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Brusellozda Brucellacapt (Immunocapture-agglutination) ve Rose Bengal testlerinin değerlendirilmesi

Year 2015, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 179 - 184, 30.08.2015


Amaç: Bruselloz, Gram negatif bir bakteri olan brusella türlerinin neden olduğu son derece bulaşıcı bir
zoonotik hastalıktır. İnsan brusellozunun tanısında çok çeşitli serolojik testler kullanılmaktadır. Brusellozun
serolojik tanısında sıklıkla tercih edilen yöntem olan tüp aglütinasyon testi, blokan antikor varlığını tespit
edemediğinden yalancı negatif sonuçlara yol açabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada farklı iki test olan Rose Bengal
testi (RBT) ve immuncapture- aglütinasyon (Brucellacapt) testi sonuçlarının analiz edilmesi ve bu testlerin
kullanılabilirliğinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Materyal Metod: Çalışmaya, Ağustos 2009 - Ağustos 2011 tarihleri arasında Kızıltepe Devlet Hastanesi
mikrobiyoloji laboratuarına çeşitli polikliniklerden gelen 220 hastadan alınan serum örneği dahil edilmiştir.
Her bir hasta serumunda hem RBT (ADR Diagnostics, Medico Chemistry) hem de Brucellacapt (ADR
Diagnostics, Medico Chemistry) testleri çalışılmıştır. Her iki test de üretici firmanın talimatları
doğrultusunda gerçekleştirilmiştir. Brucellacapt testinde 1/160 serum titresi eşik değer olarak kabul
edilmiştir. Çalışma grubuna klinik bulgulara dayanarak bruselloz şüphesi olan 220 hasta dahil edilmiştir.
Bulgular: Serum örneklerin serolojik olarak incelenmesi ile her iki test 146 (%66,4) hastada negatif
bulunurken, hem RBT hem de Brucellacapt testinin pozitif olduğu hasta sayısı ise 59 (%26,8) olarak
bulunmuştur. Ek olarak sadece RBT testinin pozitif olduğu hasta sayısı 9 (%4,1), sadece Brucellacapt
testinin pozitif olduğu hasta sayısı ise 6 (%2,7) olarak tespit edilmiştir. Toplamda RBT 68 hastada (%30,9),
Brucellacapt testi ise 65 hastada (%29,5) pozitif olarak bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Bölgemizde brusellozun endemik bir problem olarak devam ettiği tespit edilmiştir.
RBT, bruselloz tanısında, tecrübeli eleman gerektirmeyen, yorumlanması kolay, maliyeti düşük ve
teknik olarak da kolay uygulanabilir bir testdir. Brucellacapt testi de kolay ve pratik bir test olup bruselloz
tanısında tamamlayıcı bir test olarak kullanılabilir


