Risky Period for Type 1 Diabetes Management: Adolescence
Year 2012,
Volume: 19 Issue: 1, 82 - 89, 01.03.2012
Öğr. Gör. Dr. Handan Boztepe
Type1 DM is one of the most common chronic disease in childhood and incidence in children is increasing worldwide. Adolescence is the transitional phase of development between childhood and adulthood. This transition in adolescence is often associated with poorer adherence to treatment, deteriorating metabolic control and increased risk for psychological disorders. The current article summarizes psychosocial problems for adolescents with Type 1 DM and recommendations.
- Daneman D. State of the world’s children with diabetes. Pediatric Diabetes 2009;10:120-6.
- Karvonen M, Kajander M, Moltchanova E, Libman I, Laporte R. Incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes worldwide. Diabetes Care 2000;23 (10):1516-26.
- Lawson T G. Family coping and disease control when a child has type 1 diabetes mellitus: A review of the literature. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing 2007;12(1):49-52.
- Şimşek E, Karabay M, Kocabay K. Batı karadeniz bölgesinde yaşayan çocuklarda insüline bağımlı diyabetes mellitusun epidemiyolojik özellikleri. Türk Pediatri Arşivi 2003;38:216-22.
- Kandemir N, Açıkgöz E, Yordam N. The epidemiology of juvenile-onset insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in Turkish children. Turk J Pediatr 1994;36 191-5.
- Taşkın E, Yılmaz M, Kılıç S. İnsüline bağımlı diyabetes mellitusun epidemiyolojik özellikleri. Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2007;21(2): 75 - 9.
- Türkiye’de Diyabet Profili – Diyabet Bakım, İzlem ve Tedavisindeki Mevcut Durum Değerlendirmesi Çalıştay Raporu, Türk Diyabet VakfıYayını, URL:http://www.diyabet2020.org/getdoc/1283e91c-ef10- 42a5-9d85 ad4b45be529d/Turkiye-de-Diyabet-Profili.aspx.6 Aralık 2011.
- Kulaksızoğlu A. Ergenlik Psikolojisi. 9 ed: Remzi Kitabevi; 2007.
- Wong D L, Perry S, Hockenberry M, Lowdermilk D L, Wilson D. Maternal Child Nursing Care 3ed. St. Louis-Missouri: Mosby Inc; 2006.p.465
- Çavuşoğlu H. Çocuk Sağlığı Hemşireliği I. 9 ed. Ankara: Sistem Ofset; 2008.
- Mortensen H B, Robertson K J, Aanstoot H J, Danne T, Holl R W, Hougaard P. Insulin management and metabolic control of type 1 diabetes mellitus in childhood and adolescence in 18 countries. Diabetic Medicine 1998;159:752–9.
- Carroll A, Marrero D. How do parents perceive their adolescent’s diabetes: a qualitative study. Diabetic Medicine 2006;23:1222-4.
- Carroll A E, Marrero D . The role of significant others in adolescent diabetes: a qualitative study. Diabetes Education. 2006;32(2):243-52.
- Mellin A E, Neumark-Stainzer D, Patterson J M. Parenting adolescent girls with type 1 diabetes: parents’ perspectives. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 2004;29:221-30.
- Viikinsalo, MK.Crawford DM.Kimbrel, H.Long, E. Dashiff, C. Conflicts between young adolescents with
- type i diabetes and their parents. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing 2005;10(2):69-78.
- Grey M, Boland E A, Yu C, Sullivan-Bolyai S, Tamborlane W V. Personal and family factors associated with quality of life in adolescents with diabetes. Diabetes Care 1998;21:909 -14.
- Hanna K M, Guthrie D. Parents’ and adolescents’ perceptions of helpful and nonhelpful support for adolescents’ assumption of diabetes management responsibility. Issues Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing 2001;24:209 –23.
- Wodrich D L, Hasan K,Parent K B. Type 1 diabetes mellitus and school: A review. Pediatric Diabetes. 2010;12(1):63-70.
- Glaab L A, Brown R, Daneman D. School attendance in children with Type 1 diabetes. Diabet Medicine 2005;22(4):421-6.
- Dahlquist G, Källén B. School performance in children with type 1 diabetes— a population-based register study. Diabetologia 2007;50:957-64.
