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Toplu Beslenme Sistemleri Çalışanlarına Yönelik Besin Güvenliği Eğitiminin Çalışanların Besin Güvenliği Bilgi Düzeyleri ve Davranışları Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 755 - 769, 31.12.2022


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı toplu beslenme sistemleri çalışanlarına yönelik farklı türde eğitim yöntemleri ile verilen besin güvenliği eğitiminin ve eğitim tekrarının çalışanların hijyen ve besin güvenliği bilgi düzeyi ve davranışları üzerine etkisinin incelenmesidir.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışma, üç farklı toplu beslenme hizmeti yapan kuruluşun (Bir üniversite öğrenci kafeteryası, bir üniversite hastane mutfağı ve bir sivil toplum kuruluşu kafeteryası) çalışanları üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Farklı eğitim yöntemleri (Teorik, iş başı ve hem teorik hem iş başı eğitim) ve eğitim tekrarının çalışanların bilgi düzeyleri, davranış ve tutumları üzerine etkisi eğitim öncesi ve eğitim sonrası uygulanan konuya yönelik soruları kapsayan bir anket yöntemiyle değerlendirilmiştir. Besin güvenliği bilgi düzeyleri “Besin kaynaklı patojenler ve besin zehirlenmesi”, “Besin çözdürme, pişirme, yeniden ısıtma ve soğutma”, “Kişisel hijyen ve çapraz bulaşma”, “Güvenli besin depolama” başlıklarına göre değerlendirilirken besin güvenliği tutum ve davranışları “Genel hijyen uygulamaları”, “Personel hijyeni”, “Çapraz bulaşma”, “Besin hijyeni” alt başlıklarına yönelik sorular ile değerlendirilmiştir.
Bulgular: Farklı yöntemlerle eğitim alan toplu beslenme çalışanlarının toplam besin güvenliği bilgi düzeyi puanlarının eğitim sonrasında eğitim öncesine göre arttığı saptanmıştır (p<0,001). Tutum ve davranış toplam puanlarının ise yalnızca hem iş başı hem teorik eğitim alan grupta artış gösterdiği tespit edilmiş (p<0,001), eğitim tekrarının toplu beslenme çalışanlarının besin güvenliğine yönelik tutum ve davranış düzeylerini etkilemediği saptanmıştır (p>0,05).
Sonuç: Eğitim türleri ve eğitim tekrarının besin güvenliği bilgi düzeyi, tutum ve davranışları üzerine etkisi vardır. Besin güvenliği eğitimi besin güvenliği bilgi düzeyi, tutum ve davranışlarını olumlu yönde etkiler, eğitim tekrarı ile bu etkinin daha kalıcı olmasını sağlayabilir.


