Research Article
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Year 2013, , 135 - 152, 31.12.2013


Controversial Advertising in Turkey: A Cross-Generational Study The purpose of this study is to understand whether there is difference regarding controversial advertising between members of generation X and generation Y in Turkey. Managerial and theoretical contribution is also aimed in this study. The questionnaire was conducted on 442 respondents, collected through convenience sampling. The results of the study indicate numbers of statistical differences between generation X and Y as well as intergenerational differences that were found to have a strong affect on the attitudes toward various controversial products with the reasoning of these being offensive. This study provides valuable findings for global marketers and advertisers who want to develop an understanding on cultural sensitivities and differences in Turkey


  • All_Mossawi, M., G. Rice (2002) “The Implications of Islam For Advertising Messages: The Middle Eastern Context”, Journal of Euromarketing 11(3), 30-38.
  • Alwitt, L.F., P.R. Prabhaker (1994) “Identifying Who Dislikes Television Advertising: No Bydemographics Alone”, Journal of Advertising Research, 34(6), 17–29.
  • Barnes, J.H., M.J. Dotson (1990) “An Exploratory Investigation Into the Nature of Offensive Television Advertising”, Journal of Advertising, 19(3), 61-69.
  • Beard F. (2008) “Advertising and audience Offense: The Role of Intentional Humor”, Journal of Marketing Communications, 14(1), 1-17.
  • Çakır V., V. Çakır (2007) “Televizyon Reklamlarının Algılanan Değeri ve Reklam Tutumu İlişkisi: Bir Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli”, İstanbul Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, 30, 37-58.
  • Calder, B.J., L.W. Phillips, A.M. Tybout (1981) “Designing Research for Applications”, Journal of Consumer Research, 8(September), 197-207.
  • Carrig, E. (1994), “Where to Reach Today’s Young-Adult Generation”, Advertising Age, 19(September), 23-35.
  • Christy T.P. (2006) “Females’ Perceptions of Offensive Advertising: The Importance of Values, Expectations, and Control”, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 28, 15-32.
  • Crosier K., Z. Erdoğan (2001) “Advertising Complainants: Who and Where are They?”, Journal of Marketing Communications, 7, 109-120.
  • Cocheo, S. (2008) “Handling People in a Mixed up Office”, ABA Banking Journal, 100, 18-22.
  • Dubow, J.S. (1995) “Advertising Recognition and Recall be Age–Including Teens”, Journal of Advertising Research, 35(5), 47-54.
  • Egri, C., D. Ralsston (2004) “Generation Cohorts and Personal Values: a Comparison of China and the United States”, Organization Science, 15, 210–220.
  • Fam, K., D. Shyan, S. Waller, B.Z. Erdogan (2004) “The Influence of Religion on Attitudes Towards Advertising of Controversial Products”, European Journal of Marketing, 38(5/6), 537-555.
  • Fam, K.S., D.S. Waller, B.Z. Erdogan (2002) “A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Attitudes Towards the Advertising of Controversial Products”, International Advertising Association (IAA) Regional Educational Conference, Sydney, September, 2002.
  • Fam K.S., D. Waller, F. Ong, Z. Yang (2008) “Controversial Product Advertising in China: Perceptions of three Generational Cohorts”, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 7, 461-469.
  • Freeman, L. (1995) “No Tricking the Media Savvy”, Advertising Age, 6, 30-39.
  • Holtshausen, T., J. Styrdom (2006) “Generation Y consumers: Behavioral Patterns of Selected South African Students”, The Business Review Cambridge, 5, 314– 318.
  • Hung, K., F. Gu, C. Yim (2007) “A Social Institutional Approach to Identifying Generation Cohorts in China with a Comparison of American Consumers”, Journal of International Business Studies, 38, 836–853.
  • Ingelhart, R., (1997) Modernization and Postmodernization: Cultural, Economic, and Politcal Change in 43 Societies, New Jersey: Princeton.
  • Jackson, V., L. Stoel, A. Brantley (2011) “Differences by Gender and Generational Cohort”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 18, 1-9.
