Lise Öğrencilerinin Hava Kirliliği Konusundaki Bilgi ve Algı-Duyarlılık Düzeylerinin Değerlendirilmesi
Year 2024,
Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 101 - 107, 29.04.2024
Remziye Can
Şerif Kurtuluş
Pınar Yıldız Gülhan
Alaettin Ünsal
Objectives: This study aimed to determine the level of knowledge of high school students about air pollution, examine some of the variables that are thought to be related, and evaluate the levels of air pollution perception and sensitivity.
Materials and Methods: The study is a cross-sectional study conducted on a group of students studying at a high school in Turkey between March 2018 and March 2019. The questionnaire prepared for the study was delivered to the students online. In our study, the level of knowledge about air pollution was evaluated by information questions prepared by researchers, and those who scored 4.5 and below were accepted as having "insufficient knowledge about air pollution." The students' Air Pollution Perception and Sensitivity levels were evaluated with the "Air Pollution Perception and Sensitivity Scale."
Results: The number of those with insufficient knowledge about air pollution was 867 (34.7%). Being male, 16 years of age and under, living in towns and villages, having a father's education level at secondary school, and not being a member of any environmental organization were determined as risk factors for insufficient knowledge about air pollution.
Conclusion: Those with sufficient knowledge about air pollution have higher Air Pollution Detection and Sensitivity levels. In order to increase the air pollution knowledge level of Vocational School of Health Services students, it is recommended to carry out informational and educational studies on the subject.
Ethical Statement
Bu çalışma için gerekli etik kurul izni ve Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı uygulama izni alınmıştır. Bu izinlere ait evraklar dosyalarda mevcuttur.
Supporting Institution
Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı
Harran üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Rektörlüğüne ve Milli
Eğitim Bakanlığına katkılarından dolayı teşekkür ederiz.
- 1. Manisalidis I, Stavropoulou E, Stavropoulos A, Bezirtzog-lou E. Environmental and Health Impacts of Air Pollution: A Review. Front Public Health. 2020;20:8-14. https://doi:10.3389/fpubh.2020.00014.
- 2. Yang BY, Qian Z, Howard SW, et al. Global association between ambient air pollution and blood pressure: A sys-tematic review and meta-analysis. Environ Pollut. 2018;235:576-588. https://doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2018.01.001
- 3. World Health Organization.Air pollution Over-view. Access date: 12 06 2021
- 4. World Air Quality Report. [Internet] Access date: 23 06 2021
- 5.[Internet] Access date: 15 06 2021
- 6. Skamp K, Boyes E, Stanisstreet M. Students' Ideas and Attitudes about Air Quality.RISE.2004;34:313–42.https://doi:10.1023 /b:rıse. 0000044643.2 4 770.5c
- 7. Özdamar K. Statistical data analysis with package prog-rams-2 (Multivariateanalysis). Renewed 5th Edition, ETAM A.Ş. Printing Facilities, Kaan Publication, Eskişehir 2004; 324–54.
- 8. Akkurt, A. Opinions of pre-service teachers on airpollution. SSJR. 2011;1:237-52.
- 9. Yazdanparast T, Salehpour S, Masjedi MR, Azin SA, Se-yedmehdi SM, Boyes E. et al. Airpollution: the knowledge and ideas of students in Tehran-Iran, and a comparison with other countries. ActaMed Iran. 2013;51(7):487-93. PMID: 23945895.
- 10. Zheng Y. Association analysis on pro-environmental beha-viors and environmental consciousness in main cities of East Asia. Behavior metrika. 2010;37(1): 55–69.
- 11. Sayan B, Kaya H. Assessment of the Environmental Risk Perceptions and Environmental Attitudes of Nursing Stu-dents. Contemp Nurse. 2016;52(6):771-81. https://doi:10.1080/10376178.2016.1254051
- 12. Tuygun Toklu, A. Does Environmental Consciousness Im-pact Green Behavior? A Research in the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey. İAD. 2019; 11(4): 2799-2811
- 13. Hansmann R, Laurenti R, Mehdi T, Binder CR. Determi-nants of pro-environmental behavior: A comparison of university students and staff from diverse faculties at a Swiss University. J. Clean. Prod. 2020;268:121864.
