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Impact of Two Different Methods of Perineal Wound Care on the Process of Episiotomy Wound Healing

Year 2005, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 49 - 61, 01.03.2005


This study was carried out as experimental to determine the impact of two different methods (care with water and care with betadine) on the process of perineal wound healing. Data was collected between October 8 – December 11, 2002. Sample included voluntereed women who were residing in Antakya and who did not have any systemic disease, vaginal or perineal infection and anemia, and who had been graduated at least from primary school, of which 36 recruited for the first group( who care with water) and 33 for the second group ( who care with betadine). Both of the two groups were educated about episotomy care by providing brochure relevant to the subject. Data was collected following the first day of delivery using the descriptive data collection and observation form, and 1., 5., 15. and 20th day of postpartum using observation and general evaluation forms through face to face interview and observation method. Data were evaluated by Multibox Chi-square Test and Fisher's Exact Test. Main results of the study were as follows: Most of women in the grups were 19-29 ages, primipar, graduate of primary school, house wife and nucleus family type. There were no significant differences in terms of socio-demographic and obstetric characteristics between first and second groups. Most of the women have undergone mediolateral episiotomy ( I.G:77.8%, II.G:78.8%). While tissue repairment of episiotomy at the 15th day of postpartum was found to be adequate in 92.3% of the first group and 85.5% of the second group; it was found to be adequate at the 20th day of postpartum in the whole of the first group and in 90.0% of the second group. Statistical analyses revealed no significant differences between first and second groups with regard to wound healing, redness, bruising, current, pain, edema and dehiscence of sutures on first, 15th and 20th days. However, there was a significant difference in redness on the 5th day of postpartum, the group who was cared with betadine after delivery had significantly more redness than was the group who was cared with water. According to results of the study, the use water for the care of episiotomy may be recommended because of its harmless and cheapness.


