Research Article
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Year 2021, , 633 - 661, 29.12.2021


The civil war in Syria, which started in March of 2011, has led to a massive influx of forced migration, especially from Northern Syria to the neighbouring countries. The unexpected movement of refugees has created large exogenous labour supply shocks with potentially significant effects on the labour and living standard outcomes of natives in the host countries. Using a difference-in-differences (DID) framework, this study explores the impact of Syrian refugees on labour market outcomes in Jordan and Turkey. Furthermore, we implement an instrumental variables (IV) approach within the DID framework. The results are mixed and vary, not only across the labour outcomes explored but also across demographic and socio-economic groups, as females and low educated are mainly affected by the refugee crisis negatively. Main policy implications include the design and implementation of active labour market policies, necessary measures to address the employment in the formal sector, encouraging the private sector to employ Syrian refugees in sectors where migrant workers would like to work and natives are not willing to work. Other policies include the implementation of realistic scenarios to integrate the refugees in the domestic labour market that will be beneficial for the domestic economy. Furthermore, national governments and authorities should maximize the job creation potential by collaborating with international actors. School enrollment for refugees' children and granting formal work permits to their parents are other policies that may affect natives and refugees positively.

Supporting Institution

1. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action 2236 Co-Funded Brain Circulation Scheme2 (CoCirculation2) of TÜBİTAK 2. Economic Research Forum

Project Number

1. Project No: 119C017 2. The Micro-Level Analysis of the Impact of Violent Conflict on Lives and Livelihoods in the MENA Region


Funding: This paper has been produced benefiting from the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action 2236 Co-Funded Brain Circulation Scheme2 (CoCirculation2) of TÜBİTAK (Project No: 119C017), which has been funded under the FP7-PEOPLE-2011-COFUND call of the 7th Framework Programme. The authors are grateful for the financial support received. However, the entire responsibility of the paper belongs to the owners of the paper. The financial support received from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) does not mean that the context of the paper is approved in a scientific sense by TÜBİTAK. Furthermore, this work was sponsored by the Economic Research Forum (ERF) and has benefited from both financial and intellectual support under the Project “The Micro-Level Analysis of the Impact of Violent Conflict on Lives and Livelihoods in the MENA Region”. The contents and recommendations do not necessarily reflect ERF’s views. The authors are grateful for the financial support received.


