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Epidemiology, Factors and Outcomes of the Vaginal Douching

Year 2005, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 55 - 61, 01.06.2005


Vaginal douching, practice of liquid into the vagina, using of finger or a material for hygiene or therapeutic purpose, is an ancient and traditional practice. Age, ethnicity, education level and socioeconomic status have influenced vaginal douching that is common among women. Women have done vaginal douching because of feeling clean and fresh, getting rid of odor, preventing pregnancy and beliefs. Vaginal douching has gynecologic results including pelvic inflammatory disease and increase in vaginal infections and bacterial vaginosis and obstetric effects including ectopic pregnancy, preterm birth, low birth weight and infertility.


  • Aral SO, Mosher WD, Cates WJr. Vajinal douching among reproductive age in the United States. American Journal of Public Health 1992;82(2):210-214.
  • Kendrick JS, Atrash HK, Strauss LT, Gargiullo PM, Ahn YW. Vajinal douching and the risk of ectopic pregnancy among black women. Gynecology 1997;176(4-6):991-997.
  • Koblin BA, Mayer K, Mwatha A, Brown-Peterside P, Holt R, Marmor M, Smith C, Chıasson MA. Douching practices among women at high risk of HIV ınfection in the united states: Implications for microbicide testing in use. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2002;29(7):406-410.
  • Gresenguet G, Kreiss JK, Chapko MK, Sharon L, Weiss NS. HIV ınfection and vaginal douching in Central Africa, AIDS 1997;11(1):101-106.
  • Çalışkan D, Çöl M, Akdur R, Yavuzdemir Ş, Yavuz Y. Park Sağlık Ocağı bölgesinde 15-49 yaş grubu kadınlarda vajinal duş sıklığı ve etkili faktörler üzerine çalışma. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası 1996;49(2):73-80.
  • Ege E, Timur S, Zincir H, Eğri M, Reeder BS. Türkiye’nin doğusundaki kadınların vaginal duş uygulamaları ve ilişkili davranışları. 4. Uluslar arası Üreme Sağlığı ve Aile Planlaması Kongresi Kitabı: s:185, 2005, Ankara.
  • Çalışkan D, Subaşı N, Sarışen Ö. Aile planlaması ünitesine ve jinekoloji polikliniğine başvuran kadınlarda vajinal duş uygulaması ve etkili faktörler. 4. Uluslar arası Üreme Sağlığı ve Aile Planlaması Kongresi Kitabı:s:201, 2005, Ankara.
  • Ekizler, H. Genital Enfeksiyonların Önlenmesi ve Tedavisinde Sağlık Eğitiminin Rolü, I.Ulusal Ana ve Çocuk Sağlığı Sempozyum Kitabı:s:83-89, 1992, İstanbul.
  • Demir Ü, Karacan G. 15-49 yaş arasındaki kadınların genital akıntılar ve akıntıların önlenmesindeki hijyenik uygulamalar konusundaki bilgilerinin incelenmesi, IV. Ulusal AIDS ve V. Ulusal CIGH Sempozyum Kitabı:s:10, 38, 1998.
  • Demir Ü, Özkan S. 15-49 yaş doğurgan çağı kadınlarda vajinitis tanılamasında hemşirenin etkinliğinin belirlenmesi ve vajinitise neden olan risk faktörlerinin incelenmesi, I. Uluslararası & VIII. Ulusal Hemşirelik Kongre Kitabı:s:395-400, 2001, Antalya.
  • Abma JC, Chandra A, Mosher WD, Peterson LS, Piccinino LC. Fertility, family planning and women’s health: new data from the national survey of family growth, vital & health statistics- series 23, data from the national survey of family growth. 1997;19:1-114.
  • Oh MK, Funkhouser E, Simpson T, Brown P, Merchant JS. Early onset of vaginal douching is associated with false beliefs and high risk behaviour. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2003;30(9): 689-669.