  • Abdul-Mutalib, N.-a., Abdul-Rashid, M.-F., Mustafa, S., Amin-Nordin, S., Hamat, R. A., & Osman, M. (2012). Knowledge, attitude and practices regarding food hygiene and sanitation of food handlers in Kuala Pilah, Malaysia. Food Control, 27(2), 289-293.
  • Acikel, C. H., Ogur, R., Yaren, H., Gocgeldi, E., Ucar, M., & Kir, T. (2008). The hygiene training of food handlers at a teaching hospital. Food Control, 19(2), 186-190.
  • Afolaranmi, T. O., Hassan, Z. I., Bello, D. A., Tagurum, Y. O., Miner, C. A., Zoakah, A. I. ve diğerleri. (2014). Training: A vital tool for improving the knowledge and practice of food safety and hygiene among food handlers in boarding secondary schools in Plateau State. Journal of Medicine in the Tropics, 16(2), 87.
  • Al-Shabib, N. A., Mosilhey, S. H., & Husain, F. M. (2016). Cross-sectional study on food safety knowledge, attitude and practices of male food handlers employed in restaurants of King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. Food Control, 59, 212-217.
  • Alimentare, A. e. p. l. s. (2010). The Community Summary Report: Trends and Sources of Zoonoses and Zoonotic Agents and Food-borne Outbreaks in the European Union in 2008: European Food Safety Authority.
  • Baser, F., Ture, H., Abubakirova, A., Sanlier, N., & Cil, B. (2017). Structural modeling of the relationship among food safety knowledge, attitude and behavior of hotel staff in Turkey. Food Control, 73, 438-444.
  • Brannon, L. A., York, V. K., Roberts, K. R., Shanklin, C. W., & Howells, A. D. (2009). Appreciation of food safety practices based on level of experience. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 12(2), 134-154.
  • Byrd-Bredbenner, C., Berning, J., Martin-Biggers, J., & Quick, V. (2013). Food safety in home kitchens: a synthesis of the literature. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10(9), 4060-4085.
  • da Cunha, D. T., Stedefeldt, E., & de Rosso, V. V. (2014). The role of theoretical food safety training on Brazilian food handlers' knowledge, attitude and practice. Food Control, 43, 167-174.
  • Dag, A. (2019). Toplu beslenme sistemlerinde çalışan personelin hijyen bilgi düzeylerinin değerlendirilmesi. International Peer-Reviewed Journal of Nutrition Research (15).
  • FAO, W. (2002). Global Forum of Food Safety Regulators. Marrakech, Morocco: World Health Organisation.
  • Has, S. M. C., Jaafar, S. N. A., & Chılek, T. Z. T. (2018). An assessment on pre-and post-food hygiene training on food safety’s Kap level among food handlers in Kuala Terengganu and Kuala Nerus. Malaysian Applied Biology, 47(4), 61-69.
  • Hijyen Eğitimi Yönetmeliği (2013, 5 Temmuz). Resmi Gazete (Sayı: 28698). Erişim adresi:
  • Hislop, N., & Shaw, K. (2009). Food safety knowledge retention study. Journal of Food Protection, 72(2), 431-435.
  • Insfran-Rivarola, A., Tlapa, D., Limon-Romero, J., Baez-Lopez, Y., Miranda-Ackerman, M., Arredondo-Soto, K., & Ontiveros, S. (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of food safety and hygiene training on food handlers. Foods, 9(9), 1169.
  • Ko, W.-H. (2013). The relationship among food safety knowledge, attitudes and self-reported HACCP practices in restaurant employees. Food Control, 29(1), 192-197.
  • Low, W. Y., Jani, R., Halim, H. A., Alias, A. A., & Moy, F. M. (2016). Determinants of food hygiene knowledge among youths: a cross-sectional online study. Food Control, 59, 88-93.
  • Luu, P. H., Davies, B., & Dunne, M. P. (2017). The association between factors which affect the food safety practices of seafood distributors within the southern domestic distribution chains in Vietnam. Food Control, 73, 332-340.
  • McIntyre, L., Vallaster, L., Wilcott, L., Henderson, S. B., & Kosatsky, T. (2013). Evaluation of food safety knowledge, attitudes and self-reported hand washing practices in FOODSAFE trained and untrained food handlers in British Columbia, Canada. Food Control, 30(1), 150-156.
  • Milton, A. C., & Mullan, B. A. (2012). An application of the theory of planned behavior—a randomized controlled food safety pilot intervention for young adults. Health Psychology, 31(2), 250.
  • Mullan, B., Allom, V., Sainsbury, K., & Monds, L. A. (2015). Examining the predictive utility of an extended theory of planned behaviour model in the context of specific individual safe food-handling. Appetite, 90, 91-98.
  • Mullan, B. A., & Wong, C. L. (2009). Hygienic food handling behaviours. An application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Appetite, 52(3), 757-761.
  • Park, S.-H., Kwak, T.-K., & Chang, H.-J. (2010). Evaluation of the food safety training for food handlers in restaurant operations. Nutrition Research and Practice, 4(1), 58-68.
  • Pichler, J., Ziegler, J., Aldrian, U., & Allerberger, F. (2014). Evaluating levels of knowledge on food safety among food handlers from restaurants and various catering businesses in Vienna, Austria 2011/2012. Food Control, 35(1), 33-40.
  • Roberts, K. R., Barrett, B. B., Howells, A. D., Shanklin, C. W., Pilling, V. K., & Brannon, L. A. (2008). Food safety training and foodservice employees' knowledge and behavior. Food Protection Trends, 28(4), 252-260.
  • Sani, N. A., & Siow, O. N. (2014). Knowledge, attitudes and practices of food handlers on food safety in food service operations at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Food Control, 37, 210-217.
  • Soares, K., Garcia-Diez, J., Esteves, A., Oliveira, I., & Saraiva, C. (2013). Evaluation of food safety training on hygienic conditions in food establishments. Food Control, 34(2), 613-618.
  • Soares, L. S., Almeida, R. C., Cerqueira, E. S., Carvalho, J. S., & Nunes, I. L. (2012). Knowledge, attitudes and practices in food safety and the presence of coagulase-positive staphylococci on hands of food handlers in the schools of Camaçari, Brazil. Food Control, 27(1), 206-213.
  • Soon, J., & Baines, R. (2012). Food safety training and evaluation of handwashing intention among fresh produce farm workers. Food Control, 23(2), 437-448.
  • Webb, M., & Morancie, A. (2015). Food safety knowledge of foodservice workers at a university campus by education level, experience, and food safety training. Food Control, 50, 259-264.
  • Zhang, H., Lu, L., Liang, J., & Huang, Q. (2015). Knowledge, attitude and practices of food safety amongst food handlers in the coastal resort of Guangdong, China. Food Control, 47, 457-461.

