Research Article
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Gelişimsel kalça displazisinde avasküler nekroz: Preoperatif ve postoperatif değerlendirme

Year 2017, Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 187 - 197, 28.12.2017


Amaç: Salter pelvik osteotomisi ile tedavi edilmiş
gelişimsel kalça displazisi hastalarının sonuçları
ameliyat öncesi ve sonrası AVN evreleri ile birlikte
sunularak cerrahi tedavi sonuçlarını ve ameliyat
öncesi AVN’nin sonuçlar üzerine etkisini
Materyal ve Metod: 2002-2008 yılları arasında
kliniğimize başvuran açık redüksiyon ve Salter
İnnominate osteotomi ile tedavi edilmiş 18 gelişimsel
kalça displazili hastanın 22 kalçası geriye dönük
olarak değerlendirildi. Olgular klinik, radyolojik ve
avasküler nekroz (AVN) yönünden incelendi.
Avasküler nekroz cerrahi öncesi ve sonrası
değerlendirilerek karşılaştırıldı.
Bulgular: On sekiz hastanın 22 kalçası (3 erkek,19
kız, ort. 32,8 ay) geriye dönük olarak değerlendirildi.
Ortalama takip süresi 26,7 ay idi. Klinik
değerlendirmede McKay değerlendirme skorlamasına
göre 22 kalçanın 18’i (%81) mükemmel, 4’ü (%18)
iyi idi. Orta ve kötü sonuç yoktu. Severin radyolojik
sınıflamasına göre 18 kalçada (%81) çok iyi veya iyi
sonuç vardı. Preoperatif asetabular indeksi ortalama
39,3±5,8 derece iken postoperatif asetabular indeks
değerleri ortalama 22,7± 5,4 derece bulundu. AVN
preoperatif 5 kalçada (% 22) mevcut idi. Postoperatif
AVN oranı yaklaşık %45 (10 kalça) idi. Cerrahi
sonrası AVN gelişen veya AVN oranı artan kalça
sayısı 8 (%36) idi.
Sonuç: Geç tanı konan olgularda açık redüksiyon ve
pelvik osteotomi sonrası erken dönem yüksek AVN
oranları gözlenmektedir. AVN oranları ile ilgili
değerlendirmede preoperatif AVN oranlarının
belirtilmesi ve tip 1 AVN da dikkate alınarak
sonuçların bildirilmesi daha anlamlı ve kıyaslanabilir
bir değerlendirme sağlayabilir.  


