Year 2014,
, 191 - 209, 30.06.2014
Bahar Bayraktar Sağlam
Keziban Yıldırım
Foreign Direct İnvestment and Wages: Empirical Evidence from Turkey Labor market effects of foreign direct investment have gained an important ground for recipient countries. Within this context, this article attempts to delve deeper into these topics and provides empirical answers to the question of whether foreign direct investment has positive and significant impact on Turkish labor market in terms of real wages. In this study, the effects of foreign direct investment on real wages were examined in Turkey for the period of 1992:1-2008:4 by the help of variance decomposition and impulse response functions of vector autoregression (VAR) model. According to the empirical results, foreign direct investment has negative but insignificant effects on wages, whereas the volume of trade can contribute positively and significantly to the rise in real wages
- Aitken, B., A. Harrison, R.E. Lipsey (1996) “Wages and Foreign Ownership: A Comparative Study of Mexico,Venezuella, and the United States”, Journal of International Economics, 40, 345-371.
- Almeida, R. (2004) “The Labor Market Effects of Foreign-Owned Firms”, Journal of Intenational Economics, 72, 75-96.
- Baldwin, R.E. (1995) “The Effects of Trade and Foreign Direct Investment on Employment and Relative Wages”, NBER Working Paper Series, 5037.
- Barry, F., H. Görg, E. Strobl (2005) “Foreign Direct Investment and Wages in Domestic Firms in Ireland: Productivity Spillovers Versus Labour-Market Crowding Out”, International Journal of the Economics of Business, 12(1), 67-84.
- Brown, D.K., A.V. Deardorff, R.M. Stern (2003) “The Effects of Multinational Production on Wages and Working Conditions in Developing Countries” NBER Working Paper Series, 9669.
- Conyon, M.J., S. Girma, S. Thompson, P. Wright (2002) “The Impact of Foreign Acquisition on Wages and Productivity in the UK”, Journal of Industrial Economics, 50(1), 85-102.
- Cragg, M., M. Epelbaum (1995) “Why Has Wage Dispersion Grown in Mexico? Is it the Incidence of Reforms or the Growing Demand for Skills?”, Journal of Development Economics, 51, 99-116.
- Das, S.P. (2002) “Foreign Direct Investment and The Relative Wage in a Developing Economy”, Journal of Development Economics, 67, 55-77.
- Dehejia, V., Y. Samy (2008) “Labor Standards and Economic Integration in the European Union: An Empirical Analysis”, Journal of Economic Integration, 817-847.
- Dickey, D.A., W.A. Fuller (1979) “Distribution of the Estimators for Autoregressive Time Series with a Unit Root”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 74, 427-431.
- Driffield, N., S. Girma (2003) “Regional Foreign Direct Investment and Wage Spillovers: Plant Level Evidence from the UK Electronics Industry”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics an Statistics, 65, 453-474.
- Dunning, J.H. (2001) “The Ectectic (OLI) Paradigm of International Production: Past, Present and Future”, International Journal of The Economics of Business, 8(2), 173-190.
- Ekholm, K., K.H. Midelfart (2005) “Relative Wages and Trade-Induced Changes in Technology”, European Economic Review, 49(6), 1637-1663.
- Engle R.F., C.W.J. Granger (1987) “Cointegration and Error Correction: Representation, Estimation, Testing”, Econometrica, 55, 410-421.
- Feenstra, R.C., G..H. Hanson (1997) “Foreign Direct Investment and Relative Wages: Evidence from Mexico's Maquiladoras”, Journal of International Economics, 42, 371-394.
- Feliciano, Z.M., R.E. Lipsey (2006) “Foreign Ownership, Wages, and Wage Changes in U.S. Industries, 1987-92”, Contemporary Economic Policy, 24(1), 74-91.
- Gopinath, M., W. Chen (2003) “Foreign Direct Investment and Wages: A Cross Country Analysis”, Journal of International Trade and Development, 12(3), 285- 309.
- Granger, C.W.J. (1969) “Investigating Causal Relations by Econometric Models and Cross-spectral Methods”, Econometrica, 37(3), 424-438.
- Granger, C.W.J., P. Newbold (1974) “Spurious Regressions in Econometrics”, Journal of Econometrics, 2(2), 111-120.
- Johansen, S. (1988) “Statistical Analysis of Cointegating Vectors” Journal of Economics Dynamics and Control, 12, 231-254.
- Kiyota, K., T. Matsuura (2006) “Why Is Multinational Status Important? Evidence from Job Creation and Job Destruction in Japan”, RIETI Discussion Paper Series, Mart 2006.
