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Hastaların ve Hemşirelerin Hemşirelik Bakımına Yönelik Algılarının İncelenmesi

Year 2018, Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 192 - 208, 23.12.2018


Amaç: Çalışma hastaların ve hemşirelerin bakım algısını incelemek ve aralarındaki farkı
ortaya koymak amacıyla yapılmıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı türde olan bu çalışmada cerrahi ve dahiliye kliniklerinde
tedavi gören 140 hasta ve bu hastalara bakım veren 140 hemşire araştırmanın örneklemini
oluşturmuştur. Araştırmanın verileri hastalara ve hemşirelere özgü veri toplama formu ve
BDÖ-30 kullanılarak toplanmıştır.
Bulgular: Hastaların ve hemşirelerin BDÖ-30 kullanarak bakım algılarını belirlediğimiz
çalışmamızda ölçek toplam puan ortalamalarının ve alt boyut puan ortalamalarının oldukça
yüksek olduğu, toplam puan ortalamaları arasında fark olmadığı hesaplanmıştır. Çalışmada
hastaların çoğunun hemşirelik bakımından memnun oldukları ve hemşirelik bakımından
memnuniyeti arttıkça ölçek toplam puan ve alt boyut puanlarının da arttığı belirlenmiştir.
Çalışma bulgularımıza göre, hemşirelerin ve hastaların bakım algıları olumlu olmakla
birlikte, hemşireler nitelikli bakımı olumsuz yönde etkileyen pek çok faktörün olduğunu
Sonuç: Araştırmada hastaların ve hemşirelerin BDÖ-30 toplam puan ortalamaları ile alt boyut
puan ortalamalarının oldukça yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir. Çalışmanın farklı kliniklerde
bakım alan hastalar ve hemşirelerin katılımıyla daha geniş örneklem ile tekrarlanması


