Research Article
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Year 1990, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 0 - 0, 31.12.1990


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  • Andreasen, Alan R (1965), "Attitude Change and Customer Behavior," in New Research in Marketing, ed. Lee Preston. Berkeley, California: ln stitute of Business and Economic Research, University of California.
  • Arndt, Johan (1967), "Role of Product Related Conversations in the Diffusion of a New Product, "Journal of Marketing Research 4 (August), 291-295.
  • Aspinwall, Leo V. (1962), 'The Characteristics of Goods Theory," in Manageri al Marketing: Perspectives and Viewpoints, revised ed., eds. William Lazer and Eugene J. Kelley,: Richard D. Irwin, 294.
  • Asch, S.E. (1951), "Effects of Group Pressure Upon the Modifacition and Dis tortion of Judgernents," in Groups, Leadership, and Men ed. Harold Geutzkow, Pittsburg, Pa: Carnegie Press.
  • Bearden, William O. and Michael S. Etzel (1982), "Reference Group Influence on Product and Brand Purchase Decisions", Journal of Consumer Research, 9 (September), 183-194.
  • Bettman, James R. (1979), An Information Processing Theory of consu mer choice. Mass: Addison-Wesley;
  • Bucklin, Louis P. (1963) "Retail Strategy and the Classification of Consumer Goods," Journal of Marketing, 27 (January), 50-55.
  • Burnkrant RE. and Alain Cousineau (1975), "Informational and Normative Social Influence in Buyer Behavior,'" Journal of Consumer Research, (December), 206-215,
  • Bourne, Francis S. (1957), "Group Influence in Marketing and Public Rela tions," in Some Applications of Behavioral Research, ed. Rensis Likert and Samuel Hayes, Basle: Unesco.
  • Campbell, Ernest O. (1964), "The Internalization of Moral Norms" Sociometry. 27, 391-412.
  • Charters, W.W. Jr., and Theodore M. Newcomb (1958) 'Some Attitudinal Ef fects of Experimentally Increased Salience of a Membership Group", in Readings in Social Psychology, 3rd ed., Eleanor E. Maccoby, Theodore M. Newcomb, and Eugene L. Harley, eds. New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston.
  • Cocanougher, Benton, and Grady D. Bruce (1971) "Socially Distant Reference Groups and Consumer Aspirations" Journal of Marketing Re search, 8 (August), 379-81.
  • Committee of Definitions of the American Marketing Association (1960), Marketing Definitions: A Glossary of Terms. Chicago: A-M.A. Coleman, James S, Elihu Katz and Herbert Menzel (1966), Medical Innovation: A Diffusion Study, Indiana Police: Bobbs - Merrill.
  • Copeland, Melvin T. (1923), "Relation of Consumersr Buying Habits to Marketing Methods," Harvard Business Review, I (April), 282-289. Definitions Committee, American Marketing Association (1948), "Report of the Definitons Committee", Journal of Marketing. 13, (October) 207-217.
  • Denzin, Norman K. (1966), "The Significant Others of a College Population," Sociological guarterlyt 7, 298-310.
  • Dommermuth, William P. (1965), 'The Shopping Matrix and Marketing Strate Journal of Marketing Research, 2 (May), 128-132.
  • Engel, James F. , Roger D. Blackwell, and David T. Kollat (1978), Consumer Behavior. New York; Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
  • David T, Kollat and Roger D Blackwell (1968), Consumer Behavior. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
  • Roger D Blackwell (1982), Consumer Behavior, 4th ed. Chi cago: The Dryden Press. Fendrich, James M. (1967) "Perceived Reference Group Support: Racial Atti tudes and Overt Behavior." American Sociological Review, 32 (1967), 960-70.
  • Festinger, Leon (1954), "'A Theory of Social Comparison Processes," Human Relations, 7, 117.
  • Fisk, George (1967), Marketing Systems: An Introductory Analysis. New York: Harper and Row, 128.
  • Ford, Jeffrey D. and Elwood A. Ellis (1980), "A Reexamination of Group Influ ence on Preference," Journal of Marketing Research, 17 (Febru ary), 125-132.
  • Grubb, Edward L. and Harrison L. Grathwohl (1967), "Consumer Self Concept, Symbolism and Market Behavior: A Theoretical Approach", Journal of Marketing. 31, (October), 22-27.