- Lipsey, R.E. (2002) “ Home and Host Country Effects of FDI”, NBER Working Paper Series, 9293.
- Lipsey, R.E., F. Sjöholm (2004) “FDI and Wage Spillovers in Indonesian Manufacturing”, Review of World Economics, 140(2), 321-332.
- Lipsey, R.E., F. Sjöholm (2006) “Foreign Firms and Indonesian Manufacturing Wages: An Analysis with Panel Data”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 55(1), 201-221.
- Mosley, L., S. Uno (2007) “Racing to the Bottom or Climbing to the Top? Economic Globalization and Collective Labor Rights”, Comparative Political Studies 40(8), 923–948.
- Onaran, Ö. (2009) “Wage Share, Globalization and Crisis: The Case of the Manufacturing Industry in Korea, Mexico and Turkey”, International Review of Applied Economics, 23(2), 113-134.
- Park, J.Y., P.C.B. Phillips (1989) “Statistical Inference in Regressions with Integrated Processes: Part 2”, Econometric Theory, 5, 59-132.
- Ruane, F., A. Uğur (2002) “Foreign Direct Investment and Productivity Spillovers in the İrish Manufacturing Industry: Evidence from Firm Level Panel Data”, Trinity Economic Papers, 2002/6.
- Singh A., J.A. Zammit (2004) “Labour Standards and the ‘Race to the Bottom’: Rethinking Globalization and Workers”, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 20: 85-104.
- Sims, C.A. (1980) “Macroeconomics and Reality”, Econometrica, 48(1), 1-48.
- Stock, J.H., M.W. Watson (2001) “Vector Autoregressions”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 15(4), 101-115.
- T.C. Başbakanlık Hazine Müsteşarlığı, Yabancı Sermaye Genel Müdürlüğü (2010) Uluslararası Doğrudan Yatırımlar 2010 Yılı Raporu, Ankara.
- TCMB (2010) Ödemeler Dengesi İstatistikleri,
- UNCTAD (1994) World Investment Report: Transnational Corporations, Employment and the Workplace, New York and Geneva: United Nations Publications.
Year 2014,
, 191 - 209, 30.06.2014
Bahar Bayraktar Sağlam
Keziban Yıldırım
Dogrudan yabancı yatırımların isgücü piyasalarına etkileri son yıllarda ev sahibi ülkeler için önemli bir konu haline gelmistir. Özellikle yabancı yatımlar ve ücretler arasındaki etkilesim literatürde önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Ücretlerin yabancı yatırım çekme aracı olarak kullanılması ve yabancı firmaların yerel firmalar üzerinde yarattıgı ücret yayılımları etkisi oldukça dikkat çekmistir. Bu çalısmada, 1992: 1-2008: 4 periyodu için dogrudan yabancı yatırımların Türkiye’de ücretler üzerine etkileri vektör otoregresyon (VAR) modeli- varyans ayrıstırması ve etki tepki fonksiyonları yardımıkullanılarak analiz edilmistir. Yapılan detaylı zaman serisi analizi dogrudan olduguna isaret ederken, ticaretin ücretler üzerine olumlu ve anlamlı etkilerinin
oldugunu ortaya çıkarmıstır.
- Aitken, B., A. Harrison, R.E. Lipsey (1996) “Wages and Foreign Ownership: A Comparative Study of Mexico,Venezuella, and the United States”, Journal of International Economics, 40, 345-371.
- Almeida, R. (2004) “The Labor Market Effects of Foreign-Owned Firms”, Journal of Intenational Economics, 72, 75-96.
- Baldwin, R.E. (1995) “The Effects of Trade and Foreign Direct Investment on Employment and Relative Wages”, NBER Working Paper Series, 5037.
- Barry, F., H. Görg, E. Strobl (2005) “Foreign Direct Investment and Wages in Domestic Firms in Ireland: Productivity Spillovers Versus Labour-Market Crowding Out”, International Journal of the Economics of Business, 12(1), 67-84.
- Brown, D.K., A.V. Deardorff, R.M. Stern (2003) “The Effects of Multinational Production on Wages and Working Conditions in Developing Countries” NBER Working Paper Series, 9669.
- Conyon, M.J., S. Girma, S. Thompson, P. Wright (2002) “The Impact of Foreign Acquisition on Wages and Productivity in the UK”, Journal of Industrial Economics, 50(1), 85-102.
- Cragg, M., M. Epelbaum (1995) “Why Has Wage Dispersion Grown in Mexico? Is it the Incidence of Reforms or the Growing Demand for Skills?”, Journal of Development Economics, 51, 99-116.
