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A Neglected Problem in Stroke Patients: Pathological Laughing and Crying

Year 2010, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 58 - 62, 01.03.2010


Stroke among chronic diseases is defined as neurological alterations, which occured due to interruption in blood stream to a certain part of brain. Stroke can be seen in individual as increasing deficiency in physical, psychological and social functions depending on severity and type. One of the signs that can be seen in patients is pathological laughing and crying. Pathological laughing and crying, is a behavioural manifestation of central nervous system disturbances. Patients in current state suffer from frequency of excessive crying crisis without feeling happiness or sadness. Appropriate management of emotional disturbance is important after stroke. The aim of rehabilitation nurse is conveying to the maximum functional capacity of person who have incapability and deficiency, maintaining the optimum health and lifestyle. In nursing management related to daily life of patients, evaluating of cognitive functions and emotional status as well as the management of physical symptoms are important.


  • Akdemir N. Hemşirelik uygulamalarında temel kavramlar. İç Hastalıkları ve Hemşirelik Bakımı. I. Baskı. Vehbi Koç Vakfı SANERC Yayını. İstanbul; 2003. p.3-24.
  • Hankey GJ (2002) Stroke: your qestions answered. Harcourt Publishers. Edinburg, New York; Churchill Livingstone
  • Kadojic D, Vladetic M, Candrlic M, Kadojic M, Dikanovic M, Trkanjec Z. Frequency and characteristics of emotional disorders in patients after ischemic stroke. Eur. J. Psychiat 2005; 19 (2): 88-95.
  • Mitchell E, Moore K. Stroke: holistic care and management. Nursing Standard 2004; 18 (33): 43-52.
  • Kee Lee AC, Wa Tang S, Kui Yu GK, Fai Cheung RT. Incidence and predictors of depression after stroke (DAS). International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 2007; 11 (3): 200-206.
  • Parvizi J, Joseph J, Pres DZ, Schmahmann JD. Pathological laughter and crying in patients with multiple system atrophy cerebellar type. Movement Diserders 2007; 22 (6): 798-803.
  • Robert P, Granacher JR. The epidemiyology and pathophysiology of traumatic brain injury. Gathering the neuropsychiatric history following brain trauma. 2nd ed. New York: CRC Pres. Taylor& Francis Group; 2008. p. 93-155.
  • Parvizi J, Anderson SW, Martin CO, Damasio H, Damasio AR. Pathological laughter and crying a link to the cerebellum. Brain 2001; 124: 1708-1719.
  • Tateno A, Jorge RE, Robinson RG. Pathological laughing and crying following traumatic brain injury. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 2004; 16 (4): 426-434.
  • Çelebisoy M, Tokuçoğlu F, Özer B, Öztürk G. Unilateral pons infarktında patolojik gülme-ağlama- Pathological laughing and crying in unilateral pontine infarction. İzmir Atatürk Eğitim Hastanesi Tıp Dergisi 2005; 43 (3): 115-117.
  • Parvizi J, Arciniegas DB, Bernardini GL, Hoffmann MW, Mohr JP, Rapoport MJ et al. Diagnosis and management of pathological laughter and crying. Mayo Clinic Proceedings 2006; 81 (11), 1482-1486.
  • Morris PLP, Robinson RG, Raphael B. Emotional lability after stroke. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 1993; 27 (4): 601-605.
  • Dark FL, McGrath JJ, Ron MA. Pathological laughing and crying. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 1996; 30, 472-479.
  • Chahine LM, Chemali Z. Du rire aux larmes: pathological laughing and crying in patients with traumatic brain injury and treatment with lamotrigine. Epilepsy& Behavior 2006; 8: 610-615.
  • Öztürk Z, Karakuş G, Tamam L. İnme sonrası patolojik ağlama tedavisinde sitalopramın etkinliği: Bir olgu sunumu. Nöropsikiyatri Arşivi 2008; 45: 100-102.
  • Robinson-Smith G, Gril JD. Recognizing involuntary emotional expression disorder. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 2007; 39 (4): 202-207.
  • Tateno A, Jorge RE, Robinson RG. Pathological laughing and crying following traumatic brain injury. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 2004; 16 (4): 426-434.
  • Carod-Artal FJ. Post stroke depression: can prediction help prevention? Future Neurol 2010; 5 (4): 569- 580.
  • Morris PLP, Robinson RG, Raphael B. Emotional lability after stroke. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 1993; 27, 601-605.
  • Nahas Z, Arlinghaus KA, Kotrla KJ, Clearman RR, George MS. Rapid response of emotional incontinence to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 1998; 10: 453-455.
  • Turner-Stokes L, Hassan N, Pierce K, Clegg F. Managing depression in brain injury rehabilitation: the use of an integrated care pathway and preliminary report of response to sertraline. Clinical Rehabilitation 2002; 16: 261-268
  • Hoegerl C, Zboray S. Pathological laughter in a patient with multiple sclerosis. J Am Osteopath Assoc 2008; 108 (8): 408-410.
  • Choi- Know S, Han SW, Kwon SU, Kang DW, Choi JM, Kim JS. Fluoxetine treatment in poststroke depression, emotional incontinence, and anger proneness: a double-blind, placebo- controlled study. Stroke 2006; 37, 156-161.
  • Hopman WM, Jane Verner MA. Quality of life during and after ınpatient stroke rehabilitation. Stroke 2003; 34: 801-805.
  • Özdemir F, Demirbağ D, Murat S, Kokino S. The relationship between type of stroke and complications and rehabilitation outcomes (strok tipi ve komplikasyonların rehabilitasyon sonuçları ile ilişkisi). Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 2006; 23 (2): 76-83.
  • Ohshima H, Murashima S, Takahashi R. Assessment and nursing care for right brain-damaged stroke patient: focusing on neglect and related symptoms, Nursing and Health Science 2004; 6: 115-121.
  • Akçalı A, Altındağ Ö, Aydeniz A, Koca İ, Gürsoy S. İskemik inmeli hastalarda inkontinans, ihmal sendromu ve emosyonel durumun lateralizasyon ve fonksiyonel bağımsızlık düzeyi ile ilişkisi. Gaziantep Tıp Dergisi 2010; 16 (1): 01-05.
  • McCloskey JC, Bulechek GM. Nursing interventions classification (NIC), Mosby Co. 3rd ed. United States of America: Mosby; 2000. p.146-300.