  • Hansen, Fleming (1970) "Primary Group Influence and Consumer Conformi ty," in Marketing Involvement in Society and The Economy, ed. P.R. Mc Donald. Chicago: American Marketing Association.
  • Holbrook, Morris B. and John A Howard (1977), Frequently Purchased Nondurable Goods and Services," in Selected Aspects of Consumer Behavior. ed. Robert Ferber, Washington, DC: National Science Foundation, 189-222.
  • Holton, Richard H. (1958), "The Distinction Between Convenience Goods, Shopping Goods Shopping Goods and Specialty Goods" Journal of Marketing, 23 (July), 53-56.
  • (1959), 'What is Really Meant by Specialty Goods", Journal of Marketing, 24 (July), 64-66. Howard, John A. (1963), Marketing Management: Analysis and Planinng, rev. ed. Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin.
  • 1977, Consumer Behaviour: Application of Theory, New York: McGraw Hill. Jagdish N. Sheth (1969), The Theory of Buyer Behavior, New York: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Hyman, Herbert H. (1942), 'The Psycholoor of Status," Archives of Psychol 00. 269. and Eleanor Singer (1968), Readings in Reference Theory and kesearch. New York: The Free Press, 7.
  • Jackson, Jay M. (1959), '"A Space for Conceptualizing Person-Group Relation Ships", Human Relations, 12, 3-15.
  • James, Williarn (1890), Principles of Psychology, vol. I, New York: Henry Holt and Co.
  • Kaish, Stanley (1967), "Cognitive Dissonance and Classification of Consumer Goods", Journal of Marketing, 31 (October), 28-31.
  • Kaplan, Norman (1954)J "Reference Groups and Interest Group Theories of Voting," in Voting, Bernard R. Berelson, Paul F.
  • Lazersfeld and McWilliam N. McPhee, eds., Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Kanin, Eugene, J. (1967), "Reference Groups and Sex Conduct Norm Violationsti, Sociological guarterly, 8, 495-504.
  • Katz, Elihu and Paul Fi Lazerfeld (1964), Personal Influence 3rd ed., New York: The Free Press of Glencoe.
  • Kelley, Harold H. (1947), "Two Functions of Reference Groups" in Readings in Social Psycology, eds. Guy E, Swanson, T.M. Newcomb and E. L. Hartley. New Yor: Henry Holt and Company.
  • (1955), "Salience of Membership and Resistance to Change of Croup Anchored Attitudes," Human Relations, 8, 275-89. Kelman, Herbert C. (1959, "Compliance, Identification and Internalization: Three Processes of Attitude Change," Journal of Conflict Resolution, 2, 51-60. Kemper, Theodore D. (1966), "Self Conceptions and the Expectations of Significant Others," sociological guarterly, 7, 323-43. (1968), "Reference Groups, Socialization and Achievement", Ameri can Sociological Rewiev, 33, 31-45.
  • Kleimenhange, Arno K. (1966-67), "Shopping, Specialty or Consumer Goods." Journal of Retailing, (Winter) 32-39.
  • Koç, Ahmet N. (1975), Tüketim Kararlarmda Aile Rol Yapðari ve Pazarlama için Önemi, (Istanbul: University of Bogaziçi Press, 1975).
  • Kollat, David T., James F Engel and Roger D. Blackwell (1970), "Current Prob lems in Consumer Behaviour Research", Journal of Marketing Research 7 (August), 327-32.
  • Kuhn Manfold (1964), "Reference Group", in Julius Could and William L. Kolb, eds., A Dictionary of the Social Sciences. New York: Free Press of Glencoe.
  • (1964), 'The Reference ,Group Reconsidered, egociological guar terly, 5, 5-21. Leone, Robert P. and Randoll L Schultz (1980), "A Study of Marketing General izations", Journal of Marketing 44 (Winter) 10-18.
  • Lewin, Kurt (1952), "Group Decision and Social Change," in Readings in Social 3rd. ed., G.B., Swanson, M. Newcomb and E. La Har tley, eds., New York: Henry Holt and Co,
  • Luck, David S. (1959), 'On the Nature of specially Goods", Journal of Market ing, 24 (July) 61-64.
  • Markin, Rom J. (1974), Consumer Behavior: A Cognitive Orientation, New York: MacMillan Publishing Co. Inc.