  • Knight, D.K., E.Y. Kim (2007) “Japanese Consumers” need for Uniqueness – Effects on Brand Perceptions and Intention”, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 11(2), 270-280.
  • LaTour, M.S., T.L. Henthorne (1993) “Female Nudity”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 10(3), 25-32.
  • McCrindle M. (2003) The ABC of XYZ: Generational Diversity at Work”, rsity_at_work.pdf erişilme tarihi 14.07.2012
  • Media Markt Reklamı Durdurma (2009) 5&CategoryID=101 erişilme tarihi 08.08.2012.
  • Morrison, D.A. (1994) “More than a New Label, Generation X Needs Research”, Advertising Age, 24(October), 41-54.
  • Nas Recruitment Communications (2006) “Recruiting & Managing the Generations”, indirilme tarihi 02.06.2012.
  • Okan E.Y., S. Göl, Ö. Kunday, G. Demirel (2008) “Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Programs on Brand Awareness and Purchase Intention: the view from Generation Y”, Muhan Soysal İşletmecilik Konferansı: İşletmecilikte Yeni Gelişmeler ve Fırsatlar, ODTÜ Kuzey Kıbrıs Kampüsü.
  • Peterson, R.A., R.A. Kerin (1977) “The Female Role in Advertising: some Experimental Evidence”, Journal of Marketing, 41(3), 59-63.
  • Phau, I., G. Prendergast (2001) “Offensive Advertising: A View from Singapore”, Journal of Promotion Management, 7(1/2), 71-89.
  • Rehman, S.N., J.R. Brooks (1987) “Attitudes Towards Television Advertising for Controversial Products”, Journal of Healthcare Marketing, 7, 78-83.
  • Reisenwitz, T.H., R. Iyer (2009) “Differences in Generation X and Generation Y: Implicatons for the Organization and Marketiers”, The Marketing Management Journal, 19(2), 91-103.
  • Rice, G., Al-Mossawi (2002) “The Implications of Islam for Advertising Messages: The Middle Eastern Context”, Journal of Euromarketing, 11(3), 71-96.
  • Rotfeld H.J., (2001) Adventures in Misplaced Marketing, Westport, CT: Quorum Books.
  • Shao, Alan T., J.S. Hill (1994) “Advertising Sensitive Products in Magazines: Legal and Social Restrictions”, Multinational Business Review, Fall, 258-265.
  • Shao, Alan T., J.S. Hill (1994) “Global Television Advertising Restrictions: The Case of Socially Sensitive Products”, International Journal of Advertising, 13, 347-366.
  • Seçkin, F. S. (2000), Türkiye”nin Kuşak Profili, Capital Dergisi, Aralık.
  • Senbir, H. (2004) Z ‘son insan’ mı?, İstanbul: Okyanus Yayınları.
  • Sipahi B., E.S. Yurtkoru, M. Çinko (2006) Sosyal Bilimlerde SPSS’le Veri Analizi, İstanbul: Beta.
  • Sweeney, J. (2008) “Career Paths for Generation X, Generation Y”, Canadian HR Reporter, 21, 16-19.
  • Uray N., S. Burnaz (2003) “An Analysis of Gender Roles in Turkish Television Advertisement, Sex Roles”, 1(2), 48
  • Taylor, S., R. Cosenza (2002) “Profiling Later Aged Female Teens: Mall Shopping Behavior and Clothing Choice”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 19(5), 393–408.
  • Turkey Profile TNS PIAR (2005), . 20.08.2012. indirilme tarihi 20.06.2012.
  • Tsang M., H. Shu, T.P. Liang (2004) “Consumer Attitudes Toward Mobile Advertising: an Empirical Study”, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 8(3), 65-78.
  • Waller, D.S., K.S. Fam, B.Z. Erdogan (2005)”Advertising of Controversial Products: a Cross-Cultural Study”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 22(1), 6–13.
  • Waller, D.S. (1999) “Attitudes Towards Offensive Advertising: an Australian Study”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 16(3) 288–294.
