Research Article
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The Peristomal Skin Complications: Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatment

Year 2016, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 72 - 83, 15.06.2016


One of the most common undesirable situations faced by the person with a stoma is peristomal skin complication (PSC). PSC is caused by various reasons including physical, chemical and microbiological ones. PSC, which is preventable to a large extent, is observed in a spectrum extending from a mild disorder as itching and redness to severe tissue losses. It has been scientifically demonstrated that these problems develop to a lesser extent and early diagnosis and treatment is possible when individuals with a stoma are evaluated by a Stoma and Wound Care (SWC) nurse from the preoperative period and trained and followed-up regularly. In this article, the most frequently observed peristomal skin complications are evaluated in line with the current approaches. 


  • Mesisner S, Lehur PA, Moran B, Martins L, Jemec GB. Peristomal skin complications are common,
  • expensive, difficult to manage: a population-based cost modeling study. Plo One 2012;7(5):e37813. doi:
  • 1371
  • Sağlık Bakanlığı. Hemşirelik yönetmeliğinde değişiklik yapılmasına dair yönetmelik. [12.12.2015].
  • Elektronik adresi :
  • Ratliff CR. Early peristomal skin complications reported by WOC Nurses. Journal of Wound, Ostomy,
  • and Continence Nursing 2010 Oct;37(5):505-510.
  • Persson E, Berndtsson I, Carlsson E, Hallén AM,Lindholm E. Stoma-related complications and stoma
  • size - a 2-year follow up. Colorectal Dis. 2010 Oct;12(10):971-976.
  • Karadag A. Frequency of stomal complications. World Council Enterostomal Ther J. 2004;24(2):41-43.
  • Ratliff CR, Scarano KA, Donovan AM, Colwell JC. Descriptive study of peristomal complications. J
  • Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2005;32(1):33–37
  • Özaydın İ, Taşkın A, İskender A. A Retrospective analaysis of stoma-related complications. JCEI
  • ;4(1):63-66.
  • Black P. Peristomal skin care: An overview of available products. British Journal of Nursing
  • ;16(17):1048-1056.
  • Woo KY, Sibbald RG, Ayello AE, Coutt PM, Garde DE. Peristomal Skin Complications and Management
  • Advances In Skın & Wound Care 2009;22(11):522-532.
  • Keely F, Williams J. Peristomal MRSA: A case study. British Journal of Nursing (Stoma Care Supplement)
  • ;18(4):4-8.
  • Karadağ A, Harputlu D. Stoma Bakımı: Sık karşılaşılan problemler ve çözüm önerileri. In: Akçal T,
  • Yamener S, Hamzaoğlu İ. İnflamatuvar Bağırsak Hastalıkları. Epimat Ofset, İstanbul: 2012.301-313.
  • Herlufsen P et al.. Study of peristomal skin changes in patient with permanent stomas. British Journal
  • of Nursing 2006; 15(16):854-862.
  • Baykara ZG et al.. A multicenter, retrospective study to evaluate the effect of preoperative stoma site
  • marking on stomal and peristomal complications. Ostomy Wound Manage 2014; 60(5):16-26.
  • Stelton S, Zulkowski, Ayello EA. Practice implications for peristomal skin assessment and care from the
  • World Council of Enterostomal Therapists International Ostomy Guideline. Advances in Skin &
  • Wound Care 2015 June 28(6):274-285.
  • International Ostomy Assosciation. [20.12.2015]. Elektronik adresi: http://www.ostomyinternational.
  • org/
  • WCET. WCET International Ostomy Guideline. Zulkowski K, Ayello EA, Stelton S, (Eds). Perth,
  • Australia:; 2014.
  • Karadağ, A., Goçmen Baykara Z. Ostomili Bireyin Bakımı. In: Atabek Aştı T, Karadağ A. Hemşirelik
  • Esasları: Hemşirelik Bilim ve Sanatı. Akademi Basın ve Yayıncılık, İstanbul: 2012. S. 1014-1055.
  • Karadağ ve ark. Stoma bölgesinin işaretlenmesinin stomal ve parastomal komplikasyonlar gelişmesi
  • üzerine etkisi: Çok merkezli prospektif bir araştırma. 8. Kolorektal Cerrahi Hemşireliği Kongresi; 19-23
  • Mayıs 2015; Antalya.
  • Robertson I, Leung E, Hughes D, Spiers M, Donnelly L, Mackenzie I, et al.. Prospective analysis of
  • stoma-related complications. Colorect Dis. 2005;7(3):279–285
  • Alvey B, Beck DE. Peristomal Dermatology. Clinics In Colon And Rectal Surgery 2008; 21(1):41-44.
  • Burch J. Care of patients with peristomal skin complications. Nursing Standard 2014;28 (37):51-57.
  • Burch J, Sica J. Common peristomal skin problems and potential treatment options. British Journal of
  • Nursing 2008;17(17):4-11.
  • Recalla S, English K, Nazarali R,Mayo S, Miller D, Gray M. Ostomy care and management: a systematic
  • review. Journal of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing. 2013;40(5):489-500.
  • Beeckman et al.. Incontinence-assosiated dermatitis: Moving prevention forward. Wounds International,
  • London, 2015.
  • Buckle N. The dilemma of choice: introduction to a stoma assessment tool. Gastrointestinal Nursing
  • ;11(4):26-32.
  • Haugen V, Ratliff CR. Tools for assessing peristomal skin complications. Journal of Wound,Ostomy, and
  • Continence Nursing 2013;40(2):131-134.
  • Burch J. Management of peristomal skin complications. British Journal of Healthcare Management
  • b;20(6):264-269.
  • Boyd K, Thompson MJ, Boyd-Carson W, Trainor B. Use of convex appliances. Nurs. Stand 2004;18(20):
  • –38.
  • Burch J. Peristomal skin care and the use of accessories to promote skin health. British Journal of
  • Healthcare Management 2011;20(7):4-11
  • Boyles A. Stoma and peristomal complications: predisposing factors and management. Gastrointestinal
  • Nursing 2010;8(7):26-36.
  • Wondergem F. Stoma care – a guide to daily living. Journal of Community Nursing 2007;(21);4:18-22.
  • Karadağ A, Korkut H. Peristomal cilt komplikasyonları: Önleme, tedavi ve bakım. Ulusal Cerrahi
  • Dergisi 2010;26(3):175–179.
  • Black P. The correct use of stoma skin protectors and appliances. Nursing and Residential Care
  • ;16(3):130-134.
  • Bulut H ve ark. Peristomal cilt komplikasyonları yönetimi: Algoritma geliştirme çalışması. 8. Kolorektal
  • Cerrahi Hemşireliği Kongresi; 19-23 Mayıs 2015; Antalya.
  • Salvadalena G. Incidence of complications of the stoma and peristomal skin among individuals
  • with colostomy, ileostomy, and urostomy: a systematic review. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs
  • ;35:596-607.
  • Borglund E, Nordstrm G, Nyman CR. Classification of peristomal skin changes in patients with
  • urostomy. J Am Acad Dermatol 1988;19:623-628.