- 14. Silvi M, Padilla E. Pro-environmental behavior: Social norms, intrinsic motivation, and external conditions. Envi-ron. Policy Gov. 2021;31:619–632. 10.1002/eet.1960
- 15. Wang B, Li Y. Plastic bagusage and the policies: A case study of China. WasteManag. 2021;126:163–169.
- 16. Yapici G, Ögenler O, Kurt AÖ, Koçaş F, Şaşmaz T. Assess-ment of Environmental Attitudes and Risk Perceptions among University Students in Mersin, Turkey. J Environ Public Health. 2017;2017:5650926.
- 17. Selçuk KT, Mercan Y, Çevik C. Environmental Risk Percep-tion andAssociated Factors in Nursing Students. Internati-onal Refereed Journal of Nursing Research. 2016;7:116-35.https://doi: 10.17371/uhd.2016719477
- 18. Niankara İ, Zoungrana DT. Interest in the biosphere and students environmental awareness and optimism: A glo-bal perspective. Data in Brief. 2019:22;312–18.
- 19. Tümer A, Sümen A. Determination of Environmental Risk Perception in Adolescents. Journal of Gumushane Univer-sity Health Sciences. 2020;9(2):142-50.
- 20. Zhou Q, Chen N, Pan X, Xue X, Liu B, Liu M et al. Characte-rizing air pollution risk perceptions among high-educated young generation in China: How does risk experience inf-luence risk perception. Environmental Scien-ce&Policy.2021:123;99-105.
- 21. Muñoz-Pizza DM, Villada-Canela M, Reyna MA, Texcalac-Sangrador JL, Serrano-Lomelin J, Osornio-Vargas Á. As-sessing the Influence of Socioeconomic Status and Air Pol-lution Levels on the Public Perception of Local Air Quality in a Mexico-US Border City. J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(13):4616. https://doi: 10.3390/ijerph17134616.
- 22. Sevencan F, Yavuz CI, Acar Vaizoğlu S. Environmental consciousness of students from secondary and high scho-ols in Bodrum, Turkey. Environ Sci Pollut Res.2017;24(3):3045-53.
- 23. Bakan A, Aktaş B, Yalçınöz H. University Students’ Attitu-des towards Environmental Problems: Nursing Sample. Journal of Adnan Menderes University Health Sciences Faculty. 2020; 4(1):10-9.
- 24. Alkan A. An Example of Cıtıes WhereAırPollutıon Has ReachedSerıousDımensıons: Siirt. Journal of Bitlis Eren UniversityInstitute of SocialSciences. 2018;7(2):641-66.
- 25. Gardin TN, Requia WJ. Airqualityandindividual-levelacademicperformance in Brazil: A nationwidestudy of morethan 15 millionstudentsbetween 2000 and 2020. En-vironRes. 2023;226:115689. https://doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2023.115689
- 26. Ullah S, Ullah N, Rajper SA, Ahmad I, Li Z. Airpollutionan-dassociated self-reportedeffects on theexposedstudents at Malakanddivision, Pakistan. EnvironMo-nit2021;193(11):708.https://doi: 10.1007/s10661-021-09484-2
- 27. Özel E, Zelyurt H. TheEffect of ParentEducation on Family Child Relations.Journal of SocialPolicy Studies.2016;16:9-34.
- 28. Liu H, Qiu Y, Luo L. Exploringfamilyeducationalinvolve-mentandsocialskills in Chinesepreschoolers: Themodera-ting role of parent-childrelationship. Front Psychol. 2022;13:911421. https:// doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.911421
- 29. Beser A, Bahar Z, Arkan, G. Yeşiltepe A. Examination of nursingstudents' attitudestowardsenvironmentalprob-lems. Progress in HealthSciences. 2017;7(1):137-45.
