Background: Teleradiology refers to radiological images being transmitted in an electronic environment from the hospital where the imaging was performed to another center for consultation or reports. It is also widely employed in Turkey. The purpose of this study was to perform a retrospective evaluation of the teleradiology images of patients presenting to the pediatric emergency department. Materials and Methods: Cases presenting to the pediatric emergency department of a Turkish tertiary education and research hospital between 01.01.2018 and 30.08.2018 and undergoing imaging reported using the teleradiology system were evaluated retrospectively. Age, sex, the imaging technique (computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging) and the test report result, day and time of presentation to the emergency department, and patient outcomes were recorded. Results: One hundred nine cases reported with the teleradiology system were included in this study. Forty-four (40.4%) patients were girls and 65 (59.6%) were boys, with a mean age of 105.53 ± 62.46 (4-212) months. Computed tomography was performed on 108 patients (99.1%), and both computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging on one (0.9%). Patients most frequently presented on Saturdays (22.9%) and at 16:00-00:00 hours (48.6%). The most common emergency department presentation symptoms were those involving the central nervous system (40.4%). Teleradiology system reports were most frequently normal (66.1%), followed by acute appendicitis (11.9%), and hydrocephaly (7.3%). Conclusions: This first study evaluating the use of teleradiology in the pediatric emergency department concluded that teleradiology is useful in the diagnosis and treatment of cases requiring radiological imaging at the weekends and outside normal working hours.
Ducou le Pointe H. Teleradiology. Biomed Pharmacother. 1998; 52(2):64-8.
Erdoğmuş P, Erdoğmuş B. Teleradiology: in Turkey and in the world. Tıp Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2003; 1:13-1.
Thrall JH. Teleradiology. Part I. History and clinical applications. Radiology. 2007; 243(3):613-7.
Bashshur RL, Krupinski EA, Thrall JH, Bashshur N. The Empirical Foundations of Teleradiology and Related Applications: A Review of the Evidence. Telemed J E Health. 2016; 22(11):868-8.
Thrall JH. Teleradiology. Part II. Limitations, risks, and opportunities. Radiology. 2007; 244(2):325-8.
Aquino MR, Maresky HS, Amirabadi A, Koberlein GC, Dinan D, et al. After-hours radiology coverage in children's hospitals: a multi-center survey. Pediatr Radiol. 2020; 5(7):907-12.
Bradley WG Jr. Teleradiology. Neuroimaging Clin N Am. 2012; 22(3):511-7.
Akçay G, Özkaraca O, Güney B. Remote consultation using open source software reinforced with web application in Tele-radiology:A real hospital practice. Health Care Acad J. 2016; 3(1):50-5.
Turgut K, Bucak İH, Almiş H, Şirik M, Turgut M. A Retrospective Analysis of Patients Receiving Teleradiology Consultations for Computed Tomography in the Emergency Department. İstanbul Med J. 2019; 20(6):541-6.
Yurtseven A, Altıntop İ, Bayram MK, Kaynak MF, Danlı N. Acil Serviste Bilgisayarlı Beyin Tomografisini Fazla Mı Kullanıyoruz? Journal of Anatolian Medical Research. 2016; 1(1):1-6.
Gattu R, Teshome G, Lichenstein R. Telemedicine Applications for the Pediatric Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Current Literature. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2016; 32(2):123-30.
Watson JJ, Moren A, Diggs B, Houser B, Eastes L, et al. A statewide teleradiology system reduces radiation exposure and charges in transferred trauma patients. Am J Surg. 2016; 211(5):908-12.
Duchesne JC, Kyle A, Simmons J, Islam S, Schmieg RE Jr, et al. Impact of telemedicine upon rural trauma care. J Trauma. 2008; 64(1):92-8.
Çocuk Acil Serviste Teleradyoloji Görüntülemelerinin Değerlendirilmesi, Tek Merkez Deneyimi
Amaç: Teleradyoloji hizmeti; radyolojik görüntülemenin elektronik ortamda konsültasyon ya da raporlanması amacı ile gönderilmesidir. Ülkemizde de yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Çalışmada çocuk acil servise başvuran hastaların teleradyoloji görüntülemelerinin geriye yönelik değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı.