  • Röckner G, Olund A. The Use Of Episiotomy In Primiparas In Sweden. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1991;70:325-330.
  • Arıson K. Propedotik Kadın Doğum Kitabı. İstanbul 1993. s.437-439.
  • Beck W. Obstetrics And Gynecology, 3rd Edition. Baltimore Philadelphia: A Wawerly Company; 1993. pp.34-35.
  • Benrubi I.G. Obstetric On Gynecologic Emergencies. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott Company;1986. s.146-150.
  • Kettle C, Johanson Rb. Absorbable Synthetic Versus Catgut Suture Material For Perineal Repair, Cochrane Data Base Of Systematic Reviews 1998a . Issue 3.
  • Althabe F, Belizan Jm And Bergel E. Episiotomy Rates İn Primaparous Women İn Latin America: Hospital Based Descriptive Study, BMJ 2002;324( 7343):945-946.
  • Karaçam Z, Eroğlu K. Effects of episiotomy on bonding and mothers’ health. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2003; 43( 4): 384-394.
  • Yılmaz S. Epizyotomi Bakımında Serum Fizyolojik ve Rivanol’ün İyileşme Sürecine Etkisi”Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Hemşirelik Anabilim Dalı, Yayınlanmamış Bilim Uzmanlığı Tezi 2004.
  • Bobak I.N, Jensen M.D. Maternity And Gynecologic Care, V. Baskı, St. Lousis: Mosby Company 1993. pp:496-497.
  • Erdil F, Elbaş N.Ö. Doku Zedelenmesi ve Yara İyileşmesi. Cerrahi Hastalıkları Hemşireliği. 2. Baskı. Ankara:Kaya Matbacılık 1997. s.64-87.
  • Ülker S. Yara ve Hemşirelik, Ankara : Aydoğdu Ofset 1994.s.7-34.
  • Bayraktar N, Elbaş N.Ö. Tissue Repair and Nurses Role in Wound Healing. First Oxford – Euroasian Wound Healing Days, Turkey 1999.
  • Taşkın L. Doğum ve Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği IV.Baskı. Ankara: Sistem Ofset 2000. s.351-363.
  • Ulusoy MF, Görgülü SR. Enfeksiyon Kontrolü- Antiseptik Solüsyonlar. Hemşirelik Esasları Temel Kuram, Kavram, İlke ve Yöntemler. Ankara: Çağın Ofset 1996. s.80-88.
  • Öncel Ö, Erdemir D A. Anestezi - Asepsi ve Antisepsi (Geçmişten Günümüze). Nobel Tıp Kitapevi 1998. s.293-295.
  • Martin L L, Reeder S S. Maternity Nursing. Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott Company 1991. pp.369-372.
  • Bethea D C. Introdictory Maternity Nursing, “Nursing Care – During The Puerperium”. London: Publishing Co Ltd 1968. pp.130-143.
  • Xakellis GC, Chrischilles E A. Hydrocolloid Versus Saline Gause Dressings İn Treating Pressure Ulcers: A Cost Effectiveness Analysis”. Archives Of Physical Medical Rehabilitation 1992;73: 463-469.
  • Grundy L.The Role of The Midwife in Perineal Wound Care Following Childbirth. British Journal Of Nursing 1997;6(10):584-588.
  • Rakover Y, Adar H. Thyroid Function Disturbances in an Infant Following Maternal Topical Use Of Polydine. Harefuah May/1989;116 (10):527-529.
  • Arena A., Emparanza K, San Millan V, Garrido C, Eguileor G. Iodine Overload in Newborn Infants Caused By The Use Of Pov-İodine For Perineal Preparation of The Mother in Vaginal Delivery. An Esp Pediatr Jan/1989; 30 (1):23-26. 22.
  • Buxton B H, Muran D. Episiotomy, Gynecology and Obstetrics. Phidelphia: J.B. Lippincot
  • Company 1989: 2, Ed.JJ Sciara.pp.1-10.
  • Cunningham A. Perineal Damage in Childbirth. Nursing Mirror 1984; 148(11):1-4.
  • Hill P D. Effects Of Heat And Cold On The Perineum After Episiotomy, Laceration, J. Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs 1989;18(2):124-133.
  • Mcilhargie C J. Operative Obstetrics, London:Williams And Wilkins 1995.pp.491-496. 26.
  • Karanguru E M W. Nursing Wounds With Salty Water. Topical Doctor 1990;20(1):35. 28.
  • Alm A, Hornmark A M, Fall P, Linder L, Bergstrand B, Ehrnebo M et all. Care Of Pressure Sores:
  • A Controlled Study Of The Use Of A Hydrocolloid Dressing Compared With Wet Saline Gauze
  • Compresses, Acta Dermato- Venerologica Supplementum.1989; 149:1-10.
  • Cooper DM. Optimizing Wound Healing. A Practice Within Nursing Clinics Of North America Doman 1990;25(1):165-179.
  • Üstünsöz A. Epizyotomi İyileşmesinde Sıcak ve Soğuk Uygulamaların Etkisi. GATA Hemşirelik Programı Yüksek Lisans Tezi 1996. Ankara.
  • Walker D.Bact to Basics Choosing The Correct Wound Dressing. American Jornual Of Nursing 1996; 96 (9):35-39.
  • Sleep J, Grant A. Effects Of Salt And Savlon Concentrate Postpartum. Nursing Times 1988; 84(21):55- 57.
  • Öztekin D, Aktolcu N, Improving Intravasculer Catheter Site Care With Povidone – Iodine”, First Oxford – Euroasian Wound Healing Days Nov/1999. Turkey. 34.
  • Guyton C A, Hall E J, Textbook Of Medical Physiology, 7th Edition, Philadelphia, London, Toronto,
  • Montreal, Sydney, Tokyo: W.B., Sounders Company 1996.pp.600-615.
  • Sayek İ, Engin A, Yara İyileşmesi. Temel Cerrahi. Cilt 1, Güneş Kitabevi 1996.s.266-275.
  • Mc Guinness M, Narr K, Macion K. Comparisen Between Different Perineal Outcomes On Tissue Healing. Journal of Nurse – Midwifery 1991;36(3):192-198.
  • Nayduck D A. Trauma Wound Management, Nursing Clinics Of North America 1999;34(4):896-899.
  • Smeltzer C S, Bare G B. Postoperative Nursing Managament. Medical Surgical Nursing, Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company 1992. pp.450-457.
  • Sullivan H.Repairing The Tear. Nursing Times 1991;87(35):60-61. 40.
  • Eason E, Labrecque M, Wells G, Feldman P. Preventing Perineal Trauma During Childbirth: A Systematic Review, Obstetrics And Gynecology 2000;95(3):464-471.
  • Russel L. Healing Alternatives. Journal Of Wound Care Nursing 1993;5 Oct.
  • Larsson P G, Platz Cristensen J J, Bergman B, Walltersson G. Advantage And Disadvantage Of Episiotomy Compared With Spontaneus Perineal Laceration. Gynecol Obstet. Invest 1991;31(4)213- 219.
  • Peter E A, Jansen P A, Grage C S, Douglas M J. Canadian Medical Association. Journal, Ottowa Oct.2001;165(9):1203.
  • Dale A, Cornwall S. The Role Of Lavender Oil İn Relieving Perineal Discomfort Following Childbirth : A Blind Randomized Cdntrolled Trial. Journal Of Advanced Nursing 1994;19:89-96.
  • Tay S K , Soong S L , Choo B M. Is Routine Procaine Spirit Application Necessary İn The Care Of Episiotomy Wound?. Singapore Med J 1999;40 (09).