  • Mayer, Morris L., J. Barry Mason, and Morris Gee (1971), "A Reconceptualization of Store Classification as Related to Retail Strategr Formulationl', Journal of Retailing 47 (Fall) 27-36.
  • McClosky, Herbert and Harold W. Dahlgren (1964), "Primary Group Influence on Party Inyalty," in Social Organization and Behavior, eds., Richard C. Simpson and Harper Simpson, New York: John Willey and Sons.
  • Merton, Robert K. and Alice S. Kitt (1950) "Contributions to the Theory of Reference Group Behavior," in Continuities in Social Research: Studies in the Scope and Method of "The American Soldier" Robert K. Merton andPaul F. Lazerfeld eds., Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press.
  • Miracle, Gordon E. (1965), "Product Characteristics and Marketing Strategy, Journal of Marketing 29 (Janua1Y) 18-24.
  • Mirande, Alfred M. (1968), Reference Group Theory and Adolescent Sexual Be havior, " Journal of Marriage and the Family, 30 572-77,
  • Murphy, Patrick E. and Ben M. Enis (1986), "Classifying Products Strategically," Journal of Marketing 50 (July) 24-42.
  • Moschis, George P. (1976), "Social Comparison and Informal Group Influence, Journal of Marketing Research 13 (August) 237-44.
  • Nelson, Harold A. (1961), "A Tentative Foundation for Reference Group Theo ry." Sociology and Social Research 45, 274-80.
  • Newcomb, Theodore M. (1947), "Attitude Development as a Function of Refer ence Groups: The Bennington Study," in Readings in Social Psy Eleanor E. Maccobÿ, T.M, Newcomb and E.L. Hartley, eds. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
  • Kathryn E. Koenig, Richard Flacks, and Donald P. Warwick (1967), Persistence and Change: Bennington College and Its Student After Twenty Five Years, New York: Wiley.
  • Nicosia, Francesco M. (1966), Consumer Decision Process: Marketing and Advertising Applications. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • Osgood, Charles E. George J. Suci and Perey H. Tannenbaum (1957) The Measurement of Meaning, Urbana: University of Illinois Press,.
  • Park, C. Whan and V. Parker Lessig (1977,) "Students and Housewives: Differ- ences in Susceptibility to Reference Group Influence, Journal of Consurner Research 4 (September) 102-110.
  • Reiss, Ira L. (1967), The Social Context of Premarital Sexual Permissiveness. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Runciman, Walter Garrison (1966), Relative Deprivation and Social Jus tice: A Study on Attitudes to Social Inequality in Twentieth Century England. Berkeley: University of California Press, 16.
  • Sherif, Muzaffer (1953), 'The Concept of Reference Groups in Human Rela tions," in Group Relations at the Crossroads, M. Sherif and M. O. Wilson, eds., New York: Harper and Row.
  • 1964, Reference Groups: Exploration into Conformity and Deviation of New York: Harper and Row.
  • (1967), Social Interaction: Process and Products. Chicago: Al dine Publishing Co.
  • Shibutani, Tamotsu (1955), "Reference Groups as Perspectives," American Journal of Sociology 60 562-69.
  • Siegel, Alberta Engvall and Sidney Siegel (1957), "Reference Groups, Member ship Groups and Attitude Change," Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 55 360-64. Simon, Julian L. (1967), "Doctors, Smoking and Reference Groups" Public Opinion guarterly, 31, 646-47.
  • Sireli, Aykut (1972), Sosyo Psikolojik Cephesi ile Mal Politikasl Istanbul: University of Istanbul Press, No. 1738.
  • Stafford, James E. (1966), 'Effects of Croup Influences on Consumer Brand Preference," Journal of Marketing Research 3 (February) 68-75. , (1971), "Reference Theory as a Conceptual Framework for Consumer Desicions," in Marketing Models: Behavioral Science Applications, Raph C. Day and Thomas E. Ness, eds., Scranton, Penn sylvaniñ: Intext Educational Publishers.
  • Stouffer, Samuel A., Edward A. Suchman, Leland C, Devinney, Shirley A Star and Robin M. Williams, Jr.. (1949), The American Soldier Adjus ment During Army Life, vol. I Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Tapan, Sema (1979), 'Satin alma Kararlannda Gruplanmn Etk.inligi Üzerine Bir Ara9t1rma", Pazarlama Dergisi 4 (June) 31-38.
