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Quality of Life and Affecting Factors of Quality of Life of Burn Patients

Year 2010, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 1 - 12, 01.06.2010


This study has been performed descriptively and correlational to investigate the effects of the experienced burn trauma to patients' quality of life (QOL). Study sample was composed of 88 patients admitted to five different institutions with burn trauma. As data collecting tools, &#8216;survey form', and &#8220;burn specific health scale&#8221; of which validation and reliability study was performed by researchers were used. According to statistical analysis; differences between the sex and QOL was not significant (p>0.05), whereas the relationship between burn depth, burned surface area and QOL was significant (p< 0.05). According to the results derived from the study, burn trauma, no matter how much well treated, causes reductions in QOL individually. Thus fields which deal with burns as health and industry should behave dynamically to protect individuals from burns. &#8220;Burn specific health scale&#8221;, adopted for our country conditions, is reliable and valid to quantify the QOL of burn patients.


  • Arıncı A. Yanıklar ve tedaviler. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri; 2000.
  • Aslan FE. Yanıklarda acil bakım. In: Şelimen D, editor. Acil bakım. İstanbul: Yüce A.Ş.; 2001. s. 344-60.
  • Selmanpakoğlu N. Yanıklar ve tedavileri. Ankara: GATA Basımevi; 1998.
  • Haberal M, Moray G, Karakayalı H. Burn care in Turkey. Diyaliz Transplantasyon ve Yanık 2003 Ocak;14(1):15-8.
  • Yağmurdur MC, Karakayalı H, Moray G. Factors that contribute to the burn injuries seen at an outpatient burn clinic in Turkey: An epidemiological analysis. Diyaliz Transplantasyon ve Yanık 2003 Ocak;14(1):28-34.
  • Cromes GH, Holavanahalli R, Kowalske K, Helm P. Predictors of quality of life as measured by the burn specific health scale in persons with major burn injury. J Burn Care Rehabilitation 2002 May/ June;23(3):229-34.
  • Landolt MA, GrubenmannS, Meuli M. Family impact greatest: Predictors of quality of life and psychological adjustment in pediatric burn survivors. The Journal of Trauma 2002 December;53(6):1146-51.
  • Costa MCS, Rossi LA, Lopes LM, Cioffi CL. The meanings of quality of life: interpretative analysis based on experiences of people in burns rehabilitation. Rev Latino-am Enfermagem 2008;16(2):252-9.
  • Kimmo T, Jyrki V, Sirpa AS. Health status after recovery from burn injury. Burns 1998;24:293-8.
  • Anzarut A, Chen M, Shankowsky H, Tredget EE. Quality-of-life and outcome predictors following massive burn injury. Plast Reconstr Surg 2005;116(3):791-7.
  • Druery M. Brown H, Muller M. Long term functional outcomes and quality of life following severe burn injury. Burns 2005;31:692–5.
  • Altier N, Malenfant A, Forget R, Choiniere M. Long-term adjustment in burn victims: A matched- control study. Psychological Medicine 2002;32:677-85.
  • Kildal M, Andersson G, Gerdin B. Health status in Swedish burn patients assessment utilising three variants of the burn specific health scale. Burns 2002;28:639-45.
  • Pallua N, KünsebeckH, Noah EM. Psychosocial adjustments 5 years after burn injury. Burns 2003;29:143-52.
  • Salvador-Sanz JF, Sanchez-Paya J, Rodriguez-Marin J. Quality of life of the Spanish burn patient. Burns 1999;25:593-8.
  • Sheridan RL, Hinson M, Liang MH, Nackel AF, Schoenfeld DA, Ryan CM et al. Long – term outcome of children surviving massive burns. JAMA 2000 January;283(1):69-73.
  • Rossi LA, Costa MCS, Dantas RS, Ciofi-Silva CL, Lopes LM. Cultural meaning of quality of life: Perspectives of Brazilian burn patients. Disability and Rehabilitation 2009;31(9):712–9.
  • Moi AL, Vindenes HA, Gjengedal E. The experience of life after burn injury: A new bodily awareness. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2008;64(3):278–86.
  • Moi AL, Gjengedal E. Life after burn injury: Striving for regained freedom. Qualitative Health Research 2008;18(12):1621-30.
  • Balcı G. Özbakım gücü ve yaşam kalitesinin etkilendiği bazı durumlar ve hemşirenin rolü. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 2003;10(2):69-76.
  • Munster AM, Horowitz GL, Tudahl LA. The abbreviated burn-specific health scale. J Trauma 1987;27(4):425-8.
  • Salvador-Sanz JF, Sanches-Paya J, Marin JR. Spanish version of the burn-specific health scale. The Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection, and Critical Care 1998 September;45(3):581-7.
  • Moi AL, Wentzel-Larsen T, Salemark L, Hanestad B. Validation of a Norwegian version of the burn specific health scale. Burns 2003;29:563–70.
  • Kildal M, Andersson G, Fugl-Meyer AR, Lannerstam K, Gerdin B. Development of a brief version of the burn specific health scale (BSHS-B). J Trauma 2001;51:740 –6.
  • Adam M, Leblebeci B, Tarim MA, Yildirim S, Bagis S, Akman MN, Haberal M. Validation of a Turkish version of the burn-specific health scale. J Burn Care Res 2009;30:288–91.
  • Cerit Y, Arslan Ü, Ertürk S, Eroğlu B, Çördük N, Öztürk N. Yanıklı hastanın bakımında enzimatik debridman ile tedavi. Hemşirelik Forumu Dergisi 2002;2(2):52-4.
  • Nursal TZ, Yıldırım S, Tarım A, Calışkan K, Ezer A, Noyan T. Burns in southern Turkey: Electrical burns remain a major problem. J Burn Care Rehabil 2003Sep-Oct;24(5):309-14.
  • Ferreira E, Dantas RAS, Rossi LA, Ciol MA. The cultural adaptation and validation of the ‘‘Burn Specific Health Scale-Revised’’ (BSHS-R): Version for Brazilian burn victims. Burns 2008;38:94-101.
  • Anlatıcı R, Özerdem ÖR, Dalay C, Kesiktaş E, Acartürk S, Seydao G. A retrospective analysis of 1083 Turkish patients with serious burns. Burns 2002;28(3):231-7.
  • Willebrand M, Kildal M. A simplified domain structure of the burn-specific health scale-brief (BSHS-B): A tool to improve its value in routine clinical work. J Trauma 2008;64:1581–6.
  • Blades B, Mellis N, Munster AM. A burn specific health scale. J Trauma 1982;22(10):872-5.

