Research Article
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Year 1992, Volume: 10 Issue: 1-2, 0 - 0, 31.12.1992


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  • BALASSA, Bela 1982 'Structural Adjustment Policies in Developing Economies" World Development X, l, January: 23-38.
  • BARLETTA, N. Ä., M.I. BLESER and L. LANDAU (Eds.) 1983 Economic Liberalization and Stabilization Policies in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay Washington D.C.: The World Bank, (A World Bank Symposium, 21-22, 1983).
  • CA-LVO, Guillermo A. 1983 "Commentary on Evaluation and Experience." in N.A BARLETPA, M.I. BLF-JER and L. LANDAU (Eds.), 124-127
  • CRANE, A HAVENNER and J. BERRY 1978 "Fixed Rules vs. Activism in the Conduct of Monetary Policy".American. Economic Review LXVIII, 5, December: 769-783-
  • DALE, William B. 1983 "Financing and Adjustment of Payments Imbalances." J. WILLIAMSON (Ed.) IMF Conditionality Washington D.C.: Institute for International Economies, 3-16.
  • DIAZ-ALEJANDRO, Carlos F. 1981 "Southern Cone Stabilization Plans." R. CLINE and S. WEINTRAUB (Eds.) Economic Stabilization in Developing Countries Washington D.C.:'Phe Brooking Institution,
  • DORNBUSCH, Rudiger 1983a "Remarks on the Southern Cone" IMF Staff Papers 30 March 1983: 173-176. 1983b "Commentary on Evaluation and Experience. t'in N.A. BARLETTA, M.I. BLEJER and L. IANDAU (Eds.), 116-26.
  • DORNBUSCH, R. and S. FISCHER 1990 Macroeconomics. 5th ed., Singapore: McGraw-Hill Publisching Company.
  • EDWARDS, Sebastian 1984a Order of Liberalization of the Balance of Payments, Should the Current Account Be Opened up First. Washington D.C.: World Bank Staff Working Papers Number 710.
  • 1984b The Order of Liberalization of the. External Sector in Developing Countries Princeton: Princeton University, International Finance Section.
  • FINCH, C. David 1983 '*Adjustment Policies and Conditionality." J. WILLIAMSON (Ed.) IMF Conditionality Washington D.C.: Institute for International Economies, 75-86.
  • FRENKEL, Jacob A. 1983a "Economic Liberalization and Stabilization Programs." in N.A. BARLETTA, M.I. BLEJER and L.LANDAU (EdsJ: 12-17.
  • 1983b "Remars on the Southern Cone" IMF Staff Papers 30 March 1983: 164-173.
  • FRÖBEL, Folker, Jürgen HEINRICHS and Otto KREYE 1978 "ExportOriented Industrialization of Underdeveloped Countries" Monthly Review 6, November: 22-27. GILLIS, M., D. H. PERKINS, M. ROEMER and Dr. SNODGRASS 1983 Economic Development New York: W. W. Norton and Company ("Trade Strategies: Import Subsititution" Chapter 16 and "Outward-Looking Development" Chapter 17).
  • HANSON, James A. 1983a "Policy Implication of the Monetary Approach and-of Experiences in the Southern Cone." in N.A. BARLVITA, M.I.BLEJER and L. LANDAU (Eds.), 109-115. 1983b "Commentary on Evoluation and Experience." in N.A. BARLEITA, M.I. BLEJER and L. LANDAU (Eds.), 147-149.
  • HARBERGER, Arnold C. 1984 for Debtor Country Managers and Policy Workers." Paper presented at World Bank Conference.
  • HARBERGER, A.C. and S. EDWARDS 1982 "International Sources of Inflation: Some New Results." Los Angeles: University of California,Working Paper.
  • HELLEINER, G. K. 1990 "Trade Strategy in Medium-Term Adjustment" World Development Will; 6: 879-897.
  • KAPLINSKY, Raphael 1984 "The International Context for Industrialisation in the Coming Decade" The Journal of Development Studies October; 75-96.