Peristomal Cilt Komplikasyonları: Tanılama, Önleme, Tedavi

Year 2016, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 72 - 83, 15.06.2016


Stomalı bireylerin en yaygın karşılaştıkları istenmeyen durumlardan biri peristomal cilt komplikasyonlarıdır (PCK). PCK’nın fiziksel, kimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik olmak üzere çeşitli nedenleri vardır. Önemli ölçüde önlenebilir olan PCK, kaşıntı ve kızarıklık gibi hafif bir rahatsızlıktan ciddi doku kaybına kadar genişleyen bir yelpazede gözlenir. Stomalı bireylerin ameliyat öncesi dönemden itibaren Stoma ve Yara Bakım (SYB) hemşiresi tarafından değerlendirilmesi, eğitilmesi ve düzenli izlenmesi ile bu problemlerin daha az geliştiği, erken tanılandığı ve tedavi edildiği bilimsel olarak gösterilmiştir. Bu makalede en çok görülen peristomal cilt komplikasyonları, güncel yaklaşımlar doğrultusunda incelenmiştir.


  • Mesisner S, Lehur PA, Moran B, Martins L, Jemec GB. Peristomal skin complications are common,
  • expensive, difficult to manage: a population-based cost modeling study. Plo One 2012;7(5):e37813. doi:
  • 1371
  • Sağlık Bakanlığı. Hemşirelik yönetmeliğinde değişiklik yapılmasına dair yönetmelik. [12.12.2015].
  • Elektronik adresi :
  • Ratliff CR. Early peristomal skin complications reported by WOC Nurses. Journal of Wound, Ostomy,
  • and Continence Nursing 2010 Oct;37(5):505-510.
  • Persson E, Berndtsson I, Carlsson E, Hallén AM,Lindholm E. Stoma-related complications and stoma
  • size - a 2-year follow up. Colorectal Dis. 2010 Oct;12(10):971-976.
  • Karadag A. Frequency of stomal complications. World Council Enterostomal Ther J. 2004;24(2):41-43.
  • Ratliff CR, Scarano KA, Donovan AM, Colwell JC. Descriptive study of peristomal complications. J
  • Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2005;32(1):33–37
  • Özaydın İ, Taşkın A, İskender A. A Retrospective analaysis of stoma-related complications. JCEI
  • ;4(1):63-66.
  • Black P. Peristomal skin care: An overview of available products. British Journal of Nursing
  • ;16(17):1048-1056.
  • Woo KY, Sibbald RG, Ayello AE, Coutt PM, Garde DE. Peristomal Skin Complications and Management
  • Advances In Skın & Wound Care 2009;22(11):522-532.
  • Keely F, Williams J. Peristomal MRSA: A case study. British Journal of Nursing (Stoma Care Supplement)
  • ;18(4):4-8.
  • Karadağ A, Harputlu D. Stoma Bakımı: Sık karşılaşılan problemler ve çözüm önerileri. In: Akçal T,
  • Yamener S, Hamzaoğlu İ. İnflamatuvar Bağırsak Hastalıkları. Epimat Ofset, İstanbul: 2012.301-313.
  • Herlufsen P et al.. Study of peristomal skin changes in patient with permanent stomas. British Journal
  • of Nursing 2006; 15(16):854-862.
  • Baykara ZG et al.. A multicenter, retrospective study to evaluate the effect of preoperative stoma site
  • marking on stomal and peristomal complications. Ostomy Wound Manage 2014; 60(5):16-26.
  • Stelton S, Zulkowski, Ayello EA. Practice implications for peristomal skin assessment and care from the
  • World Council of Enterostomal Therapists International Ostomy Guideline. Advances in Skin &
  • Wound Care 2015 June 28(6):274-285.
  • International Ostomy Assosciation. [20.12.2015]. Elektronik adresi: http://www.ostomyinternational.
  • org/
  • WCET. WCET International Ostomy Guideline. Zulkowski K, Ayello EA, Stelton S, (Eds). Perth,