Yanıklı Hastaların Yaşam Kalitesi ve Yaşam Kalitesini Etkileyen Faktörler

Year 2010, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 1 - 12, 01.06.2010


Bu çalışma, geçirilmiş yanık travmasının, hastaların yaşam kaliteleri üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması amacı ile tanımlayıcı-ilişkisel olarak yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini, beş ayrı merkeze yanık travması ile başvuran 88 hasta oluşturmaktadır. Veri toplama araçları olarak, &#8220;Anket Formu&#8221; ve yazarlar tarafından geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması yapılan &#8220;Yanığa Spesifik Sağlık Ölçeği&#8221; kullanılmıştır. Yapılan istatistiksel analizler sonucunda; cinsiyet ve yaşam kalitesi arasındaki ilişki anlamlı bulunmazken (p>0.05), yanık derinliği ve yanık yüzdesi ile yaşam kalitesi arasındaki ilişki anlamlı bulunmuştur (p


  • Arıncı A. Yanıklar ve tedaviler. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri; 2000.
  • Aslan FE. Yanıklarda acil bakım. In: Şelimen D, editor. Acil bakım. İstanbul: Yüce A.Ş.; 2001. s. 344-60.
  • Selmanpakoğlu N. Yanıklar ve tedavileri. Ankara: GATA Basımevi; 1998.
  • Haberal M, Moray G, Karakayalı H. Burn care in Turkey. Diyaliz Transplantasyon ve Yanık 2003 Ocak;14(1):15-8.
  • Yağmurdur MC, Karakayalı H, Moray G. Factors that contribute to the burn injuries seen at an outpatient burn clinic in Turkey: An epidemiological analysis. Diyaliz Transplantasyon ve Yanık 2003 Ocak;14(1):28-34.
  • Cromes GH, Holavanahalli R, Kowalske K, Helm P. Predictors of quality of life as measured by the burn specific health scale in persons with major burn injury. J Burn Care Rehabilitation 2002 May/ June;23(3):229-34.
  • Landolt MA, GrubenmannS, Meuli M. Family impact greatest: Predictors of quality of life and psychological adjustment in pediatric burn survivors. The Journal of Trauma 2002 December;53(6):1146-51.
  • Costa MCS, Rossi LA, Lopes LM, Cioffi CL. The meanings of quality of life: interpretative analysis based on experiences of people in burns rehabilitation. Rev Latino-am Enfermagem 2008;16(2):252-9.
  • Kimmo T, Jyrki V, Sirpa AS. Health status after recovery from burn injury. Burns 1998;24:293-8.
  • Anzarut A, Chen M, Shankowsky H, Tredget EE. Quality-of-life and outcome predictors following massive burn injury. Plast Reconstr Surg 2005;116(3):791-7.
  • Druery M. Brown H, Muller M. Long term functional outcomes and quality of life following severe burn injury. Burns 2005;31:692–5.
  • Altier N, Malenfant A, Forget R, Choiniere M. Long-term adjustment in burn victims: A matched- control study. Psychological Medicine 2002;32:677-85.
  • Kildal M, Andersson G, Gerdin B. Health status in Swedish burn patients assessment utilising three variants of the burn specific health scale. Burns 2002;28:639-45.
  • Pallua N, KünsebeckH, Noah EM. Psychosocial adjustments 5 years after burn injury. Burns 2003;29:143-52.
  • Salvador-Sanz JF, Sanchez-Paya J, Rodriguez-Marin J. Quality of life of the Spanish burn patient. Burns 1999;25:593-8.