- Chien Chun Shu, Larson E, Nakamura Nobua, Shio LJ. Self-care problems of adolescents with type 1 diabetes in Southern Taiwan . Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2007;22(5):404-9.
- Mccarthy A, Tsalıkıan M, Lındgren E. Factors associated with academic achievement in children with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2003; 26:112-7.
- Hains A A , Berlin K S, Davies W H, Smothers M K, Sato A F, Alemzadeh R. Attributions of adolescents with type 1 diabetes related to performing diabetes care around friends and peers: The moderating role of friend support. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 2007;32 (5):561-70.
- Wagner J, Heapy A, James A, Abbott G. Brief report: glycemic control, quality of life, and school experience among students with diabetes. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 2006;31:764-9.
- Kyngas H. Compliance of adolescents with diabetes. J Pediatr Nursing 2000;15:260-7.
- Thomas A, Peterson L, Goldstein D. Problem solving and diabetes regimen adherence by children and adolescents with IDDM in social pressure situations A reflection of normal development. J Pediatr Psychol 1997;22:541-61.
- Bayat M, Çavuşoğlu H. Diyabetin adölesan üzerindeki etkisi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 2000;7(1-2):1-12.
- Davidson M, Penney E D, Muller B, Grey M. Stressors and self-care challenges faced by adolescents living with Type 1 diabetes. Applied Nursing Research 2004;17:72-80.
- Helgeson V, Reynolds K, Escobar O, Sminerio L. The role of friendship in the lives of male and female adolescents: does diabetes make a difference ? Journal of Adolescent Health 2007;40:36-43.
- Storch E, Lewin A, Silverstein J H. Peer victimization and psychosocial adjustment in children with type 1 diabetes. Clinical Pediatrics 2004;43(5):467-71.
- Marshall M, Carter B, Rose K, Brotherton A. Living with type 1 diabetes: perceptions of children and their parents. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2009;18(12):1703- 10.
- Geffken G R, Heather L, Walker K N, Storch E A, Heidgerken A D, Lewin A, et al. Family functioning processes and diabetic ketoacidosis in youths with type I diabetes. Rehabilitation Psychology2008;53(2):231-7.
- Weinger K, O’Donnell A K, Rıtholz M D. Adolescent views of diabetes related parent conflict and support: A focus group analysis. Journal Adolescent Health 2001;29(5):330-6.
- Duke D C, Geffken G R, Lewin A B, Williams L B, Storch E A, Silverstein J H. Glycemic control in youth with type 1 diabetes: family predictors and mediators. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 2008 33 (7):719- 27.
- Whittemore R, Urban A D, Tamborlane W V, Grey M. Quality of life in school-aged children with type 1 diabetes on intensive treatment and their parents. Diabetes Educator 2003;29:847-54.
- Anderson B J. Family conflict and diabetes management in youth: clinical lessons from child development and diabetes research. Diabetes Spectrum 2004;17:22 -6
- Leonard B, Garwick A, Adwan J. Adolescents’ perceptions of parental roles and involvement in diabetes management. Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2005;20(6):405-14
- Helgeson V S, Siminerio L, Escobar O, Becker D. Predictors of metabolic control among adolescents with diabetes: A 4-year longitudinal study. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 2009;34(3):254- 70.
- Faulkner M S, Chang L. Family influence on self-care, quality of life, and metabolic control in school- age children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2007;22:59-68.
- Northam E A, Matthews L K, Anderson P J, Cameron F J, Werther G A. Psychiatric morbidity and health outcome in type 1 diabetes: perspectives from a prospective longitudinal study. Diabet Medicine 2005;22:152-7.
- Mcdonnell C M, Northam E A, Donath S M, Werther G A, Cameron F J. Hyperglycemia and externalizing
- behavior in children with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2007;30:2211-5.
- Fettahoğlu Ç, Koparan C, Özatalay E, D T. İnsüline bağımlı diabetes mellitus tanılı çocuk ve ergenlerde gözlenen ruhsal güçlükler. Türkiyede Psikiyatri 2007;9(1):32-6.
- Hood K K , Grey M, Whitemore R, Tamborlane W. Depression in type 1 diabetes in children natural history and correlates. J Psychosom Res 2002;53:907-11.
- Green M, Piel J A. Theories of Human Development. 1 ed. Boston: A Pearson Education Company 2002.
- Hood K K, Huestis S, Maher A, Butler D, Volkening L, Laffel L M. Depressive symptoms in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes: association with diabetes-specific characteristics. Diabetes Care 2006;29:1389-91.