  • 1. Dinç L. Bakım kavramı ve ahlaki boyutu. Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Hemşirelik Dergisi 2010; 74–82. 2. Wal DV. The caring ethic in nursing. Ethics in Health Care (2. Bs.). USA: Juta & Ca. Ltd.PO. Bax; 2005. 3. Griffiths P. The art of losing...? A response to the question ‘is caring a lost art?’. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2008; 45(3): 329–332. 4. Bryant R, Graham MC. Advanced practice nurses: A study of client satisfaction. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 2002; 14: 88–92. 5. Green A, Davis S. Towards a predictive model of patient satisfaction with nurse practitioner care. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 2005; 17(4):139-148. 6. Raffii, F., Hajineshad, M. O., Haghani, M. O. (2009) Nurse caring in Iran and its relationship with patient satisfaction. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 26(2), 75–84. 7. Von Essen L, Sjöden P. The importance of nurse caring behaviors as perceived by Swedish hospital patients and nursing stuff. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2003;40:487-497. 8. Zamanzadeh V, Azimzadeh R, Rahmani A, Valizadeh L. Oncology patients’ and professional nurses’ perceptions of important nurse caring behaviours. BMC Nursing 2010; 9(10): 1-9. 9. Palese A, Tomietto M, Suhenen R. Surgical patient satisfaction as an outcome of nurses’ caring behaviors: A descriptive and correlational study in six European Countries. Journal of Nursing Scholarship 2001; 43(4):341-350. 10. Blackwelder WC. Equivalence Trials, In Encyclopedia of Bioistatistics. New York: John Wiley and Sons; 1998. s. 1367-1372. 11. Moyle W, Iselin G, Baeslack-Smith A, Fleming W. Validation of nurse caring behaviours in residential aged care. Geriaction 2005;23:13-22. 12. Wolf Z, Giardino E, Osborne P, Ambrose M. Dimensions of nurse caring. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 1994;26(2):107-111. 13. Gül Ş, Dinç L. Bakım Kavramının Analizi: Hemşirelerin ve hastaların bakım kavramına ilişkin algılarının incelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara 2015. 14. Hayes J, Ball S. Perceptions of nurses´ caring behaviours by trauma patients. Journal of Trauma Nursing 2007;14(4):187-190. 15. Suhonen R, Schmidt LA, Radwin L. Measuring individualized nursing care: assessment of reliability and validity of three scales. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2007;59 (1):77-85 16. Azizi-Fini İ, Mousavi M, Mazroui-Sabdani A, Adib-Hajbaghery M. Correlation between nurses’ caring behaviors and patients’ satisfaction. Nurs Midwifery Stud. 2012;1(1) :36-40. 17. Khan M, Hassan R, Anwar S, Babar TS, Babar KS. Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care. Rawal Medical Journal 2007; 32(1):27-29. 18. Yeakel S, Maljanian R, Bobonnon RW, Coulombe KH. Nurse caring behaviours and patient satisfaction improvement after a multifaceted intervention. Journal of Nursing Administration 2003; 33: 434– 436. 19. Clark P, Leddy K, Drain M, Kaldenberg D. State nursing shortages and patient satisfaction. Journal of Nursing Care Quality 2007;22(2):119 127. 20. Oflaz F, Vural H. The evaluation of nurses and nursing activities through the perception of inpatients. International Nursing Review 2010; 57(2):232–239. 21. Larsson G, Peterson VW, Lampic C, Von Essen L, Sjoden PO. Cancer patient and staff ratings of the importance of caring behaviours and their relations to patient anxiety and depression. Journal of Advanced Nursing 1998;27(4):855-864. 22. Baldursdottir G, Jonsdottir H. The importance of nurse caring behaviors as perceived by patients receiving care at an emergency department. Heart & Lung 2002;31(1):67-75. 23. Kağıtçıbaşı Ç. (2001). İnsan Aile ve Kültür. Remzi Kitabevi. İstanbul. 24. Scott J, Marshall G. A Dictionary of Sociology. Newyork: Oxford University Press; 2005. 25. Yayla A. Siyasi Düşünce Sözlüğü. Liberte Yayınları: Ankara;2001 26. Yayla A. Liberalizm. Liberte Yayınları: Ankara: 1998. 27. Markus HR, Kitayama S. Culture and the self: Implications for cognition, emotion, and motivation. Psychological review 1991;98(2):224-253. Sargut S. Kültürlerarası Farklılaşma ve Yönetim. Verso Yayınları: Ankara; 2001. 29. Green A. Caring behaviors as perceived by nurse practitioners. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 2004;16(7):283-290. 30. Brunton B, Beaman M. Nurse practitioners’ perceptions of their caring behaviors. J Am Acad Nurse Pract. 2000;12(11): 451-456. 31. Burtson P, Stichler J. Nursing work environment and nurse caring: relationship among motivational factors. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2010; 66(8):1819-1831. 32. AbuAlrub R. Nursing shortage in Jordan: what is the solution? Journal of Professional Nursing 2007; 23:117–120. 33. Yang KP, Huang CK. The effects of staff nurses’ morale on patient satisfaction. The Journal of Nursing Research 2005; 13(2):141–152. 34. Papastavrou E, Efstathiou G, Tsangari H, Suhonen R, Leino-Kilpi H, Patiraki E. et al. A cross-cultural study of the concept of caring through behaviours: patients’ and nurses’ perspectives in six different EU countries. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2001; 68(5):1026-1037. 35. He T, Du Y, Wang L, Zhong ZF, Ye XC, Liu XH. Perceptions of caring in China: patient and nurse questionnaire survey. Int Nurs Rev 2013; 60(4), 487-93.
Year 2018, Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 192 - 208, 23.12.2018