  • 1. Connolly P, Weinstein SL. The course and treatment of avascular necrosis of the femoral head in developmental dysplasia of the hip. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2007;41 Suppl 1:54-59.
  • 2. Senaran H, Bowen JR, Harcke HT. Avascular necrosis rate in early reduction after failed Pavlik harness treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip. J Pediatr Orthop 2007;27:192-197.
  • 3. Agus H, Omeroglu H, Ucar H, Bicimoglu A, Turmer Y. Evaluation of the risk factors of avascular necrosis of the femoral head in developmental dysplasia of the hip in infants younger than 18 months of age. J Pediatr Orthop B 2002;11:41-46.
  • 4. Sankar WN, Neubuerger CO, Moseley CF. Femoral head sphericity in untreated developmental dislocation of the hip. J Pediatr Orthop 2010;30:558-561.
  • 5. Segal LS, Boal DK, Borthwick L, Clark MW, Localio AR, Schwentker EP. Avascular necrosis after treatment of DDH: the protective influence of the ossific nucleus. J Pediatr Orthop 1999;19:177-184.
  • 6. Ucar DH, Isiklar ZU, Kandemir U, Tumer Y. Treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip with Pavlik harness: prospective study in Graf type IIc or more severe hips. J Pediatr Orthop B 2004;13:70-74.
  • 7. Söyüncü Y, Özenci M, Ürgüden M, Akyıldız F, Gür S. Yürüme çağındaki çocuklarda gelişimsel kalça displazisinin tek aşamalı cerrahi tedavisi. Artroplasti Artroskopik Cerrahi 2004;15:200-206.
  • 8. Tomak Y, Dabak N, Tilki K, Gulman B, Karaismailoglu N. Açık redüksiyon ve Salter Innominate Osteotomisi uygulanan gelişimsel kalça çıkıklı olgularda görülen komplikasyonlar. Artroplasti Artroskopik Cerrahi 2000;11:162-168.
  • 9. Powell EN, Gerratana FJ, Gage JR. Open reduction for congenital hip dislocation: the risk of avascular necrosis with three different approaches. J Pediatr Orthop 1986;6:127-132.
  • 10. Zadeh HG, Catterall A, Hashemi-Nejad A, Perry RE. Test of stability as an aid to decide the need for osteotomy in association with open reduction in developmental dysplasia of the hip. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2000;82:17-27.
  • 11. Thomas IH, Dunin AJ, Cole WG, Menelaus MB. Avascular necrosis after open reduction for congenital dislocation of the hip: analysis of causative factors and natural history. J Pediatr Orthop 1989;9:525-531.
  • 12. Dwek JR. The hip: MR imaging of uniquely pediatric disorders. Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 2009;17:509-520, vi.
  • 13. Tiderius C, Jaramillo D, Connolly S, Griffey M, Rodriguez DP, Kasser JR, et al. Post-closed reduction perfusion magnetic resonance imaging as a predictor of avascular necrosis in developmental hip dysplasia: a preliminary report. J Pediatr Orthop 2009;29:14-20.
  • 14. Tükenmez Mehmet PS, Tezeren Gündüz, Cingöz Mehmet Akif. Gelişimsel Kalça Displazisinin Tedavisinde Salter’in Iliyak Osteotomisi Sonuçlarımız. Turkiye Klinikleri 2006;26:390-395.
  • 15. Schoenecker PL, Strecker WB. Congenital dislocation of the hip in children. Comparison of the effects of femoral shortening and of skeletal traction in treatment. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1984;66:21-27.
  • 16. Wenger DR, Lee CS, Kolman B. Derotational femoral shortening for developmental dislocation of the hip: special indications and results in the child younger than 2 years. J Pediatr Orthop 1995;15:768-779.
  • 17. Mazloumi M, Omidi-Kashani F, Ebrahimzadeh MH, Makhmalbaf H, Hoseinayee MM. Combined Femoral and Acetabular Osteotomy in Children of Walking Age for Treatment of DDH; A Five Years Follow-Up Report. Iran J Med Sci 2015;40:13-18.
  • 18. Kothari A, Grammatopoulos G, Hopewell S, Theologis T. How Does Bony Surgery Affect Results of Anterior Open Reduction in Walking-age Children With Developmental Hip Dysplasia? Clin Orthop Relat Res 2016;474:1199-1208.
  • 19. Trueta J. The normal vascular anatomy of the human femoral head during growth. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1957;39-B:358-394.
  • 20. Kitakoji T, Kitoh H, Katoh M, Kurita K, Nogami K, Ishiguro N. Home traction in the treatment schedule of overhead traction for developmental dysplasia of the hip. J Orthop Sci 2005;10:475-479.
  • 21. Cordier W, Tonnis D, Kalchschmidt K, Storch KJ, Katthagen BD. Long-term results after open reduction of developmental hip dislocation by an anterior approach lateral and medial of the iliopsoas muscle. J Pediatr Orthop B 2005;14:79-87.
  • 22. Gabuzda GM, Renshaw TS. Reduction of congenital dislocation of the hip. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1992;74:624-631.
  • 23. Tezeren G, Tukenmez M, Bulut O, Percin S, Cekin T. The surgical treatment of developmental dislocation of the hip in older children: a comparative study. Acta Orthop Belg 2005;71:678-685.
  • 24. Bulut M, Gurger M, Belhan O, Batur OC, Celik S, Karakurt L. Management of developmental dysplasia of the hip in less than 24 months old children. Indian J Orthop 2013;47:578-584.
  • 25. Ruszkowski K, Pucher A. Simultaneous open reduction and Dega transiliac osteotomy for developmental dislocation of the hip in children under 24 months of age. J Pediatr Orthop 2005;25:695-701.
  • 26. Ertürk C. Gelişimsel kalça displazisinde Pemberton perikapsüler osteotomisinin erken dönem sonuları. Eklem Hastalıkları ve Cerrahisi 2008;19:13-17.
  • 27. Incesu M, Belhan O, Karakurt L. Gelişimsel kalça displazisinde Salter ve Pemberton pelvik osteotomi uygulamalarının orta dönem sonuçları. Eklem Hastalıkları ve Cerrahisi 2007;18:7-12.
  • 28. Kruczynski J. Avascular necrosis of the proximal femur in developmental dislocation of the hip. Incidence, risk factors, sequelae and MR imaging for diagnosis and prognosis. Acta Orthop Scand Suppl 1996;268:1-48.
  • Zorer G, Bagatur AE. Single-stage bilateral Pemberton's pericapsular osteotomy in bilateral developmental dysplasia of the hip. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2002;36:288-294.