- 30. Ozkan Pir E, Karaduman İ. Environmentalconsciousness, environmentaleducation, conspicuousconsumptionand re-buyingdecisions on network marketing in TurkeyEurasia J. Math. Sci. Technol. Educ. 2017;13(8):5531–42.
Assessment of Information and Perception-Sensitivity Levels of High School Students About Air Pollution
Year 2024,
Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 101 - 107, 29.04.2024
Remziye Can
Şerif Kurtuluş
Pınar Yıldız Gülhan
Alaettin Ünsal
Background: This study aimed to determine the level of knowledge of vocational school health ser-vices students about air pollution, examine some of the variables thought to be related, and evaluate the levels of air pollution perception and sensitivity.
Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted on a group of a high school students in Turkey between March 2018 and March 2019. The prepared questionnaire was delivered online. The level of knowledge about air pollution was evaluated by information questions, and those who scored 4.5 and below were accepted as having "insufficient knowledge about air pollution." The students' Air Pollution Perception and Sensitivity levels were evaluated with the "Air Pollution Per-ception and Sensitivity Scale."
Results: The number of those with insufficient knowledge about air pollution was 867 (34.7%). Being male, 16 years of age and under, living in towns and villages, having a father's education level at secondary school, and not being a member of any environmental organization were determined as risk factors for insufficient knowledge about air pollution.
Conclusions: Those with sufficient knowledge about air pollution have higher Air Pollution Detection and Sensitivity levels. In order to increase the air pollution knowledge level of Vocational School of Health Services students, it is recommended to carry out informational and educational studies on the subject.
Key Words: Adolescent, Air pollution, Knowledge, Perception, Sensitivity
- 1. Manisalidis I, Stavropoulou E, Stavropoulos A, Bezirtzog-lou E. Environmental and Health Impacts of Air Pollution: A Review. Front Public Health. 2020;20:8-14. https://doi:10.3389/fpubh.2020.00014.
- 2. Yang BY, Qian Z, Howard SW, et al. Global association between ambient air pollution and blood pressure: A sys-tematic review and meta-analysis. Environ Pollut. 2018;235:576-588. https://doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2018.01.001
- 3. World Health Organization.Air pollution Over-view. Access date: 12 06 2021
- 4. World Air Quality Report. [Internet] Access date: 23 06 2021
- 5.[Internet] Access date: 15 06 2021
- 6. Skamp K, Boyes E, Stanisstreet M. Students' Ideas and Attitudes about Air Quality.RISE.2004;34:313–42.https://doi:10.1023 /b:rıse. 0000044643.2 4 770.5c
- 7. Özdamar K. Statistical data analysis with package prog-rams-2 (Multivariateanalysis). Renewed 5th Edition, ETAM A.Ş. Printing Facilities, Kaan Publication, Eskişehir 2004; 324–54.
- 8. Akkurt, A. Opinions of pre-service teachers on airpollution. SSJR. 2011;1:237-52.
- 9. Yazdanparast T, Salehpour S, Masjedi MR, Azin SA, Se-yedmehdi SM, Boyes E. et al. Airpollution: the knowledge and ideas of students in Tehran-Iran, and a comparison with other countries. ActaMed Iran. 2013;51(7):487-93. PMID: 23945895.
- 10. Zheng Y. Association analysis on pro-environmental beha-viors and environmental consciousness in main cities of East Asia. Behavior metrika. 2010;37(1): 55–69.
- 11. Sayan B, Kaya H. Assessment of the Environmental Risk Perceptions and Environmental Attitudes of Nursing Stu-dents. Contemp Nurse. 2016;52(6):771-81. https://doi:10.1080/10376178.2016.1254051
- 12. Tuygun Toklu, A. Does Environmental Consciousness Im-pact Green Behavior? A Research in the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey. İAD. 2019; 11(4): 2799-2811
- 13. Hansmann R, Laurenti R, Mehdi T, Binder CR. Determi-nants of pro-environmental behavior: A comparison of university students and staff from diverse faculties at a Swiss University. J. Clean. Prod. 2020;268:121864.