  • Foch BJ, McDaniel ND, Chacko M.R. Racial differences in vaginal douching knowledge, attitude, and practices among sexually active adolescents. Journal of Pediatric Adolescent Gynecology 2001;14(1):29-33.
  • Oh MK, Merchant JS, Brown P. Douching behaviour in high risk adolescents. What do they use, when and why do they douche?. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology 2002;5(2):83-88.
  • Gazmararian JA, Bruce FC, Kendrick JS, Grace CC, Wynn S. Why do women douche? results from a qualitative study. Maternal and Child Health Journal 2001;5(3):153-159.
  • Vermund SH, Sarr M, Murphy D. Douching Practices Among HIV Infected and Unınfected Adolescents in the United States, Journal of Adolescent Health, 2001; 29(3):80-86
  • Güler Ç. Ana Sağlığı ve Aile Planlaması. Ankara: Hatipoğlu Yayınevi;1987.s. 29-31,67-68.
  • Ness RB, Hillier SH, Richter HE, Soper DE, Stamm C, Bass DC, Sweet RL, Rice P, Downs J, Aral SO. Why women douche and why they may or may not stop. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2003;30(1):71-74.
  • Holzman C, Leverithal JM, Hong Q, Jones NM, Wang J. Factors linked to bacterial vaginosis in nonpregnant women. American Journal of Public Health 2001;91(10): 1664-1670.
  • Joesoef MR, Sumampouw H, Linnan M, Schmid S, Idajadi A, St Luis ME. Douching and sexually transmitted diseases in pregnant women in Surabaya, Indonesia. American Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology 1996;174:115-119.
  • Baird DD, Weinberg CR, Voight LF, Daling JR. Vajinal douching and reduced fertility. American Journal of Public Health 1996;86:844-850.
  • Andrist LC. Vaginal health and ınfections. JOGNN 2001;30(3):306-315.
  • Rajamanoharan S, Low N, Jones SB, Pozniak A. Bacterial vaginosis, ethnicity, and use of genital cleaning agents: a case-control study. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 1999;26(7):404-409.
  • Onderdonk AB, Delaney ML, Hinkson, PL, DuBois AM. Qantitive and qualitive effects of douche preparations on vaginal microflora. Obstetrics & Gynecology 1992; 80:333-338.
  • Monif GR. The great douching debate: to douche, or not to douche. Obstetrics & Gynecology 1999;94(4):630-631.
  • Wolner-Hanssen P, Eschenbach DA, Paavonen J, Stevens CE, Kiviat NB, Critchlow C, DeRouen T, Koutsky L, Holmes KK. Association between vaginal douching and acut pelvic ınflamatory disease. JAMA 1990;263(11-14):1936-1941.
  • Ness RB, Soper DE, Holley RL, Peipert J, Randall H, Sweet RL, Sondheimer SJ, Hendrix SL, Hillier SL, Amortegui A, Trucco G, Bass DC. Douching and endometrisis: results from the evaluation and clinical health (PEACH) study. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2001;28(4):240-245. 28.RothmanKJ,FunchDP,AlfredsonT,BradyJ,DreyerNA.Randomizedfieldtrialofvaginaldouching, pelvic ınflamatory disease and pregnancy. Epidemiology 2003;14(3):340-348.
  • Zhang J, Thomas G. Vajinal douching and adverse health effects: a meta- analysis. American Journal of Public Health 1997;87(7):1207-1210.
  • Scholes D, Stergachis A, Ichıkawa LE, Heidrich FE, Holmes KK, Stamm WE. Vaginal douching as a risk factor for cervical chlamidya trachomatis ınfection. Obstetrics & Gynecology 1998;91(6):993-997.
  • Bruce FC, Fiscella K, Kendrick JS. Vajinal douching and preterm birth: An ıntriguing hypothesis. Medical Hypothesis 2000;54(3):448-452.
  • Fiscella K, Franks P, Kendrick JS, Bruce FC. The risk of low birth weight associated with vaginal douching. Obstetrics & Gynecology 1998;92:913-917.