Materyal ve Metod: Üçüncü Basamak bir Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Çocuk Acil Servisi’ne 01.01.2018-30.08.2018 tarihleri arasında teleradyoloji sistemi ile raporlanan görüntülemesi olan olgular retrospektif değerlendirildi. Çalışmada; yaş, cinsiyet, görüntüleme tetkiki (BT ve MRI) ve tetkik rapor sonucu, acil servise başvuru günü ve saat aralığı, başvuru şikayeti, hastanın sonlanımı kaydedildi.
Bulgular: Teleradyoloji sistemi ile raporlanan 109 olgu çalışmaya dahil edildi. Olguların 44’ü ( %40.4) kız, 65’i (%59.6) erkek, yaş ortalamaları ise 105.53 ± 62.46 (4-212) ay idi. Olguların 108‘ine (%99,1) bilgisayarlı tomografi, 1 (%0.9) hastaya ise hem bilgisayarlı tomografi hem de manyetik rezonans görüntülemenin yapıldığı saptandı. Olguların hastaneye en sık cumartesi günü (% 22.9) ve 16.00-24.00 (% 48.6) saat aralığında başvurdukları belirlendi. En sık acil servis başvuru şikayeti merkezi sinir sistemine (% 40.4) ait yakınmalar idi. Teleradyoloji sistemi raporları incelendiğinde en sık 3 rapor sonucu; normal (% 66.1), akut apandisit (%11.9), hidrosefali (%7.3) olduğu görüldü.
Sonuç: Ülkemizde teleradyoloji hizmetinin çocuk acil serviste kullanımını değerlendiren bu ilk çalışmada radyolojik görüntüleme ihtiyacı olan olguların tanı ve tedavisinde katkı sağladığı sonucuna varıldı.
Ducou le Pointe H. Teleradiology. Biomed Pharmacother. 1998; 52(2):64-8.
Erdoğmuş P, Erdoğmuş B. Teleradiology: in Turkey and in the world. Tıp Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2003; 1:13-1.
Thrall JH. Teleradiology. Part I. History and clinical applications. Radiology. 2007; 243(3):613-7.
Bashshur RL, Krupinski EA, Thrall JH, Bashshur N. The Empirical Foundations of Teleradiology and Related Applications: A Review of the Evidence. Telemed J E Health. 2016; 22(11):868-8.
Thrall JH. Teleradiology. Part II. Limitations, risks, and opportunities. Radiology. 2007; 244(2):325-8.
Aquino MR, Maresky HS, Amirabadi A, Koberlein GC, Dinan D, et al. After-hours radiology coverage in children's hospitals: a multi-center survey. Pediatr Radiol. 2020; 5(7):907-12.
Bradley WG Jr. Teleradiology. Neuroimaging Clin N Am. 2012; 22(3):511-7.
Akçay G, Özkaraca O, Güney B. Remote consultation using open source software reinforced with web application in Tele-radiology:A real hospital practice. Health Care Acad J. 2016; 3(1):50-5.
Turgut K, Bucak İH, Almiş H, Şirik M, Turgut M. A Retrospective Analysis of Patients Receiving Teleradiology Consultations for Computed Tomography in the Emergency Department. İstanbul Med J. 2019; 20(6):541-6.
Yurtseven A, Altıntop İ, Bayram MK, Kaynak MF, Danlı N. Acil Serviste Bilgisayarlı Beyin Tomografisini Fazla Mı Kullanıyoruz? Journal of Anatolian Medical Research. 2016; 1(1):1-6.
Gattu R, Teshome G, Lichenstein R. Telemedicine Applications for the Pediatric Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Current Literature. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2016; 32(2):123-30.
Watson JJ, Moren A, Diggs B, Houser B, Eastes L, et al. A statewide teleradiology system reduces radiation exposure and charges in transferred trauma patients. Am J Surg. 2016; 211(5):908-12.
Duchesne JC, Kyle A, Simmons J, Islam S, Schmieg RE Jr, et al. Impact of telemedicine upon rural trauma care. J Trauma. 2008; 64(1):92-8.
Bucak İ, Okay S, Almış H, Turğut M. The Evaluation of Teleradiology Images in the Pediatric Emergency Department: A Single-Center Experience. Harran Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 2022;19(1):67-70.