  • Australia:; 2014.
  • Karadağ, A., Goçmen Baykara Z. Ostomili Bireyin Bakımı. In: Atabek Aştı T, Karadağ A. Hemşirelik
  • Esasları: Hemşirelik Bilim ve Sanatı. Akademi Basın ve Yayıncılık, İstanbul: 2012. S. 1014-1055.
  • Karadağ ve ark. Stoma bölgesinin işaretlenmesinin stomal ve parastomal komplikasyonlar gelişmesi
  • üzerine etkisi: Çok merkezli prospektif bir araştırma. 8. Kolorektal Cerrahi Hemşireliği Kongresi; 19-23
  • Mayıs 2015; Antalya.
  • Robertson I, Leung E, Hughes D, Spiers M, Donnelly L, Mackenzie I, et al.. Prospective analysis of
  • stoma-related complications. Colorect Dis. 2005;7(3):279–285
  • Alvey B, Beck DE. Peristomal Dermatology. Clinics In Colon And Rectal Surgery 2008; 21(1):41-44.
  • Burch J. Care of patients with peristomal skin complications. Nursing Standard 2014;28 (37):51-57.
  • Burch J, Sica J. Common peristomal skin problems and potential treatment options. British Journal of
  • Nursing 2008;17(17):4-11.
  • Recalla S, English K, Nazarali R,Mayo S, Miller D, Gray M. Ostomy care and management: a systematic
  • review. Journal of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing. 2013;40(5):489-500.
  • Beeckman et al.. Incontinence-assosiated dermatitis: Moving prevention forward. Wounds International,
  • London, 2015.
  • Buckle N. The dilemma of choice: introduction to a stoma assessment tool. Gastrointestinal Nursing
  • ;11(4):26-32.
  • Haugen V, Ratliff CR. Tools for assessing peristomal skin complications. Journal of Wound,Ostomy, and
  • Continence Nursing 2013;40(2):131-134.
  • Burch J. Management of peristomal skin complications. British Journal of Healthcare Management
  • b;20(6):264-269.
  • Boyd K, Thompson MJ, Boyd-Carson W, Trainor B. Use of convex appliances. Nurs. Stand 2004;18(20):
  • –38.
  • Burch J. Peristomal skin care and the use of accessories to promote skin health. British Journal of
  • Healthcare Management 2011;20(7):4-11
  • Boyles A. Stoma and peristomal complications: predisposing factors and management. Gastrointestinal
  • Nursing 2010;8(7):26-36.
  • Wondergem F. Stoma care – a guide to daily living. Journal of Community Nursing 2007;(21);4:18-22.
  • Karadağ A, Korkut H. Peristomal cilt komplikasyonları: Önleme, tedavi ve bakım. Ulusal Cerrahi
  • Dergisi 2010;26(3):175–179.
  • Black P. The correct use of stoma skin protectors and appliances. Nursing and Residential Care
  • ;16(3):130-134.
  • Bulut H ve ark. Peristomal cilt komplikasyonları yönetimi: Algoritma geliştirme çalışması. 8. Kolorektal
  • Cerrahi Hemşireliği Kongresi; 19-23 Mayıs 2015; Antalya.
  • Salvadalena G. Incidence of complications of the stoma and peristomal skin among individuals
  • with colostomy, ileostomy, and urostomy: a systematic review. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs
  • ;35:596-607.
  • Borglund E, Nordstrm G, Nyman CR. Classification of peristomal skin changes in patients with
  • urostomy. J Am Acad Dermatol 1988;19:623-628.
There are 73 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Ayişe Karadağ

Publication Date June 15, 2016
Submission Date June 23, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


Vancouver Karadağ A. Peristomal Cilt Komplikasyonları: Tanılama, Önleme, Tedavi. JOHUFON. 2016;3(1):72-83.