  • Turner, Ralph H. (1956), 'Rol Taking, Role Standpoint, and Reference Group Behavior," Amircan Journal of Sociology 61, 316-28.
  • Venkatesan, M. (1966), 'Experimental Study of Consumer Behavior, Confor mity and Independence," Journal of Marketing Research, 3 (No vernber) 384-87. Whyte, William H. (1954), 'The web ofWord of Mouth," Fortune (November) 140-146. Williams, Margaret, Aaesterud (1970), "Reference Groups: A Review and Com mentary," Sociological guarterly 1 1 545-54.
  • Wind, Yoram (1977), "Retrospective Comment to Croup Influence in Marketing," in Classics in Consumer Behavior, Louis E. Boone, ed. Tulsa, Oklahoma: Petroleum Publishing Company. Witt, Robert E. (1969), "Informal Social Group Influence on Consumer Brand Choice," Journal of Marketing Research. 6 (November) 473-76.
  • Graby D. Bruce (1970), "Purchase Decision and Group Influ ence", Journal of Marketing Research 7 (November) 532-35.
  • 1972, "Group Influence and Brand Choice Congruence," Journal of Marketing Research 9 (November) 440-43. Woelfel, Joseph and Arembald O. Haller, (1971) "Significant Others the Self Reflexive act and Attitude Formation Process," American Socio logical Review 36, 74-87.
  • Woodside, Arch G. (1972), "Informal Group Influence on Risk Taking," Journal of Marketing Research 9 (May) 223-25
Year 1990, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 0 - 0, 31.12.1990



  • Andreasen, Alan R (1965), "Attitude Change and Customer Behavior," in New Research in Marketing, ed. Lee Preston. Berkeley, California: ln stitute of Business and Economic Research, University of California.
  • Arndt, Johan (1967), "Role of Product Related Conversations in the Diffusion of a New Product, "Journal of Marketing Research 4 (August), 291-295.
  • Aspinwall, Leo V. (1962), 'The Characteristics of Goods Theory," in Manageri al Marketing: Perspectives and Viewpoints, revised ed., eds. William Lazer and Eugene J. Kelley,: Richard D. Irwin, 294.
  • Asch, S.E. (1951), "Effects of Group Pressure Upon the Modifacition and Dis tortion of Judgernents," in Groups, Leadership, and Men ed. Harold Geutzkow, Pittsburg, Pa: Carnegie Press.
  • Bearden, William O. and Michael S. Etzel (1982), "Reference Group Influence on Product and Brand Purchase Decisions", Journal of Consumer Research, 9 (September), 183-194.
  • Bettman, James R. (1979), An Information Processing Theory of consu mer choice. Mass: Addison-Wesley;
  • Bucklin, Louis P. (1963) "Retail Strategy and the Classification of Consumer Goods," Journal of Marketing, 27 (January), 50-55.
  • Burnkrant RE. and Alain Cousineau (1975), "Informational and Normative Social Influence in Buyer Behavior,'" Journal of Consumer Research, (December), 206-215,
  • Bourne, Francis S. (1957), "Group Influence in Marketing and Public Rela tions," in Some Applications of Behavioral Research, ed. Rensis Likert and Samuel Hayes, Basle: Unesco.
  • Campbell, Ernest O. (1964), "The Internalization of Moral Norms" Sociometry. 27, 391-412.
  • Charters, W.W. Jr., and Theodore M. Newcomb (1958) 'Some Attitudinal Ef fects of Experimentally Increased Salience of a Membership Group", in Readings in Social Psychology, 3rd ed., Eleanor E. Maccoby, Theodore M. Newcomb, and Eugene L. Harley, eds. New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston.
  • Cocanougher, Benton, and Grady D. Bruce (1971) "Socially Distant Reference Groups and Consumer Aspirations" Journal of Marketing Re search, 8 (August), 379-81.
  • Committee of Definitions of the American Marketing Association (1960), Marketing Definitions: A Glossary of Terms. Chicago: A-M.A. Coleman, James S, Elihu Katz and Herbert Menzel (1966), Medical Innovation: A Diffusion Study, Indiana Police: Bobbs - Merrill.
  • Copeland, Melvin T. (1923), "Relation of Consumersr Buying Habits to Marketing Methods," Harvard Business Review, I (April), 282-289. Definitions Committee, American Marketing Association (1948), "Report of the Definitons Committee", Journal of Marketing. 13, (October) 207-217.