Epizyotomi Bakımında Kullanılan İki Farklı Yöntemin Yara İyileşme Sürecine Etkisi

Year 2005, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 49 - 61, 01.03.2005


Araştırma, epizyotomi bakımında iki farklı yöntemin (normal su ile bakım yapma - betadin ile bakım yapma) yara iyileşme sürecine etkisini belirlemek amacıyla deneysel olarak yapılmıştır. Veriler 8 Ekim 2002 - 11 Aralık 2002 tarihleri arasında toplanmıştır. Örnekleme Antakya sınırları içinde oturan, sistemik hastalığı, vaginal veya perineal enfeksiyonu bulunmayan, anemik olmayan (Hb'ni 11 gr/dl nin altında olmayan), sigara kullanmayan, en az ilkokul mezunu olan ve araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden 36'sı I. grup (I.G) ( su kullanan), 33'ü II. grupta ( II.G) ( % 10 Povidin-iyodin : betadine kullanan) olmak üzere toplam 69 kadın alınmıştır. Her iki gruba doğum sonu servisinde epizyotomi bakımı konusunda eğitim verilerek, konu ile ilgili geliştirilen broşür dağıtılmıştır. Veriler, doğum sonu birinci gün tanımlayıcı veri toplama ve Gözlem Formu, doğum sonu 1., 5., 15. ve 20. günlerde gözlem ve genel değerlendirme formu aracılığıyla yüz yüze görüşme ve gözlem metodu ile toplanmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin değerlendirilmesinde Çok Gözlü Ki Kare Testi ve Fisher'in Kesin Ki Kare Testi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, her iki grupta kadınların çoğunluğu 19-29 yaşları arasında, primipar, ilkokul mezunu, ev hanımı ve çekirdek aile tipine sahiptir. Sosyo-demografik ve obstetrik özellikleri bakımından gruplar arası fark istatistiksel olarak önemsiz bulunmuştur. Çalışmada her iki gruptaki kadınların çoğunluğuna ( I.G:77.8, II.G:78.8) mediolateral epizyotomi açılmıştır. Doğum sonu epizyotomi doku onarımı 15.gün I. grubun % 92.3'ünde II. grubun ise % 85.5'inde yeterli bulunurken; 20. gün I. grubun tamamında, II. grubun % 90.9'unda yeterli bulunmuştur. Gruplar arasında 1., 15. gün ve 20. gün; doku onarımı, kızarıklık, ekimoz, ödem, akıntı, dikişlerde açılma, ağrı yaşama ve yara iyileşmesinin yeterliliği açısından fark istatistiksel olarak önemsiz (p > 0,05), 5. günde sadece kızarıklık açısından önemli(p < 0,05) bulunmuştur. Araştırmada bu sonuçlar doğrultusunda, epizyotomi bakımında suyun maliyetinin düşük olması ve kadına zarar verici bir madde olmaması nedeniyle kullanımının yaygınlaştırılması önerilebilir.