İnmeli Hastalarda İhmal Edilen Bir Sorun: Patolojik Gülme ve Ağlama

Year 2010, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 58 - 62, 01.03.2010


Kronik hastalıklar arasında yer alan inme, beynin bir bölümüne olan kan akımının kesintiye uğraması nedeniyle meydana gelen nörolojik değişiklikler olarak tanımlanmaktadır. İnme, şiddeti ve tipine bağlı olarak fiziksel, psikolojik ve sosyal fonksiyonlarda artan yetersizlik olarak kişide görülebilmektedir. Hastalarda görülebilecek belirtilerden biri de patolojik gülme ve ağlamadır. Patolojik gülme ve ağlama, santral sinir sistemi bozukluklarının bir çeşidi olarak davranışsal bir durumdur. Bu durumdaki hastalar, mutluluk veya üzüntü birlikte hissedilmeksizin sıklıkla aşırı ağlama nöbetlerinin sıklığından dolayı acı çeker. İnme sonrası emosyonel rahatsızlığın uygun yöntemlerle tedavisi önemlidir. Rehabilitasyon hemşiresinin amacı kronik hastalığı, güçsüzlüğü veya yetersizliği olan bireyi maksimal fonksiyonel kapasiteye ulaştırmak, optimal sağlığı sürdürmek ve yaşam tarzını devam ettirmeye yardımcı olmaktır. Hastaların günlük yaşamları ile ilgili hemşirelik yönetiminde fiziksel semptomların yönetiminin yanında bilişsel fonksiyonların ve emosyonel durumunun da değerlendirilmesi önem taşımaktadır.