  • Denzin, Norman K. (1966), "The Significant Others of a College Population," Sociological guarterlyt 7, 298-310.
  • Dommermuth, William P. (1965), 'The Shopping Matrix and Marketing Strate Journal of Marketing Research, 2 (May), 128-132.
  • Engel, James F. , Roger D. Blackwell, and David T. Kollat (1978), Consumer Behavior. New York; Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
  • David T, Kollat and Roger D Blackwell (1968), Consumer Behavior. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
  • Roger D Blackwell (1982), Consumer Behavior, 4th ed. Chi cago: The Dryden Press. Fendrich, James M. (1967) "Perceived Reference Group Support: Racial Atti tudes and Overt Behavior." American Sociological Review, 32 (1967), 960-70.
  • Festinger, Leon (1954), "'A Theory of Social Comparison Processes," Human Relations, 7, 117.
  • Fisk, George (1967), Marketing Systems: An Introductory Analysis. New York: Harper and Row, 128.
  • Ford, Jeffrey D. and Elwood A. Ellis (1980), "A Reexamination of Group Influ ence on Preference," Journal of Marketing Research, 17 (Febru ary), 125-132.
  • Grubb, Edward L. and Harrison L. Grathwohl (1967), "Consumer Self Concept, Symbolism and Market Behavior: A Theoretical Approach", Journal of Marketing. 31, (October), 22-27.
  • Hansen, Fleming (1970) "Primary Group Influence and Consumer Conformi ty," in Marketing Involvement in Society and The Economy, ed. P.R. Mc Donald. Chicago: American Marketing Association.
  • Holbrook, Morris B. and John A Howard (1977), Frequently Purchased Nondurable Goods and Services," in Selected Aspects of Consumer Behavior. ed. Robert Ferber, Washington, DC: National Science Foundation, 189-222.
  • Holton, Richard H. (1958), "The Distinction Between Convenience Goods, Shopping Goods Shopping Goods and Specialty Goods" Journal of Marketing, 23 (July), 53-56.
  • (1959), 'What is Really Meant by Specialty Goods", Journal of Marketing, 24 (July), 64-66. Howard, John A. (1963), Marketing Management: Analysis and Planinng, rev. ed. Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin.
  • 1977, Consumer Behaviour: Application of Theory, New York: McGraw Hill. Jagdish N. Sheth (1969), The Theory of Buyer Behavior, New York: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Hyman, Herbert H. (1942), 'The Psycholoor of Status," Archives of Psychol 00. 269. and Eleanor Singer (1968), Readings in Reference Theory and kesearch. New York: The Free Press, 7.
  • Jackson, Jay M. (1959), '"A Space for Conceptualizing Person-Group Relation Ships", Human Relations, 12, 3-15.
  • James, Williarn (1890), Principles of Psychology, vol. I, New York: Henry Holt and Co.
  • Kaish, Stanley (1967), "Cognitive Dissonance and Classification of Consumer Goods", Journal of Marketing, 31 (October), 28-31.
  • Kaplan, Norman (1954)J "Reference Groups and Interest Group Theories of Voting," in Voting, Bernard R. Berelson, Paul F.
  • Lazersfeld and McWilliam N. McPhee, eds., Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Kanin, Eugene, J. (1967), "Reference Groups and Sex Conduct Norm Violationsti, Sociological guarterly, 8, 495-504.
  • Katz, Elihu and Paul Fi Lazerfeld (1964), Personal Influence 3rd ed., New York: The Free Press of Glencoe.
  • Kelley, Harold H. (1947), "Two Functions of Reference Groups" in Readings in Social Psycology, eds. Guy E, Swanson, T.M. Newcomb and E. L. Hartley. New Yor: Henry Holt and Company.
  • (1955), "Salience of Membership and Resistance to Change of Croup Anchored Attitudes," Human Relations, 8, 275-89. Kelman, Herbert C. (1959, "Compliance, Identification and Internalization: Three Processes of Attitude Change," Journal of Conflict Resolution, 2, 51-60. Kemper, Theodore D. (1966), "Self Conceptions and the Expectations of Significant Others," sociological guarterly, 7, 323-43. (1968), "Reference Groups, Socialization and Achievement", Ameri can Sociological Rewiev, 33, 31-45.
  • Kleimenhange, Arno K. (1966-67), "Shopping, Specialty or Consumer Goods." Journal of Retailing, (Winter) 32-39.