  • KEBSCHULL, D. and C. WILHELMS 1974 "Conditions for the Suscess of Import Substitution and Export Diversification as a Development Strategy in Latin America." H. GIERSCH Ed.): 237-262.
  • KEESING, Donald B. 1967 "Outward-Looking Policies and Economic Development" The Economic Journal I-XXVII, 306. June: 303-320.
  • KIRKPATRICK* Colin 1989 'Trade Policy and Industrialization in LDCs" N. GEMMELL (Ed.) Surveys in Development Economics Oxford: Basil Blackwell Ltd., 56-89.
  • KNALL, Bruno 1974 "Conditions for the Success of Import Substitution and Export Diversification as Development Strategies in South and Southeast Asia." in H. GIERSCH (Ed.): 266-296. KOHSAKA, Akira 1987 "Financial Liberalization in Asian NICs: A Comparative Study of Korea and Taiwan in the 1980s" The Developing Economies XXV, 4, December: 325-345.
  • LAL, Deepak 1984 "The Real Aspects of Stabilization and Structural Adjustment Policies: An Extension of the Australian Adjustment Model" World Bank Saff Working Paper, No: 636.
  • RODRJGUBZ Carlos A. 1983 "Poliücas de Estebilizacion en la Economia Argentina 1978-1982' Cuaderncs de Bconomia 19, April: 322-340.
  • SCHMIIZ, Hubert 1984 "Industrialisation Strategies in Less Developed Counüries: Some Lessons of Historical Experience” The Jouxnal of Development Studieg, XXI, l, October: 1-21.
  • STBRN, Ernest 1983 "World Bank Financing of Structural Adjustment” J. WİLLIAMSON (Ed.) IMF Conditionality Washington D.C.: Institute for International Economies, 87-108.
  • ŞANLI, Mustafa 1991 Gelişmekte Olan Ülkelerde Liberal Ekonomiye Etkin Geçiş Sorunu: Güney Kore, Brezilya ve Türkiye Deneyimleri. (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • THE WORLD BANK (İBRD) 1987 World Development Report, Washington D. C. : Oxford Univ. Press/1BRD.
  • TÜRKKAN, Erdal 1987 'Türk Sanayiinin Dışa Açılması" 1986 t aan 1987'ye Türkiye Ekonomisi Semineri Ankara: Ankara Sanayi Odası Yayını No.' 35, 95-140. (13-14 Mart, Ankara),
  • WHİTE. Lawrence 1-1, 1987 "Privatization of Financial Sectors” S. H.
  • HANKE (Ed.) Privatization and Development California: ICS Press, 149160,
  • WILLLAMSON, Johnl 983 'Commentary on Evaluation and Experience." in ıv.A BARLEITAI M.ı. BLEJER , and L. IANDAU (Eds.): 127-30.
  • WRICHTSMAN, Dwayne 1983 An Introduction to Monetary Theory and Policy (3.rd ed.) New York: The Free Press. ZAHTER, Roberto 1983 'A Regional View” in N.A. BARLEITA, M.ı. BLEJER and L.LANDAU (Eds.), 72-79.
Year 1992, Volume: 10 Issue: 1-2, 0 - 0, 31.12.1992



  • BALASSA, Bela 1982 'Structural Adjustment Policies in Developing Economies" World Development X, l, January: 23-38.
  • BARLETTA, N. Ä., M.I. BLESER and L. LANDAU (Eds.) 1983 Economic Liberalization and Stabilization Policies in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay Washington D.C.: The World Bank, (A World Bank Symposium, 21-22, 1983).
  • CA-LVO, Guillermo A. 1983 "Commentary on Evaluation and Experience." in N.A BARLETPA, M.I. BLF-JER and L. LANDAU (Eds.), 124-127
  • CRANE, A HAVENNER and J. BERRY 1978 "Fixed Rules vs. Activism in the Conduct of Monetary Policy".American. Economic Review LXVIII, 5, December: 769-783-
  • DALE, William B. 1983 "Financing and Adjustment of Payments Imbalances." J. WILLIAMSON (Ed.) IMF Conditionality Washington D.C.: Institute for International Economies, 3-16.