  • Abraham, S. and L. Sun (2018), Estimating Dynamic Treatment Effects in Event Studies with Heterogeneous Treatment Effects. Papers 1804.05785,
  • Aksu, E., R. Erzanand, M. G. Kırdar (2018), The impact of mass migration of Syrians on the Turkish Labor Market (No. 1815), Working Paper. IZA DP No. 12050, Bonn, Germany.
  • Al Sharif, O. (2017), Have GCC countries turned their backs on Jordan? Al-Monitor, January 31,2017,, Access Date: 18.02.2020.
  • Altonji, J. G. and D. Card (1991), The Effects of Immigration on the Labor Market Outcomes of Less-Skilled Natives. In Immigration, Trade, and the Labor Market, J. Abowd and R. B. Freeman (Eds.) University of Chicago Press, 201-234.
  • Angrist, J. D. and J. S. Pischke (2008), Mostly Harmless Econometrics: An empiricist's Companion, Princeton University Press.
  • Autor, D. H. (2003), “Outsourcing at Will: The Contribution of Unjust Dismissal Doctrine to the Growth of Employment Outsourcing”, Journal of labor economics, 21(1), 1-42.
  • Baez, J. (2011), “Civil Wars Beyond their Borders: The Human Capital and Health Consequences of Hosting Refugees.” Journal of Development Economics, 96(2), 391-408.
  • Bahçekapılı, C. and B. Çetin (2015), “The Impacts of Forced Migration on Regional Economies: The Case of Syrian Refugees in Turkey”, International Business Research, 8, 1-15.
  • Bakker, L., J. Dagevos, G. Engbersen (2017), “Explaining the refugee gap: a longitudinal study on labour market participation of refugees in the Netherlands”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43(11), 1775-1791.
  • Baklacioğlu, N. O. (2017), “Gendering Migration Across Euro-Mediterranean Borders: Syrian refugee women on the way to the Europe”, Turkish Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 4(2), 75-101.
  • Bartel, A. P. (1989), “Where Do the New United-States Immigrants Live?”, Journal of Labor Economics, 7(4), 371-391.
  • Beine, M., F. Docquier and Ç. Özden (2011), “Diasporas”, Journal of Development Economics, 95(1), 30-41.
  • Black, D., S. G., Sanders, E. J. Taylor and L. J. Taylor (2015), “The Impact of the Great Migration on Mortality of African Americans: Evidence from the Deep South”, American Economic Review, 105(2), 477-503.
  • Borjas, G. J. and J. Monras (2017), “The Labour Market Consequences of Refugee Supply Shocks”, Economic Policy, 32(91), 361-413.
  • Brian, T. and Laczko, F. (2016), “Introduction: Migrant deaths around the world in 2015”, Fatal Journeys, 2, 1-30.
  • Cagaptay, S. and B. Menekse (2014), “The impact of Syrias's refugees on Southern Turkey”, Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
  • Ceritoglu, E., H. B. G. Yunculer, H. Torun and S. Tumen (2017), “The Impact of Syrian Refugees on Natives’ Labor Market Outcomes in Turkey: Evidence from a Quasi-Experimental Design”, IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 6(1), 5.
  • Del Carpio, X. V. and M. Wagner (2015), “The Impact of Syrians Refugees on the Turkish Labor Market, The World Bank”, Policy Research Working Paper 7402.
  • Duruel, M. (2017), “Suriyeli Sığınmacıların Türk Emek Piyasasına Etkileri Fırsatlar ve Tehditler”, Uluslararası Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 3(2), 207-222.
  • Dustmann, C., F. Fasani, T. Frattini, L. Minale and U. Schönberg (2017), “On the Economics and Politics of Refugee Migration, Economic Policy”, 32(91), 497-550.
  • Esen, O. and A. Oğuş Binatlı (2017), “The Impact of Syrian Refugees on the Turkish Economy: Regional Labour Market Effects”, Social Sciences, 6(4), 129.
  • Fakih, A. and M. Ibrahim (2016), “The impact of Syrian refugees on the labor market in neighboring countries: empirical evidence from Jordan”, Defence and Peace Economics, 27(1), 64-86.
  • Fallah, B., C. Krafftand, J. Wahba (2019), “The Impact of Refugees on Employment and Wages in Jordan”, Journal of Development Economics, 139, 203-216.
  • Işcan, İ. H. and M. Çakir (2019), “Türkiye'deki Sığınmacı ve Mültecilerin Türk İşgücü Piyasasına Etkisi: Bir Saha Araştırması”, Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi, 19(43), 177-236.
  • Kreibaum, M. (2016), “Their Suffering, Our Burden? How Congolese Refugees Affect the Ugandan Population”, World Development, 78(C), 262-287.
  • Lenner, K. (2016), “Blasts from the Past: Policy Legacies and Policy Memories in the Making of the Jordanian Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis”, EUI working Papers, MWP red number series, 32.
  • Open Access Micro Data Initiative (OAMDI), (2019), Labor Market Panel Surveys (LMPS),, Version 4.0 of Licensed Data Files; ILMPS, Egypt: Economic Research Forum (ERF).
  • Özkarsli, F. (2015), “Mardin’de Enformel İstihdamda Çalışan Suriyeli Göçmenler”, Birey ve Toplum Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 5(1), 175-192.
  • Peri, G. (2012), “The Effect of Immigration on Productivity: Evidence from US States”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 94(1), 348-358.
  • Ruiz, I., and C Vargas-Silva (2015), “The Labor Market Impacts of Forced Migration”, American Economic Review, 105(5), 581-586.
  • Salemi, C., J. Bowmanand, J. Compton (2018), “Services for Syrian Refugee Children and Youth in Jordan: Forced Displacement, Foreign Aid, and Vulnerability”, in Economic Research Forum Working Paper Series, No. 1188, Cairo, Egypt.
  • Simon, J. L. (1966), “The Price Elasticity of Liquor in the U.S. and a Simple Method of Determination”, Econometrica, 34, 193-205.
  • Sinnott, R. W. (1984), “Virtues of the Haversine”, Sky and Telescope, 68(2), 159.
  • Snow, J. (1855), “On the mode of communication of cholera”, London: John Churchill, 2nd edition, 1855.,. Access Date: 17.03.2020.
  • Snow, J. (1856), “Cholera and the Water Supply in the South District of London in 1854”, Journal of Public Health and Sanitary Review, 2, 239-257.
  • Stave, S. E. and S. Hillesund (2015), “Impact of the Influx of Syrian Refugees on the Jordanian Labor Market: Findings from the Governorates of Amman, Irbid and Mafraq.” ILO and FAFO., Access Date: 14.01.2020.
  • Tumen, S. (2018), The Impact of Low-Skill Refugees on Youth Education, HiCN Working Paper No. 283, Households in Conflict Network, The Institute of Development Studies - at the University of Sussex - Falmer – Brighton.
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) (2019), “Global Trends, Forced Displacement in 2019”., Access Date: 14.01.2020.
  • Wooldridge, J. M. (1995), “Score Diagnostics for Linear Models Estimated by two Stage Least Squares”, In Advances in Econometrics and Quantitative Economics: Essays in Honor of Professor C. R. Rao, (Eds.) G. S. Maddala, P. C. B. Phillips, and T. N. Srinivasan, 66-87, Oxford: Blackwell.