- 14. Silvi M, Padilla E. Pro-environmental behavior: Social norms, intrinsic motivation, and external conditions. Envi-ron. Policy Gov. 2021;31:619–632. 10.1002/eet.1960
- 15. Wang B, Li Y. Plastic bagusage and the policies: A case study of China. WasteManag. 2021;126:163–169.
- 16. Yapici G, Ögenler O, Kurt AÖ, Koçaş F, Şaşmaz T. Assess-ment of Environmental Attitudes and Risk Perceptions among University Students in Mersin, Turkey. J Environ Public Health. 2017;2017:5650926.
- 17. Selçuk KT, Mercan Y, Çevik C. Environmental Risk Percep-tion andAssociated Factors in Nursing Students. Internati-onal Refereed Journal of Nursing Research. 2016;7:116-35.https://doi: 10.17371/uhd.2016719477
- 18. Niankara İ, Zoungrana DT. Interest in the biosphere and students environmental awareness and optimism: A glo-bal perspective. Data in Brief. 2019:22;312–18.
- 19. Tümer A, Sümen A. Determination of Environmental Risk Perception in Adolescents. Journal of Gumushane Univer-sity Health Sciences. 2020;9(2):142-50.
- 20. Zhou Q, Chen N, Pan X, Xue X, Liu B, Liu M et al. Characte-rizing air pollution risk perceptions among high-educated young generation in China: How does risk experience inf-luence risk perception. Environmental Scien-ce&Policy.2021:123;99-105.
- 21. Muñoz-Pizza DM, Villada-Canela M, Reyna MA, Texcalac-Sangrador JL, Serrano-Lomelin J, Osornio-Vargas Á. As-sessing the Influence of Socioeconomic Status and Air Pol-lution Levels on the Public Perception of Local Air Quality in a Mexico-US Border City. J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(13):4616. https://doi: 10.3390/ijerph17134616.
- 22. Sevencan F, Yavuz CI, Acar Vaizoğlu S. Environmental consciousness of students from secondary and high scho-ols in Bodrum, Turkey. Environ Sci Pollut Res.2017;24(3):3045-53.
- 23. Bakan A, Aktaş B, Yalçınöz H. University Students’ Attitu-des towards Environmental Problems: Nursing Sample. Journal of Adnan Menderes University Health Sciences Faculty. 2020; 4(1):10-9.
- 24. Alkan A. An Example of Cıtıes WhereAırPollutıon Has ReachedSerıousDımensıons: Siirt. Journal of Bitlis Eren UniversityInstitute of SocialSciences. 2018;7(2):641-66.
- 25. Gardin TN, Requia WJ. Airqualityandindividual-levelacademicperformance in Brazil: A nationwidestudy of morethan 15 millionstudentsbetween 2000 and 2020. En-vironRes. 2023;226:115689. https://doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2023.115689
- 26. Ullah S, Ullah N, Rajper SA, Ahmad I, Li Z. Airpollutionan-dassociated self-reportedeffects on theexposedstudents at Malakanddivision, Pakistan. EnvironMo-nit2021;193(11):708.https://doi: 10.1007/s10661-021-09484-2
- 27. Özel E, Zelyurt H. TheEffect of ParentEducation on Family Child Relations.Journal of SocialPolicy Studies.2016;16:9-34.
- 28. Liu H, Qiu Y, Luo L. Exploringfamilyeducationalinvolve-mentandsocialskills in Chinesepreschoolers: Themodera-ting role of parent-childrelationship. Front Psychol. 2022;13:911421. https:// doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.911421
- 29. Beser A, Bahar Z, Arkan, G. Yeşiltepe A. Examination of nursingstudents' attitudestowardsenvironmentalprob-lems. Progress in HealthSciences. 2017;7(1):137-45.
- 30. Ozkan Pir E, Karaduman İ. Environmentalconsciousness, environmentaleducation, conspicuousconsumptionand re-buyingdecisions on network marketing in TurkeyEurasia J. Math. Sci. Technol. Educ. 2017;13(8):5531–42.