  • Röckner G, Olund A. The Use Of Episiotomy In Primiparas In Sweden. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1991;70:325-330.
  • Arıson K. Propedotik Kadın Doğum Kitabı. İstanbul 1993. s.437-439.
  • Beck W. Obstetrics And Gynecology, 3rd Edition. Baltimore Philadelphia: A Wawerly Company; 1993. pp.34-35.
  • Benrubi I.G. Obstetric On Gynecologic Emergencies. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott Company;1986. s.146-150.
  • Kettle C, Johanson Rb. Absorbable Synthetic Versus Catgut Suture Material For Perineal Repair, Cochrane Data Base Of Systematic Reviews 1998a . Issue 3.
  • Althabe F, Belizan Jm And Bergel E. Episiotomy Rates İn Primaparous Women İn Latin America: Hospital Based Descriptive Study, BMJ 2002;324( 7343):945-946.
  • Karaçam Z, Eroğlu K. Effects of episiotomy on bonding and mothers’ health. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2003; 43( 4): 384-394.
  • Yılmaz S. Epizyotomi Bakımında Serum Fizyolojik ve Rivanol’ün İyileşme Sürecine Etkisi”Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Hemşirelik Anabilim Dalı, Yayınlanmamış Bilim Uzmanlığı Tezi 2004.
  • Bobak I.N, Jensen M.D. Maternity And Gynecologic Care, V. Baskı, St. Lousis: Mosby Company 1993. pp:496-497.
  • Erdil F, Elbaş N.Ö. Doku Zedelenmesi ve Yara İyileşmesi. Cerrahi Hastalıkları Hemşireliği. 2. Baskı. Ankara:Kaya Matbacılık 1997. s.64-87.
  • Ülker S. Yara ve Hemşirelik, Ankara : Aydoğdu Ofset 1994.s.7-34.
  • Bayraktar N, Elbaş N.Ö. Tissue Repair and Nurses Role in Wound Healing. First Oxford – Euroasian Wound Healing Days, Turkey 1999.
  • Taşkın L. Doğum ve Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği IV.Baskı. Ankara: Sistem Ofset 2000. s.351-363.
  • Ulusoy MF, Görgülü SR. Enfeksiyon Kontrolü- Antiseptik Solüsyonlar. Hemşirelik Esasları Temel Kuram, Kavram, İlke ve Yöntemler. Ankara: Çağın Ofset 1996. s.80-88.
  • Öncel Ö, Erdemir D A. Anestezi - Asepsi ve Antisepsi (Geçmişten Günümüze). Nobel Tıp Kitapevi 1998. s.293-295.
  • Martin L L, Reeder S S. Maternity Nursing. Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott Company 1991. pp.369-372.
  • Bethea D C. Introdictory Maternity Nursing, “Nursing Care – During The Puerperium”. London: Publishing Co Ltd 1968. pp.130-143.
  • Xakellis GC, Chrischilles E A. Hydrocolloid Versus Saline Gause Dressings İn Treating Pressure Ulcers: A Cost Effectiveness Analysis”. Archives Of Physical Medical Rehabilitation 1992;73: 463-469.
  • Grundy L.The Role of The Midwife in Perineal Wound Care Following Childbirth. British Journal Of Nursing 1997;6(10):584-588.
  • Rakover Y, Adar H. Thyroid Function Disturbances in an Infant Following Maternal Topical Use Of Polydine. Harefuah May/1989;116 (10):527-529.
  • Arena A., Emparanza K, San Millan V, Garrido C, Eguileor G. Iodine Overload in Newborn Infants Caused By The Use Of Pov-İodine For Perineal Preparation of The Mother in Vaginal Delivery. An Esp Pediatr Jan/1989; 30 (1):23-26. 22.
  • Buxton B H, Muran D. Episiotomy, Gynecology and Obstetrics. Phidelphia: J.B. Lippincot
  • Company 1989: 2, Ed.JJ Sciara.pp.1-10.
  • Cunningham A. Perineal Damage in Childbirth. Nursing Mirror 1984; 148(11):1-4.