Year 2021, , 633 - 661, 29.12.2021


2011 yılı Mart ayında başlayan Suriye iç savaşı, özellikle Suriye’nin kuzeyinden komşu ülkelere doğru zorunlu bir göç akınının yaşanmasına neden olmuştur. Bu beklenmeyen göç hareketi, göç edilen ev sahibi ülkelerin vatandaşlarının yaşam standardı ve işgücü piyasası göstergeleri üzerinde etkiler bırakan dışsal işgücü arz şokları yaratmıştır. Bu çalışma Farkların-Farkı (FF) yöntemini kullanarak Suriyeli mültecilerin Türkiye ve Ürdün’de işgücü piyasası göstergeleri üzerine etkisini incelemektedir. İlave olarak, araç değişkeni (AD) yaklaşımı FF yöntemi içerisine dahil edilerek uygulanmıştır. Sonuçlar incelenen her bir işgücü piyasası göstergesi açısından değişmekte olup, demografik ve sosyo-ekonomik gruplar açısından da farklılaşmaktadır. Örneğin kadınlar ve az eğitimli bireyler mülteci krizinin negatif etkiler yarattığı gruplardır. Aktif işgücü politikalarının tasarım ve uygulanması, kayıtlı istihdamın sağlanması noktasında gerekli önlemlerin alınması, ülke vatandaşlarının çalışmayı tercih etmediği ama göçmenlerin çalışmak istediği özel sektör kollarında Suriyeli mültecilerin çalışması başlıca politika uygulamaları arasında sayılabilir. Bir diğer politika önerisi ülke ekonomisine fayda sağlayacak şekilde işgücü piyasasındaki göçmenlerin entegrasyonuna yönelik gerçekçi uygulamaların geliştirilmesidir. Göç alan ülke hükümetlerinin uluslararası aktörlerle iş birliği halinde istihdam yaratma potansiyellerini artırmaları da önemlidir. Göç alan ülke vatandaşları ve mültecileri pozitif yönde etkileyen bir diğer politika önerisi mülteci çocukların formel eğitim almaları ve ebeveynlerine kanuni çalışma izinlerinin sağlanmasıdır.

Project Number

1. Project No: 119C017 2. The Micro-Level Analysis of the Impact of Violent Conflict on Lives and Livelihoods in the MENA Region