Vajinal Duşun Yaygınlığı, Etkileyen Etmenler ve Sonuçları

Year 2005, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 55 - 61, 01.06.2005


Vajinal duş, kadınların temizlik ya da tedavi amacıyla, parmak ya da bir materyal kullanarak vajen içine sıvı uyguladıkları, eski ve geleneksel bir uygulamadır. Kadınlar arasında yaygın olan vajinal duş uygulaması; yaş, etnik köken, eğitim düzeyi ve sosyo-ekonomik statüden etkilenmektedir. Kadınlar vajinal duşu; kendilerini temiz hissetmek, kokudan kurtulmak, gebelikten korunmak ve inançları nedeniyle yapmaktadırlar. Vajinal duşun; pelvik inflamatuar hastalık, vajen enfeksiyonlarında artış gibi jinekolojik; ektopik gebelik, preterm eylem, düşük doğum ağırlıklı bebek ve infertilite gibi obstetrik sonuçları vardır.


  • Aral SO, Mosher WD, Cates WJr. Vajinal douching among reproductive age in the United States. American Journal of Public Health 1992;82(2):210-214.
  • Kendrick JS, Atrash HK, Strauss LT, Gargiullo PM, Ahn YW. Vajinal douching and the risk of ectopic pregnancy among black women. Gynecology 1997;176(4-6):991-997.
  • Koblin BA, Mayer K, Mwatha A, Brown-Peterside P, Holt R, Marmor M, Smith C, Chıasson MA. Douching practices among women at high risk of HIV ınfection in the united states: Implications for microbicide testing in use. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2002;29(7):406-410.
  • Gresenguet G, Kreiss JK, Chapko MK, Sharon L, Weiss NS. HIV ınfection and vaginal douching in Central Africa, AIDS 1997;11(1):101-106.
  • Çalışkan D, Çöl M, Akdur R, Yavuzdemir Ş, Yavuz Y. Park Sağlık Ocağı bölgesinde 15-49 yaş grubu kadınlarda vajinal duş sıklığı ve etkili faktörler üzerine çalışma. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası 1996;49(2):73-80.
  • Ege E, Timur S, Zincir H, Eğri M, Reeder BS. Türkiye’nin doğusundaki kadınların vaginal duş uygulamaları ve ilişkili davranışları. 4. Uluslar arası Üreme Sağlığı ve Aile Planlaması Kongresi Kitabı: s:185, 2005, Ankara.
  • Çalışkan D, Subaşı N, Sarışen Ö. Aile planlaması ünitesine ve jinekoloji polikliniğine başvuran kadınlarda vajinal duş uygulaması ve etkili faktörler. 4. Uluslar arası Üreme Sağlığı ve Aile Planlaması Kongresi Kitabı:s:201, 2005, Ankara.
  • Ekizler, H. Genital Enfeksiyonların Önlenmesi ve Tedavisinde Sağlık Eğitiminin Rolü, I.Ulusal Ana ve Çocuk Sağlığı Sempozyum Kitabı:s:83-89, 1992, İstanbul.
  • Demir Ü, Karacan G. 15-49 yaş arasındaki kadınların genital akıntılar ve akıntıların önlenmesindeki hijyenik uygulamalar konusundaki bilgilerinin incelenmesi, IV. Ulusal AIDS ve V. Ulusal CIGH Sempozyum Kitabı:s:10, 38, 1998.
  • Demir Ü, Özkan S. 15-49 yaş doğurgan çağı kadınlarda vajinitis tanılamasında hemşirenin etkinliğinin belirlenmesi ve vajinitise neden olan risk faktörlerinin incelenmesi, I. Uluslararası & VIII. Ulusal Hemşirelik Kongre Kitabı:s:395-400, 2001, Antalya.
  • Abma JC, Chandra A, Mosher WD, Peterson LS, Piccinino LC. Fertility, family planning and women’s health: new data from the national survey of family growth, vital & health statistics- series 23, data from the national survey of family growth. 1997;19:1-114.
  • Oh MK, Funkhouser E, Simpson T, Brown P, Merchant JS. Early onset of vaginal douching is associated with false beliefs and high risk behaviour. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2003;30(9): 689-669.
  • Foch BJ, McDaniel ND, Chacko M.R. Racial differences in vaginal douching knowledge, attitude, and practices among sexually active adolescents. Journal of Pediatric Adolescent Gynecology 2001;14(1):29-33.