  • 1. Dinç L. Bakım kavramı ve ahlaki boyutu. Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Hemşirelik Dergisi 2010; 74–82. 2. Wal DV. The caring ethic in nursing. Ethics in Health Care (2. Bs.). USA: Juta & Ca. Ltd.PO. Bax; 2005. 3. Griffiths P. The art of losing...? A response to the question ‘is caring a lost art?’. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2008; 45(3): 329–332. 4. Bryant R, Graham MC. Advanced practice nurses: A study of client satisfaction. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 2002; 14: 88–92. 5. Green A, Davis S. Towards a predictive model of patient satisfaction with nurse practitioner care. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 2005; 17(4):139-148. 6. Raffii, F., Hajineshad, M. O., Haghani, M. O. (2009) Nurse caring in Iran and its relationship with patient satisfaction. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 26(2), 75–84. 7. Von Essen L, Sjöden P. The importance of nurse caring behaviors as perceived by Swedish hospital patients and nursing stuff. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2003;40:487-497. 8. Zamanzadeh V, Azimzadeh R, Rahmani A, Valizadeh L. Oncology patients’ and professional nurses’ perceptions of important nurse caring behaviours. BMC Nursing 2010; 9(10): 1-9. 9. Palese A, Tomietto M, Suhenen R. Surgical patient satisfaction as an outcome of nurses’ caring behaviors: A descriptive and correlational study in six European Countries. Journal of Nursing Scholarship 2001; 43(4):341-350. 10. Blackwelder WC. Equivalence Trials, In Encyclopedia of Bioistatistics. New York: John Wiley and Sons; 1998. s. 1367-1372. 11. Moyle W, Iselin G, Baeslack-Smith A, Fleming W. Validation of nurse caring behaviours in residential aged care. Geriaction 2005;23:13-22. 12. Wolf Z, Giardino E, Osborne P, Ambrose M. Dimensions of nurse caring. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 1994;26(2):107-111. 13. Gül Ş, Dinç L. Bakım Kavramının Analizi: Hemşirelerin ve hastaların bakım kavramına ilişkin algılarının incelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara 2015. 14. Hayes J, Ball S. Perceptions of nurses´ caring behaviours by trauma patients. Journal of Trauma Nursing 2007;14(4):187-190. 15. Suhonen R, Schmidt LA, Radwin L. Measuring individualized nursing care: assessment of reliability and validity of three scales. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2007;59 (1):77-85 16. Azizi-Fini İ, Mousavi M, Mazroui-Sabdani A, Adib-Hajbaghery M. Correlation between nurses’ caring behaviors and patients’ satisfaction. Nurs Midwifery Stud. 2012;1(1) :36-40. 17. Khan M, Hassan R, Anwar S, Babar TS, Babar KS. Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care. Rawal Medical Journal 2007; 32(1):27-29. 18. Yeakel S, Maljanian R, Bobonnon RW, Coulombe KH. Nurse caring behaviours and patient satisfaction improvement after a multifaceted intervention. Journal of Nursing Administration 2003; 33: 434– 436. 19. Clark P, Leddy K, Drain M, Kaldenberg D. State nursing shortages and patient satisfaction. Journal of Nursing Care Quality 2007;22(2):119 127. 20. Oflaz F, Vural H. The evaluation of nurses and nursing activities through the perception of inpatients. International Nursing Review 2010; 57(2):232–239. 21. Larsson G, Peterson VW, Lampic C, Von Essen L, Sjoden PO. Cancer patient and staff ratings of the importance of caring behaviours and their relations to patient anxiety and depression. Journal of Advanced Nursing 1998;27(4):855-864. 22. Baldursdottir G, Jonsdottir H. The importance of nurse caring behaviors as perceived by patients receiving care at an emergency department. Heart & Lung 2002;31(1):67-75. 23. Kağıtçıbaşı Ç. (2001). İnsan Aile ve Kültür. Remzi Kitabevi. İstanbul. 24. Scott J, Marshall G. A Dictionary of Sociology. Newyork: Oxford University Press; 2005. 25. Yayla A. Siyasi Düşünce Sözlüğü. Liberte Yayınları: Ankara;2001 26. Yayla A. Liberalizm. Liberte Yayınları: Ankara: 1998. 27. Markus HR, Kitayama S. Culture and the self: Implications for cognition, emotion, and motivation. Psychological review 1991;98(2):224-253. Sargut S. Kültürlerarası Farklılaşma ve Yönetim. Verso Yayınları: Ankara; 2001. 29. Green A. Caring behaviors as perceived by nurse practitioners. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 2004;16(7):283-290. 30. Brunton B, Beaman M. Nurse practitioners’ perceptions of their caring behaviors. J Am Acad Nurse Pract. 2000;12(11): 451-456. 31. Burtson P, Stichler J. Nursing work environment and nurse caring: relationship among motivational factors. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2010; 66(8):1819-1831. 32. AbuAlrub R. Nursing shortage in Jordan: what is the solution? Journal of Professional Nursing 2007; 23:117–120. 33. Yang KP, Huang CK. The effects of staff nurses’ morale on patient satisfaction. The Journal of Nursing Research 2005; 13(2):141–152. 34. Papastavrou E, Efstathiou G, Tsangari H, Suhonen R, Leino-Kilpi H, Patiraki E. et al. A cross-cultural study of the concept of caring through behaviours: patients’ and nurses’ perspectives in six different EU countries. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2001; 68(5):1026-1037. 35. He T, Du Y, Wang L, Zhong ZF, Ye XC, Liu XH. Perceptions of caring in China: patient and nurse questionnaire survey. Int Nurs Rev 2013; 60(4), 487-93.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Şenay Gül 0000-0002-8808-5760

Leyla Dinç

Publication Date December 23, 2018
Submission Date March 15, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 5 Issue: 3


Vancouver Gül Ş, Dinç L. Hastaların ve Hemşirelerin Hemşirelik Bakımına Yönelik Algılarının İncelenmesi. JOHUFON. 2018;5(3):192-208.

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