  • Walsh, D. (1994) “Safe Sex in Advertising”, American Demographics, 16(April), 24– 30.
  • Wilson, A., C. West (1981) “The Marketing of Unmentionables”, Harvard Business Review, January/February, 91–102.
  • Wilson, M. (2007) “Gen Y: Wake up call for retailers”, Chain Store Age, 7 2012.
  • Wolburg, J., J. Pokrywczynski (2001) “A Psychographic Analysis of Generation Y College Students”, Journal of Advertising Research, 41, 33–52.
  • Vezina R., O. Paul (1997) “Provocation in Advertising: A Conceptualization and an Empirical Assessment”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 14, 177-192.


Year 2013, , 135 - 152, 31.12.2013


Bu çalışma Türkiye’de farklı kuşakların tartışmalı reklamlara bakış açılarını araştırmayı hedeflemektedir. Sunulan araştırmanın hem pazarlama yönetimi açısından hem de teorik açıdan katkı sağlayacağına inanılmaktadır. Çalışma kapsamlı yazın taramasını ve görgül bir çalışmayı içermektedir. Reklamlara karşı genel tutumu, rahatsız edici bulunan reklam kategorilerinin ve rahatsız olunma nedenlerinin öğrenilmesini hedefleyen soru formu kolayda örnekleme metodu ile seçilen ailelerden X ve Y Kuşaklarına mensup bireylere (toplam 442 örneklem) uygulanmıştır. İstatistiksel analizler ardından yapılan değerlendirme sonucunda kuşaklar arasında reklamı yapılan ürünler ve reklamların tartışmalı bulunma sebepleri açısından önemli farklar görülmüştür. Araştırma sonunda Türkiye pazarında bulunan uluslararası markaların küresel iletişim stratejilerini ne derece yerelleştirmeleri gerektiği konusuna ışık tutacak bulgular tartışılmaktadır.


  • All_Mossawi, M., G. Rice (2002) “The Implications of Islam For Advertising Messages: The Middle Eastern Context”, Journal of Euromarketing 11(3), 30-38.
  • Alwitt, L.F., P.R. Prabhaker (1994) “Identifying Who Dislikes Television Advertising: No Bydemographics Alone”, Journal of Advertising Research, 34(6), 17–29.
  • Barnes, J.H., M.J. Dotson (1990) “An Exploratory Investigation Into the Nature of Offensive Television Advertising”, Journal of Advertising, 19(3), 61-69.
  • Beard F. (2008) “Advertising and audience Offense: The Role of Intentional Humor”, Journal of Marketing Communications, 14(1), 1-17.
  • Çakır V., V. Çakır (2007) “Televizyon Reklamlarının Algılanan Değeri ve Reklam Tutumu İlişkisi: Bir Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli”, İstanbul Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, 30, 37-58.
  • Calder, B.J., L.W. Phillips, A.M. Tybout (1981) “Designing Research for Applications”, Journal of Consumer Research, 8(September), 197-207.
  • Carrig, E. (1994), “Where to Reach Today’s Young-Adult Generation”, Advertising Age, 19(September), 23-35.
  • Christy T.P. (2006) “Females’ Perceptions of Offensive Advertising: The Importance of Values, Expectations, and Control”, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 28, 15-32.
  • Crosier K., Z. Erdoğan (2001) “Advertising Complainants: Who and Where are They?”, Journal of Marketing Communications, 7, 109-120.
  • Cocheo, S. (2008) “Handling People in a Mixed up Office”, ABA Banking Journal, 100, 18-22.
  • Dubow, J.S. (1995) “Advertising Recognition and Recall be Age–Including Teens”, Journal of Advertising Research, 35(5), 47-54.
  • Egri, C., D. Ralsston (2004) “Generation Cohorts and Personal Values: a Comparison of China and the United States”, Organization Science, 15, 210–220.
  • Fam, K., D. Shyan, S. Waller, B.Z. Erdogan (2004) “The Influence of Religion on Attitudes Towards Advertising of Controversial Products”, European Journal of Marketing, 38(5/6), 537-555.