  • DIAZ-ALEJANDRO, Carlos F. 1981 "Southern Cone Stabilization Plans." R. CLINE and S. WEINTRAUB (Eds.) Economic Stabilization in Developing Countries Washington D.C.:'Phe Brooking Institution,
  • DORNBUSCH, Rudiger 1983a "Remarks on the Southern Cone" IMF Staff Papers 30 March 1983: 173-176. 1983b "Commentary on Evaluation and Experience. t'in N.A. BARLETTA, M.I. BLEJER and L. IANDAU (Eds.), 116-26.
  • DORNBUSCH, R. and S. FISCHER 1990 Macroeconomics. 5th ed., Singapore: McGraw-Hill Publisching Company.
  • EDWARDS, Sebastian 1984a Order of Liberalization of the Balance of Payments, Should the Current Account Be Opened up First. Washington D.C.: World Bank Staff Working Papers Number 710.
  • 1984b The Order of Liberalization of the. External Sector in Developing Countries Princeton: Princeton University, International Finance Section.
  • FINCH, C. David 1983 '*Adjustment Policies and Conditionality." J. WILLIAMSON (Ed.) IMF Conditionality Washington D.C.: Institute for International Economies, 75-86.
  • FRENKEL, Jacob A. 1983a "Economic Liberalization and Stabilization Programs." in N.A. BARLETTA, M.I. BLEJER and L.LANDAU (EdsJ: 12-17.
  • 1983b "Remars on the Southern Cone" IMF Staff Papers 30 March 1983: 164-173.
  • FRÖBEL, Folker, Jürgen HEINRICHS and Otto KREYE 1978 "ExportOriented Industrialization of Underdeveloped Countries" Monthly Review 6, November: 22-27. GILLIS, M., D. H. PERKINS, M. ROEMER and Dr. SNODGRASS 1983 Economic Development New York: W. W. Norton and Company ("Trade Strategies: Import Subsititution" Chapter 16 and "Outward-Looking Development" Chapter 17).
  • HANSON, James A. 1983a "Policy Implication of the Monetary Approach and-of Experiences in the Southern Cone." in N.A. BARLVITA, M.I.BLEJER and L. LANDAU (Eds.), 109-115. 1983b "Commentary on Evoluation and Experience." in N.A. BARLEITA, M.I. BLEJER and L. LANDAU (Eds.), 147-149.
  • HARBERGER, Arnold C. 1984 for Debtor Country Managers and Policy Workers." Paper presented at World Bank Conference.
  • HARBERGER, A.C. and S. EDWARDS 1982 "International Sources of Inflation: Some New Results." Los Angeles: University of California,Working Paper.
  • HELLEINER, G. K. 1990 "Trade Strategy in Medium-Term Adjustment" World Development Will; 6: 879-897.
  • KAPLINSKY, Raphael 1984 "The International Context for Industrialisation in the Coming Decade" The Journal of Development Studies October; 75-96.
  • KEBSCHULL, D. and C. WILHELMS 1974 "Conditions for the Suscess of Import Substitution and Export Diversification as a Development Strategy in Latin America." H. GIERSCH Ed.): 237-262.
  • KEESING, Donald B. 1967 "Outward-Looking Policies and Economic Development" The Economic Journal I-XXVII, 306. June: 303-320.
  • KIRKPATRICK* Colin 1989 'Trade Policy and Industrialization in LDCs" N. GEMMELL (Ed.) Surveys in Development Economics Oxford: Basil Blackwell Ltd., 56-89.
  • KNALL, Bruno 1974 "Conditions for the Success of Import Substitution and Export Diversification as Development Strategies in South and Southeast Asia." in H. GIERSCH (Ed.): 266-296. KOHSAKA, Akira 1987 "Financial Liberalization in Asian NICs: A Comparative Study of Korea and Taiwan in the 1980s" The Developing Economies XXV, 4, December: 325-345.