  • 1. Díaz R, Casanova A, Ariza J, Moriyón I. The Rose Bengal Test in human brucellosis: a neglected test for the diagnosis of a neglected disease. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 2011;19(4):e950.
  • 2. Gomez MC, Netio JA, Rosa C, Geijo P, Escribano MA, Munoz A, Lopez CP. Evaluation of seven tests for diagnosis of human brucellosis in an area where the disease is endemic. Clin Vaccine Immunol, 2008;15(6):1031-3.
  • 3. Mantur BG, Amarnath SK, Shinde RS. Review of clinical and laboratory features of human brucellosis. Indian J Med Microbiol, 2007;25(3):188-202.
  • 4. Franco MP, Mulder M, Gilman RH, Smits HL. Human brucellosis. Lancet Infect Dis, 2007;7(12):775-86.
  • 5. Corbel MJ, Alton GG, Banai M, Dı´az R, Dranovskaia BA, et al. Brucellosis in human and animals. Geneva: WHO Press, 2006:22-3.
  • 6. Ruiz-Mesa JD, Sanchez-Gonzalez J, Reguera JM, Martin L, Lopez-Palmero S, Colmenero JD. Rose Bengal test: diagnostic yield and use for the rapid diagnosis of human brucellosis in emergency departments in endemic areas. Clin Microbiol Infect 2005;11(3):221-5.
  • 7. Alişkan H, Colakoğlu S, Turunç T, Demiroğlu YZ, Yazic AC, Arslan H. Evaluation of diagnostic value of Brucellacapt test in brucellosis. Mikrobiyol Bul, 2007;41(4):591-5.
  • 8. Orduña A, Almaraz A, Prado A, Gutierrez MP, GarciaPascual A, Dueñas A, Cuervo M, Abad R, Hernández B, Lorenzo B, Bratos MA, Torres AR. Evaluation of an immunocapture- agglutination test (Brucellacapt) for serodiagnosis of human brucellosis. J Clin Microbiol, 2000;38(11):4000-5
  • 9. Dahouk S, Tomaso H, Nöckler K, Neubauer H, Frangoulidis D, Laboratory-based diagnosis of brucellosis-a review of the literature. Part II: serological tests for brucellosis. Clin Lab, 2003;49(11-12):577-89.
  • 10. Alışkan H. The value of culture and serological methods in the diagnosis of human brucellosis. Mikrobiyol Bül, 2008;42(1):185-95.
  • 11. Mantur BG, Amarnath SK, Parande AM, Patil GA, Walvekar RR, Desai AS, Parande MV, Shinde RS, Chandrashekar MR, Patil SD, Shivaram C, Salagare RC. Comparison of a novel immunocapture assay with standard serological methods in the diagnosis of brucellosis. Clin Lab, 2011;57(5-6):333-41.
  • 12. Ciftçi C, Oztürk F, Oztekin A, Karaoğlan H, Saba R, Gültekin M, Mamikoğlu L. Comparison of the serological tests used fort the laboratory diagnosis of brucellosis, Mikrobiyol Bul, 2005; 39(3):291-9.
  • 13. Güzelant A, Kurtoğlu MG, Kaya M, Keşli R, Terzi Y, Baysal B. Comparison of the Brucellacapt with other serological tests used for the diagnosis of Brucellosis, Selçuk Tıp Derg, 2009;25(3):125-131.
  • 14. Sirmatel F, Türker M, Bozkurt AI. Evaluation of the methods used for the serologic diagnosis of brucellosis. Mikrobiyol Bul, 2002;36(2):161-7.
  • 15. Ardic N, Ozyurt M, Sezer O, Erdemoglu A, Haznedaroglu T. Comparison of Coombs' and immunocapture-agglutination tests in the diagnosis of brucellosis. Chin Med J (Engl). 2005;118(3):252-4.
  • 16. Thakur SD, Kumar R, Thapliyal DC. Human brucellosis: review of an under-diagnosed animal transmitted disease. J Commun Dis 2002;34(4):287-301.
  • 17. Memish ZA, Almuneef M, Mah MW, Qassem LA, Osoba AO. Comparison of the Brucella Standard Agglutination Test with the ELISA IgG and IgM in patients with Brucella bacteremia. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 2002;44(2):129-32.

Assesment of Brucellacapt (Immunocapture-agglutination) and Rose Bengal tests in human brucellosis

Year 2015, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 179 - 184, 30.08.2015


OBJECTIVE: Brucellosis is extremely infectious zoonosis caused by the Gram-negative bacteria of the
genus Brucella. Several serological tests have been used for the diagnosis of human brucellosis. Although
standard tube agglutination test is the frequently preferred method for the serodiagnosis of brucellosis, it may
cause false negative results due to its incompetence in detecting the blocking antibodies. In this study,
analysis of the results obtained with two different tests which are Rose Bengal test (RBT) and
immunocapture- agglutination test (Brucellacapt) for detection of Brucella-specific antibodies in an area of
endemicity and evaluation of usefulness of these tests were aimed.
METHODS: Atotal of 220 sera from different groups of patients from various polyclinics were included the
study between August 2009 and August 2011 dates. Rose Bengal test (ADR Diagnostics, MedicoChemistry)
and Brucellacapt (ADR Diagnostics, Medico- Chemistry) were performed for each serum
sample. Both of the tests were performed according to manufacturer's recommendations. The threshold
serum titre was accepted as 1/160 in Brucellacapt test. In this study, 220 patients with suspected brucellosis
based on clinical findings were included.
RESULTS: As a result of Serological examination of the clinical samples both of the RBT
and Brucellacapt tests were negative in 146 (66.4%) patients. Both of the RBT and Brucellacapt tests were
positive in 59 (26.8%) patients. In addition, only RBTwas positive in 9 (4.1%) patients and only Brucellacapt
test was positive in 6 (2.7%) patients. Totally, RBT was positive in 68 patients (30.9%) and Brucellacapt test
was positive in 65 patients (29.5%).
CONCLUSION: Brucellosis continues to be an endemic problem in our region. RBTis a very useful test for
the diagnosis of human brucellosis and hasn't got technical difficulties since they didn't require skilled
personnel and high-cost material and easy to interpret. Brucellacapt is also simple and practical test and it is
suitable complementary test for diagnosis of brucellosis.