  • Koç, Ahmet N. (1975), Tüketim Kararlarmda Aile Rol Yapðari ve Pazarlama için Önemi, (Istanbul: University of Bogaziçi Press, 1975).
  • Kollat, David T., James F Engel and Roger D. Blackwell (1970), "Current Prob lems in Consumer Behaviour Research", Journal of Marketing Research 7 (August), 327-32.
  • Kuhn Manfold (1964), "Reference Group", in Julius Could and William L. Kolb, eds., A Dictionary of the Social Sciences. New York: Free Press of Glencoe.
  • (1964), 'The Reference ,Group Reconsidered, egociological guar terly, 5, 5-21. Leone, Robert P. and Randoll L Schultz (1980), "A Study of Marketing General izations", Journal of Marketing 44 (Winter) 10-18.
  • Lewin, Kurt (1952), "Group Decision and Social Change," in Readings in Social 3rd. ed., G.B., Swanson, M. Newcomb and E. La Har tley, eds., New York: Henry Holt and Co,
  • Luck, David S. (1959), 'On the Nature of specially Goods", Journal of Market ing, 24 (July) 61-64.
  • Markin, Rom J. (1974), Consumer Behavior: A Cognitive Orientation, New York: MacMillan Publishing Co. Inc.
  • Mayer, Morris L., J. Barry Mason, and Morris Gee (1971), "A Reconceptualization of Store Classification as Related to Retail Strategr Formulationl', Journal of Retailing 47 (Fall) 27-36.
  • McClosky, Herbert and Harold W. Dahlgren (1964), "Primary Group Influence on Party Inyalty," in Social Organization and Behavior, eds., Richard C. Simpson and Harper Simpson, New York: John Willey and Sons.
  • Merton, Robert K. and Alice S. Kitt (1950) "Contributions to the Theory of Reference Group Behavior," in Continuities in Social Research: Studies in the Scope and Method of "The American Soldier" Robert K. Merton andPaul F. Lazerfeld eds., Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press.
  • Miracle, Gordon E. (1965), "Product Characteristics and Marketing Strategy, Journal of Marketing 29 (Janua1Y) 18-24.
  • Mirande, Alfred M. (1968), Reference Group Theory and Adolescent Sexual Be havior, " Journal of Marriage and the Family, 30 572-77,
  • Murphy, Patrick E. and Ben M. Enis (1986), "Classifying Products Strategically," Journal of Marketing 50 (July) 24-42.
  • Moschis, George P. (1976), "Social Comparison and Informal Group Influence, Journal of Marketing Research 13 (August) 237-44.
  • Nelson, Harold A. (1961), "A Tentative Foundation for Reference Group Theo ry." Sociology and Social Research 45, 274-80.
  • Newcomb, Theodore M. (1947), "Attitude Development as a Function of Refer ence Groups: The Bennington Study," in Readings in Social Psy Eleanor E. Maccobÿ, T.M, Newcomb and E.L. Hartley, eds. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
  • Kathryn E. Koenig, Richard Flacks, and Donald P. Warwick (1967), Persistence and Change: Bennington College and Its Student After Twenty Five Years, New York: Wiley.
  • Nicosia, Francesco M. (1966), Consumer Decision Process: Marketing and Advertising Applications. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • Osgood, Charles E. George J. Suci and Perey H. Tannenbaum (1957) The Measurement of Meaning, Urbana: University of Illinois Press,.
  • Park, C. Whan and V. Parker Lessig (1977,) "Students and Housewives: Differ- ences in Susceptibility to Reference Group Influence, Journal of Consurner Research 4 (September) 102-110.
  • Reiss, Ira L. (1967), The Social Context of Premarital Sexual Permissiveness. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Runciman, Walter Garrison (1966), Relative Deprivation and Social Jus tice: A Study on Attitudes to Social Inequality in Twentieth Century England. Berkeley: University of California Press, 16.
  • Sherif, Muzaffer (1953), 'The Concept of Reference Groups in Human Rela tions," in Group Relations at the Crossroads, M. Sherif and M. O. Wilson, eds., New York: Harper and Row.
  • 1964, Reference Groups: Exploration into Conformity and Deviation of New York: Harper and Row.
  • (1967), Social Interaction: Process and Products. Chicago: Al dine Publishing Co.