- Newmark-Sztainer D, Mellin A, Utter J, Sockalosky J. Weight control practices and disordered eating behaviors among adolescent females and males with type 1 diabetes Diabetes Care. 2002;25:1289-96.
- Jones J, Lawson M, Daneman D, Olmsted M, Rodin G. Eating disorders in adolescent females with and without type 1 diabetes: cross-sectional study. British Medical Journal 2000;320:1563-6.
- Grylli V, Hafferl-Gattermayer A, Wagner G, Schober E, Karwautz A. Eating disorders and eating problems among adolescents with type 1 diabetes: exploring relationships with temperament and character. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 2005;30(2):197-206.
- Takii M, Uchigata Y, Nozaki T, Nishikata H, Kawai K, Komaki G, et al. Classification of type 1 diabetic females with bulimia nervosa into subgroups according to purging behavior. Diabetes Care 2002;25:1571-5.
- Franzese A, Valerio G, Buono P, Mozzillo E, Gritti A, Lucariello M A. Comorbidity of type 1 diabetes and anorexia nervosa in a 6-year-old girl. Diabetes Care 2002;25:800-1.
- Kichler J FC, Opipari-Arrigan L The relationship between negative communication and body image dissatisfaction in adolescent females with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Journal Health Psychology 2008;13(3):336-47.
- Azar R, Solomon R. Coping Strategies of Parents Facing Child Diabetes. Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2001;6(6):418-28.
- Krulik T, Turner-Henson A, Kanematsu Y, Al-Ma’aitah R, Swan J, Holaday B. Parenting stress and mothers of young children with chronic illness: A cross-cultural study. International Pediatric Nursing 1999;14:130-40.
- Anderson B. Psychosocial care for young people with diabetes. Pediatric Diabetes 2009; 10(13):3-8.
- Borus J S,Laffel L. Adherence challenges in the management of type 1 diabetes in adolescents: prevention and intervention. Current Opinion Pediatr 2010;22:405-11.
Tip 1 Diyabetin Yönetiminde Riskli Bir Dönem: Ergenlik
Year 2012,
Volume: 19 Issue: 1, 82 - 89, 01.03.2012
Öğr. Gör. Dr. Handan Boztepe
Tip 1 diyabet çocukluk döneminde en sık görülen kronik hastalıklardan biridir ve insidansı tüm dünyada hızla artmaktadır. Ergenlik dönemi çocukluk ve yetişkinlik arasında geçiş dönemidir. Bu geçiş dönemine sıklıkla tedaviye uyumun kötü olması, metabolik kontrolün kötü olması ve psikolojik sorunlarda riskin artması eşlik eder. Bu makalede Tip1 diyabetli ergenlerde görülen psikososyal sorunlar ve bu sorunlara yönelik öneriler yer almaktadır.
- Daneman D. State of the world’s children with diabetes. Pediatric Diabetes 2009;10:120-6.
- Karvonen M, Kajander M, Moltchanova E, Libman I, Laporte R. Incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes worldwide. Diabetes Care 2000;23 (10):1516-26.
- Lawson T G. Family coping and disease control when a child has type 1 diabetes mellitus: A review of the literature. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing 2007;12(1):49-52.
- Şimşek E, Karabay M, Kocabay K. Batı karadeniz bölgesinde yaşayan çocuklarda insüline bağımlı diyabetes mellitusun epidemiyolojik özellikleri. Türk Pediatri Arşivi 2003;38:216-22.
- Kandemir N, Açıkgöz E, Yordam N. The epidemiology of juvenile-onset insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in Turkish children. Turk J Pediatr 1994;36 191-5.
- Taşkın E, Yılmaz M, Kılıç S. İnsüline bağımlı diyabetes mellitusun epidemiyolojik özellikleri. Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2007;21(2): 75 - 9.
- Türkiye’de Diyabet Profili – Diyabet Bakım, İzlem ve Tedavisindeki Mevcut Durum Değerlendirmesi Çalıştay Raporu, Türk Diyabet VakfıYayını, URL:http://www.diyabet2020.org/getdoc/1283e91c-ef10- 42a5-9d85 ad4b45be529d/Turkiye-de-Diyabet-Profili.aspx.6 Aralık 2011.