  • Hill P D. Effects Of Heat And Cold On The Perineum After Episiotomy, Laceration, J. Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs 1989;18(2):124-133.
  • Mcilhargie C J. Operative Obstetrics, London:Williams And Wilkins 1995.pp.491-496. 26.
  • Karanguru E M W. Nursing Wounds With Salty Water. Topical Doctor 1990;20(1):35. 28.
  • Alm A, Hornmark A M, Fall P, Linder L, Bergstrand B, Ehrnebo M et all. Care Of Pressure Sores:
  • A Controlled Study Of The Use Of A Hydrocolloid Dressing Compared With Wet Saline Gauze
  • Compresses, Acta Dermato- Venerologica Supplementum.1989; 149:1-10.
  • Cooper DM. Optimizing Wound Healing. A Practice Within Nursing Clinics Of North America Doman 1990;25(1):165-179.
  • Üstünsöz A. Epizyotomi İyileşmesinde Sıcak ve Soğuk Uygulamaların Etkisi. GATA Hemşirelik Programı Yüksek Lisans Tezi 1996. Ankara.
  • Walker D.Bact to Basics Choosing The Correct Wound Dressing. American Jornual Of Nursing 1996; 96 (9):35-39.
  • Sleep J, Grant A. Effects Of Salt And Savlon Concentrate Postpartum. Nursing Times 1988; 84(21):55- 57.
  • Öztekin D, Aktolcu N, Improving Intravasculer Catheter Site Care With Povidone – Iodine”, First Oxford – Euroasian Wound Healing Days Nov/1999. Turkey. 34.
  • Guyton C A, Hall E J, Textbook Of Medical Physiology, 7th Edition, Philadelphia, London, Toronto,
  • Montreal, Sydney, Tokyo: W.B., Sounders Company 1996.pp.600-615.
  • Sayek İ, Engin A, Yara İyileşmesi. Temel Cerrahi. Cilt 1, Güneş Kitabevi 1996.s.266-275.
  • Mc Guinness M, Narr K, Macion K. Comparisen Between Different Perineal Outcomes On Tissue Healing. Journal of Nurse – Midwifery 1991;36(3):192-198.
  • Nayduck D A. Trauma Wound Management, Nursing Clinics Of North America 1999;34(4):896-899.
  • Smeltzer C S, Bare G B. Postoperative Nursing Managament. Medical Surgical Nursing, Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company 1992. pp.450-457.
  • Sullivan H.Repairing The Tear. Nursing Times 1991;87(35):60-61. 40.
  • Eason E, Labrecque M, Wells G, Feldman P. Preventing Perineal Trauma During Childbirth: A Systematic Review, Obstetrics And Gynecology 2000;95(3):464-471.
  • Russel L. Healing Alternatives. Journal Of Wound Care Nursing 1993;5 Oct.
  • Larsson P G, Platz Cristensen J J, Bergman B, Walltersson G. Advantage And Disadvantage Of Episiotomy Compared With Spontaneus Perineal Laceration. Gynecol Obstet. Invest 1991;31(4)213- 219.
  • Peter E A, Jansen P A, Grage C S, Douglas M J. Canadian Medical Association. Journal, Ottowa Oct.2001;165(9):1203.
  • Dale A, Cornwall S. The Role Of Lavender Oil İn Relieving Perineal Discomfort Following Childbirth : A Blind Randomized Cdntrolled Trial. Journal Of Advanced Nursing 1994;19:89-96.
  • Tay S K , Soong S L , Choo B M. Is Routine Procaine Spirit Application Necessary İn The Care Of Episiotomy Wound?. Singapore Med J 1999;40 (09).
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Uzm.hemş. Zekiye Toker This is me

Doç.dr. Kafiye Eroğlu This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2005
Submission Date July 29, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 12 Issue: 1


Vancouver Toker UZ, Eroğlu DK. Epizyotomi Bakımında Kullanılan İki Farklı Yöntemin Yara İyileşme Sürecine Etkisi. JOHUFON. 2005;12(1):49-61.