  • Abraham, S. and L. Sun (2018), Estimating Dynamic Treatment Effects in Event Studies with Heterogeneous Treatment Effects. Papers 1804.05785,
  • Aksu, E., R. Erzanand, M. G. Kırdar (2018), The impact of mass migration of Syrians on the Turkish Labor Market (No. 1815), Working Paper. IZA DP No. 12050, Bonn, Germany.
  • Al Sharif, O. (2017), Have GCC countries turned their backs on Jordan? Al-Monitor, January 31,2017,, Access Date: 18.02.2020.
  • Altonji, J. G. and D. Card (1991), The Effects of Immigration on the Labor Market Outcomes of Less-Skilled Natives. In Immigration, Trade, and the Labor Market, J. Abowd and R. B. Freeman (Eds.) University of Chicago Press, 201-234.
  • Angrist, J. D. and J. S. Pischke (2008), Mostly Harmless Econometrics: An empiricist's Companion, Princeton University Press.
  • Autor, D. H. (2003), “Outsourcing at Will: The Contribution of Unjust Dismissal Doctrine to the Growth of Employment Outsourcing”, Journal of labor economics, 21(1), 1-42.
  • Baez, J. (2011), “Civil Wars Beyond their Borders: The Human Capital and Health Consequences of Hosting Refugees.” Journal of Development Economics, 96(2), 391-408.
  • Bahçekapılı, C. and B. Çetin (2015), “The Impacts of Forced Migration on Regional Economies: The Case of Syrian Refugees in Turkey”, International Business Research, 8, 1-15.
  • Bakker, L., J. Dagevos, G. Engbersen (2017), “Explaining the refugee gap: a longitudinal study on labour market participation of refugees in the Netherlands”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43(11), 1775-1791.
  • Baklacioğlu, N. O. (2017), “Gendering Migration Across Euro-Mediterranean Borders: Syrian refugee women on the way to the Europe”, Turkish Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 4(2), 75-101.
  • Bartel, A. P. (1989), “Where Do the New United-States Immigrants Live?”, Journal of Labor Economics, 7(4), 371-391.
  • Beine, M., F. Docquier and Ç. Özden (2011), “Diasporas”, Journal of Development Economics, 95(1), 30-41.
  • Black, D., S. G., Sanders, E. J. Taylor and L. J. Taylor (2015), “The Impact of the Great Migration on Mortality of African Americans: Evidence from the Deep South”, American Economic Review, 105(2), 477-503.
  • Borjas, G. J. and J. Monras (2017), “The Labour Market Consequences of Refugee Supply Shocks”, Economic Policy, 32(91), 361-413.
  • Brian, T. and Laczko, F. (2016), “Introduction: Migrant deaths around the world in 2015”, Fatal Journeys, 2, 1-30.
  • Cagaptay, S. and B. Menekse (2014), “The impact of Syrias's refugees on Southern Turkey”, Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
  • Ceritoglu, E., H. B. G. Yunculer, H. Torun and S. Tumen (2017), “The Impact of Syrian Refugees on Natives’ Labor Market Outcomes in Turkey: Evidence from a Quasi-Experimental Design”, IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 6(1), 5.
  • Del Carpio, X. V. and M. Wagner (2015), “The Impact of Syrians Refugees on the Turkish Labor Market, The World Bank”, Policy Research Working Paper 7402.
  • Duruel, M. (2017), “Suriyeli Sığınmacıların Türk Emek Piyasasına Etkileri Fırsatlar ve Tehditler”, Uluslararası Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 3(2), 207-222.
  • Dustmann, C., F. Fasani, T. Frattini, L. Minale and U. Schönberg (2017), “On the Economics and Politics of Refugee Migration, Economic Policy”, 32(91), 497-550.
  • Esen, O. and A. Oğuş Binatlı (2017), “The Impact of Syrian Refugees on the Turkish Economy: Regional Labour Market Effects”, Social Sciences, 6(4), 129.
  • Fakih, A. and M. Ibrahim (2016), “The impact of Syrian refugees on the labor market in neighboring countries: empirical evidence from Jordan”, Defence and Peace Economics, 27(1), 64-86.
  • Fallah, B., C. Krafftand, J. Wahba (2019), “The Impact of Refugees on Employment and Wages in Jordan”, Journal of Development Economics, 139, 203-216.
  • Işcan, İ. H. and M. Çakir (2019), “Türkiye'deki Sığınmacı ve Mültecilerin Türk İşgücü Piyasasına Etkisi: Bir Saha Araştırması”, Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi, 19(43), 177-236.
  • Kreibaum, M. (2016), “Their Suffering, Our Burden? How Congolese Refugees Affect the Ugandan Population”, World Development, 78(C), 262-287.
  • Lenner, K. (2016), “Blasts from the Past: Policy Legacies and Policy Memories in the Making of the Jordanian Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis”, EUI working Papers, MWP red number series, 32.
  • Open Access Micro Data Initiative (OAMDI), (2019), Labor Market Panel Surveys (LMPS),, Version 4.0 of Licensed Data Files; ILMPS, Egypt: Economic Research Forum (ERF).
  • Özkarsli, F. (2015), “Mardin’de Enformel İstihdamda Çalışan Suriyeli Göçmenler”, Birey ve Toplum Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 5(1), 175-192.
  • Peri, G. (2012), “The Effect of Immigration on Productivity: Evidence from US States”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 94(1), 348-358.
  • Ruiz, I., and C Vargas-Silva (2015), “The Labor Market Impacts of Forced Migration”, American Economic Review, 105(5), 581-586.
  • Salemi, C., J. Bowmanand, J. Compton (2018), “Services for Syrian Refugee Children and Youth in Jordan: Forced Displacement, Foreign Aid, and Vulnerability”, in Economic Research Forum Working Paper Series, No. 1188, Cairo, Egypt.
  • Simon, J. L. (1966), “The Price Elasticity of Liquor in the U.S. and a Simple Method of Determination”, Econometrica, 34, 193-205.
  • Sinnott, R. W. (1984), “Virtues of the Haversine”, Sky and Telescope, 68(2), 159.
  • Snow, J. (1855), “On the mode of communication of cholera”, London: John Churchill, 2nd edition, 1855.,. Access Date: 17.03.2020.
  • Snow, J. (1856), “Cholera and the Water Supply in the South District of London in 1854”, Journal of Public Health and Sanitary Review, 2, 239-257.
  • Stave, S. E. and S. Hillesund (2015), “Impact of the Influx of Syrian Refugees on the Jordanian Labor Market: Findings from the Governorates of Amman, Irbid and Mafraq.” ILO and FAFO., Access Date: 14.01.2020.
  • Tumen, S. (2018), The Impact of Low-Skill Refugees on Youth Education, HiCN Working Paper No. 283, Households in Conflict Network, The Institute of Development Studies - at the University of Sussex - Falmer – Brighton.
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) (2019), “Global Trends, Forced Displacement in 2019”., Access Date: 14.01.2020.
  • Wooldridge, J. M. (1995), “Score Diagnostics for Linear Models Estimated by two Stage Least Squares”, In Advances in Econometrics and Quantitative Economics: Essays in Honor of Professor C. R. Rao, (Eds.) G. S. Maddala, P. C. B. Phillips, and T. N. Srinivasan, 66-87, Oxford: Blackwell.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Eleftherios Gıovanıs 0000-0002-7492-7461