- Das, S.P. (2002) “Foreign Direct Investment and The Relative Wage in a Developing Economy”, Journal of Development Economics, 67, 55-77.
- Dehejia, V., Y. Samy (2008) “Labor Standards and Economic Integration in the European Union: An Empirical Analysis”, Journal of Economic Integration, 817-847.
- Dickey, D.A., W.A. Fuller (1979) “Distribution of the Estimators for Autoregressive Time Series with a Unit Root”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 74, 427-431.
- Driffield, N., S. Girma (2003) “Regional Foreign Direct Investment and Wage Spillovers: Plant Level Evidence from the UK Electronics Industry”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics an Statistics, 65, 453-474.
- Dunning, J.H. (2001) “The Ectectic (OLI) Paradigm of International Production: Past, Present and Future”, International Journal of The Economics of Business, 8(2), 173-190.
- Ekholm, K., K.H. Midelfart (2005) “Relative Wages and Trade-Induced Changes in Technology”, European Economic Review, 49(6), 1637-1663.
- Engle R.F., C.W.J. Granger (1987) “Cointegration and Error Correction: Representation, Estimation, Testing”, Econometrica, 55, 410-421.
- Feenstra, R.C., G..H. Hanson (1997) “Foreign Direct Investment and Relative Wages: Evidence from Mexico's Maquiladoras”, Journal of International Economics, 42, 371-394.
- Feliciano, Z.M., R.E. Lipsey (2006) “Foreign Ownership, Wages, and Wage Changes in U.S. Industries, 1987-92”, Contemporary Economic Policy, 24(1), 74-91.
- Gopinath, M., W. Chen (2003) “Foreign Direct Investment and Wages: A Cross Country Analysis”, Journal of International Trade and Development, 12(3), 285- 309.
- Granger, C.W.J. (1969) “Investigating Causal Relations by Econometric Models and Cross-spectral Methods”, Econometrica, 37(3), 424-438.
- Granger, C.W.J., P. Newbold (1974) “Spurious Regressions in Econometrics”, Journal of Econometrics, 2(2), 111-120.
- Johansen, S. (1988) “Statistical Analysis of Cointegating Vectors” Journal of Economics Dynamics and Control, 12, 231-254.
- Kiyota, K., T. Matsuura (2006) “Why Is Multinational Status Important? Evidence from Job Creation and Job Destruction in Japan”, RIETI Discussion Paper Series, Mart 2006.
- Lipsey, R.E. (2002) “ Home and Host Country Effects of FDI”, NBER Working Paper Series, 9293.
- Lipsey, R.E., F. Sjöholm (2004) “FDI and Wage Spillovers in Indonesian Manufacturing”, Review of World Economics, 140(2), 321-332.
- Lipsey, R.E., F. Sjöholm (2006) “Foreign Firms and Indonesian Manufacturing Wages: An Analysis with Panel Data”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 55(1), 201-221.
- Mosley, L., S. Uno (2007) “Racing to the Bottom or Climbing to the Top? Economic Globalization and Collective Labor Rights”, Comparative Political Studies 40(8), 923–948.
- Onaran, Ö. (2009) “Wage Share, Globalization and Crisis: The Case of the Manufacturing Industry in Korea, Mexico and Turkey”, International Review of Applied Economics, 23(2), 113-134.
- Park, J.Y., P.C.B. Phillips (1989) “Statistical Inference in Regressions with Integrated Processes: Part 2”, Econometric Theory, 5, 59-132.
- Ruane, F., A. Uğur (2002) “Foreign Direct Investment and Productivity Spillovers in the İrish Manufacturing Industry: Evidence from Firm Level Panel Data”, Trinity Economic Papers, 2002/6.
- Singh A., J.A. Zammit (2004) “Labour Standards and the ‘Race to the Bottom’: Rethinking Globalization and Workers”, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 20: 85-104.
- Sims, C.A. (1980) “Macroeconomics and Reality”, Econometrica, 48(1), 1-48.
- Stock, J.H., M.W. Watson (2001) “Vector Autoregressions”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 15(4), 101-115.
- T.C. Başbakanlık Hazine Müsteşarlığı, Yabancı Sermaye Genel Müdürlüğü (2010) Uluslararası Doğrudan Yatırımlar 2010 Yılı Raporu, Ankara.
- TCMB (2010) Ödemeler Dengesi İstatistikleri,
- UNCTAD (1994) World Investment Report: Transnational Corporations, Employment and the Workplace, New York and Geneva: United Nations Publications.