- Kulaksızoğlu A. Ergenlik Psikolojisi. 9 ed: Remzi Kitabevi; 2007.
- Wong D L, Perry S, Hockenberry M, Lowdermilk D L, Wilson D. Maternal Child Nursing Care 3ed. St. Louis-Missouri: Mosby Inc; 2006.p.465
- Çavuşoğlu H. Çocuk Sağlığı Hemşireliği I. 9 ed. Ankara: Sistem Ofset; 2008.
- Mortensen H B, Robertson K J, Aanstoot H J, Danne T, Holl R W, Hougaard P. Insulin management and metabolic control of type 1 diabetes mellitus in childhood and adolescence in 18 countries. Diabetic Medicine 1998;159:752–9.
- Carroll A, Marrero D. How do parents perceive their adolescent’s diabetes: a qualitative study. Diabetic Medicine 2006;23:1222-4.
- Carroll A E, Marrero D . The role of significant others in adolescent diabetes: a qualitative study. Diabetes Education. 2006;32(2):243-52.
- Mellin A E, Neumark-Stainzer D, Patterson J M. Parenting adolescent girls with type 1 diabetes: parents’ perspectives. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 2004;29:221-30.
- Viikinsalo, MK.Crawford DM.Kimbrel, H.Long, E. Dashiff, C. Conflicts between young adolescents with
- type i diabetes and their parents. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing 2005;10(2):69-78.
- Grey M, Boland E A, Yu C, Sullivan-Bolyai S, Tamborlane W V. Personal and family factors associated with quality of life in adolescents with diabetes. Diabetes Care 1998;21:909 -14.
- Hanna K M, Guthrie D. Parents’ and adolescents’ perceptions of helpful and nonhelpful support for adolescents’ assumption of diabetes management responsibility. Issues Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing 2001;24:209 –23.
- Wodrich D L, Hasan K,Parent K B. Type 1 diabetes mellitus and school: A review. Pediatric Diabetes. 2010;12(1):63-70.
- Glaab L A, Brown R, Daneman D. School attendance in children with Type 1 diabetes. Diabet Medicine 2005;22(4):421-6.
- Dahlquist G, Källén B. School performance in children with type 1 diabetes— a population-based register study. Diabetologia 2007;50:957-64.
- Chien Chun Shu, Larson E, Nakamura Nobua, Shio LJ. Self-care problems of adolescents with type 1 diabetes in Southern Taiwan . Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2007;22(5):404-9.
- Mccarthy A, Tsalıkıan M, Lındgren E. Factors associated with academic achievement in children with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2003; 26:112-7.
- Hains A A , Berlin K S, Davies W H, Smothers M K, Sato A F, Alemzadeh R. Attributions of adolescents with type 1 diabetes related to performing diabetes care around friends and peers: The moderating role of friend support. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 2007;32 (5):561-70.
- Wagner J, Heapy A, James A, Abbott G. Brief report: glycemic control, quality of life, and school experience among students with diabetes. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 2006;31:764-9.
- Kyngas H. Compliance of adolescents with diabetes. J Pediatr Nursing 2000;15:260-7.
- Thomas A, Peterson L, Goldstein D. Problem solving and diabetes regimen adherence by children and adolescents with IDDM in social pressure situations A reflection of normal development. J Pediatr Psychol 1997;22:541-61.
- Bayat M, Çavuşoğlu H. Diyabetin adölesan üzerindeki etkisi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 2000;7(1-2):1-12.
- Davidson M, Penney E D, Muller B, Grey M. Stressors and self-care challenges faced by adolescents living with Type 1 diabetes. Applied Nursing Research 2004;17:72-80.
- Helgeson V, Reynolds K, Escobar O, Sminerio L. The role of friendship in the lives of male and female adolescents: does diabetes make a difference ? Journal of Adolescent Health 2007;40:36-43.
- Storch E, Lewin A, Silverstein J H. Peer victimization and psychosocial adjustment in children with type 1 diabetes. Clinical Pediatrics 2004;43(5):467-71.
- Marshall M, Carter B, Rose K, Brotherton A. Living with type 1 diabetes: perceptions of children and their parents. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2009;18(12):1703- 10.
- Geffken G R, Heather L, Walker K N, Storch E A, Heidgerken A D, Lewin A, et al. Family functioning processes and diabetic ketoacidosis in youths with type I diabetes. Rehabilitation Psychology2008;53(2):231-7.