  • Akdemir N. Hemşirelik uygulamalarında temel kavramlar. İç Hastalıkları ve Hemşirelik Bakımı. I. Baskı. Vehbi Koç Vakfı SANERC Yayını. İstanbul; 2003. p.3-24.
  • Hankey GJ (2002) Stroke: your qestions answered. Harcourt Publishers. Edinburg, New York; Churchill Livingstone
  • Kadojic D, Vladetic M, Candrlic M, Kadojic M, Dikanovic M, Trkanjec Z. Frequency and characteristics of emotional disorders in patients after ischemic stroke. Eur. J. Psychiat 2005; 19 (2): 88-95.
  • Mitchell E, Moore K. Stroke: holistic care and management. Nursing Standard 2004; 18 (33): 43-52.
  • Kee Lee AC, Wa Tang S, Kui Yu GK, Fai Cheung RT. Incidence and predictors of depression after stroke (DAS). International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 2007; 11 (3): 200-206.
  • Parvizi J, Joseph J, Pres DZ, Schmahmann JD. Pathological laughter and crying in patients with multiple system atrophy cerebellar type. Movement Diserders 2007; 22 (6): 798-803.
  • Robert P, Granacher JR. The epidemiyology and pathophysiology of traumatic brain injury. Gathering the neuropsychiatric history following brain trauma. 2nd ed. New York: CRC Pres. Taylor& Francis Group; 2008. p. 93-155.
  • Parvizi J, Anderson SW, Martin CO, Damasio H, Damasio AR. Pathological laughter and crying a link to the cerebellum. Brain 2001; 124: 1708-1719.
  • Tateno A, Jorge RE, Robinson RG. Pathological laughing and crying following traumatic brain injury. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 2004; 16 (4): 426-434.
  • Çelebisoy M, Tokuçoğlu F, Özer B, Öztürk G. Unilateral pons infarktında patolojik gülme-ağlama- Pathological laughing and crying in unilateral pontine infarction. İzmir Atatürk Eğitim Hastanesi Tıp Dergisi 2005; 43 (3): 115-117.
  • Parvizi J, Arciniegas DB, Bernardini GL, Hoffmann MW, Mohr JP, Rapoport MJ et al. Diagnosis and management of pathological laughter and crying. Mayo Clinic Proceedings 2006; 81 (11), 1482-1486.
  • Morris PLP, Robinson RG, Raphael B. Emotional lability after stroke. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 1993; 27 (4): 601-605.
  • Dark FL, McGrath JJ, Ron MA. Pathological laughing and crying. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 1996; 30, 472-479.
  • Chahine LM, Chemali Z. Du rire aux larmes: pathological laughing and crying in patients with traumatic brain injury and treatment with lamotrigine. Epilepsy& Behavior 2006; 8: 610-615.
  • Öztürk Z, Karakuş G, Tamam L. İnme sonrası patolojik ağlama tedavisinde sitalopramın etkinliği: Bir olgu sunumu. Nöropsikiyatri Arşivi 2008; 45: 100-102.
  • Robinson-Smith G, Gril JD. Recognizing involuntary emotional expression disorder. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 2007; 39 (4): 202-207.
  • Tateno A, Jorge RE, Robinson RG. Pathological laughing and crying following traumatic brain injury. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 2004; 16 (4): 426-434.
  • Carod-Artal FJ. Post stroke depression: can prediction help prevention? Future Neurol 2010; 5 (4): 569- 580.
  • Morris PLP, Robinson RG, Raphael B. Emotional lability after stroke. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 1993; 27, 601-605.
  • Nahas Z, Arlinghaus KA, Kotrla KJ, Clearman RR, George MS. Rapid response of emotional incontinence to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 1998; 10: 453-455.
  • Turner-Stokes L, Hassan N, Pierce K, Clegg F. Managing depression in brain injury rehabilitation: the use of an integrated care pathway and preliminary report of response to sertraline. Clinical Rehabilitation 2002; 16: 261-268
  • Hoegerl C, Zboray S. Pathological laughter in a patient with multiple sclerosis. J Am Osteopath Assoc 2008; 108 (8): 408-410.
  • Choi- Know S, Han SW, Kwon SU, Kang DW, Choi JM, Kim JS. Fluoxetine treatment in poststroke depression, emotional incontinence, and anger proneness: a double-blind, placebo- controlled study. Stroke 2006; 37, 156-161.
  • Hopman WM, Jane Verner MA. Quality of life during and after ınpatient stroke rehabilitation. Stroke 2003; 34: 801-805.
  • Özdemir F, Demirbağ D, Murat S, Kokino S. The relationship between type of stroke and complications and rehabilitation outcomes (strok tipi ve komplikasyonların rehabilitasyon sonuçları ile ilişkisi). Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 2006; 23 (2): 76-83.
  • Ohshima H, Murashima S, Takahashi R. Assessment and nursing care for right brain-damaged stroke patient: focusing on neglect and related symptoms, Nursing and Health Science 2004; 6: 115-121.
  • Akçalı A, Altındağ Ö, Aydeniz A, Koca İ, Gürsoy S. İskemik inmeli hastalarda inkontinans, ihmal sendromu ve emosyonel durumun lateralizasyon ve fonksiyonel bağımsızlık düzeyi ile ilişkisi. Gaziantep Tıp Dergisi 2010; 16 (1): 01-05.
  • McCloskey JC, Bulechek GM. Nursing interventions classification (NIC), Mosby Co. 3rd ed. United States of America: Mosby; 2000. p.146-300.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Yrd. Doç. Dr.gülendam Hakverdioğlu Yönt This is me

Arş. Gör. Dr. Esra Akin Korhan This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2010
Submission Date July 29, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 17 Issue: 1


Vancouver Yönt YDDH, Korhan AGDEA. İnmeli Hastalarda İhmal Edilen Bir Sorun: Patolojik Gülme ve Ağlama. JOHUFON. 2010;17(1):58-62.