The Effects of Food Safety Training for Food Handlers on Food Safety Knowledge and Behaviors of Food Service System Workers

Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 755 - 769, 31.12.2022


Objectives: The objectives of this study are to examine the effects of food safety training and the repetition of the trainings which were given to food handlers with different training methods on the food hygiene and food safety knowledge and behaviors.
Materials and Methods: The study was carried out on the employees of three food services (A university cafeteria, a university hospital kitchen, and a non-governmental organization cafeteria). The effects of different training methods (Theoretical, on-the-job, both theoretical and on-the-job training) and training repetitions on the knowledge, behaviors and attitudes of the food handlers were evaluated with a questionnaire including training subjects before and after the training. Food safety knowledge were evaluated according to the "Foodborne pathogens and food poisoning", "Food thawing, cooking, reheating, and cooling", "Personal hygiene and cross contamination", "Food storage" subjects. Food safety attitudes and behaviors were assessed with questions related to "General hygiene practices", "Personnel hygiene", "Cross contamination" and "Food hygiene".
Results: Total food safety knowledge of the food handlers who were trained with different methods increased after the training compared to the pre-training (p<0.001). The attitude and behavior scores increased only in the group that received both on-the-job and theoretical training (p<0.001), whereas the repetition of training did not affect the attitudes and behaviors of food handler’s food safety (p>0.05).
Conclusion: Types and repetition of the training had effects on food safety knowledge and behaviors. Food safety training affects the level of food safety knowledge and behaviors positively, and the repetition of the training might make this effect more permanent.


