Lumbosacral Herpes Zoster Infection In A Six-Month-Old Infant
Year 2015,
Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 281 - 283, 30.08.2015
Habip Almiş
İbrahim Hakan Bucak
Mehmet Tekin
Çapan Konca
Mehmet Turgut
Herpes zoster is caused by the varicella zoster virus and is an acute vesiculobullous cutaneous infection.
Although this disease is commonly seen in adults and immunocompromised individuals, it is uncommon in
healthy children and extremely rare in children younger than ten years old. Typical sites of involvement
include the thoracic, cervical, ophthalmic, and lumbosacral regions. Herpes zoster is a painful
neurocutaneous disease. Before the onset of a skin rash in herpes zoster infections, pain occurs along the
dermatomes. Restlessness could be a warning sign of infection in young children.
We report the case of a six-month-old female infant with lumbosacral herpes zoster infection to emphasize
the fact that it is rarely diagnosed in this age group. Patients can present with irritability; therefore, a complete
physical examination is necessary in all patients with this symptom to prevent missed diagnoses.
- 1. Leung A.K, Robson W.L, Leong A.G. Herpes zoster in
childhood. J Pediatr Health Care 2006;20(5):300-3.
2. Feder H.M Jr, Hoss D.M. Herpes zoster in otherwise
healthy children. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2004;23(5):451-7.
3. Kurlan J.G, Connelly B.L, Lucky A.W. Herpes zoster
in the first year of life following postnatal exposure to
varisella zoster virus: four case report and a review of
i n f a n t i l e h e r p e s z o st e r. A r c h D e rma t o l
4. Yalaki Z, Öztürk A, Taşar M.A, Dallar Y. Herpes
zoster infections in healthy children. Çocuk Enf Derg
5. Sauerbrei A, Eichhorn U, Schacke M, Wutzler P.
Laboratory diagnosis of herpes zoster. J Clin Virol.
6.Gross G, Doerr H.W. Herpes zoster guideline of the
German Dermatology Society. J Clinical Virology
7.Kara A. Acyclovir Indication in Varisella Zoster Virus
Infections. Çocuk Enf Derg 2007;1:162-6.
8.Petursson G, Helgason S, Gudmundsson S, Sigurdsson
J.A. Herpes zoster in children and adolescents. Pediatr
Infect Dis J 1998;17(10):905-8.
9.Grote V, von Kries R, Rosenfeld E, Belohradsky B.H,
Liese J. Immunocompetent children account for the
majority of complications in childhood herpes zoster. J
Infect Dis 2007;196(10):1455-8.
10.Peña J.A, Pirics M.L, DiCaprio H.S, et al. Varisella
reactivation presenting as shingles and aseptic meningitis in
an immunocompetent 11-year-old boy. Clin Pediatr
Altı Aylık Bir Çocukta Lumbosakral Herpes Zoster Enfeksiyonu
Year 2015,
Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 281 - 283, 30.08.2015
Habip Almiş
İbrahim Hakan Bucak
Mehmet Tekin
Çapan Konca
Mehmet Turgut
Herpes zoster enfeksiyonu, varisella zoster virüsü tarafından oluşturulan akut vezikülobüllöz bir cilt
hastalığıdır. Hastalık ileri yaşlarda ve immün sistemi baskılanmış kişilerde daha sık görülmekle birlikte
sağlıklı çocuklarda oldukça nadirdir. On yaşından küçük çocuklarda ise oldukça nadirdir. Bu hastalıkta, tipik
tutulum bölgeleri sıklık sırasına göre; torakal, servikal, oftalmik ve lumbosakral bölgelerdir. Herpes zoster
enfeksiyonunda döküntü öncesi ilgili dermatom bölgesinde ağrı ortaya çıkar ve ağrı sonrasında döküntü
izlenir. Küçük çocuklarda huzursuzluk uyarıcı bir bulgu olabilir.
Bu yazıda 6 aylık bir kız çocuğunda saptanan lumbosakral bölge yerleşimli herpes zoster enfeksiyonu, bu yaş
grubunda herpes zoster enfeksiyonunun nadir görülmesi ve huzursuzluk nedeni olabileceğini, tam bir fizik
muayene yapılmaması durumunda gözden kaçabileceğini, vurgulamak amacıyla sunuyoruz.
- 1. Leung A.K, Robson W.L, Leong A.G. Herpes zoster in
childhood. J Pediatr Health Care 2006;20(5):300-3.
2. Feder H.M Jr, Hoss D.M. Herpes zoster in otherwise
healthy children. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2004;23(5):451-7.
3. Kurlan J.G, Connelly B.L, Lucky A.W. Herpes zoster
in the first year of life following postnatal exposure to
varisella zoster virus: four case report and a review of
i n f a n t i l e h e r p e s z o st e r. A r c h D e rma t o l
4. Yalaki Z, Öztürk A, Taşar M.A, Dallar Y. Herpes
zoster infections in healthy children. Çocuk Enf Derg
5. Sauerbrei A, Eichhorn U, Schacke M, Wutzler P.
Laboratory diagnosis of herpes zoster. J Clin Virol.
6.Gross G, Doerr H.W. Herpes zoster guideline of the
German Dermatology Society. J Clinical Virology
7.Kara A. Acyclovir Indication in Varisella Zoster Virus
Infections. Çocuk Enf Derg 2007;1:162-6.
8.Petursson G, Helgason S, Gudmundsson S, Sigurdsson
J.A. Herpes zoster in children and adolescents. Pediatr
Infect Dis J 1998;17(10):905-8.
9.Grote V, von Kries R, Rosenfeld E, Belohradsky B.H,
Liese J. Immunocompetent children account for the
majority of complications in childhood herpes zoster. J
Infect Dis 2007;196(10):1455-8.
10.Peña J.A, Pirics M.L, DiCaprio H.S, et al. Varisella
reactivation presenting as shingles and aseptic meningitis in
an immunocompetent 11-year-old boy. Clin Pediatr