Avascular necrosis in developmental dysplasia of the hip: Preoperative and postoperative evaluation

Year 2017, Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 187 - 197, 28.12.2017



  • 1. Connolly P, Weinstein SL. The course and treatment of avascular necrosis of the femoral head in developmental dysplasia of the hip. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2007;41 Suppl 1:54-59.
  • 2. Senaran H, Bowen JR, Harcke HT. Avascular necrosis rate in early reduction after failed Pavlik harness treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip. J Pediatr Orthop 2007;27:192-197.
  • 3. Agus H, Omeroglu H, Ucar H, Bicimoglu A, Turmer Y. Evaluation of the risk factors of avascular necrosis of the femoral head in developmental dysplasia of the hip in infants younger than 18 months of age. J Pediatr Orthop B 2002;11:41-46.
  • 4. Sankar WN, Neubuerger CO, Moseley CF. Femoral head sphericity in untreated developmental dislocation of the hip. J Pediatr Orthop 2010;30:558-561.
  • 5. Segal LS, Boal DK, Borthwick L, Clark MW, Localio AR, Schwentker EP. Avascular necrosis after treatment of DDH: the protective influence of the ossific nucleus. J Pediatr Orthop 1999;19:177-184.
  • 6. Ucar DH, Isiklar ZU, Kandemir U, Tumer Y. Treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip with Pavlik harness: prospective study in Graf type IIc or more severe hips. J Pediatr Orthop B 2004;13:70-74.
  • 7. Söyüncü Y, Özenci M, Ürgüden M, Akyıldız F, Gür S. Yürüme çağındaki çocuklarda gelişimsel kalça displazisinin tek aşamalı cerrahi tedavisi. Artroplasti Artroskopik Cerrahi 2004;15:200-206.
  • 8. Tomak Y, Dabak N, Tilki K, Gulman B, Karaismailoglu N. Açık redüksiyon ve Salter Innominate Osteotomisi uygulanan gelişimsel kalça çıkıklı olgularda görülen komplikasyonlar. Artroplasti Artroskopik Cerrahi 2000;11:162-168.
  • 9. Powell EN, Gerratana FJ, Gage JR. Open reduction for congenital hip dislocation: the risk of avascular necrosis with three different approaches. J Pediatr Orthop 1986;6:127-132.
  • 10. Zadeh HG, Catterall A, Hashemi-Nejad A, Perry RE. Test of stability as an aid to decide the need for osteotomy in association with open reduction in developmental dysplasia of the hip. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2000;82:17-27.
  • 11. Thomas IH, Dunin AJ, Cole WG, Menelaus MB. Avascular necrosis after open reduction for congenital dislocation of the hip: analysis of causative factors and natural history. J Pediatr Orthop 1989;9:525-531.
  • 12. Dwek JR. The hip: MR imaging of uniquely pediatric disorders. Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 2009;17:509-520, vi.
  • 13. Tiderius C, Jaramillo D, Connolly S, Griffey M, Rodriguez DP, Kasser JR, et al. Post-closed reduction perfusion magnetic resonance imaging as a predictor of avascular necrosis in developmental hip dysplasia: a preliminary report. J Pediatr Orthop 2009;29:14-20.
  • 14. Tükenmez Mehmet PS, Tezeren Gündüz, Cingöz Mehmet Akif. Gelişimsel Kalça Displazisinin Tedavisinde Salter’in Iliyak Osteotomisi Sonuçlarımız. Turkiye Klinikleri 2006;26:390-395.
  • 15. Schoenecker PL, Strecker WB. Congenital dislocation of the hip in children. Comparison of the effects of femoral shortening and of skeletal traction in treatment. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1984;66:21-27.
