İÇİN ÇEVRESEL TUTUM ÖLÇEĞİ GELİŞTİRME VE GEÇERLİLİĞİ. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 30(30), 240-250.