  • 1. Díaz R, Casanova A, Ariza J, Moriyón I. The Rose Bengal Test in human brucellosis: a neglected test for the diagnosis of a neglected disease. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 2011;19(4):e950.
  • 2. Gomez MC, Netio JA, Rosa C, Geijo P, Escribano MA, Munoz A, Lopez CP. Evaluation of seven tests for diagnosis of human brucellosis in an area where the disease is endemic. Clin Vaccine Immunol, 2008;15(6):1031-3.
  • 3. Mantur BG, Amarnath SK, Shinde RS. Review of clinical and laboratory features of human brucellosis. Indian J Med Microbiol, 2007;25(3):188-202.
  • 4. Franco MP, Mulder M, Gilman RH, Smits HL. Human brucellosis. Lancet Infect Dis, 2007;7(12):775-86.
  • 5. Corbel MJ, Alton GG, Banai M, Dı´az R, Dranovskaia BA, et al. Brucellosis in human and animals. Geneva: WHO Press, 2006:22-3.
  • 6. Ruiz-Mesa JD, Sanchez-Gonzalez J, Reguera JM, Martin L, Lopez-Palmero S, Colmenero JD. Rose Bengal test: diagnostic yield and use for the rapid diagnosis of human brucellosis in emergency departments in endemic areas. Clin Microbiol Infect 2005;11(3):221-5.
  • 7. Alişkan H, Colakoğlu S, Turunç T, Demiroğlu YZ, Yazic AC, Arslan H. Evaluation of diagnostic value of Brucellacapt test in brucellosis. Mikrobiyol Bul, 2007;41(4):591-5.
  • 8. Orduña A, Almaraz A, Prado A, Gutierrez MP, GarciaPascual A, Dueñas A, Cuervo M, Abad R, Hernández B, Lorenzo B, Bratos MA, Torres AR. Evaluation of an immunocapture- agglutination test (Brucellacapt) for serodiagnosis of human brucellosis. J Clin Microbiol, 2000;38(11):4000-5
  • 9. Dahouk S, Tomaso H, Nöckler K, Neubauer H, Frangoulidis D, Laboratory-based diagnosis of brucellosis-a review of the literature. Part II: serological tests for brucellosis. Clin Lab, 2003;49(11-12):577-89.
  • 10. Alışkan H. The value of culture and serological methods in the diagnosis of human brucellosis. Mikrobiyol Bül, 2008;42(1):185-95.
  • 11. Mantur BG, Amarnath SK, Parande AM, Patil GA, Walvekar RR, Desai AS, Parande MV, Shinde RS, Chandrashekar MR, Patil SD, Shivaram C, Salagare RC. Comparison of a novel immunocapture assay with standard serological methods in the diagnosis of brucellosis. Clin Lab, 2011;57(5-6):333-41.
  • 12. Ciftçi C, Oztürk F, Oztekin A, Karaoğlan H, Saba R, Gültekin M, Mamikoğlu L. Comparison of the serological tests used fort the laboratory diagnosis of brucellosis, Mikrobiyol Bul, 2005; 39(3):291-9.
  • 13. Güzelant A, Kurtoğlu MG, Kaya M, Keşli R, Terzi Y, Baysal B. Comparison of the Brucellacapt with other serological tests used for the diagnosis of Brucellosis, Selçuk Tıp Derg, 2009;25(3):125-131.
  • 14. Sirmatel F, Türker M, Bozkurt AI. Evaluation of the methods used for the serologic diagnosis of brucellosis. Mikrobiyol Bul, 2002;36(2):161-7.
  • 15. Ardic N, Ozyurt M, Sezer O, Erdemoglu A, Haznedaroglu T. Comparison of Coombs' and immunocapture-agglutination tests in the diagnosis of brucellosis. Chin Med J (Engl). 2005;118(3):252-4.
  • 16. Thakur SD, Kumar R, Thapliyal DC. Human brucellosis: review of an under-diagnosed animal transmitted disease. J Commun Dis 2002;34(4):287-301.
  • 17. Memish ZA, Almuneef M, Mah MW, Qassem LA, Osoba AO. Comparison of the Brucella Standard Agglutination Test with the ELISA IgG and IgM in patients with Brucella bacteremia. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 2002;44(2):129-32.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Erkan Yula

Turkan Toka Özer This is me

Vicdan Köksaldı Motor This is me

Erhan Yengil This is me

Melek İnci This is me

Hüseyin Aksoy This is me

Çetin Kılınç This is me

Publication Date August 30, 2015
Submission Date April 19, 2014
Acceptance Date October 3, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 12 Issue: 2


Vancouver Yula E, Özer TT, Motor VK, Yengil E, İnci M, Aksoy H, Kılınç Ç. Brusellozda Brucellacapt (Immunocapture-agglutination) ve Rose Bengal testlerinin değerlendirilmesi. Harran Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 2015;12(2):179-84.

Harran Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi  / Journal of Harran University Medical Faculty