Oznur Ozdamar This is me 0000-0002-2188-3733

Project Number 1. Project No: 119C017 2. The Micro-Level Analysis of the Impact of Violent Conflict on Lives and Livelihoods in the MENA Region
Publication Date December 29, 2021
Submission Date January 2, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Gıovanıs, E., & Ozdamar, O. (2021). THE IMPACT OF SYRIAN CONFLICT AND THE REFUGEE CRISIS ON LABOUR MARKET OUTCOMES OF HOST COUNTRIES. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 39(4), 633-661.
AMA Gıovanıs E, Ozdamar O. THE IMPACT OF SYRIAN CONFLICT AND THE REFUGEE CRISIS ON LABOUR MARKET OUTCOMES OF HOST COUNTRIES. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. December 2021;39(4):633-661. doi:10.17065/huniibf.852509
Chicago Gıovanıs, Eleftherios, and Oznur Ozdamar. “THE IMPACT OF SYRIAN CONFLICT AND THE REFUGEE CRISIS ON LABOUR MARKET OUTCOMES OF HOST COUNTRIES”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 39, no. 4 (December 2021): 633-61.
EndNote Gıovanıs E, Ozdamar O (December 1, 2021) THE IMPACT OF SYRIAN CONFLICT AND THE REFUGEE CRISIS ON LABOUR MARKET OUTCOMES OF HOST COUNTRIES. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 39 4 633–661.
IEEE E. Gıovanıs and O. Ozdamar, “THE IMPACT OF SYRIAN CONFLICT AND THE REFUGEE CRISIS ON LABOUR MARKET OUTCOMES OF HOST COUNTRIES”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 633–661, 2021, doi: 10.17065/huniibf.852509.
ISNAD Gıovanıs, Eleftherios - Ozdamar, Oznur. “THE IMPACT OF SYRIAN CONFLICT AND THE REFUGEE CRISIS ON LABOUR MARKET OUTCOMES OF HOST COUNTRIES”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 39/4 (December 2021), 633-661.
JAMA Gıovanıs E, Ozdamar O. THE IMPACT OF SYRIAN CONFLICT AND THE REFUGEE CRISIS ON LABOUR MARKET OUTCOMES OF HOST COUNTRIES. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2021;39:633–661.
MLA Gıovanıs, Eleftherios and Oznur Ozdamar. “THE IMPACT OF SYRIAN CONFLICT AND THE REFUGEE CRISIS ON LABOUR MARKET OUTCOMES OF HOST COUNTRIES”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 39, no. 4, 2021, pp. 633-61, doi:10.17065/huniibf.852509.
Vancouver Gıovanıs E, Ozdamar O. THE IMPACT OF SYRIAN CONFLICT AND THE REFUGEE CRISIS ON LABOUR MARKET OUTCOMES OF HOST COUNTRIES. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2021;39(4):633-61.

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