- Weinger K, O’Donnell A K, Rıtholz M D. Adolescent views of diabetes related parent conflict and support: A focus group analysis. Journal Adolescent Health 2001;29(5):330-6.
- Duke D C, Geffken G R, Lewin A B, Williams L B, Storch E A, Silverstein J H. Glycemic control in youth with type 1 diabetes: family predictors and mediators. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 2008 33 (7):719- 27.
- Whittemore R, Urban A D, Tamborlane W V, Grey M. Quality of life in school-aged children with type 1 diabetes on intensive treatment and their parents. Diabetes Educator 2003;29:847-54.
- Anderson B J. Family conflict and diabetes management in youth: clinical lessons from child development and diabetes research. Diabetes Spectrum 2004;17:22 -6
- Leonard B, Garwick A, Adwan J. Adolescents’ perceptions of parental roles and involvement in diabetes management. Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2005;20(6):405-14
- Helgeson V S, Siminerio L, Escobar O, Becker D. Predictors of metabolic control among adolescents with diabetes: A 4-year longitudinal study. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 2009;34(3):254- 70.
- Faulkner M S, Chang L. Family influence on self-care, quality of life, and metabolic control in school- age children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2007;22:59-68.
- Northam E A, Matthews L K, Anderson P J, Cameron F J, Werther G A. Psychiatric morbidity and health outcome in type 1 diabetes: perspectives from a prospective longitudinal study. Diabet Medicine 2005;22:152-7.
- Mcdonnell C M, Northam E A, Donath S M, Werther G A, Cameron F J. Hyperglycemia and externalizing
- behavior in children with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2007;30:2211-5.
- Fettahoğlu Ç, Koparan C, Özatalay E, D T. İnsüline bağımlı diabetes mellitus tanılı çocuk ve ergenlerde gözlenen ruhsal güçlükler. Türkiyede Psikiyatri 2007;9(1):32-6.
- Hood K K , Grey M, Whitemore R, Tamborlane W. Depression in type 1 diabetes in children natural history and correlates. J Psychosom Res 2002;53:907-11.
- Green M, Piel J A. Theories of Human Development. 1 ed. Boston: A Pearson Education Company 2002.
- Hood K K, Huestis S, Maher A, Butler D, Volkening L, Laffel L M. Depressive symptoms in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes: association with diabetes-specific characteristics. Diabetes Care 2006;29:1389-91.
- Newmark-Sztainer D, Mellin A, Utter J, Sockalosky J. Weight control practices and disordered eating behaviors among adolescent females and males with type 1 diabetes Diabetes Care. 2002;25:1289-96.
- Jones J, Lawson M, Daneman D, Olmsted M, Rodin G. Eating disorders in adolescent females with and without type 1 diabetes: cross-sectional study. British Medical Journal 2000;320:1563-6.
- Grylli V, Hafferl-Gattermayer A, Wagner G, Schober E, Karwautz A. Eating disorders and eating problems among adolescents with type 1 diabetes: exploring relationships with temperament and character. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 2005;30(2):197-206.
- Takii M, Uchigata Y, Nozaki T, Nishikata H, Kawai K, Komaki G, et al. Classification of type 1 diabetic females with bulimia nervosa into subgroups according to purging behavior. Diabetes Care 2002;25:1571-5.
- Franzese A, Valerio G, Buono P, Mozzillo E, Gritti A, Lucariello M A. Comorbidity of type 1 diabetes and anorexia nervosa in a 6-year-old girl. Diabetes Care 2002;25:800-1.
- Kichler J FC, Opipari-Arrigan L The relationship between negative communication and body image dissatisfaction in adolescent females with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Journal Health Psychology 2008;13(3):336-47.
- Azar R, Solomon R. Coping Strategies of Parents Facing Child Diabetes. Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2001;6(6):418-28.
- Krulik T, Turner-Henson A, Kanematsu Y, Al-Ma’aitah R, Swan J, Holaday B. Parenting stress and mothers of young children with chronic illness: A cross-cultural study. International Pediatric Nursing 1999;14:130-40.
- Anderson B. Psychosocial care for young people with diabetes. Pediatric Diabetes 2009; 10(13):3-8.
- Borus J S,Laffel L. Adherence challenges in the management of type 1 diabetes in adolescents: prevention and intervention. Current Opinion Pediatr 2010;22:405-11.