  • Sheridan RL, Hinson M, Liang MH, Nackel AF, Schoenfeld DA, Ryan CM et al. Long – term outcome of children surviving massive burns. JAMA 2000 January;283(1):69-73.
  • Rossi LA, Costa MCS, Dantas RS, Ciofi-Silva CL, Lopes LM. Cultural meaning of quality of life: Perspectives of Brazilian burn patients. Disability and Rehabilitation 2009;31(9):712–9.
  • Moi AL, Vindenes HA, Gjengedal E. The experience of life after burn injury: A new bodily awareness. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2008;64(3):278–86.
  • Moi AL, Gjengedal E. Life after burn injury: Striving for regained freedom. Qualitative Health Research 2008;18(12):1621-30.
  • Balcı G. Özbakım gücü ve yaşam kalitesinin etkilendiği bazı durumlar ve hemşirenin rolü. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 2003;10(2):69-76.
  • Munster AM, Horowitz GL, Tudahl LA. The abbreviated burn-specific health scale. J Trauma 1987;27(4):425-8.
  • Salvador-Sanz JF, Sanches-Paya J, Marin JR. Spanish version of the burn-specific health scale. The Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection, and Critical Care 1998 September;45(3):581-7.
  • Moi AL, Wentzel-Larsen T, Salemark L, Hanestad B. Validation of a Norwegian version of the burn specific health scale. Burns 2003;29:563–70.
  • Kildal M, Andersson G, Fugl-Meyer AR, Lannerstam K, Gerdin B. Development of a brief version of the burn specific health scale (BSHS-B). J Trauma 2001;51:740 –6.
  • Adam M, Leblebeci B, Tarim MA, Yildirim S, Bagis S, Akman MN, Haberal M. Validation of a Turkish version of the burn-specific health scale. J Burn Care Res 2009;30:288–91.
  • Cerit Y, Arslan Ü, Ertürk S, Eroğlu B, Çördük N, Öztürk N. Yanıklı hastanın bakımında enzimatik debridman ile tedavi. Hemşirelik Forumu Dergisi 2002;2(2):52-4.
  • Nursal TZ, Yıldırım S, Tarım A, Calışkan K, Ezer A, Noyan T. Burns in southern Turkey: Electrical burns remain a major problem. J Burn Care Rehabil 2003Sep-Oct;24(5):309-14.
  • Ferreira E, Dantas RAS, Rossi LA, Ciol MA. The cultural adaptation and validation of the ‘‘Burn Specific Health Scale-Revised’’ (BSHS-R): Version for Brazilian burn victims. Burns 2008;38:94-101.
  • Anlatıcı R, Özerdem ÖR, Dalay C, Kesiktaş E, Acartürk S, Seydao G. A retrospective analysis of 1083 Turkish patients with serious burns. Burns 2002;28(3):231-7.
  • Willebrand M, Kildal M. A simplified domain structure of the burn-specific health scale-brief (BSHS-B): A tool to improve its value in routine clinical work. J Trauma 2008;64:1581–6.
  • Blades B, Mellis N, Munster AM. A burn specific health scale. J Trauma 1982;22(10):872-5.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ar. Gör. Zahide Tuna This is me

Prof. Dr. Cengiz Çetin This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2010
Submission Date July 29, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 17 Issue: 2


Vancouver Tuna AGZ, Çetin PDC. Yanıklı Hastaların Yaşam Kalitesi ve Yaşam Kalitesini Etkileyen Faktörler. JOHUFON. 2010;17(2):1-12.