  • Shibutani, Tamotsu (1955), "Reference Groups as Perspectives," American Journal of Sociology 60 562-69.
  • Siegel, Alberta Engvall and Sidney Siegel (1957), "Reference Groups, Member ship Groups and Attitude Change," Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 55 360-64. Simon, Julian L. (1967), "Doctors, Smoking and Reference Groups" Public Opinion guarterly, 31, 646-47.
  • Sireli, Aykut (1972), Sosyo Psikolojik Cephesi ile Mal Politikasl Istanbul: University of Istanbul Press, No. 1738.
  • Stafford, James E. (1966), 'Effects of Croup Influences on Consumer Brand Preference," Journal of Marketing Research 3 (February) 68-75. , (1971), "Reference Theory as a Conceptual Framework for Consumer Desicions," in Marketing Models: Behavioral Science Applications, Raph C. Day and Thomas E. Ness, eds., Scranton, Penn sylvaniñ: Intext Educational Publishers.
  • Stouffer, Samuel A., Edward A. Suchman, Leland C, Devinney, Shirley A Star and Robin M. Williams, Jr.. (1949), The American Soldier Adjus ment During Army Life, vol. I Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Tapan, Sema (1979), 'Satin alma Kararlannda Gruplanmn Etk.inligi Üzerine Bir Ara9t1rma", Pazarlama Dergisi 4 (June) 31-38.
  • Turner, Ralph H. (1956), 'Rol Taking, Role Standpoint, and Reference Group Behavior," Amircan Journal of Sociology 61, 316-28.
  • Venkatesan, M. (1966), 'Experimental Study of Consumer Behavior, Confor mity and Independence," Journal of Marketing Research, 3 (No vernber) 384-87. Whyte, William H. (1954), 'The web ofWord of Mouth," Fortune (November) 140-146. Williams, Margaret, Aaesterud (1970), "Reference Groups: A Review and Com mentary," Sociological guarterly 1 1 545-54.
  • Wind, Yoram (1977), "Retrospective Comment to Croup Influence in Marketing," in Classics in Consumer Behavior, Louis E. Boone, ed. Tulsa, Oklahoma: Petroleum Publishing Company. Witt, Robert E. (1969), "Informal Social Group Influence on Consumer Brand Choice," Journal of Marketing Research. 6 (November) 473-76.
  • Graby D. Bruce (1970), "Purchase Decision and Group Influ ence", Journal of Marketing Research 7 (November) 532-35.
  • 1972, "Group Influence and Brand Choice Congruence," Journal of Marketing Research 9 (November) 440-43. Woelfel, Joseph and Arembald O. Haller, (1971) "Significant Others the Self Reflexive act and Attitude Formation Process," American Socio logical Review 36, 74-87.
  • Woodside, Arch G. (1972), "Informal Group Influence on Risk Taking," Journal of Marketing Research 9 (May) 223-25
There are 75 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Sema Tapan This is me

Publication Date December 31, 1990
Submission Date January 1, 1990
Published in Issue Year 1990 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Tapan, S. (1990). REFERENCE GROUP EFFECT IN THE CHOICE OF CONSUMER GOODS. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(2).
AMA Tapan S. REFERENCE GROUP EFFECT IN THE CHOICE OF CONSUMER GOODS. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. December 1990;8(2).
Chicago Tapan, Sema. “REFERENCE GROUP EFFECT IN THE CHOICE OF CONSUMER GOODS”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 8, no. 2 (December 1990).
EndNote Tapan S (December 1, 1990) REFERENCE GROUP EFFECT IN THE CHOICE OF CONSUMER GOODS. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 8 2
IEEE S. Tapan, “REFERENCE GROUP EFFECT IN THE CHOICE OF CONSUMER GOODS”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 2, 1990.
ISNAD Tapan, Sema. “REFERENCE GROUP EFFECT IN THE CHOICE OF CONSUMER GOODS”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 8/2 (December 1990).
JAMA Tapan S. REFERENCE GROUP EFFECT IN THE CHOICE OF CONSUMER GOODS. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 1990;8.
MLA Tapan, Sema. “REFERENCE GROUP EFFECT IN THE CHOICE OF CONSUMER GOODS”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 2, 1990.
Vancouver Tapan S. REFERENCE GROUP EFFECT IN THE CHOICE OF CONSUMER GOODS. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 1990;8(2).

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