  • Fam, K.S., D.S. Waller, B.Z. Erdogan (2002) “A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Attitudes Towards the Advertising of Controversial Products”, International Advertising Association (IAA) Regional Educational Conference, Sydney, September, 2002.
  • Fam K.S., D. Waller, F. Ong, Z. Yang (2008) “Controversial Product Advertising in China: Perceptions of three Generational Cohorts”, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 7, 461-469.
  • Freeman, L. (1995) “No Tricking the Media Savvy”, Advertising Age, 6, 30-39.
  • Holtshausen, T., J. Styrdom (2006) “Generation Y consumers: Behavioral Patterns of Selected South African Students”, The Business Review Cambridge, 5, 314– 318.
  • Hung, K., F. Gu, C. Yim (2007) “A Social Institutional Approach to Identifying Generation Cohorts in China with a Comparison of American Consumers”, Journal of International Business Studies, 38, 836–853.
  • Ingelhart, R., (1997) Modernization and Postmodernization: Cultural, Economic, and Politcal Change in 43 Societies, New Jersey: Princeton.
  • Jackson, V., L. Stoel, A. Brantley (2011) “Differences by Gender and Generational Cohort”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 18, 1-9.
  • Knight, D.K., E.Y. Kim (2007) “Japanese Consumers” need for Uniqueness – Effects on Brand Perceptions and Intention”, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 11(2), 270-280.
  • LaTour, M.S., T.L. Henthorne (1993) “Female Nudity”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 10(3), 25-32.
  • McCrindle M. (2003) The ABC of XYZ: Generational Diversity at Work”, rsity_at_work.pdf erişilme tarihi 14.07.2012
  • Media Markt Reklamı Durdurma (2009) 5&CategoryID=101 erişilme tarihi 08.08.2012.
  • Morrison, D.A. (1994) “More than a New Label, Generation X Needs Research”, Advertising Age, 24(October), 41-54.
  • Nas Recruitment Communications (2006) “Recruiting & Managing the Generations”, indirilme tarihi 02.06.2012.
  • Okan E.Y., S. Göl, Ö. Kunday, G. Demirel (2008) “Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Programs on Brand Awareness and Purchase Intention: the view from Generation Y”, Muhan Soysal İşletmecilik Konferansı: İşletmecilikte Yeni Gelişmeler ve Fırsatlar, ODTÜ Kuzey Kıbrıs Kampüsü.
  • Peterson, R.A., R.A. Kerin (1977) “The Female Role in Advertising: some Experimental Evidence”, Journal of Marketing, 41(3), 59-63.
  • Phau, I., G. Prendergast (2001) “Offensive Advertising: A View from Singapore”, Journal of Promotion Management, 7(1/2), 71-89.
  • Rehman, S.N., J.R. Brooks (1987) “Attitudes Towards Television Advertising for Controversial Products”, Journal of Healthcare Marketing, 7, 78-83.
  • Reisenwitz, T.H., R. Iyer (2009) “Differences in Generation X and Generation Y: Implicatons for the Organization and Marketiers”, The Marketing Management Journal, 19(2), 91-103.
  • Rice, G., Al-Mossawi (2002) “The Implications of Islam for Advertising Messages: The Middle Eastern Context”, Journal of Euromarketing, 11(3), 71-96.
  • Rotfeld H.J., (2001) Adventures in Misplaced Marketing, Westport, CT: Quorum Books.
  • Shao, Alan T., J.S. Hill (1994) “Advertising Sensitive Products in Magazines: Legal and Social Restrictions”, Multinational Business Review, Fall, 258-265.
  • Shao, Alan T., J.S. Hill (1994) “Global Television Advertising Restrictions: The Case of Socially Sensitive Products”, International Journal of Advertising, 13, 347-366.
  • Seçkin, F. S. (2000), Türkiye”nin Kuşak Profili, Capital Dergisi, Aralık.
  • Senbir, H. (2004) Z ‘son insan’ mı?, İstanbul: Okyanus Yayınları.
  • Sipahi B., E.S. Yurtkoru, M. Çinko (2006) Sosyal Bilimlerde SPSS’le Veri Analizi, İstanbul: Beta.