  • 16. Wenger DR, Lee CS, Kolman B. Derotational femoral shortening for developmental dislocation of the hip: special indications and results in the child younger than 2 years. J Pediatr Orthop 1995;15:768-779.
  • 17. Mazloumi M, Omidi-Kashani F, Ebrahimzadeh MH, Makhmalbaf H, Hoseinayee MM. Combined Femoral and Acetabular Osteotomy in Children of Walking Age for Treatment of DDH; A Five Years Follow-Up Report. Iran J Med Sci 2015;40:13-18.
  • 18. Kothari A, Grammatopoulos G, Hopewell S, Theologis T. How Does Bony Surgery Affect Results of Anterior Open Reduction in Walking-age Children With Developmental Hip Dysplasia? Clin Orthop Relat Res 2016;474:1199-1208.
  • 19. Trueta J. The normal vascular anatomy of the human femoral head during growth. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1957;39-B:358-394.
  • 20. Kitakoji T, Kitoh H, Katoh M, Kurita K, Nogami K, Ishiguro N. Home traction in the treatment schedule of overhead traction for developmental dysplasia of the hip. J Orthop Sci 2005;10:475-479.
  • 21. Cordier W, Tonnis D, Kalchschmidt K, Storch KJ, Katthagen BD. Long-term results after open reduction of developmental hip dislocation by an anterior approach lateral and medial of the iliopsoas muscle. J Pediatr Orthop B 2005;14:79-87.
  • 22. Gabuzda GM, Renshaw TS. Reduction of congenital dislocation of the hip. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1992;74:624-631.
  • 23. Tezeren G, Tukenmez M, Bulut O, Percin S, Cekin T. The surgical treatment of developmental dislocation of the hip in older children: a comparative study. Acta Orthop Belg 2005;71:678-685.
  • 24. Bulut M, Gurger M, Belhan O, Batur OC, Celik S, Karakurt L. Management of developmental dysplasia of the hip in less than 24 months old children. Indian J Orthop 2013;47:578-584.
  • 25. Ruszkowski K, Pucher A. Simultaneous open reduction and Dega transiliac osteotomy for developmental dislocation of the hip in children under 24 months of age. J Pediatr Orthop 2005;25:695-701.
  • 26. Ertürk C. Gelişimsel kalça displazisinde Pemberton perikapsüler osteotomisinin erken dönem sonuları. Eklem Hastalıkları ve Cerrahisi 2008;19:13-17.
  • 27. Incesu M, Belhan O, Karakurt L. Gelişimsel kalça displazisinde Salter ve Pemberton pelvik osteotomi uygulamalarının orta dönem sonuçları. Eklem Hastalıkları ve Cerrahisi 2007;18:7-12.
  • 28. Kruczynski J. Avascular necrosis of the proximal femur in developmental dislocation of the hip. Incidence, risk factors, sequelae and MR imaging for diagnosis and prognosis. Acta Orthop Scand Suppl 1996;268:1-48.
  • Zorer G, Bagatur AE. Single-stage bilateral Pemberton's pericapsular osteotomy in bilateral developmental dysplasia of the hip. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2002;36:288-294.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Serkan Sipahioğlu This is me

Baran Sarıkaya This is me

Celal Bozkurt This is me

Hüseyin Aşkar This is me

Uğur Erdem Işıkan This is me

Publication Date December 28, 2017
Submission Date December 15, 2017
Acceptance Date December 19, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 14 Issue: 3


Vancouver Sipahioğlu S, Sarıkaya B, Bozkurt C, Aşkar H, Işıkan UE. Gelişimsel kalça displazisinde avasküler nekroz: Preoperatif ve postoperatif değerlendirme. Harran Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 2017;14(3):187-9.

Harran Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi  / Journal of Harran University Medical Faculty