  • Abdul-Mutalib, N.-a., Abdul-Rashid, M.-F., Mustafa, S., Amin-Nordin, S., Hamat, R. A., & Osman, M. (2012). Knowledge, attitude and practices regarding food hygiene and sanitation of food handlers in Kuala Pilah, Malaysia. Food Control, 27(2), 289-293.
  • Acikel, C. H., Ogur, R., Yaren, H., Gocgeldi, E., Ucar, M., & Kir, T. (2008). The hygiene training of food handlers at a teaching hospital. Food Control, 19(2), 186-190.
  • Afolaranmi, T. O., Hassan, Z. I., Bello, D. A., Tagurum, Y. O., Miner, C. A., Zoakah, A. I. ve diğerleri. (2014). Training: A vital tool for improving the knowledge and practice of food safety and hygiene among food handlers in boarding secondary schools in Plateau State. Journal of Medicine in the Tropics, 16(2), 87.
  • Al-Shabib, N. A., Mosilhey, S. H., & Husain, F. M. (2016). Cross-sectional study on food safety knowledge, attitude and practices of male food handlers employed in restaurants of King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. Food Control, 59, 212-217.
  • Alimentare, A. e. p. l. s. (2010). The Community Summary Report: Trends and Sources of Zoonoses and Zoonotic Agents and Food-borne Outbreaks in the European Union in 2008: European Food Safety Authority.
  • Baser, F., Ture, H., Abubakirova, A., Sanlier, N., & Cil, B. (2017). Structural modeling of the relationship among food safety knowledge, attitude and behavior of hotel staff in Turkey. Food Control, 73, 438-444.
  • Brannon, L. A., York, V. K., Roberts, K. R., Shanklin, C. W., & Howells, A. D. (2009). Appreciation of food safety practices based on level of experience. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 12(2), 134-154.
  • Byrd-Bredbenner, C., Berning, J., Martin-Biggers, J., & Quick, V. (2013). Food safety in home kitchens: a synthesis of the literature. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10(9), 4060-4085.
  • da Cunha, D. T., Stedefeldt, E., & de Rosso, V. V. (2014). The role of theoretical food safety training on Brazilian food handlers' knowledge, attitude and practice. Food Control, 43, 167-174.
  • Dag, A. (2019). Toplu beslenme sistemlerinde çalışan personelin hijyen bilgi düzeylerinin değerlendirilmesi. International Peer-Reviewed Journal of Nutrition Research (15).
  • FAO, W. (2002). Global Forum of Food Safety Regulators. Marrakech, Morocco: World Health Organisation.
  • Has, S. M. C., Jaafar, S. N. A., & Chılek, T. Z. T. (2018). An assessment on pre-and post-food hygiene training on food safety’s Kap level among food handlers in Kuala Terengganu and Kuala Nerus. Malaysian Applied Biology, 47(4), 61-69.
  • Hijyen Eğitimi Yönetmeliği (2013, 5 Temmuz). Resmi Gazete (Sayı: 28698). Erişim adresi:
  • Hislop, N., & Shaw, K. (2009). Food safety knowledge retention study. Journal of Food Protection, 72(2), 431-435.
  • Insfran-Rivarola, A., Tlapa, D., Limon-Romero, J., Baez-Lopez, Y., Miranda-Ackerman, M., Arredondo-Soto, K., & Ontiveros, S. (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of food safety and hygiene training on food handlers. Foods, 9(9), 1169.
  • Ko, W.-H. (2013). The relationship among food safety knowledge, attitudes and self-reported HACCP practices in restaurant employees. Food Control, 29(1), 192-197.
  • Low, W. Y., Jani, R., Halim, H. A., Alias, A. A., & Moy, F. M. (2016). Determinants of food hygiene knowledge among youths: a cross-sectional online study. Food Control, 59, 88-93.
  • Luu, P. H., Davies, B., & Dunne, M. P. (2017). The association between factors which affect the food safety practices of seafood distributors within the southern domestic distribution chains in Vietnam. Food Control, 73, 332-340.
  • McIntyre, L., Vallaster, L., Wilcott, L., Henderson, S. B., & Kosatsky, T. (2013). Evaluation of food safety knowledge, attitudes and self-reported hand washing practices in FOODSAFE trained and untrained food handlers in British Columbia, Canada. Food Control, 30(1), 150-156.
  • Milton, A. C., & Mullan, B. A. (2012). An application of the theory of planned behavior—a randomized controlled food safety pilot intervention for young adults. Health Psychology, 31(2), 250.
  • Mullan, B., Allom, V., Sainsbury, K., & Monds, L. A. (2015). Examining the predictive utility of an extended theory of planned behaviour model in the context of specific individual safe food-handling. Appetite, 90, 91-98.
  • Mullan, B. A., & Wong, C. L. (2009). Hygienic food handling behaviours. An application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Appetite, 52(3), 757-761.
  • Park, S.-H., Kwak, T.-K., & Chang, H.-J. (2010). Evaluation of the food safety training for food handlers in restaurant operations. Nutrition Research and Practice, 4(1), 58-68.
  • Pichler, J., Ziegler, J., Aldrian, U., & Allerberger, F. (2014). Evaluating levels of knowledge on food safety among food handlers from restaurants and various catering businesses in Vienna, Austria 2011/2012. Food Control, 35(1), 33-40.
  • Roberts, K. R., Barrett, B. B., Howells, A. D., Shanklin, C. W., Pilling, V. K., & Brannon, L. A. (2008). Food safety training and foodservice employees' knowledge and behavior. Food Protection Trends, 28(4), 252-260.
  • Sani, N. A., & Siow, O. N. (2014). Knowledge, attitudes and practices of food handlers on food safety in food service operations at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Food Control, 37, 210-217.
  • Soares, K., Garcia-Diez, J., Esteves, A., Oliveira, I., & Saraiva, C. (2013). Evaluation of food safety training on hygienic conditions in food establishments. Food Control, 34(2), 613-618.
  • Soares, L. S., Almeida, R. C., Cerqueira, E. S., Carvalho, J. S., & Nunes, I. L. (2012). Knowledge, attitudes and practices in food safety and the presence of coagulase-positive staphylococci on hands of food handlers in the schools of Camaçari, Brazil. Food Control, 27(1), 206-213.
  • Soon, J., & Baines, R. (2012). Food safety training and evaluation of handwashing intention among fresh produce farm workers. Food Control, 23(2), 437-448.
  • Webb, M., & Morancie, A. (2015). Food safety knowledge of foodservice workers at a university campus by education level, experience, and food safety training. Food Control, 50, 259-264.
  • Zhang, H., Lu, L., Liang, J., & Huang, Q. (2015). Knowledge, attitude and practices of food safety amongst food handlers in the coastal resort of Guangdong, China. Food Control, 47, 457-461.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Tuğba Nur İnalkaç 0000-0002-5444-7786

Damla Gümüş 0000-0002-3099-3432

M.merve Tengilimoğlu Metin 0000-0003-0363-5645

Mevlüde Kızıl 0000-0003-1380-3243

Publication Date December 31, 2022
Submission Date April 20, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 9 Issue: 3


APA İnalkaç, T. N., Gümüş, D., Tengilimoğlu Metin, M., Kızıl, M. (2022). Toplu Beslenme Sistemleri Çalışanlarına Yönelik Besin Güvenliği Eğitiminin Çalışanların Besin Güvenliği Bilgi Düzeyleri ve Davranışları Üzerine Etkisi. Hacettepe University Faculty of Health Sciences Journal, 9(3), 755-769.