  • Sweeney, J. (2008) “Career Paths for Generation X, Generation Y”, Canadian HR Reporter, 21, 16-19.
  • Uray N., S. Burnaz (2003) “An Analysis of Gender Roles in Turkish Television Advertisement, Sex Roles”, 1(2), 48
  • Taylor, S., R. Cosenza (2002) “Profiling Later Aged Female Teens: Mall Shopping Behavior and Clothing Choice”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 19(5), 393–408.
  • Turkey Profile TNS PIAR (2005), . 20.08.2012. indirilme tarihi 20.06.2012.
  • Tsang M., H. Shu, T.P. Liang (2004) “Consumer Attitudes Toward Mobile Advertising: an Empirical Study”, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 8(3), 65-78.
  • Waller, D.S., K.S. Fam, B.Z. Erdogan (2005)”Advertising of Controversial Products: a Cross-Cultural Study”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 22(1), 6–13.
  • Waller, D.S. (1999) “Attitudes Towards Offensive Advertising: an Australian Study”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 16(3) 288–294.
  • Walsh, D. (1994) “Safe Sex in Advertising”, American Demographics, 16(April), 24– 30.
  • Wilson, A., C. West (1981) “The Marketing of Unmentionables”, Harvard Business Review, January/February, 91–102.
  • Wilson, M. (2007) “Gen Y: Wake up call for retailers”, Chain Store Age, 7 2012.
  • Wolburg, J., J. Pokrywczynski (2001) “A Psychographic Analysis of Generation Y College Students”, Journal of Advertising Research, 41, 33–52.
  • Vezina R., O. Paul (1997) “Provocation in Advertising: A Conceptualization and an Empirical Assessment”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 14, 177-192.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Elif Okan This is me

Neva Yalman This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2013
Submission Date January 21, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2013


APA Okan, E., & Yalman, N. (2013). TÜRKİYE’DE TARTIŞMALI REKLAMLAR: KUŞAKLAR ARASI KARŞILAŞTIRMA. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 31(2), 135-152.
AMA Okan E, Yalman N. TÜRKİYE’DE TARTIŞMALI REKLAMLAR: KUŞAKLAR ARASI KARŞILAŞTIRMA. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. December 2013;31(2):135-152. doi:10.17065/huniibf.103647
Chicago Okan, Elif, and Neva Yalman. “TÜRKİYE’DE TARTIŞMALI REKLAMLAR: KUŞAKLAR ARASI KARŞILAŞTIRMA”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 31, no. 2 (December 2013): 135-52.
EndNote Okan E, Yalman N (December 1, 2013) TÜRKİYE’DE TARTIŞMALI REKLAMLAR: KUŞAKLAR ARASI KARŞILAŞTIRMA. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 31 2 135–152.
IEEE E. Okan and N. Yalman, “TÜRKİYE’DE TARTIŞMALI REKLAMLAR: KUŞAKLAR ARASI KARŞILAŞTIRMA”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 135–152, 2013, doi: 10.17065/huniibf.103647.
ISNAD Okan, Elif - Yalman, Neva. “TÜRKİYE’DE TARTIŞMALI REKLAMLAR: KUŞAKLAR ARASI KARŞILAŞTIRMA”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 31/2 (December 2013), 135-152.
JAMA Okan E, Yalman N. TÜRKİYE’DE TARTIŞMALI REKLAMLAR: KUŞAKLAR ARASI KARŞILAŞTIRMA. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2013;31:135–152.
MLA Okan, Elif and Neva Yalman. “TÜRKİYE’DE TARTIŞMALI REKLAMLAR: KUŞAKLAR ARASI KARŞILAŞTIRMA”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 31, no. 2, 2013, pp. 135-52, doi:10.17065/huniibf.103647.
Vancouver Okan E, Yalman N. TÜRKİYE’DE TARTIŞMALI REKLAMLAR: KUŞAKLAR ARASI KARŞILAŞTIRMA. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2013;31(2):135-52.

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