  • LAL, Deepak 1984 "The Real Aspects of Stabilization and Structural Adjustment Policies: An Extension of the Australian Adjustment Model" World Bank Saff Working Paper, No: 636.
  • RODRJGUBZ Carlos A. 1983 "Poliücas de Estebilizacion en la Economia Argentina 1978-1982' Cuaderncs de Bconomia 19, April: 322-340.
  • SCHMIIZ, Hubert 1984 "Industrialisation Strategies in Less Developed Counüries: Some Lessons of Historical Experience” The Jouxnal of Development Studieg, XXI, l, October: 1-21.
  • STBRN, Ernest 1983 "World Bank Financing of Structural Adjustment” J. WİLLIAMSON (Ed.) IMF Conditionality Washington D.C.: Institute for International Economies, 87-108.
  • ŞANLI, Mustafa 1991 Gelişmekte Olan Ülkelerde Liberal Ekonomiye Etkin Geçiş Sorunu: Güney Kore, Brezilya ve Türkiye Deneyimleri. (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • THE WORLD BANK (İBRD) 1987 World Development Report, Washington D. C. : Oxford Univ. Press/1BRD.
  • TÜRKKAN, Erdal 1987 'Türk Sanayiinin Dışa Açılması" 1986 t aan 1987'ye Türkiye Ekonomisi Semineri Ankara: Ankara Sanayi Odası Yayını No.' 35, 95-140. (13-14 Mart, Ankara),
  • WHİTE. Lawrence 1-1, 1987 "Privatization of Financial Sectors” S. H.
  • HANKE (Ed.) Privatization and Development California: ICS Press, 149160,
  • WILLLAMSON, Johnl 983 'Commentary on Evaluation and Experience." in ıv.A BARLEITAI M.ı. BLEJER , and L. IANDAU (Eds.): 127-30.
  • WRICHTSMAN, Dwayne 1983 An Introduction to Monetary Theory and Policy (3.rd ed.) New York: The Free Press. ZAHTER, Roberto 1983 'A Regional View” in N.A. BARLEITA, M.ı. BLEJER and L.LANDAU (Eds.), 72-79.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Mustafa Şanlı This is me

Publication Date December 31, 1992
Submission Date January 1, 1992
Published in Issue Year 1992 Volume: 10 Issue: 1-2


APA Şanlı, M. (1992). LİBERAL EKONOMİYE ETKİN GEÇİŞTE YÖNTEM SORUNU. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(1-2).
AMA Şanlı M. LİBERAL EKONOMİYE ETKİN GEÇİŞTE YÖNTEM SORUNU. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. December 1992;10(1-2).
Chicago Şanlı, Mustafa. “LİBERAL EKONOMİYE ETKİN GEÇİŞTE YÖNTEM SORUNU”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 10, no. 1-2 (December 1992).
EndNote Şanlı M (December 1, 1992) LİBERAL EKONOMİYE ETKİN GEÇİŞTE YÖNTEM SORUNU. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 10 1-2
IEEE M. Şanlı, “LİBERAL EKONOMİYE ETKİN GEÇİŞTE YÖNTEM SORUNU”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 1-2, 1992.
ISNAD Şanlı, Mustafa. “LİBERAL EKONOMİYE ETKİN GEÇİŞTE YÖNTEM SORUNU”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 10/1-2 (December 1992).
JAMA Şanlı M. LİBERAL EKONOMİYE ETKİN GEÇİŞTE YÖNTEM SORUNU. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 1992;10.
MLA Şanlı, Mustafa. “LİBERAL EKONOMİYE ETKİN GEÇİŞTE YÖNTEM SORUNU”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 1-2, 1992.
Vancouver Şanlı M. LİBERAL EKONOMİYE ETKİN GEÇİŞTE YÖNTEM SORUNU. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 1992;10(1-2).

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