  • Oh MK, Merchant JS, Brown P. Douching behaviour in high risk adolescents. What do they use, when and why do they douche?. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology 2002;5(2):83-88.
  • Gazmararian JA, Bruce FC, Kendrick JS, Grace CC, Wynn S. Why do women douche? results from a qualitative study. Maternal and Child Health Journal 2001;5(3):153-159.
  • Vermund SH, Sarr M, Murphy D. Douching Practices Among HIV Infected and Unınfected Adolescents in the United States, Journal of Adolescent Health, 2001; 29(3):80-86
  • Güler Ç. Ana Sağlığı ve Aile Planlaması. Ankara: Hatipoğlu Yayınevi;1987.s. 29-31,67-68.
  • Ness RB, Hillier SH, Richter HE, Soper DE, Stamm C, Bass DC, Sweet RL, Rice P, Downs J, Aral SO. Why women douche and why they may or may not stop. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2003;30(1):71-74.
  • Holzman C, Leverithal JM, Hong Q, Jones NM, Wang J. Factors linked to bacterial vaginosis in nonpregnant women. American Journal of Public Health 2001;91(10): 1664-1670.
  • Joesoef MR, Sumampouw H, Linnan M, Schmid S, Idajadi A, St Luis ME. Douching and sexually transmitted diseases in pregnant women in Surabaya, Indonesia. American Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology 1996;174:115-119.
  • Baird DD, Weinberg CR, Voight LF, Daling JR. Vajinal douching and reduced fertility. American Journal of Public Health 1996;86:844-850.
  • Andrist LC. Vaginal health and ınfections. JOGNN 2001;30(3):306-315.
  • Rajamanoharan S, Low N, Jones SB, Pozniak A. Bacterial vaginosis, ethnicity, and use of genital cleaning agents: a case-control study. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 1999;26(7):404-409.
  • Onderdonk AB, Delaney ML, Hinkson, PL, DuBois AM. Qantitive and qualitive effects of douche preparations on vaginal microflora. Obstetrics & Gynecology 1992; 80:333-338.
  • Monif GR. The great douching debate: to douche, or not to douche. Obstetrics & Gynecology 1999;94(4):630-631.
  • Wolner-Hanssen P, Eschenbach DA, Paavonen J, Stevens CE, Kiviat NB, Critchlow C, DeRouen T, Koutsky L, Holmes KK. Association between vaginal douching and acut pelvic ınflamatory disease. JAMA 1990;263(11-14):1936-1941.
  • Ness RB, Soper DE, Holley RL, Peipert J, Randall H, Sweet RL, Sondheimer SJ, Hendrix SL, Hillier SL, Amortegui A, Trucco G, Bass DC. Douching and endometrisis: results from the evaluation and clinical health (PEACH) study. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2001;28(4):240-245. 28.RothmanKJ,FunchDP,AlfredsonT,BradyJ,DreyerNA.Randomizedfieldtrialofvaginaldouching, pelvic ınflamatory disease and pregnancy. Epidemiology 2003;14(3):340-348.
  • Zhang J, Thomas G. Vajinal douching and adverse health effects: a meta- analysis. American Journal of Public Health 1997;87(7):1207-1210.
  • Scholes D, Stergachis A, Ichıkawa LE, Heidrich FE, Holmes KK, Stamm WE. Vaginal douching as a risk factor for cervical chlamidya trachomatis ınfection. Obstetrics & Gynecology 1998;91(6):993-997.
  • Bruce FC, Fiscella K, Kendrick JS. Vajinal douching and preterm birth: An ıntriguing hypothesis. Medical Hypothesis 2000;54(3):448-452.
  • Fiscella K, Franks P, Kendrick JS, Bruce FC. The risk of low birth weight associated with vaginal douching. Obstetrics & Gynecology 1998;92:913-917.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Yrd.doç.dr. Samiye Mete This is me

Emine Gerçek This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2005
Submission Date July 29, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 12 Issue: 2


Vancouver Mete YS, Gerçek E. Vajinal Duşun Yaygınlığı, Etkileyen Etmenler ve Sonuçları. JOHUFON. 2005;12(2):55-61.